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The New Age - And I Say Rock On


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Abel turned to Arthur, and nodded.  "I'm interested in the  Four Wheel Drive F150 here.   Provided we can find a price we can agree on."   The way Abel smiled, it spoke of a history, and the fact that he wasn't going to pay sticker price, even with nothing to trade in.

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Sean gave Abel and Arthur a nod. "I'll give you guys time to work out the details. Arthur, I'll be back tomorrow with a tricked out Honda Civic for trade-in for that RAM TRX. Abel, I'm going to do down the street to get something to eat or something. Find us when you're done here, yeah?" He arched a brow at Rochelle. "And I hope we'll have the chance to talk again at sometime."

With that, Sean made his leave and sauntered off back into the lines of vehicles to find the contemplative Sara. It was annoying having to deal with such mundane details like replacing a vehicle when such extraordinary things had happened to them during such catastrophic times. But they were necessary if he wanted to work on the ideas spinning through his mind.


But mundane details and fantastic ideas weren't the only thing occupying his thoughts.

Sara was so lost in thought, Sean was standing by her side and had to nudge her with a shoulder bump to get her attention. "Hey. Wanna get out of here while Abel deals with paperwork? Maybe grab something to eat." An amused grin twitched his lips. "Within walking distance."

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Arthur raised an eyebrow at Abel's comment, recognizing the challenge in his tone. He was used to haggling with customers, but there was something about Abel's demeanor that told him this negotiation would be different.


"Well, I believe we can come to a fair agreement for both of you," Mr. McKendrick chimed in, looking from Sean to Abel. "Let's head inside and discuss the details over a cup of coffee. You might as well come along Roach, I have a feeling this will be an interesting conversation."




Sean's unexpected confession about nearly getting married along with the sudden complications in their lives left Sara's mind spinning. She gazed at him...or her, Sara couldn't decide which anymore, a hint of wonder and interest evident in her expression. A faint smile played on her lips as she nodded, slightly taken aback but willing to go along with his proposal.


"Yeah, that sounds good," Sara replied, grateful for the distraction and the chance to spend some time away from the intensity of their current situation. She took a deep breath, trying to push away the weight of change and responsibility that seemed to loom over them.


Sara and Sean walked away from the parked cars, falling into step together. A sense of camaraderie settled between them as they headed towards the nearest eating place, which happened to be a Truckstop on the west side of town only a few blocks away from the car lot. Despite the passage of time and the changes they had all experienced, there was a strange comfort in returning to this small town.


As they neared the Truckstop, they noticed a large crowd waiting in line. They paused for a moment, then turned their attention back to the road as a loud engine noise caught their attention. A military vehicle with Air Force markings, roared past them, and they couldn't help but stare at it as it disappeared into the distance.


“That’s a JLTV (Joint Light Tactical Vehicle),” said Sean, “must be coming from the base.” He glanced back the way the air force truck had come and thought of his sister.


“Yeah, I don’t know what that is,” admitted Sara, “but it’s odd. I haven’t seen any of the military traveling alone since the Visitor, and I only saw a driver.”






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"Yeah," Roach sighed resignedly. "Nothing like squabbling over interest rates to fill a morning."


She stuffs her hands in her pockets though and follows them inside, because these people actually are the most interesting thing to happen to her since surviving a meteor strike. Which was, admittedly, a pretty high bar.


So not only was she not alone in these changes, but other people had different changes. Though these two seemed similar to one another in a lot of ways. Maybe there were a limited palette of possibilities offered by the human substrate? Furthermore, a lot of those strikes had been in or near populated areas. Not nearly enough hard numbers to guess at a percentage rate of people affected, but for three people to just casually bump into each other in a small, lightly affected town like Shelly...


Well. Could be coincidence, but if it wasn't, that implied there could be a lot of mutants running around right now.


What did she want to do with that?


