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Chapter 2a: Distant Melody


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Eternal Sanctuary of Secrets was one of the more powerful Sidreal exalted who walked among mortals on a regular basis.   Heir to vast knowledge and hidden secrets of Creation, many sought her help, and paid handsomely for her services.   For you see, in exchange for her aid in seeking answers, she would always demand a secret from her client, as part of the payment.

Still, There were some times where she wished she was free of the destiny that had been woven for her.   She made a home for herself in Whitewall, and had an understanding with its Syndics.     The Dragonblooded acted quickly upon news of new anathema seen near whitewall, and she had had to act quickly to send them away, lest they be caught, and their destinies denied.

She had taken one of her many disguises, and promised them a fortune for succeding in a quest that would only be the first step in a dangerous, yet viable plan to bring an end to this age of Sorrow.

In their absence, she herself had been far from idle, knowing what would come next, and seeking to aid that as well.  She knew Shirayuki's master was still in the shadows, and while the gifts provided to the young lunar were great, so too was the expectation.   If they truly suspected who Shirayuki truly was, what awaited at the end of the journey, then generous patronage was smart beyond measure.  Still, if they were only awaiting confirmation, and then to turn on their protege, then Eternal had to be ready to spirit the young lunar away, even if it meant a real battle.

Amisera was strong, much as her first age incarnation was.  She would lead their battles, and likely, the call of the glories of the distant past would be impossible for her to ignore.   This wasn't bad per se, but she had to harness her passions, and then she would truly be ready for the later steps of the plan.

Tikki was a conundrum, but she would be busy when she returned.  Her guild was struggling, even with Eternal's support.  No, she would miss what came next, The guild needed her more.

That didn't mean Eternal could simply accompany the lunar and solar.  No, she couldn't leave this place yet, there was much left to be done, more groundwork to be shored up.   

Thankfully, she had indeed found another who could journey with them, and help them in what was to come.   "To think this city would shelter two of them, I wonder who weaved such a fate."  It was a secret even she didn't know, but that didn't mean someone didn't know.

She donned another disguise, this one with brown hair, she wore when she wanted to hide among the common people.  To many she would seem an attractive merchant's daughter, which was fine, as she and two of her own mortal servants, both were maids and bodyguards.  Together the three of them dressed in more normal clothes, went to one of the concert halls of Whitewall.  Not the great grand chapels, but the the smaller ones, for those of means, but not outright nobility.   The  concert tonight would see half the proceeds go to the Sisters of Serenity charity, which provided medical attention to the less fortunate of the city, those on the outer edges, forced to live in rubble and look in.  In addition, it would fund a free concert to be held in one of the edge's few remaining ampitheaters, open to anyone.  One of the servants paid, and they took their seats among the others, waiting for it to begin.   She wove defensive charms on the three of them as a precaution, she wasn't without enemies after all.  

(Krul here you go Grace is the star of this show, feel free to play this up to whatever level you wish.   This likely isn't the first concert here Grace has given, and won't be the last.   There are about 300 people in the audience, making it fairly decent sized, and while not sold out, there are few spots open.)

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The point of song and dance from Graceful Spirit's viewpoint was to uplift, encourage and entertain, to insure a healthy and happy spirit as well as mind and body, both of which needed other things, but she had some capability in healing everything.  The gathering was small compared to some, but she wasn't performing in in one of the amphitheaters, though the plan was eventually to do just that, once she was more established.  She had quietly approached the Syndics upon her return to the city, at least one was aware of her nature, and remembered she was born in the city, almost certainly one of then was well connected in the Bureau of Destiny, though since they were masked, there was no way to tell for sure which if not all of them.  As a priestess of Venus, a healer and musician she believed she had much to offer the city of her birth, and from what she could tell, they agreed, at least encouraging her to put on a few performances, and some work in the cities healing halls.


But that was a consideration for a different time, for now she was here to perform, sat in the stool in front of the audience, beginning with her harp, though her favorite instrument was the flute, with the harp she could also sing, and she harmonized her voice with the tune, as she was taught too, after all, learning music from the goddess of music meant meant you learned it's depths.


Let my melody sooth your heart

Within the beauty of music's art

From shimmering of starlight above

Let the heart embrace the depths of love


Wood grows, fire burns, water flows,

earth gleams and air blows

While sun moon and stars divine 

The unseen thread of fates design


Within the city of whitest walls

Be loyal and true to these halls

Maker craft, Solder fight,  Farmer seed

Merchant sell, Priestess pray, Noble lead


Serene blessings upon loves delight

Rising day and falling night

Be true one to another 

Family, Friend, Lover, Brother



As she finished her first song,  she moved on to others, the flute song also involved dance, and the zither was a slower but it was designed to entertain and empress and hopefully, both encourage and inspire others to donate to the Sisters of Serenity.



