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The Altered


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Sara Hutchins

Personal Information:

Birth Name: Sarah Abigail Hutchins

Identity: Sara, Hutch

Occupation: Farmer

Legal Status: American                                                                                             Sara.jpeg.edbd10d9ce1b256b2e4f7a1ad359a2c3.jpeg

Marital Status: Single


Physical Traits

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 130 Lbs

D.O.B: July 10th  2000

Age (apparent age): 28

Gender: Female

Ethnic Background: Caucasian

Nationality (place of origin): American

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Ginger

Handedness: Right

Appearance: Attractive but messy and unkempt. Sara has a look that is both feminine and masculine at the same time. Her Ginger hair is short and messy and while not a boys cut does have a sort of stylish androgynous look. Her eyes are a dark green. She wears makeup infrequently and when she does its usually heavy dark eye makeup (making her eyes look even darker and eerie) and pale lipsticks that resemble natural colors. She never wears gloss. She also never wears perfume or heavily scented deodorant preferring just soap mostly. Her nails are trimmed short, she used to bite them but doesn't anymore except if she is stressed, and are either unpainted or painted black with one pinky nail being red (either pinky never both). She has tattoos  but they are rarely seen except when she is working outside during the warm summer or when she showers after gym class.


When she was a teenager and young adult wandering the country her clothes were at best described as grungy rocker cloths. She wore loose jeans always worn and often ripped. Usually unwashed. For foot wear she has a collection of heavy work and combat boots and a couple of pairs of gym shoes. She never wears any thing else, in the summer she goes barefoot if she isn't working in the fields or on a mechanics job. Shirts she wears t-shirts often with various heavy metal and rock bands on them or just plain white. She may wear a flannel shirt like a jacket or a hoodies depending on the weather. She finises out her look with an old leather jacket with the Motorhead name and emblem on the back. She never dresses up for anything. She has not worn a dress since she was twelve and doesn't even own one now.


Now an adult approaching thirty she dresses more like a normal Montanan but when she goes out for a night of drinking and carousing she will revert to her teenage ways. She still has that Motorhead jacket.


Personality: Introverted. A Loner who exudes a tough don't give a fuck attitude. She has an artistic streak that no one knows about, she is a very talented self taught musician (guitar, piano) and songwriter. While not being OUT she is thought to be gay, but is actually bi or Pan. She doesn't really know what all the labels mean and doesn't dwell on it. She gets with who she gets with. This question of her sexuality has followed her since her high school days and was one of the reasons for her leaving Shelly in the first place. As a result of this and other issues ranging from being abandoned by her mother while a child to having an Over bearing father who drinks to much and just happens to be the county sheriff made her a very lonely girl who tended to act out.


Her reconciliation with her father has softened her quite a bit.



Sara grew up in Shelly, Montana where her father served as a Deputy and then Sheriff. Her mother had left when she was young, leaving her father to raise her alone to the best of his ability.


As a teenager, Sara was rebellious and constantly clashed with her father's strict law enforcement ways. She even became known as the school's main source of weed. At seventeen, she obtained her GED and left Shelly and her controlling father, thinking it was for good.


Sara spent a decade riding across America on the back of her beloved Indian motorcycle, which she had personally rebuilt. She was a skilled mechanic, a talented tattoo artist, and could strum a guitar and sing folk and western songs with ease. Thanks to these abilities, she could make money wherever she stopped for a while.


However, during those ten years, her father's life took a turn for the worse. He became an alcoholic and struggled to stay sober as sheriff for eight of those years before finally retiring and trying to clean himself up. He quit drinking abruptly and decided to leave Shelly for good due to too many painful memories. He eventually found a small farm further north and east where he could start fresh. Using all of his savings, he bought the property but soon realized the house needed extensive repairs. Despite this setback, he tackled the renovations himself over six months.


Unfortunately, towards the end of his hard work, he began feeling ill and weak. He went to the doctor, only to receive devastating news: he had cancer.


Sara had stayed in touch over the years with a few friends back home in Shelly. It was from one of them that She learned about her dad.


Sara received the news of her father's illness with a heavy heart. Despite their rocky past, she knew she couldn't turn her back on him in his time of need. Without a second thought, she packed up her motorcycle and rode straight to his side, determined to help him in any way she could.


The small farm was a stark contrast to the bustling cities Sara had grown accustomed to during her years on the road. The quiet, rural setting felt foreign to her, but she found solace in the rolling fields and fresh air that surrounded them. As she pulled up to the farmhouse, she saw her father sitting on the porch, looking frail but determined.


Their reunion was filled with tears and long-overdue apologies. Sara learned that despite his gruff exterior, her father had always loved her deeply and had only wanted what was best for her. Now, facing his mortality, he was filled with regret for the time lost between them.


Together, they faced the challenges ahead. Sara threw herself into helping her father with the farm, drawing on her mechanical skills to fix broken machinery and her strength to tend to the labor-intensive work. Despite the difficult circumstances, a sense of peace settled over them as they worked side by side, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.


Her Dad passed Away about six months ago.





Name: Sara Hutchins
Player: Nina
Race: Human
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130 lbs
Age: 28

Attributes [80]
ST 10
DX 12 [40]
IQ 11 [20]
HT 12 [20]

Hit Points 10
Will 11
Perception 11
Fatigue Points 12

Basic Lift 20
Damage 1d-2/1d

Basic Speed 6
Basic Move 6

Ground Move 6
Water Move 1

Social Background
TL: 8
Cultural Familiarities: Blackfeet Native American [1]; Western (Native) [0].
Languages: English (Native; Native Language, -6) [0].

Advantages [4]
Appearance (Attractive) [4]

Disadvantages [-45]
Addiction (Cheap; Tobacco; Highly addictive, -5; Legal, +5) [-5]
Bad Temper (12 or less, *1) [-10]
Easy to Read [-10]
Impulsiveness (12 or less, *1) [-10]
Loner (12 or less, *1) [-5]
Overconfidence (12 or less, *1) [-5]

Quirks [-3]
Attentive [-1]
Horrible Hangovers [-1]
Staid [-1]

Skills [63]
Area Knowledge (local) (E) IQ [1]-11
Artist (Body Art) (H) IQ [4]-11
Boxing (A) DX+2 [8]-14
Dancing (A) DX-1 [1]-11
Driving/TL8 (Automobile) (A) DX [2]-12
Driving/TL8 (Motorcycle) (A) DX [2]-12
Farming/TL8 (A) IQ-1 [1]-10
Filch (A) DX-1 [1]-11
Gardening (E) IQ [1]-11
Lifting (A) HT [2]-12
Mechanic/TL8 (Automobile, Deisl) (A) IQ+1 [4]-12
Mechanic/TL8 (Automobile, Gasoline) (A) IQ+1 [4]-12
Mechanic/TL8 (Motorcycles) (A) IQ+2 [8]-13
Musical Instrument (Guitar) (H) IQ+3 [16]-14
Navigation/TL8 (Land) (A) IQ-1 [1]-10
Running (A) HT-1 [1]-11
Scrounging (E) Per [1]-11
Sex Appeal (Human) (A) HT+2 [4]-14
    Includes: +1 from 'Appearance (Attractive)'
Singing (E) HT [1]-12

Points Summary
Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [80]
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarities [4]
Disadvantages/Quirks [-48]
Skills/Techniques/Spells [63]
= Total [100]

Melee Attacks
Bite; Dam:1d-3 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"ST:DX"; Level:12; Parry:No; LC:
    Notes: Brawling (p. B182) increases all unarmed damage; Claws (p. B42) and Karate (p. B203) improve damage with punches and kicks (Claws don't affect damage with brass knuckles or boots); and Boxing (p. B182) improves punching damage.
Boxing; Dam:1d-1 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Boxing"; Level:14; Parry:10; LC:
Kick; Dam:1d-2 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"ST:DX"-2; Level:10; Parry:No; LC:
    Notes: Brawling (p. B182) increases all unarmed damage; Claws (p. B42) and Karate (p. B203) improve damage with punches and kicks (Claws don't affect damage with brass knuckles or boots); and Boxing (p. B182) improves punching damage.

Ranged Attacks



Sara's Altered Sheet


Name: Sara Hutchins
Player: Nina
Race: Human-Altered
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130 lbs
Age: 28

Attributes [348]
ST 29 [90]    (Includes: +9 from 'Super ST (+9/+70; Affects displayed ST score, +0%; Size, +0%; Super ST, +300%)')
DX 17 [126]
IQ 11 [20]
HT 25 [90]    (Includes: +5 from 'Extra HT 5 (Affects HT, +0%)')

Hit Points 30 [2]
Will 11
Perception 15 [20]
Fatigue Points 25

Basic Lift 168
Damage 3d/5d+2

Basic Speed 10.5
Basic Move 10

Air Move 29/14848 (Includes: +14819 from 'Enhanced Air Move')
Ground Move 10
Space Move 21/2688 (Includes: +2667 from 'Enhanced Space Move')
Water Move 2

Social Background
TL: 8
Cultural Familiarities: Blackfeet Native American [1]; Western (Native) [0].
Languages: English (Native; Native Language, -6) [0].

Advantages [1305]
Adaptation [30]
   Doesn't Breathe (Oxygen Storage •25, -50%; Super, -10%) [8*]
   Sealed (Super, -10%) [14*]
   Temperature Tolerance 8 (Super; Super, -10%) [8*]
Appearance (Attractive) [4]
Combat Reflexes (Enhanced Time Sense; Super, -10%) [41]
Damage Resistance 40 (Absorption, Any trait, +100%; Hardened, +1, +20%; Super, -10%) [420]
Extended Lifespan (x2; Super, -10%) [2]
Extra HT 5 (Affects HT, +0%) [50]
Hyper-Flight [289]
   Enhanced Move (9; Air; Super, -10%) [162]
   Enhanced Move (7; Space; Newtonian, -50%; Super, -10%) [56]
   Extra Air Move 8 (Affects Air Move, +0%; Super, -10%) [15]
   Flight (Space Flight, +50%; Super, -10%) [56]
Hyperspectral Vision (Super, -10%) [23]
Innate Attack 6 (Heat Beam; Accurate, +7, +35%; Alternative Attack, *1/5; Armor Divisor, 10, +200%; Incendiary, +10%; Increased Range, x50, +50%; Super, -10%) [24]
Innate Attack 6 (Heat Gaze; Alternative Attack, *1/5; Cone, +1, +60%; Incendiary, +10%; Partial Dice, per die, -1/die, -9; Super, -10%) [7]
Longevity (Super, -10%) [2]
Radiation Tolerance (PF 20; Super, -10%) [18]
Super ST (+9/+70; Affects displayed ST score, +0%; Size, +0%; Super ST, +300%) [360]
Super-Senses (Super, -10%) [30]
   Microscopic Vision 1 (Super, -10%) [5*]
   Parabolic Hearing 3 (Super, -10%) [11*]
   Telescopic Vision 3 (Super, -10%) [14*]
Vacuum Support (Super, -10%) [5]

Disadvantages [-140]
Addiction (Cheap; Tobacco; Highly addictive, -5; Legal, +5) [-5]
Bad Temper (12 or less, *1) [-10]
Charitable (12 or less, *1) [-15]
Code of Honor (Biker) [-5]
Code of Honor (Feminist) [-5]
Compulsive Carousing (12 or less, *1) [-5]
Compulsive Generosity (12 or less, *1) [-5]
Curious (12 or less, *1) [-5]
Easy to Read [-10]
Guilt Complex [-5]
Honesty (12 or less, *1) [-10]
Impulsiveness (12 or less, *1) [-10]
Insomniac (Severe) [-15]
Lecherousness (12 or less, *1) [-15]
Light Sleeper [-5]
Loner (12 or less, *1) [-5]
Overconfidence (12 or less, *1) [-5]
Stubbornness [-5]

Quirks [-4]
Attentive [-1]
Broad-Minded [-1]
Horrible Hangovers [-1]
Staid [-1]

Skills [90]
Acrobatics (H) DX [4]-17
Area Knowledge (local) (E) IQ [1]-11
Artist (Body Art) (H) IQ [4]-11
Boxing (A) DX+4 [16]-21
Brawling (E) DX+1 [2]-18
Dancing (A) DX [2]-17
Driving/TL8 (Automobile) (A) DX [2]-17
Driving/TL8 (Motorcycle) (A) DX [2]-17
Farming/TL8 (A) IQ+1 [4]-12
Filch (A) DX-1 [1]-16
Flight (A) HT [2]-25
Gardening (E) IQ+1 [2]-12
Innate Attack (Beam) (E) DX+1 [2]-18
Innate Attack (Gaze) (E) DX [1]-17
Mechanic/TL8 (Automobile, Deisl) (A) IQ+1 [4]-12
Mechanic/TL8 (Automobile, Gasoline) (A) IQ+1 [4]-12
Mechanic/TL8 (Motorcycles) (A) IQ+3 [12]-14
Musical Instrument (Guitar) (H) IQ+3 [16]-14
Navigation/TL8 (Land) (A) IQ [2]-11
Running (A) HT-1 [1]-24
Scrounging (E) Per [1]-15
Sex Appeal (Human) (A) HT+2 [4]-27
    Includes: +1 from 'Appearance (Attractive)'
Singing (E) HT [1]-25

* = item is owned by another, its point value and/or cost is included in the other item.

