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Except for the first couple paragraphs this is a flashback thread telling the story of Sara, Sean, and Able.  Sorry Roach you were just a seven year old when this takes place.  If any sort of rolls are needed use the Base character I had you create at the beginning of the game. It isn't exact but its close enough


Sara took the opportunity of Rochelle’s interruption to step away. Away from Abel, away from Sean, and Away from Rochelle. She remembered Rochelle even though she had just been a little girl when Sara had last seen her.


She wandered off, her eyes scanning the vehicles listlessly until they landed on an old Ford Mustang that had seen better days. Memories of the past started flooding back as she remembered being behind the wheel of a similar model, the wind in her hair as she raced carefree down the highway. But those times were long gone now, replaced by the weight of responsibility and the burden of their newfound abilities.


Lost in thought, Sara didn't notice Sean's approach until he was standing right beside her. His presence brought her back to the present, and she offered him a small smile before turning her attention back to the vehicle.


"You okay?" Sean asked, his voice gentle.


Sara hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, just... reminiscing."


Sean followed her gaze to the Mustang and let out a soft chuckle. "Ah, memories, huh? I get it." He then leaned in closer, his voice barely above a whisper. "If you ever want to talk about it, I'm here."


Sara's eyes flicked over to him, a swirl of emotions evident within them. He was close, but not the person she remembered. As she gazed at Sean, she couldn't see the same sweet and troubled boy from her past. Instead, with her heightened senses, she saw a seductive woman who stirred something inside her. "It's all so complicated, Sean. Sometimes I wish we could go back to how things were before... before everything changed." She gestured vaguely towards their surroundings, encompassing not just their current location, but also the transformations in their lives that had occurred.


Shelly Montana, Ten Years ago…


Seventeen year old Sara Hutchins was angry. Angry at herself, angry at her father, angry at the world. And most of all angry at that fucking weird little asshole Sean Cassidy.


Sara was queer, a truth she had known since she was old enough to distinguish between girls and boys. She didn't dislike boys, but she couldn't deny the strong pull towards girls, with their beauty and softness. Unfortunately, Shelly, the small town in northern Montana where she grew up, was located in the middle of conservative country. The term "queer" still held negative connotations back then, instead of being embraced as a source of empowerment.


She had always kept her feelings hidden, except for one time when she was fourteen and acted upon them with an older girl from the reservation whom she met at the bowling alley in Shelly. That experience turned out to be a disaster, but it did lead her down the path of selling weed and solidified her reputation as the towns tough lesbian bitch who should not be fucked with.


Sara and Sean Cassidy had been classmates since they were in kindergarten. In those early years, Sara was convinced that Sean was a girl. She even had a crush on him, mesmerized by his delicate features and small frame. But then she discovered that Sean was actually a boy with a medical condition that made him look more feminine. This realization confused Sara greatly, causing her to distance herself from him and ignore him for the rest of their lives.


Until the beginning of this year, that is.


On the first day of school, Sara perched on the step leading to the back entrance of the High School. The door opened onto a small field, fenced off from the nearby Truck Farm and Railroad that bordered the town. She had staked her claim to this spot last year when she became known as the Weed Queen of Shelly. No one dared to challenge her, not even the teachers or other students. Sara was tough and not afraid to throw punches; for a teenage girl, she had an impressive fighting ability learned at the feet of the former pro MMA fighter, Larry Kasmark, who taught boxing at the Shelly Youth Center. Of course, it didn’t hurt that her father was the sheriff.


Sara was smoking a cigarette when Sean cassidy burst out the door behind her, stumbled on the steps and sprawled on the ground in front of her followed closely by Chet Marsters, who didn’t stumble but looked like he was going to kill Sean.


Sean rolled over and looked up in horror at  Chet and then he saw Sara sitting on the step with a cigarette between her fingers. Chet saw Sara at the same time too and froze.


Sara took a drag on her cigarette and slowly blew the smoke out toward Chet. She didn’t move but Chet edged away from her anyway.


“You boys here to buy some weed?” She asked knowing that they weren’t.



