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CHAPTER ONE - The Magickal Exchange


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After their enchanting dance, Tandy and Darien exchanged contact information, promising to stay in touch. As they made their way home, Tony and Darien engaged in deep conversation until the early hours of the morning. For once, Tony let down his guard and shared his vast knowledge of the magical world with Darien.


The revelations that night solidified the bond between Darien and Tony, creating a foundation of trust and understanding that went beyond their familial ties. Tony's wisdom, gained from years of experience in the magickal realm, opened new doors for Darien and guided him along a path he had only just begun to discover.


In the following days, Tandy eagerly explored her newfound abilities, delving deeper into her connection with the shadows and the Worldsong. Each discovery brought her closer to unraveling the mysteries of her own magickal lineage, a journey that would shape her destiny in ways she could not yet imagine.


Meanwhile, Darien honed his skills under Tony's guidance, delving deeper into the complexities of the Worldsong and mastering his ability to sense and manipulate magickal energies. Together, they formed an unbeatable team, each complementing the other in ways they never thought possible.


But while Tandy and Darien were immersed in their separate magical pursuits, Wayne was consumed with research. He neglected his other responsibilities and spent all his time in his studio trying to catch up on photo work he had been avoiding.


One Tuesday morning, Wayne found himself alone in his studio with no classes to attend. He sighed as he set aside his work and made his way to the front of the studio upon hearing the bell signaling a customer's arrival.


Standing before him was an old man wearing an outdated trench coat and felt hat from decades ago. In one hand he held a brown paper bag, looking a bit lost.


"Can I help you?" Wayne asked.


The old man scrutinized Wayne with a critical eye before surveying the room around him. "I hope so. My name is Tony Landa, and I have some old rolls of film," he said, holding up the bag. "Everywhere else told me the film was too old to develop, but a man downtown gave me your address and said you might be able to do something with it. I think there may be pictures of my late wife on these rolls. Can you help me?"


Wayne's curiosity was piqued by the mysterious old man and the possibility of uncovering precious memories captured on forgotten film. Without hesitation, he ushered Tony to a cluttered table in the corner of his studio where the old man carefully laid out several aged film canisters.


As Wayne examined the canisters, he noticed they were labeled with dates spanning several decades. He felt a thrill at the challenge of developing such vintage film and promised Tony that he would try his best to salvage any images still preserved within.


With skilled hands, Wayne began the delicate process of developing the ancient film. As the first images appeared in the developer tray, he was overwhelmed with wonder. The photographs froze moments in time: a young couple dancing under a starry sky, children playing by a sunlit stream, a shadowy figure standing at the edge of a mist-shrouded forest.


But it was one particular image that captured Wayne's heart - a picture of a radiant woman with eyes that seemed to hold an entire universe within them. Her beauty was otherworldly, yet her smile held an underlying sadness that spoke of hidden sorrows. As Wayne continued developing the film, a story unfolded before his eyes - a tale of love, loss, and a magickal legacy waiting to be discovered.


Wayne was transfixed by the images unfolding before him, each one a glimpse into a past that felt both familiar and foreign. As he carefully developed each roll of film, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to these photographs than met the eye.


Tony watched silently, his weathered hands clasped in front of him, a mix of hope and trepidation evident in his eyes. He had entrusted Wayne with this task, not knowing what they might reveal but holding onto the flicker of a chance.


Hours passed in the dimly lit studio as Wayne worked tirelessly, his focus unwavering as he coaxed forth one image after another. The scenes captured on the aged film told a story of love and loss, joy and sorrow, weaving a tapestry of emotions that resonated with Tony and tugged at Wayne's heartstrings.


And then, as the final photograph emerged from the developer tray, a hush fell over the room as Wayne gazed upon the image before him, his breath caught in his throat. It was a portrait of the same woman from the previous photographs, but this time she stood in front of a grand tree with roots that seemed to stretch deep into the earth, its branches reaching high into the sky.


In the background, a figure cloaked in shadows watched her with an intensity that sent shivers down Wayne's spine. There was something undeniably magical about the scene, as if it captured a moment frozen in time where the veil between worlds was at its thinnest.


Wayne turned to Tony, his mind reeling with questions. "What is this? And who is this woman?" he asked, unable to tear his gaze away from the haunting image before him.


Tony held out a folded piece of note paper, Wayne opened it. Written inside was an address. “Only someone like you could have developed that film, revealed these images. Come to dinner at that address tonight. 7:30 sharp.”


With a quirky smile which stopped Wayne from questioning the man, Tony put his hat back on and left the studio.