Points Summary
Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [348]
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarities [1305]
Disadvantages/Quirks [-144]
Skills/Techniques/Spells [90]
= Total [1600]

Melee Attacks
Boxing; Dam:3d+5 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Boxing"; Level:21; Parry:14; LC:
   Punch; Dam:3d-1 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:18; Parry:13; LC:
   Bite; Dam:3d-1 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:18; Parry:No; LC:
   Kick; Dam:3d cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"SK:Brawling"-2; Level:16; Parry:No; LC:
    Notes: If you miss with a kick, roll vs. DX to avoid falling.
Super ST (+9/+70; Affects displayed ST score, +0%; Size, +0%; Super ST, +300%)
   swing; Dam:1d-5 sw; Reach:N/A; Skill:; Level:0; Parry:No; LC:
   thrust; Dam:1d-6 thr; Reach:N/A; Skill:; Level:0; Parry:No; LC:
   punch; Dam:1d-5 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Boxing"; Level:21; Parry:14; LC:
   kick; Dam:1d-6 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"ST:DX"; Level:17; Parry:No; LC:

Ranged Attacks
Innate Attack 6 (Heat Beam; Accurate, +7, +35%; Alternative Attack, *1/5; Armor Divisor, 10, +200%; Incendiary, +10%; Increased Range, x50, +50%; Super, -10%); Dam:6d (10) burn inc; Acc:10; Range:500 / 5000; RoF:1; Shots:; Level:18; Rcl:1; LC:
Innate Attack 6 (Heat Gaze; Alternative Attack, *1/5; Cone, +1, +60%; Incendiary, +10%; Partial Dice, per die, -1/die, -9; Super, -10%); Dam:6d-6 burn (1yd) inc; Acc:3; Range:10 / 100; RoF:1; Shots:; Level:18; Rcl:1; LC:





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Name- Abel Ryan Cross
Alias- Arc, Abe
Occupation- County Supervisor for the Department of the Interior
Legal Status- American Citizen
Marital status- Single, Divorced

Physical traits
Height- 6'2
Weight- 170lbs
DOB- July 16th 2000
Age- 28
Ethnic background- Caucasian
Nationality- American
Eye color-Blue
Hair color- Brown
Handedness- Left

Appearance- Abel is a fit man who is generally well put together, especially around others.  He keeps his hair short, and generally keeps his face shaved during the spring and summer, and sports a beard in the fall through the winter.  He has no tattoos or piercings, and doesn't ever plan on getting any.

When not on the job, he tends to dress in jeans and a t-shirt, unless he's going out with others, which he'll usually wear a button-down of some sort.

Personality- Abel got along well with pretty much everyone, never really calling someone an enemy, and made friends easily.   He's at home surrounded by others, and does a fair job of maintaining the peace and quieting potentially bad situations.  Honest to a fault, he abides by the rules, seldom breaking them, and tending to feel guilty when he does.   

Of course, he has changed since coming home to Shelly, due to the situation that led him to return.   His divorce left him prone to fits of depression, where it took an act of will for him to do anything beyond the minimum, balanced by times where he's even more of a go-getter, gregarious and throwing himself into his work, or whatever he happens to be doing at the time.

He drinks, but not so much as to be an alcoholic, and can really put the beers away, seemingly without ever getting a hangover.  He puts it down to his dad teaching him the right way to enjoy the demon in the bottle when he was younger.


Abel was a fairly typical kid in Shelly, MT.    He loved to roam the countryside, fishing and hunting where he was allowed, and working for what he wanted.  He didn't play football, like many expected him to, instead he competed in various track and field events.   He did well enough to get a scholarship to the University of Montana, which he graduated from and went to work for the department of the Interior.

He would meet his future wife, Helen Saunders, at a bar three years later when he was 25.  They hit it off, and dated for a year and a half before he proposed.  Less than six months later, they were married, and everything was great.  He'd gotten promoted, they bought a house, and life was as good as it got.   Then after about six months, he found out she was having an affair.  She filed for divorce, and took the house.   

Abel moved back to Shelly, made a new home for himself, as he took up the Supervisor position for the multicounty area, acting as head of the local Game Wardens, and Primary Liason to the Blackfoot Reservation.



Name: Abel Cross
Player: Justin
Race: Human

Attributes [100]
ST 11 [10]
DX 12 [40]
IQ 11 [20]
HT 11 [10]

Hit Points 11
Will 12 [5]
Perception 14 [15]
Fatigue Points 11

Basic Lift 24
Damage 1d-1/1d+1

Basic Speed 5.75
Basic Move 5

Ground Move 5
Water Move 1

Social Background
TL: 8
Cultural Familiarities: Blackfeet [1]; Western (Native) [0].
Languages: Blackfeet (Broken; Spoken) [1]; English (Native; Native Language, -6) [0].

Advantages [17]
Acute Vision 1 [2]
Ambidexterity [5]
Fit [5]
Legal Enforcement Powers 1 [5]

Perks [3]
Alcohol Tolerance [1]
Honest Face [1]
No Hangover [1]

Disadvantages [-50]
Addiction (Cheap; Tobacco; Highly addictive, -5; Legal, +5) [-5]
Code of Honor (Professional) [-5]
Honesty (12 or less, *1) [-10]
Light Sleeper [-5]
Manic-Depressive [-20]
Selfless (12 or less, *1) [-5]

Skills [28]
Animal Handling (Cattle) (A) IQ-1 [1]-10
Animal Handling (Dogs) (A) IQ-1 [1]-10
Animal Handling (Equines) (A) IQ-1 [1]-10
Area Knowledge (local) (E) IQ [1]-11
Bow (A) DX-1 [1]-11
Brawling (E) DX [1]-12
Criminology/TL8 (A) IQ-1 [1]-10
Current Affairs/TL8 (local region) (E) IQ [1]-11
Driving/TL8 (Automobile) (A) DX-1 [1]-11
Fishing (E) Per [1]-14
Geography/TL8 (local) (H) IQ-2 [1]-9
Guns/TL8 (Pistol) (E) DX [1]-12
Guns/TL8 (Rifle) (E) DX [1]-12
Guns/TL8 (Shotgun) (E) DX [1]-12
Hiking (A) HT-1 [1]-10
Lasso (A) DX-1 [1]-11
Naturalist (Earth) (H) IQ-2 [1]-9
Navigation/TL8 (Land) (A) IQ-1 [1]-10
Observation (A) Per [1]-14
    Includes: +1 from 'Acute Vision 1'
Professional Skill (Game Warden) (A) IQ-1 [1]-10
Riding (Equines) (A) DX-1 [1]-11
Sports (Track and Field) (A) DX-1 [1]-11
Stealth (A) DX-1 [1]-11
Survival (Mountain) (A) Per-1 [1]-13
Survival (Plains) (A) Per-1 [1]-13
Survival (Woodlands) (A) Per-1 [1]-13
Swimming (E) HT [1]-11
Tracking (A) Per-1 [1]-13

Points Summary
Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [100] 
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarities [20] 
Disadvantages/Quirks [-50] 
Skills/Techniques/Spells [28] 
= Total [100] 

Melee Attacks
   Punch; Dam:1d-2 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:12; Parry:9; LC:
   Bite; Dam:1d-2 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:12; Parry:No; LC:
   Kick; Dam:1d-1 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"SK:Brawling"-2; Level:10; Parry:No; LC:
    Notes: If you miss with a kick, roll vs. DX to avoid falling.

Ranged Attacks


altered sheet


Name: Abel Cross
Player: Justin
Race: Human - Altered

Attributes [306]
ST 34/520 [90]    (Includes: +14 from 'Super ST (+14/+500; Affects displayed ST score, +0%; Size, +0%; Super ST, +300%)')
DX 17 [126]
IQ 10
HT 15 [50]

Hit Points 34
Will 15 [25]
Perception 14 [20]
Fatigue Points 15

Basic Lift 231/27tons w/Super Effort
Damage 3d+2/6d

Basic Speed 7.75 [-5]
Basic Move 17 (Includes: +10 from 'Extra Basic Move 10 (Affects displayed score, +0%; Super, -10%)')

Air Move 17/1632yps/3338.182mph (Mach 4.35) (Includes: +1615 from 'Enhanced Air Move')
Ground Move 17/544 yps/1133.18 mph (Includes: +527 from 'Enhanced Ground Move')
Water Move 17/68 yps/139.09 mph (Includes: +51 from 'Enhanced Water Move')

Social Background
TL: 8
Cultural Familiarities: Blackfeet [1]; Western (Native) [0].
Languages: Blackfeet (Broken; Spoken) [1]; English (Native; Native Language, -6) [0].

Advantages [1287]
Acute Vision 1 [2]
Adaptation (Super, -10%) [30]
   Doesn't Breathe (Oxygen Storage •25, -50%; Super, -10%) [8*]
   Sealed (Super, -10%) [14*]
   Temperature Tolerance 8 (Super; Super, -10%) [8*]
Ambidexterity [5]
Charisma 4 [20]
Combat Reflexes [15]
Damage Resistance 30 (Hardened, +1, +20%; Super, -10%; Tough Skin, -40%) [105]
Electricity Master (Super, -10%) [128]
   Affliction 6 (Electrified Skin) [60]
   Create Electricity 1 [5]
   Detect (Very Common; Electric Feilds) [30]
   Innate Attack 6 (Lightning Bolt; Double Blunt Trauma, +20%; Super, -10%) [33]
Enhanced Move (2.5; Air) [50]
Enhanced Move (5; Ground; Super, -10%) [90]
Extra Air Move 2 (Affects Air Move, +0%) [4]
Fit [5]
Flying [30]
   Flight (Cannot Hover, -15%; Super, -10%) [30*]
High Manual Dexterity 2 [10]
Hyperspectral Vision [25]
Legal Enforcement Powers 1 [5]
Radiation Tolerance (PF 5) [10]
Resistant (Rare; Poision; +3, *1/3) [1]
Super ST (+14/+500; Affects displayed ST score, +0%; Size, +0%; Super ST, +300%) [560]
Super Swimming [45]
   Amphibious (Super, -10%) [9*]
   Enhanced Move (2; Water; Super, -10%) [36*]
Super-Flying [72]
   Enhanced Move (4; Air; Super, -10%) [72*]
Super-Senses [30]
   Microscopic Vision 1 (Super, -10%) [5*]
   Parabolic Hearing 3 (Super, -10%) [11*]
   Telescopic Vision 3 (Super, -10%) [14*]
Super-Speed [45]
   Extra Basic Move 10 (Affects displayed score, +0%; Super, -10%) [45*]