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The first day of school.  It was going to be a better year, at least that was what Abel told himself.  He ran track for the school, and played baseball.  He was tall for his age, but not the tallest at school, nor was he the largest.   He'd always made friends easily, and knew at least some of the talk about him.   He hung out with Sean Cassidy, they'd been friends for a number of years, and while certainly there were times he had no real idea what Sean was talking about when he'd get excited and go off on a tangent, he'd nod along, happy his friend had something that excited him.   He was part of the little gaming group Sean ran, with various rpgs and sometimes video game nights on the weekend.  His Dad of course worried, because Abel enjoyed that more than having a more traditional Montana high school social life, but his mother was happy he wasn't out drinking or doing drugs.

Sean was his friend, but at the same time, Sean didn't like him intervening to help him out, unless things were just that out of hand.   

Of course, Abel had other friends, guys he ran track and played ball with, even a few he fished with.   That said, if asked which of his friends he'd enjoyed spending time with the most, he'd have answered Sean, because Sean was interesting, and different from himself.  it wasn't the medical condition, though that certainly made him stand out.   Sean's outlook, his intelligence, they were things that drew him in.  Of course, Sean being able to to tutor him in his weaker subjects, and being a good friend, he didn't mind doing so, especially since Abel was always open to giving him a ride somewhere, or binging pizza to their game nights.


The first day of school, and already Chet had gone after Sean.  He'd heard about it, and was making his way following in the path.   Michael Ross barred his path, or tried to, he was one of Chet's friends (it surprised Abel that someone who was as big an asshole as Chet was had any friends).   "Stay out of it, Cross."   "Mikey, get out of my way or I will stomp a mudhole in your ass in front of God and everyone."   The furious look in Abel's blue eyes promised he'd do exactly as he said.  While Michael was not a small guy, Cade was much stronger, and while not really a trained fighter, he'd won most of the scraps he'd been in.   

Michael backed out his way, realizing it was day one and Abel was already not in the best of moods.   Chet's antics had already spoiled his good mood.   Past him, one of the girls who was on the track team, Alicia Simmons, called out to him "Abel he chased him out the back of the school."   Abel nodded.  "Thanks. I'll remember it."   He head onward heading for the back of the school, hoping to make it in time.

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Sean rolled over with a hiss at the pain in his tits from landing on them. On his back, he couldn't see his shoes over the thrust of his chest, nor the traitorous loose laces that had tripped him up. He could see Chet standing at the top of the short flight of stairs, his face red with anger. The tightness of his bras said Sean grown two or three cup sizes, but he wasn't the only one who had filled out over summer. Chet was as tall as Abel was, but his shoulders and arms looked massive, as big or bigger than most full grown men at only seventeen.

Dammit! Sean cursed himself as he struggled up to a sitting position. First day of school and I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

He had a plan. He just needed to finish his second video game, ReGenesis, and with two thousand sales, he'd have the capital to move out of Shelly and start out new in California. In rural, conservative Montana, the old folks made California sound like some progressive, alien hellscape. But for someone like Sean, it might be the only place he might fit in.


At not yet seventeen, he was ostensibly a boy, but had the most impressive bust in Shelly High. By his sisters' admissions, he had a prettier face than most of the girls in school. He'd always had very fine features, inherited from his mother, but his parents had assured him he'd grow out of it with puberty. Puberty had instead decided to make a mockery of those assurances, instead revealing that Sean had a pair of genetic syndromes that insisted on making him look more girl than boy.

He wasn't interested in guys, and if guys were interested in him, it was just for the idea of being able to see or touch a pair of epic boobs attached to someone who should 'get it' and let them. Most girls thought him a freak, not a few were jealous of his looks to Sean's terminal embarrassment. A certain number thought he'd make the perfect gay best friend, but he wasn't gay, and hardly shared their interests.


There had been one girl who had shared his interests, Sophia. A redhead like him, also well-endowed for her age, and she was into video games and RPGs like him. They had shared a lot and he had thought she liked liked him. One night, cleaning up after gaming the summer before last, he worked up the nerved and kissed her. She had pushed him away and shot him down, hard. She had liked him, but not like that, and now didn't even like him at all.


Sean had felt about an inch tall and so very alone. Not helped when his older sister Teagan had moved out of Shelly to join the Airforce. It had been the first year of high school and his athletic sister wasn't around to protect him. His younger sister Laurie might have already been taller than him, but was skinny as a pole. His bullies had taken advantage of his vulnerability.

