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Ghosts In The Rift


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Chapter 2

Ghosts in the Rift



Two days.


Two days to repair the ship.


Two days hoping the Zephyr Cruiser didn’t find them.


Two days trying to stay out of trouble on a Space Station where they weren’t welcome.


Two days had passed since the crew of the Hyperlance arrived on Scatter Station. The repairs on their ship were almost complete, and the crew was eager to leave as soon as possible. The tension on the station had not eased, if anything it had become even more palpable.


Rumors were spreading about a notorious Zephyr Cruiser that had been sighted in the nearby sector. It was said to be led by a ruthless captain who was known for taking advantage of vulnerable ships and stations like Scatter Station. The crew of the Hyperlance knew they needed to leave before they caught the attention of this dangerous vessel.


As they anxiously waited for their ship to be ready, they did their best to stay out of trouble. But trouble seemed to follow them wherever they went on Scatter Station.


Emi had gotten into a heated argument with a mechanic over the cost of a replacement part, while Sori had narrowly avoided getting into a fight at one of the bars after someone insulted her mechanical skills.


Seiya spent most of his time keeping an eye out for any potential threats, but he couldn't shake off an unsettling feeling that they were being watched.


On their last night on Scatter Station, as they gathered at a rundown diner for some food before departing, Seiya saw something that made his blood run cold. A group of rough-looking men were huddled together in one corner, their eyes trained on the crew's table.


Seiya's hand instinctively reached for his blaster as he whispered to Sori and Emi about their situation. They all knew that something bad was about to happen.


Just then, there was commotion outside as someone screamed for help. The crew rushed outside to see what was going on and found themselves face-to-face with the scarred man from before, who was now bleeding from several wounds and struggling against two large men.


Without hesitation, Seiya drew his blaster and fired warning shots at the two men, causing them to flee.


The crew quickly rushed to check on the scarred man, who was lying on the ground clutching his side. Ivy knelt down beside him, her expression softening with concern.


"What happened? Who did this to you?" Ivy asked gently, trying to assess his injuries.


The scarred man coughed weakly before mustering the strength to speak. "It was the Zephyr ... they are here, looking for information about your ship," he managed to say in between pained breaths.


Seiya's eyes narrowed as he helped the scarred man sit up slightly. "What did you tell them?" Seiya demanded, his tone firm.


The scarred man winced in pain before replying, "I didn't say a word. I figured... warning you might... be more profitable, I didn’t see them following me."


Sori quickly rummaged through their medical supplies and handed a vial of healing serum to Ivy. "Here, drink this. It should help with the pain."


Seiya grabbed his com and called Amari who was on duty at the ship. “Amari, Zephyr are here. Finished or not get the workers away and lock the ship down. Make preps for immediate launch.”


“What about paying these guys,” Amari asked?


“Rhona had several money chips on her they are in my locker. There should be enough there to pay off the station.”


Seiya looked at the scarred man. “We owe you, but I can’t pay you today. Here is my personal code. after this clears down we will pay our debt.”


With that Seiya led the way through back alleys back to the ship.


When they got back to the ‘Lance, Amari reported that the ship was ready and the station paid in full and that they still had a little working capital leftover.


“I also found this.” Amari held up what looked like a standar money chip. “It’s not what it looks like.”


She plugged it into a chip reader, and the standard banking data appeared. According to the data the chip held 200cu. “But if you try to access the money it displays a notification of a bank hold on the funds and asks for a password. I did a little digging and cracked the password and…” Amari input the password and a holo Rhona appeared in front of them.


“If you are seeing this then something has happened to me and likely I have failed in the mission to retrieve the master program from theHyperlance. My contact on Pel Saros must be informed. My contact is called Davina Garland. Go to Pel Saros, find Davina Garland and give her this chip. You will be rewarded.”


Amari plucked the chip out. “There’s a ton of data on the chip but its heavily encoded. It probably needs a dedicated cypher reader to translate.”


“So, if Zephyr is here why haven’t they attacked the ship? Not like we are hiding.”


Seiya's brow furrowed as he paced back and forth in the control room of the Hyperlance, contemplating their next move. The crew gathered around him, their expressions a mix of concern and determination.


"They must be waiting for something," Seiya mused aloud. "They wouldn't just show up here without a plan. We need to be prepared for whatever they have in store for us."


Sori chimed in, her voice laced with urgency. "We can't risk staying here any longer. If the Zephyr is lurking around, we need to get out of Scatter Station immediately."