Perks [3]
Alcohol Tolerance [1]
Honest Face [1]
No Hangover [1]

Disadvantages [-50]
Addiction (Cheap; Tobacco; Highly addictive, -5; Legal, +5) [-5]
Code of Honor (Professional) [-5]
Honesty (12 or less, *1) [-10]
Light Sleeper [-5]
Manic-Depressive [-20]
Selfless (12 or less, *1) [-5]

Templates [0]
Blaster (Supers) [0]

Skills [52]
Animal Handling (Cattle) (A) IQ-1 [1]-9
Animal Handling (Dogs) (A) IQ-1 [1]-9
Animal Handling (Equines) (A) IQ-1 [1]-9
Area Knowledge (local) (E) IQ [1]-10
Bow (A) DX-1 [1]-16
Brawling (E) DX+3 [8]-20
Criminology/TL8 (A) IQ-1 [1]-9
Current Affairs/TL8 (local region) (E) IQ [1]-10
Driving/TL8 (Automobile) (A) DX-1 [1]-16
Fishing (E) Per [1]-14
Geography/TL8 (local) (H) IQ-2 [1]-8
Guns/TL8 (Pistol) (E) DX [1]-17
Guns/TL8 (Rifle) (E) DX [1]-17
Guns/TL8 (Shotgun) (E) DX [1]-17
Hiking (A) HT-1 [1]-14
Lasso (A) DX-1 [1]-16
Lifting (Super, -10%) (Super) (A) HT+3 [11]-18
Naturalist (Earth) (H) IQ-2 [1]-8
Navigation/TL8 (Land) (A) IQ-1 [1]-9
Observation (A) Per+2 [4]-16
    Includes: +1 from 'Acute Vision 1'
Professional Skill (Game Warden) (A) IQ-1 [1]-9
Riding (Equines) (A) DX-1 [1]-16
Sports (Track and Field) (A) DX-1 [1]-16
Stealth (A) DX-1 [1]-16
Survival (Mountain) (A) Per-1 [1]-13
Survival (Plains) (A) Per-1 [1]-13
Survival (Woodlands) (A) Per-1 [1]-13
Swimming (E) HT [1]-15
Tracking (A) Per+4 [4]-18
    Includes: +3 from 'Hyperspectral Vision'

* = item is owned by another, its point value and/or cost is included in the other item.

Points Summary
Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [306] 
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarities [1290] 
Disadvantages/Quirks [-50] 
Skills/Techniques/Spells [52] 
= Total [1600] 

Melee Attacks
   Punch; Dam:3d+4 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:20; Parry:14; LC:
   Bite; Dam:3d+4 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:20; Parry:No; LC:
   Kick; Dam:3d+5 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"SK:Brawling"-2; Level:18; Parry:No; LC:
    Notes: If you miss with a kick, roll vs. DX to avoid falling.
Super ST (+14/+500; Affects displayed ST score, +0%; Size, +0%; Super ST, +300%)
   swing; Dam:1d-5 sw; Reach:N/A; Skill:; Level:0; Parry:No; LC:
   thrust; Dam:1d-6 thr; Reach:N/A; Skill:; Level:0; Parry:No; LC:
   punch; Dam:1d-6 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:20; Parry:14; LC:
   kick; Dam:1d-5 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"SK:Brawling"-2; Level:18; Parry:No; LC:

Ranged Attacks
Affliction 6 (Electrified Skin); Dam:HT±5 aff; Acc:3; Range:10 / 100; RoF:1; Shots:; Level:20; Rcl:1; LC:
Innate Attack 6 (Lightning Bolt; Double Blunt Trauma, +20%; Super, -10%); Dam:6d burn dbt; Acc:3; Range:10 / 100; RoF:1; Shots:; Level:13; Rcl:1; LC:




Chris Hemsworth Shares Cologne, Workout, & Thirst Traps


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Personal Information

Birth Name: Sean Finn Cassidy / Sean Fiona Cassidy558720247624239d5684783c687eba57.jpg

Identity: Sean, Cassidy, @theguywiththegirls, Titboy, I3

Occupation: Video Game Developer I3 - Intersectional Interactive Inc.), Streamer

Legal Status: American

Marital Status: Single


Physical Traits

Height: 5’4’’ / 6'4''

Weight: 112 lbs / 224 lbs

D.O.B: October 31st, 2000

Age (apparent age): 27 (19-20 / Mid-Twenties)

Gender: Intersex / Hermaphromorphic Female (Currently Identifies as Male) 

Ethnic Background: Caucasian (Irish, German)

Nationality (place of origin): American

Eye Color: Turquoise / Intense Turquoise

Hair Color: Vivid Red with Golden undertonesimage.thumb.jpeg.a96cf7c7f4f0bae8289983721c4b599a.jpeg

Handedness: Left

Appearance: [Before The Visitor] Stunningly attractive and curvaceous with a gorgeous and versatile soprano voice, large turquoise eyes, and a baby face that makes him look almost a decade younger than he actually is. Exudes feminine appeal while retaining strong tomboy vibes. Keeps his vibrant red hair in a short, undercut style, and very rarely wears any make-up, mainly reserved for dressing up for Halloween.


Generally wears pants, layered shirts - graphic tees featuring gaming and tech motifs, and flannel, mostly - and hoodies, superficially in mens’ styles, but cut or altered to flatter his figure and isn’t opposed to displaying varying amounts of cleavage. Almost always wears sneakers, sometimes with integrated or wedge heels when he’s feeling short or feels the need for a bit of height. Keeps his nails short and trimmed - for gaming and typing - and never paints them (except maybe for a costume for Halloween).


[After The Visitor] A towering, statuesque goddess of a woman, combining lush curves and taut muscle in an intoxicating blend. Exudes devastating feminine allure while possessing a powerful, predatory grace and animal magnetism that adds a certain, masculine appeal. His voice is a rich and resonant mezzo-soprano, versatile enough to cover the entire range from contralto to soprano. His large, canted turquoise eyes blaze with intelligence and intensity, and his hair is an impossibly lustrous million hues of ruby with golden undertones.


Fashion sense hasn't changed drastically, though now doesn't just dress to flatter, but to flaunt. More willing to wear female fashion, use cosmetics, display more cleavage, and wear heels - because he isn't tall enough.


Personality: Once a bitter and introverted kid, he has grown into a confident and outgoing female-looking man. Usually gets along great with men; he likes what they like, talk like they talk, and has a spectacular rack. Women tend to either hate his guts or are fascinated by him.


Has not only accepted, but embraced the dichotomy of his male identity with his female appearance, while not making it the core of his identity. Has a contrariness to being pushed towards being an activist or spokesman for the Intersex and LGBT+ community.


While he has talked about being intersexed and the trials and tribulations it has brought him, he is far more proud about his accomplishments as a game developer and streamer. Also, once he  got engulfed in the LGBT+ community, he found out it has its own cliques and isn’t as accepting of everyone as it portrays, trying to force their ideas of what you should be onto you.


From the trauma of how he was treated during his childhood and young teen years in Shelly, and then moving to California with no friends and knowing no one, he suffers from terrible nightmares and occasional bouts of sleepwalking. While he seems well adjusted and accomplished, the scars from his earlier life linger.


Background: Sean was born and raised in Shelly, Montana, the middle child to Jack Cassidy, a general contractor, and Carolyn Cassidy, homemaker and accountant. He seemed a normal boy at first, if too clever by half, and took to computers from an early age.


With puberty came hell, the expression of his de la Chapelle and Aromatase Excess Syndromes making themselves readily apparent. Despite the support of his parents, consultations with various specialists put a strain on the family finances. And while his four year older sister Teagan - stronger than most boys her age - and his two year younger sister Laurie - taller than him since she was eleven - looked out for him at school, Sean’s tween and early teen years were absolute hell in the small, rural town.


It did matter how smart he was, or how much he tried to hide behind video games, Sean was no more than fourteen when he tried to take a final way out of being a boy with the body of a buxom babe. Only serendipity saved him, when the crossbeam supporting the rope he was using to hang himself snapped.


Filled with guilt and shame at what he attempted, and the pain he would have inflicted on his family, Sean resolved to live, to do better. But he couldn’t stay in Shelly. He wasn’t made for a small, conservative town.


He put plans into motion, and then executed them. He graduated high school next year, and by sixteen, filed for emancipation. While Teagan had joined the army, the rest of his family had their lives tied to Montana, but Sean needed out. His parents were hurt with his decision, but despite their unwavering support, they just didn’t understand, he wouldn’t have a life to live in Montana. 


He moved to California, knowing nobody there. It was rough at first, but he made it work. He had already made one video game, and made another, founding Intersectional Interactive Incorporated - I3. He participated in DefCon, the biggest Hacker Convention, in Las Vegas, for several years, before getting hired by the DoE, along with a friend, to hack nuclear power plants for security reasons.


The cosmopolitan California was just what he needed to become comfortable with himself, to accept himself. It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but he actually had his first romantic relationship, and break up, and learned to be more social and outgoing, even if it didn’t always work out.


He worked for the DoE for less than two years, when not being able to talk to others about his work, and never knowing when he would be away or for how long put a strain on his relationships and life. When half his team quit to form their own company, he quit with one of his best friends, Thor, who decided he wanted to be his own boss and form a game development company. Thor moved to Seattle, and Sean went with him, picking up I3 once more, and started live streaming and making youtube videos. California had began to pall, the activism and progressivism having a performative quality, with people pushing him to be what they wanted him to be.


Life was good for several years. Sean was successful, putting out a third indy video game that competed with anything the AAA studios could put out, and this Twitch and YouTube subscriber count was rising. He had a long term girlfriend, Bethany, who seemed to love him and all that he was.


It was only when he was about to propose to her that he found out she was only using for his money and advancement on social media, and badmouthing and mocking him behind his back. He threw the ring away and broke up with her, and decided to upend his life once more, Seattle no longer a place he could stay with all the good memories with Bethany there tainted by her betrayal.


He moved to Victoria, British Columbia, and rebuilt his life there. He could still take the ferry to Seattle to meet up with friends and work colleagues, and took a liking to Vancouver as well. Victoria was just what he needed, had the feel of a small town like where he’d grown up, with the cosmopolitanism of California, without all the fake smiles and token liberalism.


His career and success continued to grow. Then the Visitor came. He was even tapped to help change its course, his skills with computers and software well known in certain circles.


And then the Visitor fell.




