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Chapter 1: Awakening


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Red Tips steps next to Sophia and takes two pieces of beef jerky. She immediately holds the second one out for her sister to take. She tugs at her clothes again and growls, obviously frustrated. And just like that, with the beef jerky in her mouth, her natural lupus form takes hold of her and then she stands there in her black wolf form with her red tipped ears. She shakes herself out and huffs satisfactorily.

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Howls, in one swift movement and a few steps had shifted back into her natural form to take the jerky from her sister. She plops down again ans atrts chewing on it happily, waiting for someone to start the conversation, cause she certainly wasnt going to.

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Eric watched the sisters, and suppressed a frown.  "You could have just as easily eaten that as you were."   Once those who wanted some had a piece, and had eaten, he nodded to Micky.  The whole pack was present with Ariel and Sophia now there, and they could get started in earnest.    "I sent a text to Carmilla, asking if she could meet with us.  While I'm all for trying to interpret things ourselves, having someone standing by to help isn't a bad idea.  She's agreed to meet us around two in the afternoon.  We have until then to gather up what intel we can."

Micky nodded to him, while she was the alpha, he was definitely the beta, so to say. Micky lead, and Eric gave his all to support her.    He'd sought Carmilla's help not because he thought they had to have it, simply reaching out to another of his tribe, in case they'd been unable to solve it themselves, and with so few garou in the city,  having other options and some fore-warning was never bad.

As the pack began to walk down to the Table, well within the protective wards which obscured their presence, Micky spoke.   "All of us had some sort of dream.   Likely the same one."   Following that, she recounted hers, and in turn each of the pack confirmed that they had the same dream, from their own perspective.  "So what does that mean?"  To punctuate that final step, The pack almost reflexively entered the Umbra.    The pack looked to each other, and instinctively some turned their gaze to Clarity Seeker and Deer-Stalker, the party Theurges.    

Clarity however turned her attention to the Table itself, or rather what was atop it.  It was a Wooden tablet.  Nothing was ever supposed to be there.   On the Table was a carven wooden tablet, in an ancient almost archaic form of Garou language, the following was written.  Clarity read it, with some initial difficulty, due to the forms used   "Ancient evils Rising, Sacrifices undone.  A single shining hope. Beware the Consuming Dark."

Having heard the dreams, and that all of them are the same.  Having heard the warning, each of you may choose to make a roll of Int+ enigmas, or Int+Occult   Choose and indicate what you're rolling.   

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Reaching out to take a piece of jerky that was offered, she then began to respond to questions that had been asked, this was clearly a matter needed wisdom at this time.


"Because many spirits are not ones to reveal what they know easily, if that was their way, then the world would be a different one.  The purpose of riddles are many, such as to occlude information from those who do not deserve it, or protect it from those who would misuse it, or to teach a lesson that would otherwise be missed."  She responded even as she looked over the riddle herself. 


"In this case, it appears to be a matter for a lesson we might otherwise not learn, but it might also be a matter of protecting the information from dark spirits that might otherwise interfere"

Enigma + Intelligence roll: 3 successes


Details:[5d10c[>6] (5 8 10 2 7)]

"if you wish it, I can call a spirit or two for more information, but there is no guarantee that they will grant clarity to the matter, if a greater spirit has occluded this information.  We still might learn something though, if nothing other then a powerful spirit is behind this."


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"No," Ariel said. "I think I get it."


Then she looked at Clarity and waggled a hand. "I mean, not trying to step on your thing. You can call spirits and ask more. But believe it or not...I think I actually learned about this 'consuming darkness' from the werewolf who first started helping me...adjust."


"He said it was some kind of ancient thing that both caused, and feeds on fear. Some kind of spirit maybe? Anyway, it would drive people to madness and build and build on them until they couldn't get any more afraid and then it would feed on them. Or sometimes it was quieter...spreading out over a lot of people and making them just afraid enough to be useful. Quality versus quantity. But yeah...shit, what did he say...?"


She paused and closed her eyes, her lips moving silently as she tried to recount the lecture. "It was about spirits, how they are what they eat...and...oh yeah!"


Ariel opened her eyes. "It has different forms, or...no more like different faces. Like a gem has." She started ticking off fingers. "Gathering, Beckoning, Looming, Consuming...and...maybe one or two others, I can't remember all of it. And, oh, he said there were more too, so he either didn't know them all or didn't tell me them all."