Emi nodded in agreement. "I'll run a final diagnostic on the ship systems and make sure everything is in working order for a quick departure," she stated, already heading towards the engineering bay.


Seiya turned to Amari. "Keep monitoring for any suspicious activity or incoming ships. We can't let our guard down for a second."


Ivy had been quiet through all of the preceding now she spoke, “What if it’s not the same cruiser?”


The crew turned to Ivy, intrigued by her sudden contribution to the discussion.


"What do you mean?" Seiya asked, gesturing for her to continue.


"Well," Ivy began, "what if the Zephyr has multiple cruisers? Maybe they're planning on attacking from multiple angles. It would explain why we haven't seen any activity yet."


The crew fell silent, considering Ivy's theory. It made sense - the Zephyr was a huge organization with access to advanced technology. It wouldn't be surprising if they had more than one cruiser at their disposal.


“We need to leave now,” Sori said as she turned toward the cockpit. “We are more maneuverable, these asteroids will give us cover.”


Amari held up the chip, “Pel Sarso?”


Everyone nodded.


“Then back to the Rift.”


Sori’s hands were flying over the controls of the Hyperlance as she expertly maneuvered through the asteroid field. The crew held on tightly, bracing themselves against the sudden jerks and turns of the ship.


“We need to get out of here before they catch up,” Seiya called out from his seat in the cockpit.


“I’m doing my best,” Sori replied through gritted teeth, her focus solely on evading their pursuers.


“Emi, how are the systems looking?” Seiya asked, glancing back at Emi who was frantically typing away at a console.


“The engines are working at maximum capacity,” Emi responded, focused on her task. “But we can’t keep this speed up for much longer.”


“We just need to make it out of this asteroid field,” Seiya said determinedly. “Once we reach open space, we can activate our Sorium drive and be gone in an instant.”


Suddenly, alarms blared throughout the ship as Sori shouted, “We have incoming ships!”


The crew looked out into the distance and saw three smaller cruisers headed their way. They were no match for Zephyr’s massive cruiser behind them, but they outgunned them.


“We have to use our weapons,” Amari declared, readying the guns at her station.


“No,” Seiya cut in. “We wouldn’t stand a chance. We need to stick to our plan and make a quick escape.”


Sori nodded in agreement and pushed the Hyperlance even faster towards open space. But despite their efforts, one of the smaller cruisers was gaining on them.


“It’s gaining too quickly!” Emi exclaimed in panic. “It will be in blaster range in eight seconds!”


Suddenly, bursts of energy shot past them from behind and hit their pursuer dead on. The small cruiser exploded into pieces as more than a dozen small mining ships, fast and agile built to fly amid the asteroids, zoomed past to engage the remaining two small cruisers.


The crew watched in awe as the mining ships, piloted by skilled miners who had been working in the asteroid field, swarmed around the Zephyr cruisers, firing with precision and agility. The small ships zigzagged through space, exploiting the asteroids for cover and pulling off daring maneuvers that the larger cruisers couldn't match.


Seiya could hardly believe what he was seeing. It was a stroke of luck, a twist of fate that these miners had chosen to intervene and help them in their time of need. But there was no time to dwell on their good fortune. They needed to take advantage of this distraction and make their escape while they still could.


"Emi, prepare to engage the Sorium drive as soon as we clear the asteroid field," Seiya ordered, his eyes focused on the rapidly approaching edge of open space.


Sori expertly guided the Hyperlance through the last obstacles, dodging debris and evading enemy fire. The mining ships continued to provide cover and with a last message of thanks broadcast in the open the Hyperlance jumped into FTL!






It is a couple of days to get back to the Rift and then through it to the other side of the galaxy and a few more days FTL to Pel Sarso. if there are no RP post I will take us to the next part in a couple of days.






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They were truly fugitives now.  It was a thought that weighed on Seiya's mind.   He knew this would cause problems for his own personal quest, but even with that, He couldn't simply abandon his comrades.   They were in this together now.   He'd thrown himself into his gunnery training, desperate in his way to be useful to the crew while on the ship, and it had started paying off, at least in simulations thus far.  He felt confident he could do better, and would as time went on.

As they traveled via FTL, there wasn't so much to do, and he took the time to do the maintenence on his weapons and armor.   Amari happened to come by, and it was the first time any of them had really seen him without his armor.  His body was slightly bulkier than most other Valna, but still his was the lean build of a hunter, though she did note the scars on his chest and side.   

When he noted where she was looking, he sighed.  "Those things that attacked us, the Shikara, it isn't my first time engaging them.  These came from the first and subsequent engagements i've had with them."  