Once inside, Rochelle nabbed one of the notepads off Salesman Dan's desk (her name for Daniel Winters, ace car salesman and all around doucheburger) and a pen so she could doodle and jot notes and just think 'out loud' onto the paper while Abel, Sean and Uncle Art did their thing.

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Sean frowned at the retreating truck, then tapped the shoulder of the guy in line in front of him and Sara. The man turned around, took a good look at the bounty in front of his eyes, then glanced up at what the bounty was attached to. Sean smiled. The guy's eyes went down then back up again.

"Hey. Um, hi. Miss. What can I do yah for?"

"Hello," Sean said, turquoise eyes bright and merry, not bothering to correct him. He nodded back down the road. "Was just wondering, you see any other military vehicles passing by this way?"

"Nah, just the one." The man looked at the very tall, utterly gorgeous woman in front of him, then at the pretty, shorter woman standing next to her and tried at bit of gallantry on them. "You ladies want to go ahead of me. Line's long and I don't mind."

"Thanks for the offer, but we aren't in a rush. Just killing time. Thanks though." Sean's tone was respectful, but the tightening of his smile said it was a dismissal and the guy got the hint.

As Sean and Sara moved their way steadily down the line, they kept their voices low, their keen ears easily catching what were near whispers to anyone else.

"One vehicle, one driver. They must know where they are going or who they are looking for," Sean reasoned. "I saw some military on my way to Shelly, but always in groups. Either helping direct refugees or on what looked like search and rescue. I suppose they could have some communications working on radio."

They were almost at the door to the truckstop. Standing room only, nearly over other front window boarded up. A wistful glint entered Sean's eyes. It wasn't Bunnee's, but other than wear and tear from time and meteors, but Truckstop looked unchanged from when it had gone up in the fifties or sixties. Chips in the Formica tabletops, duct tape covering rips in the vinyl booth coverings.

"Looks like take-out only at the moment. I'll get Abel something, too." Sean pursed his lips. "You see anything they might catch the interest of authorities when you were... 'spreading your wings?' I haven't had a chance to get a look at an intact meteor or even a chunk of one, yet."

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At the truck stop...


Sara had looked long and hard at the truck as it drove past and her eyes had followed it, her vision tuned to telescopic detail. She listened only slightly to Sean until he asked her the veiled question. Sara shook her head, “Not really, but I think that was a Search and Rescue vehicle. Didn’t you say your sister was a Pararescue.”

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On the car lot…


After settling into the office, Mr. McKendrick turned to Abel Cross. "First of all, I have to inform you that due to the recent disaster, bank loans are currently suspended and credit or debit cards cannot be used as the internet and communication systems are down."


Abel scowled as he processed this information. "So basically, I need cash in hand if I want to buy this truck today?"


Mr. McKendrick nodded solemnly. "Yes, unfortunately that is the situation at the moment. However, we can still verify checks from local banks and accept them for the full purchase amount."


Abel leaned back in his chair, rubbing his chin in thought. Rochelle glanced at him and noticed the tension in his jaw. She could sense his frustration and see the gears turning in his head.


Mr. McKendrick continued, "But Abel, you're a respected member of the community here. I know you and trust you. That's why I'm willing to finance your purchase myself, as long as you have something of value to use as collateral."

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"Psh," Roach chortled from where she was scribbling on her notepad. "Another soul? You're going to need a new room to keep this one in."


"And maybe make it soundproof this time."

Edited by SalmonMax
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Abel sat there for abit, and shrugged.   "What sort of rate, and how long?"

Arthur looked at him, and grinned back,   "Well given how things are, and that I'll be fully financing this myself, If you put ten thousand down, I could go for 72 months at 10.5%."

Abel looked at him, and his eyes narrowed.  "That's the best you can do?"

"Well the market is what it is right now Abel."

Abel sat up, and shook his head.  "That's not going to work for me.  I can do the ten grand down, with a prommissary note for the rest of the balance backed by the government, specifically the Department of the Interior.   This is going to be my new work truck after all so Uncle Sam's going to foot the bill."  

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