He had only survived due to luck. The shame of his reaction to the torment still wracked him. But it had also given him a drive to survive and get out of Shelly. They wouldn't win. He had his plan. He had pursued emancipation, under the pretext of making it simpler with his own video game development company. He wasn't sure his parents believed him. This summer, he'd gotten his own vehicle, a forest green Grand Cherokee. He was pretty sure it had been a drug runner's vehicle, but he loved it anyway.


Escape was so close. A year. Two tops. He didn't even care about graduation.


He just had to survive it. Just keep his head down and ignore the comments. That was easier said than done. Chet had laid into him the first day, his on-again-off-again bitch girlfriend Courtney Adams smirking from the other side of the class room. Already irritated with needing to replace his bras, Sean had snapped back without thinking. Chet was off again with Courtney and Sean had said 'Just because Courtney won't let you play with her small tits, doesn't mean I'll let you play with my big ones!'


Sean knew it was a mistake as soon as he said it. The class had 'oohed'. Courtney shouted. And Chet's face had gone red as his hands balled into fists that looked as big as Sean's head. He had bolted, the desks between him and Chet barely slowing down the big teenager. 


And that had ended up with him on his back about to be pounded into paste.

Except Chet... hesitated. Sean looked over to where the plume of smoke had come from and noticed Sara lounging on the step. They had been friends once, in elementary, but like most, she had drifted away when his hormonal abnormalities became obvious. At least she hadn't turned on him like many other had. She'd gotten a tough girl reputation, and was supposedly a lesbian, but she wasn't that big. Teagan was way bigger. Her father was the sheriff, though.


Most importantly, she was making Chet hesitate.


Sean scrambled to his feet, unconsciously rubbing his throat before balling his hands into small fists inside the long sleeves of over-sized green Triforce hoodie. The baggy hoodie and cargo pants made Sean look overweight, but when he'd been on his back, the way the hoodie had draped him revealed to Sara and Chet he was anything but. Sean locked eyes with Chet, baring his teeth in a false grin as he sidled closer to Sara.

"Sure. I mean, yes. I am. Buying weed that is," Sean lied, obvious to everyone.

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With a flick of her cigarette, Sara crushed it under her combat boot and stood up. Chet was bigger and taller than her by at least six inches, but he took another step back. He had heard stories about Sara running with indians from the rez - he wasn't about to mess with that. "I'm fine," he muttered before giving Sean a final glare and heading back into the school.


Sara smirked at Sean's quick thinking. She couldn't help but feel a small amount of satisfaction at seeing Chet's defeat. "Smart move," she said, her voice low and gravelly. "Always knew you had more up your sleeve than just your...endowments."


Sean couldn't help but blush at her comment, his cheeks flushing a deep red. He had always been more comfortable with Sara, even if they hadn't been close for a few years. "Thanks, I guess. But I never thought it would come to this."


She shrugged, lighting another cigarette. "Have you ever even smoked a joint?”

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Abel had just reached the door out the back of the school when Chet, his face in a scowl, came back inside.   He saw Abel and sneered.  "Relax, Trackstar, your girlfriend's fine.   You better keep her in line.  Accidents can happen."   Abel moved faster than someone his size was expected to, and pinned Chet to the wall, even though the football player was slightly bulkier than him.   

"Threaten him like that again Chet, and I'll take the suspension thrashing your ass in public would probably get me."   Chet made to move, but to his surprise, Abel held him fast.   "I mean it."  His blue eyes seemed to flash, and Chet understood just how mad Abel already was.  He seemed to stop resisting, enough that Abel released him, and he straightened his collar.  "Goddamn Abel, all this for some freak of nature, aren't the girls here better?"

Abel looked at him, and frowned.  "Sean is my friend, Chet."

"Well tell your friend to watch what they say."  With that Chet left, and Abel watched for a moment to make sure he wasn't just going to come back with his clique, before heading out the doors.

It was there he found Sean, and Sara, of all people.  Of course he'd heard that this was where she dealt, and he looked to her, then to Sean.   "Everything good out here?"

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On 10/6/2024 at 10:31 PM, Nina said:

"Have you ever even smoked a joint?”

"Um, well, no, not as such... " Sean admitted, the red in his cheeks spreading up to his hairline. He folded his arms, then stopped at the awkwardness, and instead stuffed his hands into the front pockets of hoodie. "If you're gonna hold me to it, I figured I could just take the stuff and bake it into brownies or cookies or something."