"They couldn't heal the scars?" 

"I asked them not to.   They remind me of my weakness, that there will always be someone, or something better, more lethal."   

"One day, when you're ready then, I could heal them."  She offered.

Seiya didn't immediately refute her.  "One day, when i've truly learned that lesson."

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Knowing they wouldn't be able to stay long on Scatter Station and wanting to know everything that had gone into designing the Hyperlance, Ivy had helped the mechanics as much as she could with the repairs. The mechanics might have said harassed instead, if asked, but the determined woman had no quit in her, and repairs had gone swiftly, though Ivy wished they could have gotten a full paint job. The red was just too... garish, too noticeable for her liking.


With a new looseness to her movements, Ivy swaggered onto the bridge and sprawled into the engineering chair, propping her heavy boots on the console, crossed at the ankles. Unabashedly, she took a hearty sip from a cloudy glass bottle. The moonwater had ingredients that had never touched planet side, had a hard, sharp bite, but wasn't all that bad.


During the time on Scatter Station and now in FTL on the way to Pel Saros, Ivy had found an... accommodation with The Black inside her. It no longer struggled to break free and she no longer wrestled it back down. She had formed some manner of symbiosis with the depthless void, though she still have only the most fragmentary memories of her last voyage beyond the Rim.


She could call The Black to her bidding now, to strengthen her blows with its mercurial emptiness. And The Black inside her resonated with The Black outside the pressurized hull of the spacecraft. She had no fear of the emptiness of space. Indeed, it felt... welcoming, what she imagined soaking in a planetside hotspring might be like. The Black might have been inside her all of her. Most espers she spoke with talked about the empowering brightness of Sorium, but it had never been like that for her. For her, shadows always felt close. She hadn't noticed that her dark grey eyes now held scattered motes of obsidian. 


"Zephyr would have done better to hire mercenaries in Marbles," Ivy mention nonchalantly around another sip of moonwater.


"What's that?" Sori asked from the pilot's chair.


"Why the miners helped us," Ivy explained, leaning back to look at the heavier set sentinel over her shoulder. "The independent miners don't have the resources that a megacorps like Zephyr does, if they decided to move in in force. So at any hint of them showing up, at the first opportunity, they band up and strike, to stop the megacorps from forming a beachfront to spread their influence, to make the idea too expensive to be worthwhile."


"You know a lot about... them."


Ivy chuckled, low and husky. She extended a hand with the bottle, but Sori declined with a shake of her head. "I know some. I've been around. Long way from a Rat on Atlas Station." She spun around in the chair, taking her boots off the console, to fling one leg over the arm of the chair as she eyed Sori, taking in her looks, her accent. "Earth? Not the good parts, I take it?"


"“Something like that.” Sori said never taking her eyes off her controls and readouts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After traveling for two and a half days in FTL, they were quickly approaching the Keshite Rift.


The Keshite Rift is one of two stable wormholes located within the boundaries of the mid-expanse and inner colonies. The Keshite Rift was named after the kesh people who were explorers that discovered it. Similarly, the Eriadi Rift was named for its proximity to the heavily patrolled space route, the Eriadi Passage.


These two rifts are connected, making it easy to travel from one side of the Core to the other. However, there are significant risks involved. If you deviate from the designated route, you could end up in a completely different part of the galaxy. Some even believe that these rifts can lead to other galaxies altogether. There are also rumors of strange energy beings inhabiting the void between the two rifts.


On both ends of the rifts,within a normal days travel at FTL, there are massive space stations that resemble small cities. These stations attract a constant flow of travelers and offer a wide variety of goods and services. Each station has its own unique functions and features.


Pel Saros is one such station, mainly constructed by eldori and matokai peoples. It is a popular destination for traders and suppliers carrying goods from the Core into the Rim sectors. The various sectors within this station are managed by megacorporations and smaller corporations under their umbrella. They also have their own security force, often partnering with the Silrayne Defenders.


The other station is called Pel Tavaria. Unlike Pel Saros, it operates independently as a city orbiting around a small planet called Tavarus - known as the ultimate recreational playground in the entire galaxy.


There are numerous groups and organizations operating within Pel Tavaria, making it difficult to determine who holds true power. Underground trading is prevalent here, with virtually anything available for purchase at the right price.


Sori's fingertips danced over the control panels, her eyes scanning every reading and measurement with precision. It had been a grueling two, almost three days, but she could finally see the end in sight. With a satisfied nod, she announced to the crew, "Standby, we are two minutes from FTL dropout. Then into the rift." The anticipation and tension in the air was palpable as they prepared for what lay ahead.