The police officer shrugged. "That's all I got. We lucked out, I was just thinking about that whole lecture the other day."

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As she continued to look over the message she frowned slightly.  "Interesting, these runes are of the Croatan tribe, who sacrificed themselves entirely in a great rite to give a wound to the Eater-Of-Souls that would take centuries to recover from...  Ancient Evils, Sacrifices Undone.. this is not good."  

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Red Tips listens intently despite this area not being her expertise. Her ears turn and twist as she listens to others and keeps herself alert. She's waiting for the part of the discussion that she could contribute to, content to trust her packmates had this part handled.

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"Croatan?" Sophia asked in surprise as she leaned over to get a better look at the tablet. "Are you sure? Because, weren't they on the east coast? So why the hell is this tablet or warning or whatever showing up here in Texas?" she asked, tearing a piece of the jerk off with her teeth.


She chewed on the jerky as she thought about the dream/nightmare, the tablet here in the penumbra, and Clarity-Seeker's translation/interpretation of it, and her Garous history. And then she remembered some of her early lessons about the Wyld, Weaver and Wyrm and her eyes went wide as she put it together.


"Wait. Eater-of-Souls is like one of three head of the Wyrm itself, right? It was breaking through to physical world centuries ago and so, like you said," she nodded to Clarity-Seeker, "...the Croatan did a rite to sacrifice their entire  tribe just to hurt it bad enough that it would take centuries for it to lick its wounds... And that tablet is saying that it time's up and might be just about done healing up and getting ready to come back, and maybe with the help of this 'Consuming Dark', Bane Lord of Fear or whatever?" she  laid out, connecting the dots as best she could given the information at hand.


"Oh crap." she said, her gaze going distant as she plopped down to her knees.

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Micky listened as the mystics batted around hypotheses before interjecting, "Right, that is probably a fairly good interpretation. But, that," she points at the tablet, "shouldn't be here. 

Clarity you said you could bring in some spirits? Lets see if we can find out where this came from and who is talking to us."

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Once more in Homid form, Saibh stands towards the back of the group. The rest seemed to have a grasp on what was going on, so she'd keep quiet while they woo'jed at one another over the next little while. Her own family teachings running through her head. "A sharp mind is as important as sharp claws". The get often caught flak for being fairly straightforward in their dealings, but they recognised the import of methods other than violence just as any other tribe. They just suffered a lot from the problem of only having a hammer. Sometimes. But, as her uncle often said "You can know how to do something, by knowing *who* can do something". So she would trust her pack and keep her peace for now.

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Eric frowned as the others spoke, he too knew something of the Consuming Dark, and it was far from something that the Pack was equipped to handle alone, if it was what legends said.  

"Okay.  So, Croatan tablet, a riddle, a warning, and an omen all in one, and yet, this is all being thrust on us."   He seemed abit incredulous, but then he smiled at the others.  "Smaller hands turn the wheels of the world because they must."   It was an almost infectious smile, and while it was a heavy burden, he had faith.  They'd not have been given this if they couldn't handle it.

Clarity called upon several spirits, but of the four that answered only one, an ancient bird spirit had any pertient information.  It confirmed the authenticity of the Tablet, and told them that answers were unlikely to be found in the worlds of men.  This implied of course that a trip into the umbra would shed more light.

With little more to go on, The pack spent the rest of the morning preparing.   Clearly a journey would be before them, but it was decided to wait for Carmilla, to ensure that they had a way back.  Lunch was on Eric, a large hearty meal, mostly of meat given the preferences of many of the wolves, and He and Mickey spoke quietly.   

When Carmilla arrived, she did so with a smile, and found the large pack seated around the Caern, the Tablet still upon the Table.  Her eyes looked to it, and she couldn't read it, but could feel it's power and ties to Gaia.  

"It would seem that you have been given a quest.   Perhaps it is best that one of you start at the beginning."   She turned to Eric, as a fellow Child of Gaia, but he bowed his head, deferring to Micky, as Alpha.   Quickly she ran down what they'd interpreted, and of course the dream they'd all shared.

"I see.   You were right to think of this as a Quest, and a journey to the Deep Umbra will be needed.  That said You won't all be able to go.  There are too few Garou here in town, and both the agents of the Weaver and Wyrm are stepping up activities.   Some of you will have to stay here, to protect your Caern."   

Without missing a beat, Eric nodded.  "much as I wish to go, I will volunteer to remain here."  He looked to Micky.   "As Alpha you should lead those who go on this journey.  I think if you take four others, and the rest of us remain, we should be able to hold down the fort."

