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CHAPTER TWO - The Coming Tide


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The Coming Tide


Six weeks later…


Tandy twirled and swayed, the music not an accompaniment but part of her dance, a mix of Ballet and contemporary and something else, tribal, primal.


The music was played on violin by Darrien who stood apart, the composition was pure improvisation, but if you listened hard a fine ear could hear the echoes of the masters.


Wayne who had led the party to this forest glade in the heart of Discovery Park moved around taking pictures and working his own magic to capture moments in time.


Aside from the three mages, four of Wayne’s students, close friends and confidants, had accompanied them to the park.


It was the first time in almost two months that the three mages had time off from study, research and practice. Nadia and Tony had taken a trip out of the country, leaving their young protage’s to take care of the house and themselves for a time.


After a week in the city doing the sorts of things one does in a city like Seattle, Wayne suggested a nature excursion to cleanse the body, mind, and soul.


The group had agreed, and so they found themselves now, in the heart of the forest, surrounded by ancient trees and the sweet scent of nature. Tandy's dance seemed to harmonize with the wind rustling through the leaves, her movements a testament to the harmony between spirit and earth.


As Darrien's bow danced across the strings of his violin, a sense of peace settled over the group. The music wove a tapestry of sound that seemed to resonate with the very essence of the forest itself, each note carrying a message of tranquility and unity.


Wayne captured these moments with his camera, his lens focusing on the interplay of light and shadow, capturing the beauty and magic of the world around them. He knew that these moments were fleeting, but through his photography, he could preserve them forever.


The students watched in awe, their eyes wide with wonder at the sights and sounds before them. Time seemed to stand still.


They were witnessing magical artistry in this intimate setting that was truly mesmerizing. The forest seemed to come alive with energy, responding to the music and dance in a way that felt supernatural.


Tandy's movements became more fluid, her body a conduit for the ancient rhythms of the earth. As she spun, leaves lifted into the air around her, swirling in a delicate vortex that followed her every step. It was as if the spirits of the forest had joined her in a joyful celebration of life.


Darrien's music swelled, filling the glade with a symphony of sound that seemed to echo through the trees. His fingers moved with lightning speed across the strings, coaxing melodies from the violin that were both haunting and uplifting.


Wayne's camera clicked away, capturing each moment in time with precision and artistry. He knew that these images would serve as reminders of this magical day, preserving not just the sights but also the emotions and energies that danced through the air.


The sun cast dappled patterns of light through the canopy above, creating a natural spotlight on Tandy as she leaped and twirled with grace and power. Each movement seemed to be in perfect sync with the music, evoking a sense of wonder and awe in all who watched.


As the improvised performance reached its crescendo, a gentle breeze stirred the leaves, carrying with it a soft whisper that seemed to echo through the glade. The spirits of the forest were drawn to the gathering, their presence felt rather than seen.


Tandy slowed her dance, coming to a stop in the center of the clearing. She closed her eyes and raised her arms to the sky, offering a silent prayer of gratitude to the ancient spirits who had graced them with their presence.


In that moment, a sense of peace settled over the group, wrapping them in a warm embrace that transcended words. The boundaries between magic and reality blurred, and for an instant, they felt as though they were a part of something greater than themselves. The connection they shared with each other and with the natural world around them was palpable, a tangible thread that bound them together in harmony.


As Tandy lowered her arms and opened her eyes, a single tear glistened on her cheek, reflecting the sunlight filtering through the leaves. She turned to her companions, a radiant smile on her face, and they knew that this moment would be etched in their memories forever.


Darrien lowered his violin, a look of reverence on his face as he gazed at the forest around them. The music had faded, but its echoes lingered in the air, a reminder of the beauty and power they had created together.


Wayne lowered his camera, a sense of awe filling his heart as he looked at the camera, the images he had captured revealed to his minds inner eye. Each photo would be a testament to the magic of this day, a snapshot of a moment that transcended time and space.


The students gathered around the three mages, their eyes shining with admiration and gratitude. They had witnessed something truly extraordinary, a convergence of talent, power, and natural beauty that left them breathless.


Nadia and Tony would have been proud to see how far their young charges had come in such a short time. The bonds between the mages and their students had deepened during this outing, forged in moments of wonder and connection that could not be replicated in any classroom or training session.