As the Hyperlance approached its destination under Sori's expert guidance, a sense of awe filled the bridge. The stars seemed to blur and twist as they began the deceleration that would take them out of the realm of FTL travel. With a sudden jolt, they were brought back to reality as they dropped out of FTL and were greeted by the curoscating maw of the Keshite Rift - a stable wormhole that shimmered with energy. Sori warned her crew, "You all might want to take your seats, going into a wormhole is usually bumpy and can be disorienting."


Against her solemn warning, nothing could have truly readied them for the indescribable sensation of being ripped through space and time as they entered the rift. It was like soaring through a kaleidoscope of colors and sounds, with sharp turns and drops that sent their stomachs into a freefall. But amidst the chaos, Sori remained composed and determined, using every ounce of her concentration to steer them towards their destination on the other side. It was an odyssey unlike any other, one that would leave a lasting imprint in their minds for years to come. The surrounding void pulsed with energy and unknown forces, offering glimpses into alternate realities and distant galaxies.


Suddenly several alarms went off at once, collision warnings, they had entered what appeared to be a large debris field!


Ivy's eyes widened as she quickly scanned the readings flashing across the console. Debris of all sizes and shapes filled the viewscreen, illuminated by the faint glow of distant stars. Ivy sprung into action, her reflexes honed by years of navigating dangerous situations. With a steady hand, she activated the shields, creating a protective barrier around the ship just in time to deflect a barrage of incoming wreckage.


The Hyperlance rocked and shuddered as they plowed through the field, narrowly avoiding collisions with larger chunks of wreckage.


Sori's hands flew over the controls, trying to navigate a safe path through the chaotic mess ahead. "Hold on tight, everyone!" she shouted, her voice barely audible over the blaring alarms.


Ivy braced herself in her seat, her heart pounding in her chest. The ship seemed to groan under the strain of dodging debris, and Ivy could feel the tension in the air as everyone held their breath, praying for a miracle.


Just when it seemed like they would make it through unscathed, a massive chunk of metal loomed directly in their path. Sori's eyes widened in horror as she realized they were on a collision course with no time to change direction. Desperation surged through her veins as she pushed the ship's engines to their limits, trying to evade the impending disaster.


Suddenly, the ships blasters fire roared and the large wreckage disintegrated. Siaya at the first sign of trouble had taken his place at the ships weaponry station and had gotten his shots off with almost perfection.


The Hyperlance trembled as it plowed through that wreckage and Emi who had been holding on for dear life saw a new readout. The scans indicated a larger piece of debris some distance away and a closer look indicates that it is what appears to be an intact freighter with faint power readings coming from it!



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"What the hell?"  Seiya practically roared even as his shot saved them from impacting the wreckage.   "I've never heard of a debris field like this!"   Even as he watched the screens for more debris in their path that he'd need to clear away.   He spotted the freighter, and called to the others.  "That ship looks fairly intact, and there's power readings coming from it, though they are very faint.   What say we see if they can tell us what's going on?"

From his terminal he couldn't access the comms to send to the ship, or if it was relaying a distress beacon.  "Are they relaying any sort of distress beacon?"

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"Almost think they tried to dam the wormhole," Ivy said tersely, as she unstrapped herself from her seat and stood. "Just to stop us."


It had been a long while since she had travelled through the wormhole. Even long since she gone in through one of the Rifts. Navigate the wormhole poorly, and instead of coming out of one of the stable Rifts, you could come out... anywhere in the galaxy. And maybe not even there. In incredibly rare and unique circumstances, it was possible to find your way into the wormhole without entering it through the Keshite or Eriadi Rifts.


… Out of the blue and into the Black
You pay for this, but they give you that
And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the Black


We can go back, there, into the Black

There is so much more you didn't see

Take the wheel, luv, and follow me...


The ancient song whispered in her thoughts as Ivy stalked towards one of the airlocks, checking her force-blaster and saber, the pack strapped to her thigh holding her clandestine tools. The Black between the stars was inside her, it couldn't harm her, wouldn't harm one of its own. She was only wearing a PDS, but that wasn't a problem. For her.


"Good shooting, Seiya," Ivy said over comms as she waited for the first door into the airlock to cycle open. "Get us in close, Sori, and let's see if there's anyone left aboard to talk. If not, well, it would be wasteful just letting the salvage to sit there."

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Emi shook her head at Seiya’s question, “Nothing but low power readings.”


Sori glanced around not sure if she should approach the derelict. No one gave her direction except for Ivy so she maneuvered the ship closer.


