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Creating Your Unaltered

I have decided to go with GURPS 4e, I will supply the necessary Book PDFs needed.

A few general rules.

This will be a Game using the Cinematic Rules.

All Characters are Human

You build your original Un- Altered Character based on your first post with 100 character points

Disadvantage limit is -50 points

Attributes scores are limited to no higher than 14, which is exceptional.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And then there are the Altered.

With the Visitors impact several things occur on Earth. The Tesla Towers which were built across the globe drew power from every source of electricity  in the desperate attempt to slow and stop the Visitor debris from destroying the planet they altered the worlds gravity and magnetic fields and when they were overwhelmed they exploded sending a wave of unknown energy ( now called the Tesla Wave) across the globe. At the same time electrical grids of almost all nations collapsed plunging the world into a black out. And then the remaining debris slowed to a less devastating velocity. Entered earth’s atmosphere and impacted.


The impact area was roughly from the edge of the arctic Circle and south to the middle of the North America and covered a swath from Alaska east to Iceland. This area took all the initial impact and suffered the most devastation. As bad as that devastation was, thankfully a large portion was done to areas that were wilderness and devoid of human life.


Further impacts would occur across the globe in the following days as slower debris was caught in the gravitational pull of earth and came down.

Along with the meteors came the dust and mingles in the dust was radiation. This dust and radiation lingered in the atmosphere slowly tricking down over the following weeks and months.


The Visitor was an alien planetoid of unknown origin and composition. A large portion was ice, both frozen liquid and gases, and the solid portion was made of both known and unknown rock, metals, and minerals. Much of which was radioactive.


All of this was affected by the immense electrical, gravitational, and magnetic forces projected by the Tesla Towers.


Those in the Impact zone were exposed to this combination of forces by the impact. It caused illness and death in many but in some it was the perfect storm of circumstance.  A very small segment of the population possesses a gene which is dormant and has escaped detection until now. When this gene is active it allows the body to adapt to UNKNOWN intrusions both biological and radiological. And this Gene became active in these people when the Tesla Wave swept across the globe. Their further exposure to the Visitors strange radiations and bacteria in the dust caused the adaptations to be more extreme than any that had ever befallen Life on earth before.

These became The Altered.


The vast majority of the altered simple become more resistant to things, illness, radiation, poisons, aging. They are becoming healthier, their bodies become fitter, things like bad vision or poor hearing correct to usual human norms.


Then there are those who have a vastly different experience. Perhaps 1% of the altered have a second gene which becomes active when the Adaptation gene does. This gene is attached to the Adaptation gene and cause it to become Hyperactive making the adaptations… remarkable. Those with both genes don’t just adapt. Thy change. Their genetic structure is altered, and they gain abilities that have only existed in fantasies and comic books and movies.  These Altered develop Powers.


Not all Altered are the same.


The Powers an Altered develop is one of two types.  Psionic or Psi and Superpowers or simply Powers.


Psi powers are purely mental in origin, the Altered creates the power with her mind. Even in cases where a power manifests as a physical object it is still something created with the Altered’ s mind.


A Superpower is a function of the Altered’s being. Her super strength is her muscles, her ability to fly is her overcoming the earth’s gravity. Superpowers are often physics defying and unexplainable.



In the first 24 hours of the Impact event the effects of the Visitor are at their strongest. Within the Impact zone those with the Adaptation Genes are affected the strongest.


Persons with the Simple Gene receive 500 cp to build their Altered. The majority of these are Altered with enhanced physical and mental states and low-level superpowers or Psi.


Persons with the Hyper-Gene are greater. They receive 1500 cp to build their Altered with a cap of 100 additional Disadvantages.  Altered at this level are either Superpowered or Psi but not both.  (Note that some superpowers are in fact PSI powers but for simplicity these powers when possessed by a Super-Altered are considered Powers and NOT PSI.)


ALL initial PCS have the Hyper-gene, thus your PCs are among the small number of the most powerful Altered in the world.


Altered created out of the impact zone on day one are not as powerful as they did not receive direct exposure  to the visitors debris but only to dust and radiation.


Simple gene build on 250 cp

Hyper-gene build on 1250cp


Persons altered after day one have even further reduce cp to build on.

Simple – 150cp

Hyper – 700cp


Persons who become altered after the first year after the Impact will be built as special cases with the GM determining the CP on a case-by-case basis.


In all instances the Altered Cp is spent on top of the Unaltered’ s characters build.







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