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MASKS: Best Year Ever! OOC Thread


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Name: Jonni 'Jo' Smith
Hero Name: Incantatrix

Look: A tall, young, very attractive and shapely 18 year old woman, with a very multi-ethnic appearance. Glistening white hair, canted almond shaped eyes of almost incandescent blue-purple, indeterminate but striking European or Scandinavian facial features, and a flawless tanned amber with a hint of bronze complexion that can pass from Hispanic, Middle-Eastern, South or East Asian, a rich, natural California tan, or most places in between. Dresses casually in jeans, t-shirts, and flannel.


As Incantatrix, wears a long black cloak/coat trimmed with cerulean arcane and geometric symbols


Playbook: The Nova



Danger +1
Freak +2
Savior +0
Superior +1
Mundane -1



[  ] Afraid - (-2 to directly engage a threat)
[  ] Angry - (-2 to comfort or support or pierce the mask)
[  ] Guilty - (-2 to provoke someone or assess the situation)
[  ] Hopeless - (-2 to unleash your powers)
[  ] Insecure - (-2 to defend someone or reject others’ influence)



Bloodline Sorcery invoked by incantations and various mudras and arcane and geometric sigils



When you charge up your powers, roll + conditions you currently have marked. On a hit, hold 3 burn. On a 7-9, mark a condition. On a miss, hold 2 burn and mark three conditions. Spend your burn on your flares. You lose all burn at the end of the scene.



Reality storm: You channel a destructive burst with your powers. Spend 1 burn to directly engage a threat using your powers, rolling + Freak instead of + Danger. If you do, you will cause unwanted collateral damage unless you spend another burn.


Shielding: You call up a fast protective field to stop a danger. Spend 1 burn to defend someone else from an immediate threat, rolling + Freak instead of + Savior.


Move: Spend 1 burn to move to any place you choose within the scene, breaking through or slipping past any barriers or restraints in your way. Spend a second burn to move to any  place you’ve previously been.


Overcharge: You channel the full capacity of your incredible powers to overcome an obstacle, reshape your environment, or extend your senses. Spend 2 burn to take a 10+ when you unleash your powers.



When did you first use your powers? Shortly after the mantle of the Incantatrix fell upon when _______ attacked and I happened to be there.
Who was the first person you accidentally hurt with your powers? A family in Prism Park (name given to the park after it was turned to glass)
• Who, outside the team, helps you control your powers?
Why do you continue to use your powers? The mantle of the Incantatrix is a gift and a burden - to disabuse them, or worse, ignore them, would be a great sin, neglecting a honour granted to family for centuries.
Why do you care about the team? They are the closest thing to family I have left in Halcyon City


When our team first came together...
We destroyed our surroundings in the fight. Where was it? What did we destroy? A public park in Halcyon City. I tried to freeze [Water or Fire based villain/creature] and, uh, still new to all this power, I, uh, kinda turned the park into rainbow coloured glass.


You hang out all the time with Persephone to blow off steam.
You once hurt Leverage when you lost control of your powers.


Choose your demeanor: happy facade
If you choose happy facade, give Influence to three teammates: Persephone, Argo, Xhrin


Brief History

My sister and I grew up in the midwest, though our family has seemingly lived pretty much everywhere in the world throughout the generations, and magic has been part of our family for just as long. Just minor magic for the most part, great for making stage magic easier or for tiny conveniences, but every other generation or so, there's a woman in our family with far more arcane might, who inherits the mantle of the Incantatrix, usually a guardian or protector against the eldritch horrors of this world or others, though there has been some that have abused the mantle of the Incantatrix.

Magic is the power, the expression, of Life itself, and the Incantatrix is the water wheel - or sometimes the dam - through which that raging river of power flows, and as such, only one who could nurture and bare life could handle such a torrent of magic. My grandmother was the last Incantatrix, who was the arcane bulwark and preeminent sorcerer during the Silver age of Halcyon City.


I could do a little bit of magic, but older sister could do a lot, and it was naturally presumed she would be the next Incantatrix. She moved to Halcyon City for University, and to study with our grandmother to be the next Incantatrix, and acting as her sidekick and ward, Cantrip.


When I turned 18, I moved to Halcyon City too, to study Automotive Mechanics, not magic. I love cars, restoring them and customizing them, and dream of opening my own garage specializing in such. I have a '72 Chevy Nova SS - not restored with classic parts, but still, a good replica and a monster engine. I was supposed to meet up with my sister Riley, who was going to show me around town and give me a place to stay until my dorm was ready, but she never showed up.


And then Doomsayer was causing havoc in the city and Incantatrix and Cantrip was seen fighting them.


And next thing I knew, I was tall and slim and stacked where before I was below average in height and was above average in weight and so much eldritch might was coursing through my veins it felt like my blood was fire. I knew I was now the Incantatrix - catching my reflection, I even looked like my Grandmother a good deal, who had looked barely older than Riley, and younger than my own mother.