Krule7777 Request: `[15d10t7]` Roll: `[9, 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1]` Result: `3`  not great, but not horrible either, still the dice roller wasn't nice to her even though spe spent a mote to add her excellency in performance.  

Edit: I was informed that the last 5 dice would have automatically become successes due to the Excellency, not extra dice to roll, so that's 8 successes, a much better result.


Edited by Krul
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Eternal watched with a knowing eye.  Graceful Spirit was a young Sidreal Exalted, gifted with talent  far beyond what mortals could ever hope to match.   She quietly instructed one of her attendants to arrange for five  full talents of jade to be given to the Sisterhood, as she remained with the other to listen to the performance.   

Before the last handful of songs, the first attendant returned, and she sent the other to the Organizer of the concert, a talent of jade more to the sisterhood, and another to the organizer as an introduction fee, and she had made arrangements to meet with Graceful Spirit in person.

When the concert ended, one of the Sisters showed the trio backstage.

The Concert organizer, a tall, light-skinned woman with grey eyes, known to many as Sister Elena, came to meet with Graceful Spirit.  "your performance was breathtaking my Lady."  

"Truly, your efforts have already born fruit to our coffers.   There is a matter however that we would ask you to consider.  Tonight, one of the attendees has asked to meet with you privately about a matter.  In the interests of transparency, and the good your talents will bring for those of the city, I would ask you to at least consider meeting with her.  She gave generously, to the tune of seven talents, five initially, and then 2 more talents for the sisterhood itself though I think one was meant strictly for me.  I will be sharing it with the others."   She found herself unable to think selfishly around Grace, or lie.

She smiled.  "What should I tell her?"

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It was a good thing she wore the artifact collar, without it, she would have needed time to freshen up, as it was, she was as clean and fresh as though from she had recently taken a bath.  Although there were a few things to be seen too, a generous donner was someone she was willing to grant a priority to, besides some fo the Sisterhood were already assisting in cleaning up and restoring the hall after the performance.  A moment to smooth out her hair, and put a tie in it,, the collar kept her clean and  even pristine, it didn't offer anything else  


"I will see her, since she want's a private discussion, ask her if one of the private rooms here will do, or if she has a suggestion, I would be willing to entertain a different location"  

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Sister Elena nodded, and left, returning shortly after.  "She would like to treat you to dinner, She has arranged a carriage, to take you both there.  I can take you out to where she's waiting."

For Eternal, She waited within the Carriage, the windows allowing her to see out, but allowed no one to see within.  One of her attendants stood at the door, the other in the coachman's position, and with her assent, and Sister Elena's promise that everything would be made ready for the next show the following night, Grace Followed Elena to the waiting carriage.

The woman waiting there was dressed as a maid, and the carriage was nice, even by merchant standards.   She could faintly detect magic from it, and The Maid at the door opened it for her, and helped her within before joining her, and sitting by the other occupant, and the coach set off.  

Eternal had brown hair that fell past her shoulder blades, but was done up in a braid.   Her eyes were a soft brown, but what was noticeable was that there was clearly magic at work, though not in any way harmful to anyone.

"I must say, i'd heard of you talents, but I was impressed to night.  With only the barest hints of what you can truly do, you performed masterfully, Far beyond what that theater has seen within its walls in many many years.  Your music touched many lives tonight, and the ripples from just this one concert will echo for some time.   Thank you for sharing your gifts with those with less."  She spoke with a sense of delight, as someone who had long known of the problems facing the people, but unable to really do something lasting to remedy those problems."

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"Thank you, your kind words are appreciated, I only hope my efforts encourage and uplift the people of my home city"  She paused, considering the rest of the evidence her senses were giving her about this particular patron.  The hint of magic, could be any number of things, she could be dealing with a mortal sorceress, a god-blooded, a spirit who had taken upon human form, or a peer, the various Exalted all had various methods of disguise, lunars were best at it, but everyone had options to draw upon


"That however, is hardly something that needs private discussion, there is a hint of something, you are not entirely what you seem.  Which is not a problem really, but if you are willing, it would be good to know who I am truly dealing with." It she was unwilling, Graceful Spirit would let it go, but she would be keeping an eye out for hints until she had a clearer idea.

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Eternal smiled at her.   "When we get where we are going, I will tell you who I am."   