Normally it was less honorable to stay at home, but with so much at stake in the city, they would have to sublimate personal honor, for the needs of the whole.

Of course Micky could say no, and they all go, but it would leave the caern undefended save by their wards.   Carmilla waited to see who would do what, before saying more.  This was for the pack to decide.  "The Full moon will be the best time, as it will allow the path to be lit quite deeply."

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If she was in her native Lupus form, Deer-Stalker would have been wagging her tail as talk turned to the Umbra and a need to voyage deep within it, lending her a cheerful energy that couldn't entirely be suppressed by the gravity of the situation, humming in happy off-tune fragments of Garou folk songs under her breath whenever she wasn't busying helping her packmates prepare. And now it was go time. Well. Stay or go time. Half of them would have to stay. Ick. The thought of staying behind was like rancid meat in her mouth. No no no not today no.


"We're going to the Umbra, the place where I'm best. You'll need me there. I'm going... If the Alpha will have me," she offered with a bob of her head and hopeful, awkward smile, pausing as she remembered something to surefire, no doubt, certain as a lamed-deer, cement her bid to hunt into the Umbra that she'd overheard once, "I've Got You, Fam."



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Red Tips glanced at her sister and at the others gathered. Knowing her combat capabilities and with their Alpha already leading the party into the Umbra, she knew the best place for herself. She proceeds to move over to where Eric stood and sat next to him and leaned against him, obviously voicing her choice of where she'd prefer to be without saying a word.

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18 minutes ago, Deer-Stalker said:

"I've Got You, Fam."


Saibh snorted, more at the incongruity of one of the lupus using colloquialisms than the offer itself.


"Close enough."


Turning to Micky and Eric, she continues.


"Both Theurge at least should go. Leave an Ahroun, Howls, Ariel and Eric here." She shrugs "At least, that's my two cents."


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Howls was about to speak up, to comment on her ability to provide easy communication within the Umbra, then closes her mouth as her choice had clearly already been made for her. She drops back down on the ground, ears flat against her head, heckles slightly raised, tail tucked under her. She was clearly not happy at the moment.

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Ariel's cheeks reddened a little at the recommendation that she be left behind. Of all the pack, she was the least comfortable with the 'umbra,' the spirit world. She had the least control over her own relationship with it as well. Dispassionately, she knew the advice was sound. Her pride was pricked though, in spite of her.


She put the heel of her hand on the table and worked her jaw a little. "Okay," she said at last. "I...get that I'm still learning the ropes over there, and this is not the kind of thing you want to put training wheels on. Okay." Ariel looked at the others. "But I don't want to sit this out. There has to be something I can do."

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"There is." Sophia said to Ariel as she walked over to her. "You can stay here and guard the Caern. You're of the most use here, being a cop and all. You have an authority and access to resources that none of us do." she added, placing a hand on Ariel's shoulder.


"I mean, look at the rest of us homids who are going." she said, nodded to each of the other Homids in kind as she continued, "A chef, a mechanic and... well... let's not get into what I do for a living." she said, with a small grin.


"Annnnyways... This has nothing to do with your ability or knowledge in the Umbra, and everything to do with your capabilities here. Given the situation, you are totally more valuable here right now." she explained, giving her packmate a part on her shoulder and a small smile.


She then looked to the Eric and the sisters, nodding to them. "That goes for all of you. With each of your abilities, you're better suited here if things go down. It's bad enough that half of us left to guard it are not running off into the Umbra for who knows how long, and the only way that we can do that is if we know the protection of the Caern is in good hands, and right now that means all of your hands." Sophia assured her packmates, adding, "...or paws, or whatever." with a grin and shrug.


"Now come on! You guys got this!" she said in a confident voice, holding out fist toward Ariel, and then others, for a fistbump.

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With a deep breath, Ariel nodded. Nearly three decades of movies and TV had implanted in her head that 'staying behind to guard the base' was code for 'get you out of our hair while wedo the important stuff.' But that was kid show thinking. The caern was important, and the entire pack leaving would leave it open and vulnerable. She was a good choice to stay and protect it. This wasn't getting blown off.


She gave Sophia a grateful smile and bumped fists.


"You guys be careful. If you're gone more than a week without hearing anything, we'll start working on a rescue. Send a spirit, whatever you have to. And we'll do the same if Hell freezes over and the caern's under some kind of attack we need help for."