“Whoa” Emi exclaimed as her reading showed her more knowledge fro closer scans, “That isn’t freighter, it’s a Delaron frigate! Hull ID is 239A19. No lifesigns.” Emi slid to another console and began typing, “I’ll check the data banks see if there is anything about this ship in there.”


The derelict frigate



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"No lifesigns."  He thought.  there was a chance at salvage to be sure, which could of course  help them restock their diminishing warchest.   But the location of the derelict was its own problem.  He remained seated at his console, watching his scanners and weapon controls, lest anything come at them.  While he normally would have gone over, Sori hadn't waited, or indicated she needed help.  He did key up a quick comm to her though.  "Do you want backup on this, or should i remain on the ship here?"  He would let her make the call.  He happened to think it was best he go along with her, but could make a case for not doing so just as easily.

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“And do you want me to dock or do you want to jump?” Sori injected.


After a brief discussion it was decided that Ivy and Emi would go over by jumping, everyone else would remain on alert and ready to act if things went south.


While Ivy and Emi prepared themselves Sori maneuvered the ship closer to the derelict and Seiya stayed on fire control keeping the guns warm and ready.


In a short time all was ready and the two boarders entered the airlock and waited for the red light.


Emi and Ivy exchanged a brief glance before the light above the airlock door blinked from green to red. The door slid open and with a synchronized nod, they deactivated their magnetic boots and stepped out into the vacuum of space. The distant stars cast a soft glow on the battered hull of the Delaron frigate as they made their way towards it.


As they approached, Ivy couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that crept up her spine. The silence of space enveloped them. Emi's fingers danced over her wrist console, scanning for any signs of life aboard the derelict ship.


They made contact with the frigates hull and Emi activated the outer airlock door, after a minute it slid open and the entered. The control panel inside indicated atmosphere on the other side of the inner door but Emi still picked up zero lifesigns.


Once they activated the inner lock the outer door slid shut and atmosphere began to fill the lock.They stood warily watching the door lights.


The red light blinked three times before turning green, signaling that the airlock was pressurized and ready to open. Ivy and Emi exchanged a quick glance,as with a hiss, the airlock door slid open, revealing the dark interior of the Delaron frigate.


Ivy led the way, her blaster held at the ready as she cautiously stepped into the ship, her boots echoing against the metal floors. The corridor stretched out before them, dimly lit by emergency lights flickering overhead. The air was stale and musty, a lingering sense of abandonment hanging in the atmosphere.


Emi followed closely behind, her hand brushing against the wall for support as they made their way deeper into the frigate. The silence was unsettling, broken only by the soft hum of distant machinery. As they passed empty crew quarters and deserted control rooms, a sense of unease settled in the pit of Emi's stomach.


They finally came to a control panel and Emi stopped to run some scans. “Ships on minimum life support, and station keeping. Main drive is off line, but it was shut down not disabled. All the life pods are still on board.” She and Ivy looked at each other. “Engineering and the holds are in vacuum, the rest of the ship is intact.” Emi shook her head, “This thing is too big for just the two of us to search.”

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Seiya maintained his own quiet vigil.  He wasn't as concerned with other ships showing up, but he also had the sensors he could use tuned up as much as possible.  He did know of things that could survive the vacuum of space and take whatever shape he wished.   To that end he was also monitoring their external camera feeds as well, making sure they weren't boarded.   

To him, this was starting to smell like a trap, but he didn't know how it was possible.   They'd disabled any trackers, and no one but those on the ship knew their heading.   Still, a derelict frigate had to be investigated, but they had to leave someone on the ship in case of emergency.

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This wasn't the first derelict ship Ivy had ever boarded, not by any means. But the lack of any signs of battle or boarding or bodies made the frigate feel uncanny. "We were never meant to be the only ones searching the ship, Emi," Ivy explained. "Meant to see if we can figure out what happened. Or if it's a trap." Her grey eyes narrowed as she looked up and down the passageway, the shadows from the flickering emergency lights seeming to cling to her pale skin. "No bodies. So far. Delaron made autonomous battle droids, if I recall. Unpredictable ones. Can't imagine they'd let them pilot a frigate without blood and bone oversight. Minimum life support. Must've been at least some meat crew."


Ivy tapped her comm-unit, contacting the Hyperlance. "No bodies, yet, no signs of a fight, either. Going to check the escape pods first. Get the umbilical ready. Gonna need more than two to go over the frigate. Everything still look clear, out there?"