"There are always those out to see new talent do well, to nurture it and see it blossom fully.   I am certainly someone that applies to.  I my time, I have amassed wealth that few can match, and i've found it useful in molding events along the path I want them to go.   I've had plans in motion for awhile.  Now, set your mind at ease, what you've been doing here isn't a problem for me.   Indeed you possess gifts and talents I do not, and with those talents, I think you can make a bigger difference than my own trying to finance change."

She shrugged.  "Your music, your words, touch the souls of those who hear, making them want to be better, to live better.  It's inspiring in its way.  I'd like to do what I can to help make what you're doing easier, though of course my aid isn't without a price.   I do think though, that it's one you're able and willing to pay."

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"Alright then, I will hear you out, and pay your price if it one I am willing to take on, though I reserve the right to decide only after I have heard everything.:"  She then went quite, waiting until the arrived at their destination, contemplating the possibilities, she was content to wait to learn what she needed too.  After a thought, she pulled out her flute and began to play a simple and sweet tune as they continued on their way.

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When the carriage stopped, the door was opened, and Grace found herself in a part of the city she didn't recognize.   The buildings weren't rubble, but a careful, discerning look revealed they weren't perfect either, and that this was intentional.   There were no signs, and another of the maids was waiting at the door, as the one within opened the door of the carriage, helping her down, and then Eternal.   "I have brought you somewhere few outsiders ever see, I ask for your continued trust, and guarantee you safe conduct."

When Grace nodded, the two of them were led inside, one maid in front, one behind.   They would go down a spiral staircase, and then a short hallway opening into a large room that smelled of good cooking, and scented candles.   "This is Shandall, a place of gathering I established for those I work with.  Within these walls, all that is said will remain, and any here may speak freely."  true to her word, there was only one other person, another maid, who came to seat them.   They were given menus, and the other two maids would sit at another table, closer to the door, away from the two exalted.  Eternal ordered drinks for them both, and once they'd ordered their food, she smiled at Grace.

"I know this cloak and dagger aspect of things is an annoyance, but such is necessary considering just what is going on."  The look in her eyes told she was definitely involved.

"The Solar exalted have returned to Creation, Graceful Spirit.   Two of them are acquaintances of mine already.  A powerful destiny surrounds them, and many are already seeking to change Fate's weavings around them.   I need you to join and aid them, for when they are not here, and even in some places here, I cannot yet do so."

"Now, I imagine you are wondering who I am, how I know this."  She allowed the magic to fade, revealing her own true self, lustrous long blue hair, a lithe body, clearly that of an adult, but looking to simply be in her late twenties.  Her eyes were a bright golden color, and her smile was radiant.   "I am Eternal Sanctuary of Secrets, Chosen of Jupiter, and I welcome you, sister."

Eternal Secret was known among Sidreals for being a powerful exalted, gifted in Martial arts, and magic.   More than that, she was said to be second only to Narseid, first chosen of Jupiter, in the amount of knowledge she guarded.   Knowing that, and the rumors surrounding her, it was indeed strange that she had approached Graceful Spirit, as she was known to be something of a recluse.

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Graceful Spirit was surprised, not by the Solar's return, there were hints about that for those who were willing to look, murmurs among Sidereal factions and gossip among the gods, it was Eternal Secret herself that was the surprise.  An elder Sidereal, she was many times Graceful Spirits senior, though not in the same division, but she hadn't ever heard that she supported one side of the gold or bronze agenda, though perhaps she didn't support either. she was old enough and influential enough to follow her own agenda if she had one, and most Secret caste did.  Still, hints from the loom suggested that she could meet certain allies of one of her past lies as an exalted, and she had some hopes to reconnect with them.  


"Well, at least part of the reason I came home was to help the city of my birth, I am fairly sure that the Syndic's would not be apposed to the work of Solars within the area, I can only assume it's the presence of the cities unwelcome guests that has you moving in such a cautious way, though perhaps it is simply the nature of your particular Caste, Sister.  I certainly welcome your assistance and guidance in my own endavours"

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She smiled catching that Grace had noticed something and she nodded.   "You've noticed my eyes and Hair don't match my caste.   There are reasons for that, and in time, you may learn them.  For now, suffice it to say I am not in disfavor, but I do walk my own path.   I am no adversary to Creation, I am very much here to help."

She smiled, and their appetizers were brought to them, unbidden.  When the serving made left, She continued.  "It is good that you are home.  Whitewall was once a beacon of the North, the Usurpation saw it descend to what it is now.  The Syndics are trying to repair the city, but they're also making modifications.  They don't seem to understand that the modifications will prevent the city from being what it was, and this won't help things.   If they would simply rebuild it as it was, no small feat in and of itself, the city would flourish beyond their dreams."