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Details:[8d10 (7 6 1 3 7 7 7 10)] - 5 succeses lupus to homid


Red Tips shifts to her homid form, tugging at the clothes that appear in the change adjusting them to be comfortable. She steps away from Eric and looks between her sister and Micky. She clears her throat so that she can speak.


"I believe sister thinks that she would better serve pack in the Umbra. She has lot of skills that would aid group going there. Maybe someone else stay behind with those staying with the caern that would allow her go with and use her skills better."

Red Tips looks around to the others looking to see if maybe any would volunteer to stay behind before she finally looks at Micky and holds eye contact for a count of five before looking down, showing how much she supports her sister's thoughts of being a part of the group going to the Umbra.

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Howls just looks over to her sister, locking eyes with her, before getting up and moving over to the group staying behind. SHe seems resigned to the fact she is staying behind, as much as she knows where her skills lay. She's been told she is staying, and that was really the end of it. She lays back down, ears still flat against her head, tail tucked under.

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Micky gives them a moment to discuss but the decision is hers, this pack which she has grown to love was not her choice nor was the mantel of leadership, which she felt inadequate at but was strangely reluctant to let go of.  


As the elders with influence whom had felt her actions to be problematic had intended this pack was full of misfits and issues, herself included. Those elders had expected the mismatched pack to flounder and burn.


It had not.

But, still they had issues.


"Quest or no quest, the safety of the caern is our first duty. I can't overlook the fact that this," she again points at the tablet, " might just be a ruse to get the pack away from this sacred place leaving it undefended.  All of us would serve well in either place. We are garou and we must balance all things."


She walks over to where Howls lay, crouches down and looks into the wolf eyes then back up at Howls sister, Red Tips' "We are all sisters here, and a brother, we rely upon each other equally. No more upon one than another. 


We are not wolf nor are we human. We are Garou.


I will go into the umbra to seek this clue, with me will go Howls with Wind, Deer-stalker, Saibh, and Sophia. Eric you will lead here. I want a Theurge on both sides, so Clarity will stay, as will Red Tips and Ariel.

The caern is your responsibility first and foremost, but we also have a responsibility to the city and the surroundings. Ariel that is where your gifts will come in handy.

Prepare, we leave when Luna is full."

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Sophia closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose with a sigh. No matter how much others might forget it, due to her usual demeanor and whatnot, Sophia was still a Shadow Lord, and this decision rubber her the wrong way. This was not some little, day to day thing. This was major and lives would likely be resting on their decisions now.


Howls-With-Wind had not said a word about going. Her sister had to speak up for her, which only further showed he weakness, (especially in the eyes of a Shadow Lord, even more than the typical garou), and after Red Tips had done it, even narrowly avoiding a staredown with Micky, Howls-With-Wind had still resigned herself to staying,  


And yet Micky had chosen to bring Howls-With-Wind, who had never shown any particular gifts, rites, skill or aptitude for the umbra or spirits and instead leave behind Clarity-Seeker, the only one of them with gifts and rites to identify, summon, capture and bind spirits, the things that the Umbra is populated by.


Being Alpha meant leading and making hard the calls for the good of the pack, sept, garou and Gaea. It was not a position for the weak, like people pleasers. Still though, this was the first true test of the pack, and Micky's leadership of it, so she would give her a chance.


But Sophia was still a ragabash, and had her own duties to perform.


She walked over to Micky, who was standing near Howls-With-Wind, and crouched down to her lupus-form packmate, saying simply, "This is nothing personal." in a somewhat soft tone, but certainly not a whisper. Sophia then rose and casually took a few steps away (out of Micky's reach, just in case), and turned to face her.


"Micky-yuf." she said, addressing her Alpha clearly and busting out the garou honorific for "honored equal" since they were the same Rank, to show her respect and a degree of formality. "As you know, the umbra can be extremely dangerous, and so I have to say that I do not see the wisdom in not taking Clarity-Seeker, the Uktena Theurge, the one of us most skilled in identifying, summoning and controlling spirits, along on a quest in the Umbra, and instead, bring along a Galliard,, who has shown no particular aptitude for spirits or the Umbra, in her place." she explained simply. and plainly.


"Maybe there is something you know, or see, or understand that eludes me. I don't know, but I would be remiss in the duties of my auspice were I say nothing. Regardless, you are the alpha, Micky-yuf, and so you have my support." she said with a nod to Micky and backed away several steps, having said her piece.

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