Name: Sean Finn Cassidy
Player: Shawn
Race: Human
Height: 5'4''
Weight: 115 lbs
Age: 27


Attributes [60]
ST 8 [-20]
DX 10
IQ 14 [80]
HT 10

Hit Points 8
Will 14
Perception 14
Fatigue Points 10

Basic Lift 13
Damage 1d-3/1d-2

Basic Speed 5
Basic Move 5

Ground Move 5
Water Move 1


Social Background
TL: 8
Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].
Languages: English (Native; Native Language, -6) [0]


Advantages [48]
Appearance (Very Beautiful) [16]
Computer Genius 4 [20]
Reputation: Respected Game Developer and Video Game Streamer (+2 Reaction; Large Group (Video Gamers/YouTube Watchers); Recognized Sometimes (10 or less) [2]
Voice [10]


Perks [2]
Honest Face [1]
Sanitized Metabolism [1]


Disadvantages [-50]
Compulsive Gaming (12 or less, *1) [5]
Curious (12 or less, *1) [-5]
Dependency (Common; Hormone Stabilizers; Monthly, *1) [-10]
Easy To Read [-10]
Low Pain Threshold [-10]
Nightmares (12 or less, *1) [-5]
Social Stigma (Minor - Intersexed) [-5]


Quirks [-5]
Brash (Quirk Level Overconfident) [-1]
Distinctive Feature (Bright Red Hair) [-1]
Distinctive Feature (Very Pronounced Hourglass Figure) [-1]
Imaginative [-1]
Proud [-1]


Skills [40]
Area Knowledge (local) (E) IQ [1]-14
Artist (Digital Art) (H) IQ-1 [2]-13
Computer Hacking/TL8 (VH) IQ+2 [2]-16
    Includes: +4 from 'Computer Genius 4'
Computer Operation/TL8 (E) IQ+5 [2]-19
    Includes: +4 from 'Computer Genius 4'
Computer Programming/TL8 (H) IQ+3 [2]-17
    Includes: +4 from 'Computer Genius 4'
Cooking (A) IQ-1 [1]-13
Cryptography/TL8 (H) IQ-1 [2]-17
    Includes: +4 from 'Computer Genius 4'
Current Affairs/TL8 (Popular Culture) (E) IQ [1]-14
Current Affairs/TL8 (Science & Technology) (E) IQ [1]-14
Dancing (A) DX-1 [1]-9
Diplomacy (H) IQ+1 [2]-15
    Includes: +2 from 'Voice'
Driving/TL8 (Automobile) (A) DX [1]-10
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Media) (A) IQ [2]-14
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Computers) (A) IQ+4 [2]-18
    Includes: +4 from 'Computer Genius 4'
Fast-Talk (A) IQ+2 [2]-16
    Includes: +2 from 'Voice'
Karate (H) DX [4]-10
Mathematics/TL8 (Computer Science) (H) IQ+3 [2]-17
    Includes: +4 from 'Computer Genius 4'
Mathematics/TL8 (Cryptology) (H) IQ+2 [1]-16
    Includes: +4 from 'Computer Genius 4'
Musical Instrument (Synthesizer) (H) IQ-2 [1] -12
Performance (A) IQ+2 [2]-16
    Includes: +2 from 'Voice'
Public Speaking (A) IQ+2 [2]-16
    Includes: +2 from 'Voice'
Research/TL8 (A) IQ-1 [1]-13
Running (A) HT-1 [1]-9
Sewing/TL8 (E) DX [1]-10
Sex Appeal (Human) (A) HT+8 [2]-18
    Includes: +6 from 'Appearance (Very Beautiful)', +2 from 'Voice'
Swimming (E) HT [1]-10
Writing (A) IQ-1 [1]-13

Points Summary
Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [60] 
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarities [50] 
Disadvantages/Quirks [-55] 
Skills/Techniques/Spells [43] 
= Total [98] 


Melee Attacks
Bite; Dam:1d-4 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"ST:DX"; Level:10; Parry:No; LC:
    Notes: Brawling (p. B182) increases all unarmed damage; Claws (p. B42) and Karate (p. B203) improve damage with punches and kicks (Claws don't affect damage with brass knuckles or boots); and Boxing (p. B182) improves punching damage.
Kick; Dam:1d-3 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"ST:DX"-2; Level:8; Parry:No; LC:
    Notes: Brawling (p. B182) increases all unarmed damage; Claws (p. B42) and Karate (p. B203) improve damage with punches and kicks (Claws don't affect damage with brass knuckles or boots); and Boxing (p. B182) improves punching damage.
Punch; Dam:1d-4 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"ST:DX"; Level:10; Parry:8; LC:
    Notes: Brawling (p. B182) increases all unarmed damage; Claws (p. B42) and Karate (p. B203) improve damage with punches and kicks (Claws don't affect damage with brass knuckles or boots); and Boxing (p. B182) improves punching damage.


Ranged Attacks




Name: Sean Fiona Cassidy
Player: Shawn
Race: Human
Height: 6'4''
Weight: 224 lbs
Age: 27 (mid twenties)


Attributes [148]
ST 36 [20]    (Includes: +24 from 'Extra ST 24 (Affects ST, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%; Size, +0%)')
DX 20 [40]    (Includes: +8 from 'Extra DX 8 (Affects DX, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%)', Enhanced Parry (bare hands))
IQ 20 [80]    (Includes: +6 from 'Extra IQ 6 (Affects IQ, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%)')
HT 24 [40]    (Includes: +12 from 'Extra HT 12 (Affects HT, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%)')


Hit Points 30 [-12]
Will 20
Perception 20
Fatigue Points 24

Basic Lift 259
Damage 4d-1/6d+1


Basic Speed 11
Basic Move 16 (Includes: +5 from 'Extra Basic Move 5 (Affects Move, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%)')

Ground Move 16/32 (Includes: +16 from 'Enhanced Ground Move') - 65 mph
Water Move 16


Social Background
TL: 8
Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].
Languages: English (Native; Native Language, -6) [0]; Spanish (Accented) [4].


Advantages [1412]
Appearance (Transcendent) [20]
Damage Control [235]
   Damage Resistance 20 (Hardened, +1, +20%; Psychometabolism, -10%; Tough Skin, -40%) [70]
   High Pain Threshold (Psychometabolism, -10%) [9]
   Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction, /4, +100; Homogenous, +40; Psychometabolism, -10%) [126]
   Unkillable 1 (Achilles' Heel, Occasional - Disintegration, -30%; Psychometabolism, -10%) [30]
Enhanced Life Development [10]
   Early Maturation 4 [0]
   Easy Childbirth [0]
   Extended Lifespan (x8) [6]
   Hermaphromorph (Accessibility, Only the Genitals, +5, -50%; Psychometabolism, -10%; Takes Extra Time, x4, -20%) [1]
   Light Menses [0]
   Longevity [2]
   Reproductive Control [1]
   Shorter Gestation [0]
Enhanced Physique [621]
   Breath-Holding 3 (Psychometabolism, -10%) [6]
   Catfall (Psychometabolism, -10%) [9]
   Enhanced Move (1; Ground; Psychometabolism, -10%) [18]
   Enhanced Parry 1 (Bare Hands; Psychometabolism, -10%) [5]
   Extra Attack 2 (Multi-Strike, +20%; Psychometabolism, -10%) [55]
   Extra Basic Move 5 (Affects Move, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%) [23]
   Extra DX 8 (Affects DX, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%) [144]
   Extra HT 12 (Affects HT, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%) [108]
   Extra ST 24 (Affects ST, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%; Size, +0%) [216]
   Flexibility [5]
   Perfect Balance (Psychometabolism, -10%) [14]
   Super Jump 1 (Psychometabolism, -10%) [9]
   Temperature Tolerance 10 (Psychometabolism, -10%) [9]
Enhanced Senses [41]
   Detect: Self Analysis (Rare; Psychometabolists; Accessibility, Only on Self, +8, -80%; Analysis Only, -50%; Analyzing, +100%; Psychometabolism, -10%; Reflexive, +40%) [5]
   Hyperspectral Vision (Psychometabolism, -10%) [23]
   Projected Senses (AA) [13]
      Microscopic Vision 1 (Psychometabolism, -10%) [5]
      Parabolic Hearing 3 (Psychometabolism, -10%) [11]
      Telescopic Vision 3 (No Targeting, -60%; Psychometabolism, -10%) [5]
Environmental Adaptation (AA) [7]
   Improved G-Tolerance (0.3G; Psychometabolism, -10%) [5]
   Pressure Support 1 (Psychometabolism, -10%) [5]
   Vacuum Support (Psychometabolism, -10%) [5]
Glorious Voice [25]
   Charisma 2 [10]
   Rapier Wit [5]
   Voice [10]
Imagineer [42]
   Gadgeteer (ESP, -10%) [23]

      Gadgeteer (Quick; Accessibility, Only With Computers, +5, -50%; ESP, -10%) [10]
   Visualization (ESP, -10%) [9]
Independent Income (Reserved for Later) 10 [10]
Mental Overclocking [167]
   Doesn't Sleep (Psychometabolism, -10%) [18]
   Enhanced Time Sense (Psychometabolism, -10%) [41]
   Extra IQ 6 (Affects IQ, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%) [108]
Reputation 2 (Game Developer and Video Game Streamer; All the time, *1; Large class, *1/2) [5]
Smart Kid [40]
   Computer Genius 4 [20]
   Intuitive Mathematician [5]
   Photographic Memory [10]
   Versatile [5]
Versatile Adaptation (AA) [45]
   Amphibious (Psychometabolism, -10%) [9]
   Radiation Tolerance (PF 20; Psychometabolism, -10%) [18]
   Regrowth (Psychometabolism, -10%) [36]
   Resistant (Very Common; Metabolic Hazards; +8, *1/2; Psychometabolism, -10%) [14]
Versatile Rejuvenation (AA) [114]
   Regeneration (Very Fast: 1HP/Sec; Psychometabolism, -10%) [90]
   Regeneration (Very Fast: 1HP/Sec; Psychometabolism, -10%; Radiation Only, -60%) [30]
   Regeneration (Very Fast: 1HP/Sec; Fatigue Only, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%) [90]
Wealth (Reserved for later) (Very Wealthy) [30]


Perks [6]
Honest Face [1]
No Appendix [0]
Penetrating Voice [1]
Perfect Hair [1]
Perfume [1]
Sanitized Metabolism [1]
Unusual Training (Throwing Art, Only with items weighing less than half BL) [1]


Disadvantages [-100]
Berserk (12 or less, *1) [-10]
Charitable (12 or less, *1) [-15]
Code of Honor (Professional) [-5]
Compulsive Behavior (Gaming; 12 or less, *1) [-5]
Curious (12 or less, *1) [-5]
Easy to Read [-10]
Increased Consumption 1 [-10]
Lecherousness (12 or less, *1) [-15]
Overconfidence (12 or less, *1) [-5]
Selfish (12 or less, *1) [-5]
Sense of Duty (Small Group; Close Family and Friends) [-5]
Social Stigma (Minority - Intersexed) [-5]
Unusual Biochemistry [-5]


Quirks [-5]
Dislikes Woke Activists, You Know the Ones [-1]
Distinctive Feature (Exaggerated Sexual Characteristics) [-1]
Distinctive Feature (Vivid Red Hair with Golden Undertones) [-1]
Imaginative [-1]
Likes Video Games [-1]


Skills [127]
Architecture/TL8 (A) IQ-1 [1]-19
Area Knowledge (local) (E) IQ [1]-20
Artist (Digital Art) (H) IQ-2 [1]-18
Biochemistry/TL8 (H) IQ-2 [1]-18
Body Language (A) Per-1 [1]-19
Breath Control (H) HT-2 [1]-22
Broadsword (A) DX [2]-20
Bullet Parry (Tech/H) Parry Missile Weapons+5 [6]-15
Businessman! (WC) IQ-3 [3]-17
   [Replaces Accounting, Administration, Current Affairs (Business), Economics, Finance, Gambling, Law (Contract), Market Analysis, Merchant, and Propaganda (for commercial advertising)]
Carousing (E) HT [1]-24
Carpentry (E) IQ [1]-20
Computer Hacking/TL8 (VH) IQ+2 [2]-22
    Includes: +4 from 'Computer Genius 4'
Computer Operation/TL8 (E) IQ+5 [2]-25
    Includes: +4 from 'Computer Genius 4'
Computer Programming/TL8 (H) IQ+3 [2]-23
    Includes: +4 from 'Computer Genius 4'
Cooking (A) IQ [1]-19
Cryptography/TL8 (H) IQ+3 [2]-23
    Includes: +4 from 'Computer Genius 4'
Current Affairs/TL8 (Popular Culture) (E) IQ [1]-20
Current Affairs/TL8 (Science & Technology) (E) IQ [1]-20
Detective! (WC) IQ-2 [6]-18

    [Replaces Criminology, Detect Lies, Electronics Operation (Security and Surveillance), Forensics, Interrogation, Law, Observation, Research, Savoir-Faire (Police), Search, Shadowing, and Streetwise; +3 on all rolls to spot hidden clues or objects with Forensics, Observation,
or Search skill (Hyperspectral Vision)]
Diplomacy (H) IQ+1 [2]-21
    Includes: +2 from 'Voice'; Conditional +2 from 'Charisma 2'
Driving/TL8 (Automobile) (A) DX-1 [1]-19
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Computers) (A) IQ+3 [1]-23
    Includes: +4 from 'Computer Genius 4'
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Media) (A) IQ+3 [1]-23
    Includes: +4 from 'Computer Genius 4'
Erotic Art (Human) (A) DX+2 [1]-22
    Includes: +3 from 'Flexibility'
Fast-Talk (A) IQ+2 [2]-22
    Includes: +2 from 'Voice'
First Aid/TL8 (E) IQ [1]-20
Games (Boardgames) (E) IQ [1]-20
Games (Card Games) (E) IQ [1]-20
Guns/TL8 (Rifle) (E) DX+2 [4]-22
Intimidation (A) Will-1 [1]-19
Inventor! (WC) IQ-2 [6]-18