As the group prepared to leave the forest glade and return to the bustling city, a sense of peace and contentment lingered in their hearts. They knew that they carried the magic of this day with them, a beacon of light that would guide them through whatever challenges lay ahead.


For Wayne, Tandy, and Darrien, this day marked a turning point in their journey as mages. They had tapped into the true essence of their powers, discovering that magic was not just about spells and incantations.


Later that night…


Midnight, a dense fog covered the ground and the sound of a dog barking carried far. Seven figures wreathed in darkness crossed the green at the White Horse Golf club


Their footsteps muffled by the fog, the figures moved with purpose through the eerie night. The moon cast a dim glow on the landscape, illuminating their silhouettes as they approached an old clubhouse at the back of the property.


As they drew closer, a sense of foreboding settled over the night, a feeling that something sinister was about to unfold. The leader of the group, a tall and imposing figure, raised a hand and gestured for the others to stop.


"Weapons at the ready," he commanded in a low, gravelly voice. The others nodded in response, unsheathing blades and readying spells in anticipation of what lay ahead.


The old clubhouse loomed before them, its windows dark and its doors creaking ominously in the wind. The leader took a step forward, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of movement.


Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows, stepping into the moonlight with an air of confidence. It was a lone figure, clad in dark robes and carrying a staff adorned with shimmering crystals. The figure's eyes glowed with an otherworldly light as they surveyed the intruders.


"You dare to disturb the sanctity of this place," the figure spoke, their voice echoing with power. "Leave now, or face the consequences."


The leader of the group chuckled darkly, stepping forward to meet the challenge. "We are not here for idle threats," he retorted. "This covenant holds secrets that are of great importance to us. Stand aside, or we will make you."


With a swift motion, the figure raised their staff, and a wave of energy crackled through the air towards the intruders. The group sprang into action, spells and blades flashing in the moonlight as they clashed with the mysterious figure.


Each move was met with a counterattack, the figure's powers unmatched and overwhelming. As the battle raged on, it became clear that this was no ordinary foe they faced.


The leader grit his teeth against the onslaught of the defender but even out numbered the defender was too powerful and one by one, six of the seven fell bested by the staff wielder. The defender turned to face the leader, “You should not have come here. This covenant has stood for three centuries, and it will stand for…gahhh!”


A curved blade exploded from the Defender’s chest, blood from the bisected heart sprayed, dousing the leader, and the Defender’s lifeless finger let go the staff as he toppled face down at the leaders feet, revealing the eighth member of the Leaders cabal holding the dripping knife.


“Took you long enough.” The Leader said as the six who had been beaten down slowly regained the feet with painful groans.


“I had to get into position and wait for the right moment. Skill takes time and patience, isn’t that what you taught me.” The eighth member spoke and stepped into the light which poured from the club house’s opened door. She smiled wickedly at the leader.



The Eighth Member  wZSSlHm404RIthVH5koZ.thumb.jpg.a0686cee6ca76438dee2c6763a9ef28e.jpg


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For Darien, the experience ranked highly of all those he'd had in his life, right up there with the performance he gave when he first learned his heritage. He'd felt a oneness with the Worldsong he normally had to work quite hard, or meditate quite deeply to feel, and he knew it was because each of them played their parts, and added their own verses.  He knew it was something he would always remember, and strive to recapture and eclipse one day, as he grew as a mage and as a musician.   Mostly he felt profoundly grateful for the experience, it reaffirmed that the path he walked was the right one for him, something that strengthened his convictions, and nourished his desire to strive for further improvement.

  As they were leaving the glade he looked over to Wayne, Tandy, and Wayne's students.   "We should do this again.  Once each season, to see how it changes things."   He'd enjoyed it, and surprisingly, even weaving their effects, though subtle and minor, it should have been harder with people who weren't mages around, but it wasn't.   He'd have to ask Tony and Nadia about that when they returned.   Perhaps there was some sort of synergistic effect, with everyone being in the moment together.   It was interesting to him at least, something new.

He didn't know what Wayne's students had planned, but at least for Wayne and Tandy, he had an idea.  They were truly here camping and no camping trip would be complete without the proper staple foods.   "So long as we're in the right area, we can make a fire.   I did bring everything for smores, and of course some hotdogs in the ice chest surrounded by cold packs..."

Edited by Shameless
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  • 2 weeks later...