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Seiya answered quickly.  "Yes, nothing showing up further out of the ordinary than what we're already dealing with."   he unstrapped himself and rose.  "I'll come over then to help, but we still need to be on guard.  This whole thing reeks of some sort of trap to me."

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"The escape pods are still in their berths," Emi insists. "I just said that. What's really interesting is that Engineering's in vacuum. That'd only happen in two cases. If there was a serious hull breach and no one left to do a patch, or if the air was intentionally vented. And usually you don't have Engineering vacuum adjacent, I figure. It's a critical location."


"That plus the drive being cycled down instead of just busted says to me that something big and bad went down. Maybe a mutiny attempt? Some kind of exotic energy-based lifeform took up residence in the drive?" She shrugs. "Or a trap, sure...but usually you need life, or other ships to pull that off. Unless it's a robot trap. Could be one of those. That'd be interesting to see."

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"You're the computer witch," Ivy drawled. "Keep your Sorium Sorcery online in case any ornery Mecharoids decide to be 'interesting'." She kept moving in the direction of the escape pods, her steps brisk but light, shadows still clinging to her, her pistol held up to her shoulder and ready. "And I know you said the pods are still here. I want to see if anyone even tried for them or made it on without launching."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seiya's footsteps echoed loudly in the dimly lit corridors of the frigate as he joined Ivy and Emi on their way to the escape pods. The silence around them was almost suffocating, broken only by the occasional flickering of emergency lights that cast eerie shadows on the walls.


As they approached the area where the escape pods were housed, Ivy motioned for Emi to scan for any signs of recent activity. The tension in the air grew as Emi's brow furrowed in concentration while studying her readings. "There doesn't seem to be any indication that these pods were used recently," she reported, her voice barely above a whisper. "No signs of forced entry or emergency launches."


Ivy stepped closer to one of the pods, running her fingers along its smooth surface. "If there was a mutiny or some sort of conflict on board, you'd think at least someone would have tried to escape," she mused, her voice filled with disbelief. "This is all too clean, too quiet."


Seiya remained vigilant, his senses alert for any potential threats lurking in the shadows. He noticed a reinforced door recessed on the forward bulkhead of the pod bay and pointed it out to the others. Emi quickly called up the ship schematics and spoke as data flowed into her consciousness, “That’s the battle droid bay and...” She paused and closed her eyes in concentration before continuing, “I'm not getting any feedback from the droids."


Ivy tilted her head, considering this new information. "So, no signs of life, no signs of struggle, and now apparently no signs of the battle droids either," she muttered sarcastically. Emi's unease continued to grow as they delved deeper into the mystery of the derelict frigate.


Seiya's grip tightened on his blaster as he scanned their surroundings warily. "If there are no signs of the battle droids, then where could they have gone?" he questioned, a hint of concern in his voice.


Emi continued to analyze the data streaming in from her scans. "It's possible that they were activated and somehow managed to make their way off the ship," she suggested, her brow furrowed in concentration. "But that would mean someone or something must have accessed the control systems."


Ivy's gaze swept over the dark corridors of the frigate. "Let's go check engineering," she said firmly.


The group made their way towards the engineering section, each step echoing in the eerie silence that enveloped the ship. Ivy took point, her pistol held at the ready as they navigated through the dimly lit passageways.


As they approached the entrance to engineering, Emi's scans showed signs of recent power surges in the area. "There's definitely been some activity here," she reported, her voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. "The power surge could have been caused by a number of things, but it's definitely worth investigating." She glanced around before continuing, "We'll have to set up a temporary airlock to venture into the vacuum beyond this bulkhead."


Ivy nodded grimly, preparing to breach the bulkhead leading into engineering. She motioned for Seiya to stand guard while Emi worked on setting up the airlock.


Once the plastic airlock was in place, Ivy and Seiya opened the door, expecting the pressure to equalize. To their surprise, nothing happened - instead, there was a faintly visible energy field covering the open doorway. Beyond it lay darkness and unknown dangers waiting to be uncovered.


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"Stellar slag!" Ivy cursed as she flicked on the flashlight on the underside of her force-blaster, casting red light across the ceiling above them. Her eyes flitted from the barely discernible force field to the darkness beyond it. The situation was growing eerie. Eerie and profit rarely went together. "That field speaks of intent."

Ivy pursed her lips as she looked for any projectors for the energy field. "Emi, can you tell of this is a secondary safety feature or something set up by a third party?" She licked her lips and ran a hand through her short, white hair. "And is it keeping the vacuum out of the rest of the ship or keeping it in inside engineering?"