    [Replaces Armoury, Bioengineering, Electrician, Electronics Repair, Engineer, Explosives, Machinist, Mechanic, Metallurgy, Smith, Traps, and any Expert skills relevant to recognizing and identifying technological devices. In settings where Weird Science is a valid skill, this includes its technological applications.]
Judo (H) DX [4]-20
    Includes: Enhanced Parry (bare hands)
Karate (H) DX+1 [8]-21
    Includes: Enhanced Parry (bare hands)
Kicking (Karate) (Tech/H) Karate+2 [3]-21
Leadership (A) IQ+1 [1]-21
    Includes: +2 from 'Charisma 2'
Lifting (A) HT-1 [1]-23
Lockpicking/TL8 (A) IQ-1 [1]-19
Masonry (E) IQ [1]-20
Mathematics/TL8 (Applied) (H) IQ+2 [1]-22
    Includes: +4 from 'Computer Genius 4'
Mathematics/TL8 (Computer Science) (H) IQ+2 [2]-23
    Includes: +4 from 'Computer Genius 4'
Mathematics/TL8 (Cryptology) (H) IQ+2 [2]-23
    Includes: +4 from 'Computer Genius 4'
Medicine! (WC) IQ-3 [3]-17
   [Replaces all specialties of Biology, Diagnosis, Electronics Operation (Medical), Esoteric Medicine, Expert Skill (Epidemiology), Hypnotism, Pharmacy, Physician, Physiology, Poisons,  Psychology, Surgery, and Veterinary]
Move! (WC) DX-2 [6]-18 / HT-2 -22

    [Replaces Acrobatics (+1 from 'Perfect Balance'), Aerobatics, Aquabatics, Body Sense, Climbing (+4 from 'Flexibility' and 'Perfect Balance'), Escape (only to move through narrow openings, +3 from 'Flexibility), Free Fall, Jumping, and Stealth. Make a HT-based roll for Flight, Hiking, Jumping, Running, Skating, Skiing, and Swimming. Any such HT-based roll results in +20% to the day’s travel in whatever form of movement it applies to.]
Parry Missile Weapons (H) DX [4]-20
Perform! (WC) IQ-2 [6]-18 / DX-2 -18

    [Replaces Current Affairs (High Culture), Electronics Operation (Media), Fire Eating, Fortune-Telling, Group Performance,  Makeup, Mimicry, Musical Instrument, Performance, and Ventriloquism. Make a DX-based roll for Dancing, Sleight of Hand, or Stage Combat]
Poetry (A) IQ-1 [1]-19
Public Speaking (Storytelling) (E) IQ+5 [2]-25
    Includes: +2 from 'Charisma 2', +2 from 'Voice'

Scholar! (WC) IQ-3 [3]-17
   [Replaces Anthropology, Archaeology, Cartography, Economics, Geography, Heraldry, History, Literature, Occultism, Philosophy, Sociology, Teaching, Theology]

Science! (WC) IQ-3 [3]-17

   [Replaces Astronomy, Bioengineering, Biology, Chemistry, Engineer, Geology, Mathematics, Metallurgy, Meteorology, Naturalist, Paleontology, Physics, Psychology]

Scrounging (E) Per [1]-20
Sewing/TL8 (E) DX [1]-20
Sex Appeal (Human) (A) HT+10 [2]-34
    Includes: +8 from 'Appearance (Transcendent)', +2 from 'Voice'
Singing (E) HT+3 [2]-27
    Includes: +2 from 'Voice'
Speed-Reading (A) IQ [2]-20
Survival (Woodlands) (A) Per-1 [1]-19
Tactics (H) IQ-2 [1]-18
Throwing Art (H) DX [4]-20
Tracking (A) Per+2 [1]-22
    Includes: +3 from 'Hyperspectral Vision (Psychometabolism, -10%)'
Video Games (Computer Operation) (Tech/A) Computer Operation/TL8+2 [2]-27
Writing (A) IQ-1 [1]-19


Points Summary
Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [148] 
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarities [1418] 
Disadvantages/Quirks [-105] 
Skills/Techniques/Spells [127] 
= Total [1592/1603] 


Melee Attacks
Bite; Dam:4d-2 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"ST:DX"; Level:20; Parry:No; LC:
    Notes: Brawling (p. B182) increases all unarmed damage; Claws (p. B42) and Karate (p. B203) improve damage with punches and kicks (Claws don't affect damage with brass knuckles or boots); and Boxing (p. B182) improves punching damage.
   Punch; Dam:4d+6 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Karate"; Level:21; Parry:15; LC:
   Kick; Dam:4d+7 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"SK:Kicking (Karate)"; Level:21; Parry:No; LC:
    Notes: If you miss with a kick, roll vs. DX to avoid falling.


Dodge: 15
Parry (Bare Hands): 15
Parry Missile Weapons: 15
Bullet Parry: 15


Ranged Attacks


Equipment [¤0.00]
Small Computer/TL10 (Compact, *2; Genius, *500; Hardened, *2; High-Capacity, *1.5; Quantum, *10; Higher TL Equipment, +1, *2; Quality, Fine: +2 to skill, *20; Rugged, *2); Qty:1; Wgt:1.2; ¤0.00


Edited by Asarasa
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RoachTorso.thumb.jpg.a947ed7406260deedaad25f43ba34335.jpgPersonal Information:

Birth Name: Rochelle "Roach" McKendrick

Identity: -

Occupation: High School Student                                    

Marital Status: Single


Physical Traits

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 103 Lbs

D.O.B: March 15th  2011

Age (apparent age): 17

Gender: Female

Ethnic Background: Caucasian

Nationality (place of origin): American

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Brown (often dyed)

Handedness: Right

Appearance:  Small, scrawny, scrappy girl with short brunette hair that she keeps trying different dyes on. Somewhat desperate to look older, Roach has gotten some piercings and wears some makeup...eyeliner mostly. She's not into 'feminine' outfits much, mostly because she thinks she looks like a 12 year old when she wears a dress.


Personality:  Rochelle has always been too smart for her own good, ever since she was a kid. It hasn't always worked in her favor. She finds it hard to work with other people her age or make friends. Impatient and abrasive, she has no time for people she feels hold her back, or who don't show interests in the things she's interested in. Of course, her interests are often fleeting; she is wildly curious about anything, everything, and tends to vanish down rabbit holes as she exhaustively researches things on the whim of a moment.




Roach was born in Shelly, Montana, where she lived with her father and mother for most of her life. Her dad and uncle owned a garage together where they worked on cars and farm equipment for the locals. Unfortunately problems on the business side led to differences between her parents that grew worse and worse, and they split up when she was fourteen. Rochelle went to live with her mother, and they moved west to Washington State. She had enjoyed a better relationship with her father than mother overall, but her dad was going through some issues by then, and wasn't sure he could take care of her.


Until moving away, Rochelle had often helped out around the garage of her dad's mechanic business. She learned a lot from him not just about automobiles but other kinds of machinery as well. Drawing diagrams of machines, or even taking them apart or assembling them, is soothing to her now and help her control her otherwise volatile moods. Since leaving Montana, she's become more rebellious and less controllable, partly out of resentment (fair or otherwise) towards her mom and partly just out of characteristic impatience to turn 18 and finally be free to make her own way in the world, at her own speed, with no one able to hold her back.





Name: Rochelle McKendrick
Player: Salmon Max
Race: Human
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 103
Age: 17

Attributes [80]
ST 8 [-20]
DX 12 [40]
IQ 13 [60]
HT 10

Hit Points 8
Will 13
Perception 13
Fatigue Points 10

Basic Lift 13
Damage 1d-3/1d-2

Basic Speed 5.5
Basic Move 5

Ground Move 5
Water Move 1

Social Background
TL: 8
Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].
Languages: English (Native; Native Language, -6) [0].

Advantages [9]
Appearance (Attractive) [4]
Flexibility [5]

Disadvantages [-35]
Bad Temper (12 or less, *1) [-10]
Curious (12 or less, *1) [-5]
Loner (12 or less, *1) [-5]
Skinny [-5]
Wealth (Struggling) [-10]

Quirks [-3]
Imaginative [-1]
Likes Cats [-1]
Uncongenial [-1]

Skills [24]
Area Knowledge (Spokane) (E) IQ [1]-13
Bicycling (E) DX [1]-12
Climbing (A) DX+2 [1]-14
    Includes: +3 from 'Flexibility'
Computer Operation/TL8 (E) IQ [1]-13
Current Affairs/TL8 (Popular Culture) (E) IQ [1]-13
Current Affairs/TL8 (Science & Technology) (E) IQ [1]-13
Driving/TL8 (Automobile) (A) DX-1 [1]-11
Electrician/TL8 (A) IQ-1 [1]-12
Escape (H) DX+1 [1]-13
    Includes: +3 from 'Flexibility'
Fast-Talk (A) IQ-1 [1]-12
Holdout (A) IQ-1 [1]-12
Judo (H) DX-2 [1]-10
Karate (H) DX-2 [1]-10
Lockpicking/TL8 (A) IQ-1 [1]-12
Mechanic/TL8 (Automobile) (A) IQ-1 [1]-12
Mechanic/TL8 (Gadget) (A) IQ-1 [1]-12
Observation (A) Per-1 [1]-12
Research/TL8 (A) IQ-1 [1]-12
Running (A) HT-1 [1]-9
Scrounging (E) Per [1]-13
Skating (H) HT-1 [2]-9
Stealth (A) DX-1 [1]-11
Swimming (E) HT [1]-10

Points Summary
Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [80]
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarities [9]
Disadvantages/Quirks [-38]
Skills/Techniques/Spells [24]
= Total [75]

Melee Attacks
Bite; Dam:1d-4 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"ST:DX"; Level:12; Parry:No; LC:
    Notes: Brawling (p. B182) increases all unarmed damage; Claws (p. B42) and Karate (p. B203) improve damage with punches and kicks (Claws don't affect damage with brass knuckles or boots); and Boxing (p. B182) improves punching damage.
   Punch; Dam:1d-4 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Karate"; Level:10; Parry:8; LC:
   Kick; Dam:1d-3 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"SK:Karate"-2; Level:8; Parry:No; LC:
    Notes: If you miss with a kick, roll vs. DX to avoid falling.
Kick; Dam:1d-3 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"ST:DX"-2; Level:10; Parry:No; LC:
    Notes: Brawling (p. B182) increases all unarmed damage; Claws (p. B42) and Karate (p. B203) improve damage with punches and kicks (Claws don't affect damage with brass knuckles or boots); and Boxing (p. B182) improves punching damage.
Punch; Dam:1d-4 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"ST:DX"; Level:12; Parry:9; LC:
    Notes: Brawling (p. B182) increases all unarmed damage; Claws (p. B42) and Karate (p. B203) improve damage with punches and kicks (Claws don't affect damage with brass knuckles or boots); and Boxing (p. B182) improves punching damage.