 The walk in Discovery park allowed Wayne to get back in touch with his preferred natural element. In addition, he was glad to share the excursion with his students and his new magical friends. When they arrived at the entrance to the glade, he stopped everyone and just took in the natural beauty of the environment. He took out his camera, and a small bandolier which was normally used for shotgun shells. The holders for the shells were just about the same size as his film canisters. He took out 6 rolls of film and put their canisters in the strap. Once that was done, he proceeded into the glen. After taking a couple of shots to "establish" the environment, Wayne got a serious look on his face as he waited for the music and dancing to begin. He had a feeling that something special would come of today, even if it was just a good time with friends. 


When the dancing and music began, Wayne let the moment take over in his heart and mind. Making sure not to get in Tandy's way, Wayne almost seemed to be dancing with her, so fast and rhythmic were his movements and adjustments for the photos. He concentrated the photos on the interplay of light and shadow as Tandy swirled and let herself be guided by the music provided by Darien. As soon as one roll was finished and auto-rewound, he popped open the back of the camera, took out the exposed roll, quickly started the new roll with practiced ease, with barely missing a beat. In some respects, it would have seemed to anyone well versed with firearms very similar to reloading a magazine on a pistol. 


As the music was winding down, Wayne began to concentrate his photos on Tandy's face. Getting a wide shot when she raised her hands, and then immediately, he focused on the spellbinding expression. As the tear glinted in the sunlight, he felt the magic in the air and pressed down the shutter button, knowing he had gotten a shot worthy of the famous photos that have graced the covers of magazines throughout the age of photography. It may even be on par with the Afghan girl from Nat Geo fame. After that, he slowly lowered his camera, and took a look around. As Darien was lowering his bow, but still holding the violin to his chin, Wayne sneakily took a photo from a non-traditional position without even looking through the viewfinder, so as to not break the tension of the moment. 


After everyone started breathing again, Wayne looked at the bandolier and realized he had used 5 of the 6 rolls he had planned to. He took a sharpie out and marked the caps 1-4, and then he marked the 5th cap S. Even though the roll wasn't quite finished, he rewound the one in the camera and put it in the S-marked holder. He got the final roll out and put it into his camera. He said to the students who were captivated with what they had just seen, "Enchanting, isn't it. That is what being 'In the moment' is all about. That one brief moment in time that everything comes together. It rarely happens, so I'm glad you could witness and feel it at the same time that we did." 


He turned to Darien, "I 'll get the fire started once we get to the camp site. it shouldn't be far." Wayne took the lead on the hike to the place they would set up. Even though the experience had been very emotional and energetic, Wayne felt like he was walking on air as he travelled. The feelings of the glade still boosting his and everyone else's spirits.



((OOC: The afghan girl photo))




Edited by Veral
added photo referred to in spoiler
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As they approached the campsite, Wayne's students took charge of setting up the tents while he got to work on the fire. The crackling and popping sounds soon filled the air, casting a warm, inviting glow around the small clearing. With the fire lit, Darien began preparing the hot dogs and smores, each person pitching in to help out.


As night fell, the group gathered around the fire, roasting marshmallows and sharing stories. The experience in the glade had left them all with a sense of wonder and awe, its magic lingering in their hearts long after they had left. They spoke of how it had affected them, how it had reinforced Darien's beliefs and given him a renewed sense of purpose as a mage and musician.


Tandy shared her thoughts on how she felt such a strong connection not only to Darien's music but also to the very essence of nature itself.


Later that night after all had settle in to sleep…


Tandy’s eyes snapped open. She was used to sleeping rough and slept lightly with a hair trigger. She moved only her eyes and glanced around the camp. She saw the huddled forms in sleeping bags and a the campfire burned low, mostly just embers now.


Something had woken her, not a sound, there was nothing unusual with the nightsounds of the park. It wasn’t weather, the forecasts had called for clear skies and lower temperatures but no rain.


But something had awoken her. She closed her eyes and felt with her mind, opening her magickal senses so to speak.


“Stop them…”


The words were in her head a whisper, they smelled of violence, tasted of death. Tandy turned her head and saw a wooden staff, the kind like the wizards in the movies carry. It was lying near the fire.


She quietly slipped from her sleeping bag and rose to her feet in a crouch. Still crouching she moved, careful not to wake Wayne’s students, to Darien and then Wayne waking each and motioning for silence then she pointed out the staff on the ground.


The Staff




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