That same morning…


Darien’s phone ringtone indicating a text. It was from Tandy.




Darien immediately responded to Tandy's text, a smile tugging at his lips as he typed out his reply.


I'm free for lunch! Where should we meet?


Tandy's quick response came in, suggesting a cozy little café tucked away in the heart of the city, a place known for its delicious food and intimate ambiance. Darien agreed enthusiastically, feeling a sense of excitement bubbling within him at the prospect of spending more time with Tandy outside of their magical pursuits.


As Darien made his way to the café, he couldn't help but reflect on the incredible journey he had embarked on ever since meeting Tandy. The mysteries surrounding his own powers and the interconnectedness of their destinies felt like pieces of a puzzle slowly falling into place.


Luckily Darien wasn’t completely absorbed in his thoughts and while startle he didn’t panic. Two dogs pitbulls, slavering at the mouth, rushed out at him from a cross street. Rather the world saw pitbulls, what Darien saw wa snot a pitbull, not even a dog.


The creatures were massive, easily the size of large dogs, but any resemblance to man's loyal companion ended there. Their heads were elongated and twisted into a morbid caricature of a canine skull, adorned with sharp horns that seemed to gleam with malice. Thick, scaly hides covered their bodies, reflecting the light like shards of burnished copper. It was as if they had been coated in a layer of molten lava, giving off an otherworldly glow. Flames danced and flickered along their spines, licking eagerly at the air as they closed in on him. They were grotesque and terrifying, like something out of a nightmare unleashed upon the world. And now, they were coming for him with unbridled fury and hunger in their fiery eyes.






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Darien had only seconds to react, and was very thankful there was no one else around.   It wasn't that he couldn't fight, he certainly could, but he didn't like to do so.  Instead he drew on his connection to the Worldsong, crafting a short verse that he'd hoped would lead the two hounds away, while concealing himself to make his copy more believable.   Mustering his wiil he called the new verse of the Worldsong into being.   "Exemplum Evanescere."  His voice wasn't loud, that too was part of this, singing so softly that it seemed he might vanish, right as he did, while planting the Mental image of him running away quickly, reinforced by sending a phantasm seemingly duplicating his essence doing so, as he concealed his own physical and magical presence.



Using Mind/prime to copy himself in the minds of the hounds, and forces/prime to conceal himself.  

spend 1 quintessence and using familiar tools, difficulty reduced to 3.  spending 1 wp for success
Shameless Request: [2d10] Roll: [7, 3] +1  3 successes



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After Tony had left, Wayne took a deep breath, letting the caustic scents wash over his mind like a cleansing wave. He looked down at the note paper, smiled tightly and breathed out. That done, Wayne finished up the processing of the photos and hung them up to dry. Operating almost on autopilot, he got the task completed in short order. While the first set of prints were drying, he made a duplicate of the photo that captivated his mind and soul. He placed that one up on a string in his private closet with good cross-ventilation. Once that was done, he began cleaning up the chemicals, and securing them in safe containers. He also secured the negatives in a small fireproof safe he kept, just for that purpose. After all the photos were dry, Wayne put those in a lockbox, and applied a label sticker that simply read T. Woods.  The copy he made for himself went into an old wall safe where he kept his important papers. 


In the time after the cleanup of the darkroom, and before his "appointment" for dinner, Wayne spent his time in a bit of a trance, going through the motions of his day. About an hour before the time he had to leave, Wayne jumped in the shower, cleaned off the grime of the day, and  made sure that his appearance wasn't horrible. After the shower, he dried off and began shuffling through his closet, picking out a dress shirt, a pair of black cargo pants, and some accessories. Once he was dressed, he clipped his pocket watch to the belt loop of his pants, put on his nice shoes, and sat down in front of his computer. He pulled up a listing of the address where he was heading to make sure he could get there easily. He shut down the device, headed out front, grabbed his keys and phone, and strode with purpose to his car. "Well, shit. You only live once. It's not often you get invited to dinner by a mysterious old man, I guess." 


Wayne opened the door, slid in behind the wheel and started the car. Looking back over his shoulder he reversed the car out of the driveway, and drove off to meet Tony and his destiny.  


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The effect was immediate. As Darien whispered the verse of the Worldsong, a shimmering illusion enveloped him, distorting his form and blending him seamlessly into the surrounding environment. The two hellish hounds skidded to a halt, their fiery gazes darting around in confusion as they sought the vanished prey. The illusory copy of Darien dashed off down an alley, drawing the attention of the creatures with a tantalizing scent of escape.