Ranged Attacks

Equipment [¤2,320.00]
Binoculars; Qty:1; Wgt:2; ¤400.00
Cell Phone; Qty:1; Wgt:0.25; ¤250.00
Computer, Laptop; Qty:1; Wgt:3; ¤1,500.00
Lockpicks; Qty:1; Wgt:0; ¤50.00
Ordinary Clothes; Qty:1; Wgt:2; ¤120.00




Name: Rochelle McKendrick
Race: Human
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 103
Age: 17

Attributes [100]
ST 9 [-20]    (Includes: +1 from 'Extra ST 1 (Affects ST, +0%; Size, +0%; Super, -10%)')
DX 13 [40]    (Includes: +1 from 'Extra DX 1 (Affects DX, +0%; Super, -10%)')
IQ 20 [80]    (Includes: +6 from 'Extra IQ 6 (Affects IQ, +0%; Super, -10%)')
HT 12    (Includes: +2 from 'Extra HT 2 (Affects HT, +0%; Super, -10%)')

Hit Points 9
Will 20
Perception 20
Fatigue Points 12

Basic Lift 16
Damage 1d-2/1d-1

Basic Speed 8 (Includes: +1.75 from 'Extra Basic Speed (+1.75; Affects Speed, +0%; Super, -10%)')
Basic Move 8

Air Move 16/64 (Includes: +48 from 'Enhanced Air Move')
Ground Move 8
Space Move 16
Water Move 1

Social Background
TL: 8
Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].
Languages: English (Native; Native Language, -6) [0].

Advantages [1488]
360° Vision (Psychokinetic, -10%) [23]
Appearance (Attractive) [4]
Compartmentalized Mind 2 (Super, -10%) [90]
Create Ice 2 (Environmental (Must have water or water vapor in area), Very Common, -5%; Psychokinetic, -10%; Requires Cryokinesis Roll, +0%) [9]
Cryokinesis 5 (Psi) [65]
Dampen 6 (Psi; Selective Effect, +20%) [87]
Eidetic Memory [5]
Electric Vision 2 (Psi) [12]
Enhanced Dodge 1 (Super, -10%) [14]
Enhanced Move (2; Air; Psychokinetic, -10%; Super, -10%) [32]
Enhanced Parry 1 (All Parries; Super, -10%) [9]
Enhanced Time Sense (Super, -10%) [41]
Extra Basic Speed (+1.75; Affects Speed, +0%; Super, -10%) [32]
Extra DX 1 (Affects DX, +0%; Super, -10%) [18]
Extra HT 2 (Affects HT, +0%; Super, -10%) [18]
Extra IQ 6 (Affects IQ, +0%; Super, -10%) [108]
Extra ST 1 (Affects ST, +0%; Size, +0%; Super, -10%) [9]
Fit [5]
Flash 2 (Psi) [27]
Flexibility [5]
Flight (Psychokinetic, -10%; Requires Levitation Roll, -10%; Space Flight, +50%) [52]
Gadgeteer (Quick) [50]
Gizmo 3 [15]
Hologram (Area Effect, 4 yd, +50%; Psychokinetic, -10%; Ranged, +40%; Requires Hologram Roll, -10%; Visual Only, -30%) [35]
Hyperspectral Vision (Psionic, -10%) [23]
Modular Abilities (Super-Memorization; Slot 1, +5, +20; Slot 2, +5, +20; Slot 3, +5, +20; Super, -10%) [54]
Photorefraction 10 (Psi) [50]
Precognition (Super, -10%) [23]
Protected Hyperspectral Vision [5]
Protected TK Grab [5]
Protected TK/EK Shield [5]
Psychometry (Super, -10%) [18]
Pyrokinesis 5 (Psi) [70]
Remote Control 3 (Psi) [20]
Surge 2 (Psi) [22]
Temperature Tolerance 10 (Psi) [9]
TK Bullet 9 (Piercing; Environmental, Common, -10%; Increased Range, 1/2D Range only, x50, +25%; Increased Range, Max Range only, x10, +15%; Psychokinetic, -10%; Requires TK Bullet Roll, -10%; Variable, +5%) [52]
TK Crush 5 (Psi) [25]
TK Grab 29 (Accessibility, Cannot Punch, +1, -10%; Accessibility, Cannot Use On Self, +2, -20%; Based On IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Increased Range: Line-of-Sight, Base range 100 yards, +70%; Psychokinetic, -10%; Requires TK Grab Roll, -10%) [203]
TK/EK Shield 25 (Force Field, +20%; Psychokinetic, -10%; Requires TK/EK Shield Roll, -10%) [125]
Versatile [5]
Visualization (Super, -10%) [9]

Perks [3]
Aerokinesis [1]
Hydrokinesis [1]
TK Umbrella [1]

Disadvantages [-55]
Bad Temper (12 or less, *1) [-10]
Compulsive Behavior (Monologuing; 12 or less, *1) [-5]
Curious (12 or less, *1) [-5]
Impulsiveness (12 or less, *1) [-10]
Loner (12 or less, *1) [-5]
Overconfidence (12 or less, *1) [-5]
Skinny [-5]
Wealth (Struggling) [-10]

Quirks [-3]
Imaginative [-1]
Likes Cats [-1]
Uncongenial [-1]

Skills [67]
Area Knowledge (Spokane) (E) IQ [1]-20
Bicycling (E) DX [1]-13
Climbing (A) DX+2 [1]-15
    Includes: +3 from 'Flexibility'
Computer Operation/TL8 (E) IQ [1]-20
Computer Programming/TL8 (H) IQ-2 [1]-18
Cryokinesis (H) Will-2 [1]-18
Current Affairs/TL8 (Popular Culture) (E) IQ [1]-20
Current Affairs/TL8 (Science & Technology) (E) IQ [1]-20
Dampen (H) IQ-2 [1]-18
Detect Lies (H) Per-2 [1]-18
Driving/TL8 (Automobile) (A) DX+2 [1]-15
Electric Vision (H) Per-2 [1]-18
Engineer/TL8 (Electronics) (H) IQ-2 [1]-18
Escape (H) DX+1 [1]-14
    Includes: +3 from 'Flexibility'
Expanded Area (Cryokinesis) (Tech/H) Cryokinesis+1 [2]-14
Expanded Area (Pyrokinesis) (Tech/H) Pyrokinesis+1 [2]-14
Fast-Talk (A) IQ-1 [1]-19
Flash (H) Will-2 [1]-18
Flat Edge (TK Bullet) (Tech/H) TK Bullet+1 [2]-18
Holdout (A) IQ-1 [1]-19
Hologram (H) IQ-2 [1]-18
Judo (H) DX-1 [2]-12
Karate (H) DX-1 [2]-12
Levitation (H) IQ-2 [1]-18
Lockpicking/TL8 (A) IQ-1 [1]-19
Mass Grab (TK Grab) (Tech/H) TK Grab+1 [2]-13
Mathematics/TL8 (Applied) (H) IQ-2 [1]-18
Mechanic/TL8 (Automobile) (A) IQ-1 [1]-19
Mechanic/TL8 (Gadget) (A) IQ-1 [1]-19
Mind Block (A) Will-1 [1]-19
Observation (A) Per-1 [1]-19
Photorefraction (H) IQ-2 [1]-18
Physics/TL8 (VH) IQ-3 [1]-17
Pyrokinesis (H) Will-2 [1]-18
Rapid Fire (TK Bullet) (Tech/H) TK Bullet+2 [3]-14
Rapid Launch (Levitation) (Tech/H) Levitation+1 [2]-15
Remote Control (H) IQ-2 [1]-18
Research/TL8 (A) IQ-1 [1]-19
Running (A) HT-1 [1]-11
Scrounging (E) Per [1]-20
Skating (H) HT-1 [2]-11
Stealth (A) DX+2 [1]-15
Suppression (TK/EK Shield) (Tech/H) TK/EK Shield+1 [2]-15
Surge (H) Will-2 [1]-18
Swimming (E) HT [1]-12
Throat Squeeze (TK Crush) (Tech/H) TK Crush+2 [3]-11
TK Bullet (H) IQ-1 [2]-19
TK Crush (H) IQ-1 [2]-19
TK Grab (H) IQ-1 [2]-19
TK/EK Shield (H) IQ-1 [2]-19

Points Summary
Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [100]
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarities [1491]
Disadvantages/Quirks [-58]
Skills/Techniques/Spells [67]
= Total [1600]

Melee Attacks
Bite; Dam:1d-3 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"ST:DX"; Level:13; Parry:No; LC:
    Notes: Brawling (p. B182) increases all unarmed damage; Claws (p. B42) and Karate (p. B203) improve damage with punches and kicks (Claws don't affect damage with brass knuckles or boots); and Boxing (p. B182) improves punching damage.
   Punch; Dam:1d-3 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Karate"; Level:12; Parry:11; LC:
   Kick; Dam:1d-2 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"SK:Karate"-2; Level:10; Parry:No; LC:
    Notes: If you miss with a kick, roll vs. DX to avoid falling.
Kick; Dam:1d-2 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"ST:DX"-2; Level:11; Parry:No; LC:
    Notes: Brawling (p. B182) increases all unarmed damage; Claws (p. B42) and Karate (p. B203) improve damage with punches and kicks (Claws don't affect damage with brass knuckles or boots); and Boxing (p. B182) improves punching damage.
Punch; Dam:1d-3 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"ST:DX"; Level:13; Parry:11; LC:
    Notes: Brawling (p. B182) increases all unarmed damage; Claws (p. B42) and Karate (p. B203) improve damage with punches and kicks (Claws don't affect damage with brass knuckles or boots); and Boxing (p. B182) improves punching damage.

Ranged Attacks
Hologram (Area Effect, 4 yd, +50%; Psychokinetic, -10%; Ranged, +40%; Requires Hologram Roll, -10%; Visual Only, -30%); Dam:0d spcl.; Acc:3; Range:10 / 100; RoF:1; Shots:; Level:0; Rcl:1; LC:
TK Bullet 9 (Piercing; Environmental, Common, -10%; Increased Range, 1/2D Range only, x50, +25%; Increased Range, Max Range only, x10, +15%; Psychokinetic, -10%; Requires TK Bullet Roll, -10%; Variable, +5%); Dam:9d pi; Acc:3; Range:500 / 1000; RoF:1; Shots:; Level:19; Rcl:1; LC:
TK Grab 29 (Accessibility, Cannot Punch, +1, -10%; Accessibility, Cannot Use On Self, +2, -20%; Based On IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Increased Range: Line-of-Sight, Base range 100 yards, +70%; Psychokinetic, -10%; Requires TK Grab Roll, -10%)
   thrust; Dam:3d cr; Acc:; Range:10; RoF:; Shots:; Level:13; LC:
   swing; Dam:5d+2 cr; Acc:; Range:10; RoF:; Shots:; Level:13; LC:

Equipment [¤2,320.00]
Binoculars; Qty:1; Wgt:2; ¤400.00
Cell Phone; Qty:1; Wgt:0.25; ¤250.00
Computer, Laptop; Qty:1; Wgt:3; ¤1,500.00
Lockpicks; Qty:1; Wgt:0; ¤50.00
Ordinary Clothes; Qty:1; Wgt:2; ¤120.00


Edited by SalmonMax
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Carolyn Cassidy (née Wagner)


Connie Britton | Dirty John220d77c9f9c0c00528735f1d3e5419cb.jpg


Carolyn Cassidy is a kind, gentle, and generous, with a dry sense of humour and a fondness for sudoku and puzzles. She was always good with numbers and money, and married Jack Cassidy right out of high school, and a just a few years later, was managing Cassidy Construction. Jack was an superb carpenter, but Carolyn could never understand how he had such a bad head for finances. Though she could have been very successful as a banker, she's been more than content as a homemaker and accountant for their personal business. Always has an extra meal and some wise words for the high school kids Jack hires during the summer, and the few he keeps during the school year who need the money or show promise and drive.


While her two daughters took more after their father, her odd son favoured her far more greatly. And not just in their facility with mathematics. People had always remarked on the similarity of their features, and Carolyn harbors continual guilt that she didn't realize just how much until after Sean entered puberty and instead of growing out of it, their resemblance grew. Though shorter, Sean grew more curvaceous and beautiful than she had ever been, and at that point, there was little to be done about it. She suspects what her son may have attempted in his teens. The hardest thing she has ever done was let him go at sixteen rather than holding him close. She hadn't protected him, helped him, as much as she could have, and trying harder at that point would have destroyed him. She and Jack had argued about it frequently after Sean had moved out.