But I hardly had time to deal with all this or wonder what happened to my sister and grandmother - if one or both were dead or otherwise gone, for the mantle of the Incantatrix to fall to me, when I never even considered such a thing happening to me - when Man-Moss attacked and I was right there, with more magic then I ever dreamed of struggling to escape.

Edited by Asarasa
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And, all sheets that are coming in have come in, and entry is closed.


This is the team:

  • Krul: The Outsider, for Xhrin, a genderfluid alien
  • SalmonMax: The Delinquent, for Kitsune, a dirtbag electro/photokinetic
  • Asarasa: The Nova, for the Incantrix, a spellcaster
  • Malachite: The Doomed, for Persephone, a victim of magic
  • Ing: The Transformed, for Leshy, a former human swamp monster
  • Jecka: The Scion, for Leverage, the child of a super-thief
  • Aarkaine: The Protege, for Argo, the trainee of the superhero Athena

What I'll do now is over the course of the weekend, I will set up a private Discord PM for everyone and we'll go around doing the second and last phase of chargen: introducing ourselves, answering what happened when the team came together, and then defining our starting relationships.


Thanks for giving this campaign a shot!

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Here is the result of session zero, where we introduced ourselves and decided how the team got together!


Word spread through the Halcyon City news feeds that a plant monster was threatening a park; many young superheroes were either on the scene, actively tracking it, or arrived to help try and stop it. However, due to the machinations of some mysterious figures, they found themselves confronting the wrong plant-monster - the young human/plant hybrid known as Leshy.


They destroyed their surroundings in the initial fight; Incantrix lost control of her powers and turned a park to glass. The civilians stuck in the park while it was turned to glass were not seriously hurt or transformed, but civvies include Samantha from the cheerleading squad, Aaron Forsythe with Persephone, and Kitsune's best friend.


The superheroes fell into chaos, spending much of their time fighting each other; the most experienced of them, Argo, was surprised to discover that she seemed to be randomly copying the powers of the superheroes nearby.


The team was disorganized and unknown to each other for the most part. Consequently, the incident at the park was a cascade of misunderstandings. However, there was an x-factor - the recently arrived newcomer alien Xhrin, whom the villains behind it all could not have planned for. Xhrin used xer telepathy to realize that Leshy was not the monster and that the real monster was still at large.


The team broke some rules; once the confusion broke, Kitsune used her gadget powers to track the real monster, the Man-Moss, to another park. The Man-Moss was intent on devouring it, growing larger and hungrier in the process. In so doing, she used technology that is not, strictly speaking, legal, and she impersonated a police officer in a cop car to do it, in addition to disguising the spaceship that Xhrin has as a police heli.


The team arrived, and the battle with the now-giant Man-Moss was joined, with Incantrix, Leshy, Persephone and Argo engaging it directly, while Kitsune, Xhrin and Leverage held off the forces of AEGIS who were convinced that Leshy was the monster they were after.


The team paid a high cost for victory; in order to prevent the Man-Moss from absorbing another park, Persephone absorbed all the life-force in the park, killing all vegetation inside of it. Persephone had help doing this from the others, such as Incantrix and Argo. Nothing grows there now; the team has dedicated themselves to finding a way to fix it. Among that which was lost was a memorial forest that included a tree planted in the honor of Incantrix's grandfather.


The team drew attention and ire from plenty during the fight; to stop the monster, Leshy had to use his powers to absorb the plant-parasite and in so doing, put the human host into suspended animation. Currently no one knows how to revive the man formerly known as the Man-Moss, which has caused great heartache to the head of Parks and Recreation for Halcyon City, because the Man-Moss was his brother. Now, out of heartache for his brother, and refusing to believe the pleas of the team, T. Travis Tucker is a moderately powerful enemy that may soon become a much bigger one.


The team stuck together after all was said and done; Athena, the mentor of Argo, suggested that the team stay together; and that given the recent revelations to Argo's powers, it might do good for Argo to have other sources of super-power to experiment with. The team stays in touch via communicators and has a headquarters at an abandoned warehouse that belongs to "a friend of a friend," that also includes a med lab.


In addition, someone else who is important condemned the team's recklessness and wanton destruction; the LGBT activisits Sahora and Sajjanesta Zraddhamanas. Unbeknownsts to everyone, they are secretly the supervillains Mister Shadow and Mesphistopheles, and their public statement was aimed directly at Leverage as a warning to not get in their way. Apparently, Man-Moss was tied in with plans of theirs, and if this team interferes with them again, there will be consequences.


Since then, the team has kept in regular contact in superheroic identities; they are collectively known as...!


... something we'll work out tomorrow!

Edited by Charlotte
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