She shook her head.  "What do you think would work best in trying to change their minds?"

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"I see, if I knew which gods we were actually dealing with, I would suggest appealing to their domains, but they have kept their true nature secret, though perhaps a chosen of the Maiden of Secrets might know or be able to figure out.  Other that that, I have an ally within the heavens, the goddess of music, Melodious Rapture, is a friend, I could ask to speak with her. and see if she might make the case with the Syndics, being approached by a peer might make them more willing to listen."  

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Eternal thought for a moment.  "The Syndics act to benefit humanity, and themselves.  Their longterm goal is to restore Whitewall to what it was, but without a Zenith caste much of the work is on hold, for now."

She chuckled.  "Yes, I do know who they are, and they know me.   I have directed some of my resources to their interests, and they let me pursue my own, in an arrangement that has benefit Whitewall and the people who live here.   Still, things are in motion now, that will be truly wondrous, and potentially draw the wrath of the Empire."

She smiled at her.  "I know Melodious Rapture.   While we have little common ground, what she does is good for all."  She thought for abit more.   "I would ask you to continue your music here in the city for now, perhaps, ask Melodious Rapture for a song favored by the Unconquered Sun, something she knew was favored by him, and his  advisors in the first age.   Then perhaps, if you would, create a new song or two about Whitewall, or the Syndics.  an honest song, but i would prefer a positive light.  I'll leave the end result to you.   These would be made to support the Solar, and more to promote faith in the Syndics, earning their favor.  While I could extend my umbrella over you, and the others fully, it will be good to earn some goodwill on your own."

Her smile faded some.  "The Undead and Abyssals are pushing harder than they ever have before.  I fear we will be called on to render aid there, soon enough."

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"Well, I am wiling to offer my help in any way necessary beyond what we have spoken of, if you are not already aware of it, I am studied in charms regarding healing and if the group you were speaking of are hurt in some way and you can get me too them soon enough, I can offer healing, though if there is somewhere closer that needs disease and poisons purged, I am always willing to help in such matters as well.":  It seemed to her that their discussion was growing to a close, both of them had other things to see too in order to carry out their goals. 

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Eternal nodded.  "There are some places,  I can send you with a few of my retainers.   They will act as guardians for you, though you may not need them, and if anything assist you in more mundane manners.  The Sisterhood is good, but they are spread quite thin, If you are my ally, you'll find I do my best to take care of those."

She smiled and ate several bites.  "Keep in mind there are others with plans within the city, those who have as much power, but have yet to show it.  They will begin to act soon, I think.   Your activities won't go unnoticed, but I do think given their benign nature, you won't be bothered much."

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"I noticed the dragon blooded making themselves quite obvious, though I am surprised they have lingered so long, they must be either desperate or exceptionally determined.  I suppose, we might have to discourage them enough to get them to go home."  She stood up.  "Here's my present location, if you need to get in touch with me, I suppose I should be going and make contact with my own allies, unless you needed something else?"

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"They have already heard of the presence of the Solar here.   Sadly I was unable to quash that news from getting out, and they have sent for reinforcements, part of why my retainers might prove useful to you as well.  I send them to you in the morning.   Sarisa will see you home."  She indicated one of the maids, who led her out to the carriage, which would bring her home.

As she sat there alone, Eternal allowed herself a true smile.  "Plans within plans, wheels within wheels.   Secrets uncovered, lies exposed.    Time marches ever forward, and all things bow before his Majesty."  It was part prayer, part invocation, and all the servants within the room bowed their heads and spoke as one.  "Glory to the Most High."

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As Graceful Spirit returns to her dwelling within the city, she considered the things she had learned so far, and her next steps.  First, she decided it was time to approach her friend and mentor, and there was a certain way to do just that, every Sidereal was a priest or priestess of the Maiden to whom her exaltation was derived from, all but a hgh preistess, and by extension, every deity within that division n of the Bureau, so she was, in effect, a priestess of Melodious Rapture as well as Venus.  Of course, every dieity had their preferent method of how their priestess's should call on them, and Melodious Rapture had told her that she expected all prayers to her to involve music.  


And so Graceful Spirit began to play her flute, no words at first,, a simple tune that was also a prayer to listen, then she began her prayer


"Daimyo of Musical Creation, Keeper of the Celestial Harmony, as friend and priestess I beseech  you

Here this musical that was composed as an offering in your service, that we might speak into these hours

Matters that mix of city, of heart and of travels beyond the realm of Home"


She then waited, confident that  if she wasn't available, Melodious Rapture would send a message for them to meet and discuss things later.

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