Still, she has followed Sean as much as she could online, and while she didn't really understand the gaming community, it seemed he was successful and through his social media posts, it appeared Sean was happy, happier than he had ever been in Shelly. She missed him dearly, but hoped he was well. With Laurie moving out, playing professional basketball across the country and overseas, and Teagan starting her own family, Carolyn has started to feel a little at lost ends, having moved into being a doting grandmother to Teagan's adopted daughter Alice.


With Jack started to feel the wear and tear of forty years of hard blue-collar labour, Carolyn has been urging him to cut back on work, even possibly retire. She has manage their finances successfully, and if not wealthy, they were comfortable. They would have an easy retirement, with plenty of time and means for hobbies and travel.


And then the Visitor fell, and things have changed for them all.


Carolyn had been a beauty in her youth, a beauty that has mellowed into a matured attractiveness with age as her brilliant red hair has faded into a pale, strawberry blond. After the Visitor, she has been restored and then some to her teenaged beauty and vitality, accompanied with an uncanny skill and fondness with firearms that has enabled her to protect her family from the King Coyote that attacked the Cassidy residence when her husband's chronic pain flared up and prevented him from doing so.



Name: Carolyn Cassidy
Race: Human
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 132
Age: 59 (appears 17)


Attributes [120]
ST 12 [20]
DX 16    (Includes: +6 from 'Extra DX 6 (Affects DX, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%)')
IQ 13 [60]
HT 16 [40]    (Includes: +2 from 'Extra HT 2 (Affects HT, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%)')

Hit Points 12


Will 13
Perception 13
Fatigue Points 16

Basic Lift 29
Damage 1d-1/1d+2

Basic Speed 8
Basic Move 8

Ground Move 8
Water Move 1


Social Background
TL: 8
Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].
Languages: English (Native; Native Language, -6) [0].


Advantages [422]
Appearance (Very Beautiful) [16]
Bullet Time [41]
   Combat Reflexes (ESP, -10%) [14]
   Enhanced Dodge 2 (ESP, -10%) [27]
Business Acumen 3 [30]
Damage Resistance 2 (Psychometabolism, -10%; Tough Skin, -40%) [5]
Enhanced Life Development [9]
   Early Maturation 4 [0]
   Easy Childbirth [0]
   Extended Lifespan (x8) [6]
   Light Menses [0]
   Longevity [2]
   Reproductive Control [1]
   Shorter Gestation [0]
Extra HT 2 (Affects HT, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%) [18]
Independent Income 5 [5]
Less Sleep 5 [10]
Mathematical Ability 3 [30]
Oakley [209]
   Combat Reflexes (Psychometabolism, -10%) [14]
   Extra Attack 2 (Accessibility, Only With Guns, +1, -10%; Multi-Strike, +20%) [55]
   Extra DX 6 (Affects DX, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%) [108]
   Gunslinger (ESP, -10%) [23]
   Telescopic Vision 2 (Psychometabolism, -10%) [9]
Resistant (Very Common; Metabolic Hazards; +3, *1/3; Psychometabolism, -10%) [9]
Very Fit [15]
Very Rapid Healing [15]
Wealth (Comfortable) [10]


Disadvantages [-50]
Charitable (12 or less, *1) [-15]
Compulsive Generosity (12 or less, *1) [-5]
Guilt Complex [-5]
Honesty (12 or less, *1) [-10]
Sense of Duty (Small Group; Family) [-5]
Truthfulness (12 or less, *1) [-5]
Unusual Biochemistry [-5]


Quirks [-5]
Baby Faced [-1]
Careful [-1]
Humble [-1]
Obsession (Guns) [-1]
Staid [-1]


Skills [113]
Accounting (H) IQ+6 [4]-19
    Includes: +3 from 'Business Acumen 3', +3 from 'Mathematical Ability 3'
Administration (A) IQ+2 [1]-15
    Includes: +3 from 'Business Acumen 3'
Area Knowledge (local) (E) IQ+1 [2]-14
Autohypnosis (H) Will-2 [1]-11
Body Language (A) Per [2]-13
Breaking Blow (With Guns) (H) IQ [4]-13
Computer Operation/TL8 (E) IQ [1]-13
Cooking (A) IQ [2]-13
Cryptography/TL8 (H) IQ+1 [1]-14
    Includes: +3 from 'Mathematical Ability 3'
Dancing (A) DX-1 [1]-15
Detect Lies (H) Per-1 [2]-12
Diplomacy (H) IQ-1 [2]-12
Driving/TL8 (Automobile) (A) DX-1 [1]-15
Economics (H) IQ+1 [1]-14
    Includes: +3 from 'Business Acumen 3'
Engineer/TL8 (Small Arms) (H) IQ+2 [2]-15
    Includes: +3 from 'Mathematical Ability 3'
Erotic Art (Human) (A) DX [2]-16
Finance (H) IQ+6 [4]-19
    Includes: +3 from 'Business Acumen 3', +3 from 'Mathematical Ability 3'
First Aid/TL8 (E) IQ+1 [2]-14
Gambling (A) IQ+2 [1]-15
    Includes: +3 from 'Business Acumen 3'
Games (Sudoku) (E) IQ [1]-13
Gardening (E) IQ [1]-13
Gun! (ESP, -10%) (ESP) (WC) DX+3 [54]-19
Hiking (A) HT-1 [1]-15
Housekeeping (E) IQ+2 [4]-15
Knife (E) DX [1]-16
Market Analysis (H) IQ+4 [1]-17
    Includes: +3 from 'Business Acumen 3', +3 from 'Mathematical Ability 3'
Mathematics/TL8 (Applied) (H) IQ+2 [2]-15
    Includes: +3 from 'Mathematical Ability 3'
Mathematics/TL8 (Pure) (H) IQ+2 [2]-15
    Includes: +3 from 'Mathematical Ability 3'
Mathematics/TL8 (Statistics) (H) IQ+2 [2]-15
    Includes: +3 from 'Mathematical Ability 3'
Merchant (A) IQ+3 [2]-16
    Includes: +3 from 'Business Acumen 3'
Sewing/TL8 (E) DX+1 [2]-17
Sex Appeal (Human) (A) HT+6 [2]-22
    Includes: +6 from 'Appearance (Very Beautiful)'
Singing (E) HT [1]-16
Swimming (E) HT [1]-16


Points Summary
Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [120] 
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarities [422] 
Disadvantages/Quirks [-55] 
Skills/Techniques/Spells [113] 
= Total [600] 


Melee Attacks
Bite; Dam:1d-2 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"ST:DX"; Level:16; Parry:No; LC:
    Notes: Brawling (p. B182) increases all unarmed damage; Claws (p. B42) and Karate (p. B203) improve damage with punches and kicks (Claws don't affect damage with brass knuckles or boots); and Boxing (p. B182) improves punching damage.
Kick; Dam:1d-1 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"ST:DX"-2; Level:14; Parry:No; LC:
    Notes: Brawling (p. B182) increases all unarmed damage; Claws (p. B42) and Karate (p. B203) improve damage with punches and kicks (Claws don't affect damage with brass knuckles or boots); and Boxing (p. B182) improves punching damage.
Punch; Dam:1d-2 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"ST:DX"; Level:16; Parry:13; LC:
    Notes: Brawling (p. B182) increases all unarmed damage; Claws (p. B42) and Karate (p. B203) improve damage with punches and kicks (Claws don't affect damage with brass knuckles or boots); and Boxing (p. B182) improves punching damage.


Ranged Attacks


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Teagan Cassidy-Marsters




Foul-mouthed and foul-tongued, works hard and plays hard, Teagan has always been a brash and boisterous bitch, fiercely protective and loyal of her family and friends, hell on any who threatened them. Sure, she teased her feminine and over-endowed brother, but that was her prerogative as his older sister and no one bullied him when she was around.


Teagan was always an athletic tomboy, and was the star female athlete at Shelly High, focusing on track and field. Even before graduating, she got into Crossfit and absolutely loved it. Not particularly clever like her mother or brother, and not that interested in her father's contracting business, she needed something that focused her competitive aggression and formidable physicality and the military had called to her for years.


She had had the idea of going Army and becoming a Ranger, but talking with men at Taylor AFS, she decided on Air Force and becoming Pararescue. Her natural talents and inclinations made Pararescue a perfect fit and she was one of the youngest to join the elite force. She doesn't take much about what she did when posted overseas, but when she saw the opening when she got back, she took a posting back at Taylor AFS.


Soon, she reconnected with an old boyfriend, Chad Marsters, and they got married two years later. Teagan hadn't really considered kids, and it would be more than inconvenient with her military career, but Alice, Chad's daughter from that deadbeat cunt Courtney who had taken off on them for someone richer, had grown on her and she considered her own. They had moved into the Barn that had once been Sean's domain, which had finished being converted into a second home. While Teagan spent most of her time on duty at Taylor, Chad joined Jack Cassidy at Cassidy Construction, and took care of most of the housekeeping and childrearing, with plenty of help from grandma Carolyn.


Teagan thought maybe someday she'd like a child of her own, beyond Alice, but that day wasn't any time soon.


Teagan was always tall and athletic for her age, and dedicated training and exercise only made her more muscular, if far more modestly curvaceous. She can take as good as she gives out in banter, but the blonde jokes were getting to her, and she'd been dyeing her hair brown for almost ten years now. Now, with the Visitor passing, something has been changing, her shoulders and arms getting even thicker with dense muscle...



Name: Teagan Cassidy-Marsters
Race: Human
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 214 lbs
Age: 32


Attributes [160]
ST 20 [40]    (Includes: +6 from 'Extra ST 6 (Affects ST, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%; Size, +0%)')
DX 16 [80]    (Includes: +2 from 'Extra DX 2 (Affects DX, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%)')
IQ 10
HT 18 [40]    (Includes: +4 from 'Extra HT 4 (Affects HT, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%)')


Hit Points 20
Will 10
Perception 11    (Includes: +1 from 'Extra Perception 1 (Affects Per, +0%)')
Fatigue Points 18

Basic Lift 80
Damage 2d-1/3d+2

Basic Speed 9 (Includes: +0.5 from 'Extra Basic Speed (+0.5; Affects Speed, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%)')
Basic Move 10 (Includes: +1 from 'Extra Basic Move 1 (Affects Move, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%)')

Ground Move 10
Water Move 10


Social Background
TL: 8
Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].
Languages: English (Native; Native Language, -6) [0].