Meanwhile, the real Darien remained hidden in plain sight, his heart pounding in his chest as he willed himself to remain calm and focused. The faint echo of barks and snarls echoed through the street as the demonic hounds gave chase to the illusion, their flaming breath scorching the pavement in their wake.


Taking advantage of the distraction, Darien cautiously slipped away from the scene, blending into the shadows like a ghost in the night. His mind raced with questions about the strange creatures that seemed to have targeted him, and he couldn't shake the sense of unease that lingered in the air. As he moved swiftly through the labyrinthine streets, Darien kept a vigilant eye out for any further signs of danger, his senses heightened by the adrenaline coursing through his veins.


Eventually, he found himself at the cozy café where he was supposed to meet Tandy for lunch. Pushing open the door, a wave of warmth and the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped him, offering a stark contrast to the harrowing encounter he had just narrowly escaped. He scanned the room and spotted Tandy sitting at a corner table, her eyes lighting up with recognition as she caught sight of him.

Darien made his way over to her, his heart still racing from the recent events but finding solace in Tandy's presence. As he settled into the chair across from her, he couldn't help but feel a flood of relief wash over him - here, in this mundane setting, he could almost forget the supernatural dangers that lurked in the shadows. Tandy greeted him with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.


"Darien, you look like you've just seen a ghost," she remarked, concern lacing her words.


Later that evening...


As Wayne arrived at the address Tony had provided, he couldn't shake off the feeling of trepidation that had settled in his chest like a heavy weight. The street was lined with ancient oak trees whose gnarled branches seemed to reach out towards him in a ghostly welcome. The houses were old and weather-worn, their facades shrouded in shadows that danced ominously in the fading light of dusk.


Tony's house stood at the end of the street, a grand Victorian mansion that loomed imposingly against the darkening sky. Its windows were dark, giving off an air of abandonment that clashed starkly with the flickering gas lamp by the front door. Wayne's steps faltered for a moment as he approached the house, the ancient floorboards creaking beneath his feet in protest.


Summoning his resolve, Wayne climbed the steps to the front door and raised a hand to knock. Before his knuckles could make contact with the aged wood, the door swung open with a creak and a young man was standing there. For just a moment he had look disappointment but it quickly shifted to a genial smile.


“Ah you must be Wayne. I’m Darien, Tony is my Great-Grandfather, We have been expecting you.”


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Darien looked at Tandy.  "Not a ghost as much, more like a pair of hellhounds."  It was said in such a way that it was clear he wasn't actually joking around.   

"Wait, what?" Her look of concern grew more pronounced.  

"Someone, or something, sent those two hellhounds after me while i was on my way here.  To everyone else they appeared simply to be large angry pitbulls, but I saw the truth of it.  Luckily I was able to craft a verse that allowed me to escape."

Tandy looked at him "You didn't fight them?"  

He shook his head.  "No, certainly not in the open in broad daylight.  I gave them something else to pursue, and made my way here."

"Aside from meeting you for lunch, my Great grandfather wanted to invite you over for dinner tonight.   He has something important he wants to discuss with us."

He smiled.  "I hope you can make it."

Tandy nodded.  "Of course, what time?"

They continued on, making small talk, and Tandy circled back to the Hellhounds, getting good descriptions of them.   Darien picked up the check, and before parting, he nodded.  "Be careful out there Tandy.  If you run into trouble, don't hesitate to call."

The young Mage nodded in turn  "You too."


At the Home of Tony and Darien, Darien knew they were expecting company beyond Tandy, though Tony hadn't really told him much more  than that and their guest's name.   Of course, Darien had already told Tony about the encounter that morning, but he didn't really say much, beyond telling him he had handled it well.  Tandy had arrived first, and Darien had just brought drinks for them when Tony looked at him and said "He's here."

Darien nodded, heading to the door, managing to open it before Wayne could knock with a smile.

“Ah you must be Wayne. I’m Darien, Tony is my Great-Grandfather, We have been expecting you.”  

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Making sure to stop his hand, Wayne drops it to his side, before reextending it toward Darien. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Darien. I'm Dr. Wayne Sorrel, but please just call me Wayne." Once Darien stepped aside, Wayne entered the house, a bit of his trepidation fading. Wayne speaks up a with a bit more confidence in his voice, "This is a very unique-looking house." He smiled warmly, and looked around while waiting to be told or shown where to go next. "Tony seems like a very interesting guy. He must have lived quite a life. Those photos... wow." After a couple of seconds, Wayne got a pained look on his face, looked towards the sky, and let out a quick and quiet, "Damnit." I knew it. I forgot the photos. 