If they was already somebody on board looking for salvage - created by themselves or others - Ivy would have expected to see some manner of their presence, at least something that would warn scavengers of secondary boarders. This was something else, and Ivy didn't know what. While she would have preferred a big Valna soldier at her side, if they brought the field down, they would be revealing their presence, if they hadn't already.

Ivy plucked knife from her belt at the small of her back and gave it a light flick, tossing it at the energy field, to see what effect the field would have, and potentially an idea of the atmospheric condition beyond it. If it was just vacuum beyond the field, that wouldn't impede her, though it would her allies, but it would give her an opportunity to skulk about with a lower chance of detection.

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Seiya was already keyed up.  He disliked leaving the others on the ship as he wasn't too confident they could repel a serious threat.  Now, as they stood with an energy barrier barring their path, he scowled.  If this is the Shikara then it's new.   I doubt they'd have left things so clean.  Nor could they have managed to discover where we went so quickly."    His keen senses had picked up no trace of his hated enemy, which was good in its way, but still left far too many questions regarding this ship and how it came to be as it was.

There was little he could do at the moment, so he simply stood, alert and ready for anything.

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The knife sliced through the air with a chilling precision, disappearing into the impenetrable darkness beyond.


Ivy's heart raced as she watched the weapon vanish into the void, her mind racing with fear and anticipation. A tingling sensation crackled in the air, a pulsating wave of psychic energy that sent shivers down her spine. The silence that enveloped them was suffocating, as if they were trapped in a vacuum of dread.


Emi's eyes widened with shock as she analyzed the strange readings from her scans. "This energy field is like nothing I've ever encountered," she whispered, her voice trembling with unease. "It's emitting an otherworldly frequency that defies all logic."


Ivy's hand tightened on her force-blaster as she took a hesitant step closer to the mysterious barrier, her senses on high alert. "Who or what could have created such a powerful security measure?" she questioned aloud, her mind frantically searching for answers. "And why is it guarding this part of the ship?"


Seiya remained poised and ready, his gaze fixed on the darkness beyond the energy field. He could sense a disturbance in the air, a menacing presence lurking just out of sight. His muscles tensed, prepared to defend his comrades at any moment.


As they stood before the impenetrable barrier, a low hum began to reverberate through the corridor. The sound grew louder and more ominous, causing the walls to vibrate with increasing intensity. Emi's esper abilities detected a pattern in the vibrations, signaling an impending activation.


"This... this is an activation sequence," Emi stammered, fear creeping into her voice. "Whatever lies on the other side is about to awaken."


Ivy braced herself for whatever danger lay ahead, her grip tight on her force-blaster as she exchanged a determined look with Seiya. They were ready for whatever unknown threat was about to be unleashed upon them.


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"We might make it back to our ship, and we can target this area and blast it."  he offered.   "Or we can wait, and see what comes out."   He'd drawn his sword, and his energy shield hummed into life,  revealing better what his intentions were.  "I don't think we'd make it back to actually do the first one.  This was a trap I think, perhaps not necessarily for us, but just for anyone coming this way."

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The quivering walls gave the... whatever it was a sense of enormity, a sense of power. Ivy wasn't adverse to cutting and running when the profit didn't outweigh the danger. But that was when she was on her own. And this... thing could endanger their ship, their way out. She gave the Valna a nod.


"Don't know about a trap. Better engaging here than leading it back to the ship. Find cover where you can, but be ready to run if it comes down to it."

Ivy sidled up to a bulkhead, slim, wiry frame using anything for a bit of cover and concealment. Shadows seemed to flow beneath her pale skin, making her harder to see under the flickering emergency lighting. She tapped her comm-unit, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Something big's waking up in here," she informed Sora on the Hyperlance. "Keep the thrusters hot and be prepared to disengage if things go nova."

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Emi taps on her armband and a shimmering image appeared in the air over her left shoulder. Shifting in form and color; an eye, a pyramid, a sphere, a starburst, a smiley face...and more, many more.


"I need you to go dark and go in there," she says to the strange projection.


The color cycling sped up, then with a flash it was gone. Emi closed her eyes then.


"Okay, it's in. There's no light," she said, frowning slightly. "There's something in the air near the reactor controls. Some kind of...mass. Globular...oh shit. It...it's got...no, that's a hand. Yeah. The crew. The crew is IN it. The robots too. They've all been...uh...compacted into this mass. The reactor's shut down, but not inactive. It's taking in the energy before it can get to the ship..."