I'll have to make it in the middle of the night so mom doesn't find out... Also, will have to look online to find recipes and see if you have to do anything special when cooking with weed.

"You bake?" Sara commented with a hint of bemusement as she tilted her head up and exhaled a plume of smoke.

Sean scrunched his nose up in a faint scowl. "Yeah, I bake. It's pretty much just a practical application of chemistry. Follow the formula correctly, and you get a predicable - and delicious - result." Sean skulked over and took a seat on the opposite side of the steps from Sara. "We game each week. If I don't make snacks, someone usually brings something. Sometimes we do dinner, just grilling stuff up or ordering pizza, depending on when we start."

Just then, the door burst open. Sean gave a start, looking up and over his shoulder, only to see Abel at the top of the steps.

"Everything good out here?"

"Oh! Uh, yeah, s'all good, Abe," Sean claimed, ignoring the fading sting in his hands and breasts from his stumble. "Sara here chased Chet off. I was just telling her about gaming." His large, turquoise eyes turned towards Sara, his slim shoulders hunched at he looked at her from under dark red, lowered brows. "You could come. To gaming I mean. To see what it's like, if you want. We're starting a new game this week." His lips quirked up at the end. "If nothing else, there's snacks."

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Abel nodded, "Yeah, and if you have a preference for what you want on Pizza, let me know.  Normally we stick to plain cheese, pepperoni, and meatlovers, but if we need to change one we can."   Abel wasn't dumb, but it was Sean's house, his game, and he'd invited Sarah.   If Sean wanted to smoke weed, that was on him.  He'd just ask that they not do it around him, because they did drug tests for various athletics.   

He looked at Sarah.  "Thanks for running that asshole off."  he turned his gaze to Sean.  "I still think Chet's got some sort of thing for you Sean.   Now why would he be telling me to tell you to watch what you say?   Did you say something about Bitchney Adams in front of him?"

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When Sean invited Sara to come to their game she just stared at him with her cigarette dangling from her lips her head scrambling for a sarcastic come back that just wasn’t there, Then Abel burst out the door. Sara slowly took the cigarette from her lips and dropped it then smashed it under her boot.


"You bake? Gaming? Pizza?" Sara chuckled, a smirk playing on her lips. "Alright, why not? I could use some entertainment for a change. And who knows, maybe I'll even bring my famous mac and cheese." She shot Sean a mischievous grin before turning to Abel. "Thanks, big guy, but I think I can handle myself just fine. Chet won't be bothering you guys again anytime soon."


Abel watched Sara with a raised eyebrow, impressed by her confidence. He nodded approvingly before turning to Sean with a knowing look. "Looks like you've got yourself a new recruit for game night, Sean. Better start stocking up on those snacks." With a friendly pat on Sean's shoulder, Abel headed back into the school, leaving Sean and Sara alone on the steps.



Sean couldn't help but grin at Sara's comment about bringing her famous mac and cheese. "Well, now I'm definitely looking forward to game night even more," he teased. He watched as Abel headed back into the school before turning his attention back to Sara.


"So, baking and gaming, huh? Sounds like my kind of evening." Sara brushed her hair back from her face, revealing a small scar just above her eyebrow. Sean noticed it for the first time and wondered how she had gotten it.


"Yeah, it's pretty chill," he said with a shrug. "We mostly just hang out, eat junk food, and play games. Nothing too exciting." Sara gave him a curious look and Sean started to feel self-conscious under her gaze. He shifted on the steps uncomfortably before speaking up again.


"But if you're interested in joining us, I can give you more details later," he offered. "We play at my house. I have the barn all set up as my, I don’t know, guess you would call it an apartment."


Sara nodded, her eyes still lingering on his face for a moment longer before she snapped out of it. "Yeah, that sounds good," she said with a smile.


Before Sean could respond, the bell rang signaling the the beginning of the school day. Sara quickly gathered up her things and stood up from the steps.


"Well, I should probably get going," she said apologetically. "I have English first period, Mrs Davis. That sucks"


Sean nodded understandingly as they both made their way back into the school building together. As they walked in silence down the hallway towards their separate classes, Sean couldn't help but think that maybe game night was going to be more interesting than usual this week.



This is intended to be an event oriented thread not a minute by minute day by day thing. I would suggest picking the next scene either  a couple of days later still in school or on game day. in either case One of you should set the scene. 🙂



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