Advantages [363]
Appearance (Attractive) [4]
Combat Reflexes [15]
Enhanced Life Development [9]
   Early Maturation 4 [0]
   Easy Childbirth [0]
   Extended Lifespan (x8) [6]
   Light Menses [0]
   Longevity [2]
   Reproductive Control [1]
   Shorter Gestation [0]
Enhanced Physique [224]
   Amphibious (Psychometabolism, -10%) [9]
   Breath-Holding 2 [4]
   Damage Resistance 5 (Psychometabolism, -10%; Tough Skin, -40%) [13]
   Extra Attack 1 (Multi-Strike, +20%; Psychometabolism, -10%) [28]
   Extra Basic Move 1 (Affects Move, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%) [5]
   Extra Basic Speed (+0.5; Affects Speed, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%) [9]
   Extra DX 2 (Affects DX, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%) [36]
   Extra HT 4 (Affects HT, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%) [36]
   Extra ST 6 (Affects ST, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%; Size, +0%) [54]
   High Pain Threshold [10]

   Pressure Support 1 (Psychometabolism, -10%) [5]
   Super Jump 1 (Psychometabolism, -10%) [9]
   Temperature Tolerance 6 (Psychometabolism, -10%) [6]
Extra Perception 1 (Affects Per, +0%) [5]
Fearlessness 5 [10]
Military Rank 1 [5]
Pararescue Expert 4 [40]
Versatile Recuperation [11]
   Radiation Tolerance (PF 5; Psychometabolism, -10%) [9]
   Resistant (Very Common; Metabolic Hazards; +3, *1/3; Psychometabolism, -10%) [9]
Versatile Rejuvenation [25]
   Regeneration (Regular: 1HP/Hr; Psychometabolism, -10%) [23]
   Regeneration (Regular: 1HP/Hr; Psychometabolism, -10%; Radiation Only, -60%) [8]
Very Fit [15]


Perks [2]
Alcohol Tolerance [1]
No Hangover [1]


Disadvantages [-50]
Bad Temper (12 or less, *1) [-10]
Code of Honor (Soldier's) [-10]
Duty (15 or less (almost always); Army) [-15]
Overconfidence (12 or less, *1) [-5]
Stubbornness [-5]
Unusual Biochemistry [-5]


Quirks [-5]
Husband and a kid [-1]
Likes Booze [-1]
Obsession (Crossfit) [-1]
Proud [-1]
Swears a lot [-1]


Skills [130]
Acrobatics (H) DX-1 [2]-15
Boating/TL8 (Large Powerboat) (A) DX [2]-16
Breath Control (H) HT [4]-18
Camouflage (E) IQ+2 [4]-12
Carousing (E) HT+1 [2]-19
Carpentry (E) IQ [1]-10
Climbing (A) DX+5 [4]-21
    Includes: +4 from 'Pararescue Expert 4'
Computer Operation/TL8 (E) IQ [1]-10
Driving/TL8 (Heavy Wheeled) (A) DX [2]-16
Escape (H) DX-1 [2]-15
Expert Skill (Military Science) (H) IQ-2 [1]-8
Explosives/TL8 (Demolition) (A) IQ [2]-10
Explosives/TL8 (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) (A) IQ [2]-10
First Aid/TL8 (E) IQ+6 [4]-16
    Includes: +4 from 'Pararescue Expert 4'
Gunner/TL8 (Machine Gun) (E) DX+1 [2]-17
Guns/TL8 (Grenade Launcher) (E) DX+1 [2]-17
Guns/TL8 (Rifle) (E) DX+3 [8]-19
Hiking (A) HT [2]-18
Intimidation (A) Will+1 [4]-11
Judo (H) DX [4]-16
Jumping (E) DX+1 [2]-17
Karate (H) DX [4]-16
Knife (E) DX+1 [2]-17
Lifting (A) HT+1 [4]-19
Navigation/TL8 (Land) (A) IQ+4 [2]-14
    Includes: +4 from 'Pararescue Expert 4'
Observation (A) Per+5 [4]-16
    Includes: +4 from 'Pararescue Expert 4'
Parachuting/TL8 (E) DX+6 [4]-22
    Includes: +4 from 'Pararescue Expert 4'
Piloting/TL8 (Helicopter) (A) DX [2]-16
Public Speaking (A) IQ-1 [1]-9
Running (A) HT+5 [4]-23
    Includes: +4 from 'Pararescue Expert 4'
Savoir-Faire (Military) (E) IQ+1 [2]-11
Scrounging (E) Per+1 [2]-12
Scuba/TL8 (A) IQ+5 [4]-15
    Includes: +4 from 'Pararescue Expert 4'
Search (A) Per [2]-11
Soldier/TL8 (A) IQ+1 [4]-11
Stealth (A) DX+5 [4]-21
    Includes: +4 from 'Pararescue Expert 4'
Survival (Arctic) (A) Per+4 [2]-15
    Includes: +4 from 'Pararescue Expert 4'
Survival (Desert) (A) Per+4 [2]-15
    Includes: +4 from 'Pararescue Expert 4'
Survival (Jungle) (A) Per+4 [2]-15
    Includes: +4 from 'Pararescue Expert 4'
Survival (Mountain) (A) Per+4 [2]-15
    Includes: +4 from 'Pararescue Expert 4'
Survival (Woodlands) (A) Per+4 [2]-15
    Includes: +4 from 'Pararescue Expert 4'
Swimming (E) HT+6 [4]-24
    Includes: +4 from 'Pararescue Expert 4'
Tactics (H) IQ-1 [2]-9
Tracking (A) Per+5 [4]-16
    Includes: +4 from 'Pararescue Expert 4'
Urban Survival (A) Per+5 [4]-16
    Includes: +4 from 'Pararescue Expert 4'
Wrestling (A) DX+1 [4]-17


Points Summary
Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [160] 
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarities [365] 
Disadvantages/Quirks [-55] 
Skills/Techniques/Spells [130] 
= Total [600] 


Melee Attacks
Bite; Dam:2d-2 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"ST:DX"; Level:16; Parry:No; LC:
    Notes: Brawling (p. B182) increases all unarmed damage; Claws (p. B42) and Karate (p. B203) improve damage with punches and kicks (Claws don't affect damage with brass knuckles or boots); and Boxing (p. B182) improves punching damage.
   Punch; Dam:2d cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Karate"; Level:16; Parry:12; LC:
   Kick; Dam:2d+1 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"SK:Karate"-2; Level:14; Parry:No; LC:
    Notes: If you miss with a kick, roll vs. DX to avoid falling.


Ranged Attacks


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Laurelai 'Laurie' Cassidy




Laurie Cassidy is the youngest of the Cassidy children, blonde and beautiful, slim and wiry. She was taller than her brother when she was twelve, as tall as her sister by fourteen, taller than their dad when she was sixteen, and grew another inch while at UMT to top out at 6'5''. Used to be envious of how gorgeous and voluptuous her brother was, but she got over that after hearing him complaining about bras, and even their mother having concerns. Still, with her eventual height, she's encountered her own fitting issues, but has seen it as a fun challenge.


She took longer to find her passion than her siblings, flitting from one thing to another, until her height found sports for her. She started playing volleyball, but soon transitioned into Basketball and loved it. Not relying purely on her height, she practiced hard, and got an athletic scholarship to UMT in Missoula and a starter role on the Lady Griz basketball team. Earned her business degree and was drafted second overall into the WNBA.


She's young and single and successful and is having a blast. Won rookie of the year, and is a key member of her team. Plays overseas in Europe when the season is out. Has a very active social life, loves traveling and going out to party and dance and sing. In the process, found out she's bisexual. It might be due to being in a sport that seems girls who like girls are the majority, but she hasn't questioned it, and is just enjoying having more to choose from. 


Not relying only on basketball, Laurie curtails a social media following, and is interested in music. Posts actively about her travels. With a bit of her mother's business savvy and her own share of looks, Laurie has become ones of the faces of the WNBA, popular and well liked by the majority, though she, like anyone, has her haters. The most classically feminine and 'girly' of the Cassidy kids, she loves fashion, cosmetics, and dressing up for any occasion.


She was about the only one who still stayed in contact with Sean once he left Shelly, though it was mostly through social media. When the Visitor fell, she was in Berlin, and is still trying to figure out how to get back home. Traveling a lot for basketball, and for her social life and social media, Laurie hasn't bothered with a house of her own, yet, settling for AirBnBs and Hotels, so where she grew up is still home for her.



Name: Laurie Cassidy
Race: Human
Height: 6'6''
Weight: 194 lbs
Age: 25


Attributes [160]
ST 18 [40]    (Includes: +4 from 'Extra ST 4 (Affects ST, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%; Size, +0%)')
DX 15 [60]    (Includes: +2 from 'Extra DX 2 (Affects DX, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%)')
IQ 11 [20]
HT 17 [40]    (Includes: +3 from 'Extra HT 3 (Affects HT, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%)')

Hit Points 18
Will 11
Perception 11
Fatigue Points 17

Basic Lift 65
Damage 1d+2/3d

Basic Speed 8
Basic Move 9 (Includes: +1 from 'Extra Basic Move 1 (Affects Move, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%)')

Ground Move 9
Water Move 1


Social Background
TL: 8
Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].
Languages: English (Native; Native Language, -6) [0]; French (Broken) [2]; Italian (Broken) [2].


Advantages [166]
Appearance (Beautiful) [12]
Enhanced Life Development [9]
   Early Maturation 4 [0]
   Easy Childbirth [0]
   Extended Lifespan (x8) [6]
   Light Menses [0]
   Longevity [2]
   Reproductive Control [1]
   Shorter Gestation [0]
Enhanced Physique [117]
   Extra Basic Move 1 (Affects Move, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%) [5]
   Extra DX 2 (Affects DX, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%) [36]
   Extra HT 3 (Affects HT, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%) [27]
   Extra ST 4 (Affects ST, +0%; Psychometabolism, -10%; Size, +0%) [36]
   Super Jump 1 (Psychometabolism, -10%) [9]
   Temperature Tolerance 4 (Psychometabolism, -10%) [4]
Reputation 2 (Sports Star; All the time, *1; Large class, *1/2) [5]
Resistant (Very Common; Metabolic Hazards; +3, *1/3; Psychometabolism, -10%) [9]
Very Fit (Psychometabolism, -10%) [14]


Perks [1]
No Hangover [1]


Disadvantages [-50]
Chummy [-5]
Compulsive Carousing (12 or less, *1) [-5]
Easy to Read [-10]
Honesty (12 or less, *1) [-10]
Sense of Duty (Small Group; Family) [-5]
Stubbornness [-5]
Truthfulness (12 or less, *1) [-5]
Unusual Biochemistry [-5]


Quirks [-5]
Broad-Minded [-1]
Code of Honor (Professional) [-1]
Dreamer [-1]
Likes Karaoke [-1]
Responsive [-1]


Skills [74]
Acrobatics (H) DX-2 [1]-13
Bicycling (E) DX [1]-15
Brawling (E) DX [1]-15
Breath Control (H) HT-1 [2]-16
Carousing (E) HT+1 [2]-18
Carpentry (E) IQ [1]-11
Climbing (A) DX-1 [1]-14
Computer Operation/TL8 (E) IQ [1]-11
Cooking (A) IQ-1 [1]-10
Current Affairs/TL8 (People) (E) IQ [1]-11
Current Affairs/TL8 (Popular Culture) (E) IQ [2]-12
Current Affairs/TL8 (Sports) (E) IQ [1]-11
Current Affairs/TL8 (Travel) (E) IQ [1]-11
Dancing (A) DX [2]-15
Driving/TL8 (Automobile) (A) DX-1 [1]-14
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Media) (A) IQ [2]-11
Erotic Art (Human) (A) DX [2]-15
Finance (H) IQ-1 [2]-10
First Aid/TL8 (E) IQ+1 [2]-12
Guns/TL8 (Rifle) (E) DX [1]-15
Lifting (A) HT [2]-17
Musical Instrument (Drums) (H) IQ-1 [2]-10
Musical Instrument (Guitar) (H) IQ-1 [2]-10
Observation (A) Per+1 [4]-12
Performance (A) IQ [2]-11
Photography/TL8 (A) IQ [2]-11
Public Speaking (A) IQ [2]-11
Running (A) HT [2]-17
Sewing/TL8 (E) DX [1]-15
Sex Appeal (Human) (A) HT+4 [2]-21
    Includes: +4 from 'Appearance (Beautiful)'
Singing (E) HT+1 [2]-18
Skating (H) HT-2 [1]-15
Skiing (H) HT-2 [1]-15
Sports (Basketball) (A) DX+3 [12]-18
Sports (Soccer) (A) DX [2]-15
Sports (Volleyball) (A) DX [2]-15
Swimming (E) HT+1 [2]-18
Throwing (A) DX [2]-15
Wrestling (A) DX-1 [1]-14


Points Summary
Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [160] 
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarities [167] 
Disadvantages/Quirks [-55] 
Skills/Techniques/Spells [74] 
= Total [350] 


Melee Attacks
   Punch; Dam:1d+1 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:15; Parry:10; LC:
   Bite; Dam:1d+1 cr; Reach:C; Skill:"SK:Brawling"; Level:15; Parry:No; LC:
   Kick; Dam:1d+2 cr; Reach:C,1; Skill:"SK:Brawling"-2; Level:13; Parry:No; LC:
    Notes: If you miss with a kick, roll vs. DX to avoid falling.

Ranged Attacks


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