Emi scowled more deeply, moving her hands then as if typing or using a touchscreen. "I can't control it. There is an emergency protocol though. Core dump. I think that's the only way to stop it, but it WILL punch a big hole in Engineering and probably wreck the whole compartment."

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Seiya readied himself for whatever was about to come out, using his shield to cover himself as much as he could, while flattening his body against the wall to present a much smaller profile to be attacked, while positioned in such a way that he could react quickly.   

"Will this shield hold if that happens and vents the entire engineering section to space?"

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"No idea," was Emi's reply. "But it seems pretty...permeable to me, so I wouldn't put money on it. We're going to want to get a bulkhead between ourselves and this door before we push that button."


"Truth be told, I was kinda hoping someone would have a better idea than dumping the core. But if so, make it fast. This thing is powering up in a hurry."

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Ivy bounced on her toes, psyching herself up for action. The Black was singing under her skin, crooning of swimming between the stars. "No better idea here. Can you dump the core remotely? If not, tell me the layout and what I have to do enact the protocol, and I'll run in there and do it. I can survive the Black - I mean, space. You guys run for the ship and swing back around to pick me up. Might be able to retrieve the Core too."

Ivy purposely didn't think about what Emi said she saw in there. Grotesque and strange, it was a distraction and threat. Avoid it, don't think about it, get the booty, get out.


"If the... thing follows the Core, shoot it!"

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Ivy purposely didn't think about what Emi said she saw in there. Grotesque and strange, it was a distraction and threat. Avoid it, don't think about it, get the booty, get out.


"If the... thing follows the Core, shoot it!"


Seiya nodded, his focus unwavering as he listened to the plan unfolding. "I'll cover you," he stated firmly, determination etched on his face. With a swift motion, he adjusted his shield to provide maximum protection for Ivy as she prepared to enter the danger zone.


Emi's brow furrowed in concentration as she accessed the ship's systems through her armband, fingers flying across the virtual interface. "I can’t initiate the core dump remotely," she confirmed. "Sorry.”


Ivy flashed a confident grin at her teammates before steeling herself for what lay ahead. Clutching her force-blaster tightly, she darted forward, agile and determined. As she reached the reactor controls, the mass of compressed crew members looming nearby sent a shiver down her spine. Ignoring the grotesque sight, she focused on the task at hand.


With a quick glance back at Seiya for reassurance,Ivy input the commands for the emergency core dump, her movements swift and precise. The ship rumbled beneath her feet as the system initiated the process, causing alarms to blare and lights to flash erratically. But Ivy remained resolute, knowing that this was their only chance to stop whatever malevolent force had taken hold of the ship.


As the core dump progressed, the mass of compacted crew members began to convulse and twitch, emitting a high-pitched shriek that chilled Ivy to the core. She gritted her teeth and stood her ground, ready to defend herself if the grotesque entity decided to attack.


Seiya kept a vigilant watch, his shield raised as he scanned their surroundings for any sign of danger. His muscles tensed with anticipation, prepared to act at a moment's notice to protect his team.


Emi monitored the situation from a safe distance, her esper abilities reaching out to sense any fluctuations in energy. The ship's systems were straining under the pressure of the emergency reactor ejection.


Ivy was halfway back to the Door when the Sphere of crew parts suddenly twisted the connections to the Reactor falling away and appendages like giant legs sprouted from its mass .


Seiya's eyes widened as he watched the grotesque entity transform before them. The once compacted crew members now formed a monstrous being with twisted limbs and a pulsating core of energy. It let out an otherworldly screech that reverberated through the chamber, causing the walls to shake.


Ivy gritted her teeth, her grip on the force-blaster tightening as she assessed the situation. With a quick glance at Seiya, she knew she wouldn’t make it to the door.


It lunged towards Ivy with lightning speed, the wails of the crew echoing through the chamber as it reached out with elongated, twisted limbs. Ivy reacted instinctively, dodging to the side and firing her force-blaster at the abomination.


The energy blasts struck the entity, causing it to convulse in pain and emit a deafening screech that reverberated through the metal walls. Seiya leaped forward, his sword slashing through the air as he joined the fight against the monstrous being.


Emi's projections danced around the creature, attempting to disrupt its form and weaken its defenses. The ship groaned under the strain of the battle raging in Engineering as alarms blared louder, warning of imminent danger.


Ivy and Seiya fought with coordinated precision, their movements fluid and synchronized, but their weapons didn’t seem to faze the monstrosity.


Then the ejection sequence completed and with a ship shaking blast the explosive bolts donated and the whole floor of the engineering section was blasted out into space!




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