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Darien makes small talk and leads Wayne to the Living room. The interior of the house is decorated tastefully if a little old fashioned, with antique furniture and ornate rugs adding to the old-world charm. As they entered the living room, Wayne's eyes were drawn to a collection of intricate clocks lined up on the mantelpiece, their gears ticking softly in unison.


Tony was standing by the fireplace with a young woman dressed a lot like a school drop out, a slight smile playing on his lips as he watched them enter. "Wayne, glad you could make it, this is Tandy." Tony said warmly, extending his hand in greeting. "Please, have a seat."


Wayne reciprocated the warm handshake and exchanged a nod of acknowledgment with Tandy. He took a seat in the plush armchair indicated by Tony, feeling the weight of the impending conversation settling upon him.


Tandy remained standing, her body silhouetted against the flickering flames of the fireplace. Tony gracefully settled into a high-backed chair, his grey hair glinting in the warm light. Darien returned with drinks, the ice clinking softly in their glasses as he handed them out. He then joined Tandy by the fireplace, his piercing blue eyes radiating a gentle warmth.


"I must express my gratitude for your company this evening," Tony said with genuine warmth, his voice carrying over the crackling fire. “We are waiting for one more. then we can have dinner.”


As the evening progressed, the foursome continued with small talk. Wayne couldn't shake off the undercurrent of tension in the room. The soft clinking of glasses and the crackling of the fire seemed to underscore the gravity of the situation. He stole glances at Tandy, she didn’t join in on the conversation unless directly spoken to, her expression remained unreadable as she gazed into the dancing flames. Darien's demeanor was calm, but there was a watchful intensity in his eyes that hinted at hidden depths.


As Tony finished his sentence, a knock echoed through the room. The group turned their heads in unison towards the source, brimming with anticipation. Darien stood up smoothly and went to answer the door.


A few minutes later, he returned with an elderly woman in tow. She paused at the entrance, gazing at them with a regal air.


The woman appeared to be in her early sixties, but her age was hard to place - she could have been even older, maybe in her seventies. Strands of pure white hair framed her face, cut just above her shoulders and giving her a youthful appearance. Though time had left its mark on her skin with wrinkles and lines, they did not detract from her natural beauty. She exuded elegance and sophistication as she glided towards them. Her outfit was carefully coordinated - a white silk blouse with delicate floral embroidery adorning the shoulders, paired with well-tailored black pleated slacks and simple yet elegant flats. In one hand, she held a small clutch, surely containing the essentials for a sophisticated lady on the go. Her minimal makeup only accentuated her graceful features and it was clear from the way her clothes fit that she took great care of herself and maintained a healthy figure.


As Tony's mouth stretched into a wide, beaming smile, his dimples made an appearance, deepening the creases in his cheeks. He rose from his seat and walked over to the woman, who held out her hands for him to clasp. "It's been years since I've seen you, Nadia, my dear friend," Tony exclaimed through his beaming expression, his voice filled with genuine warmth and affection.


"It certainly has, Antony. You look well," Nadia replied with a strong voice and a distinct British accent, her posture elegant and refined. Tony released her hands and turned to the young guests, introducing them to his dear friend Nadia Cain. But before he could go into details about their friendship, Nadia interrupted with a playful smile and a twinkle in her eye, "Let's not bore them with our history. When is dinner? I've traveled a great distance and I'm famished."


Seated at a long, mahogany table in the grand dining room, Darien served as both waiter and host. He ensured that each guest had their dinner before taking his own seat with them, joining in on the lively conversation that filled the air.The aroma of freshly cut flowers, arranged meticulously in crystal vases, mingled with the smell of an expertly prepared meal. The delicate scents danced together, creating a symphony for the senses. As they chatted, their voices reverberated off the richly wallpapered walls, adding to the warm atmosphere of the room.


As the night wore on, Tony and Nadia regaled the youngsters with stories of their youth, sparking laughter and admiration for their adventurous spirits. The stories were vague on details, es[ecially about where and when, leaving room for mystery and imagination to fill in the gaps. But one thing was clear - Tony and Nadia had lived life to the fullest, having traveled all over Europe and experiencing various cultures.


Nadia shared how she met Tony during a summer in Paris, where they both attended a prestigious art school. They bonded over their love for painting and exploring new places, often sneaking out of class to roam the streets of Paris together. Their friendship quickly turned into a whirlwind romance as they traveled to countries like Italy, Spain, and Greece during breaks from school.


Tony chimed in with tales of their misadventures, including getting lost in Venice's winding streets and having to rely on their broken Italian to find their way back to the hotel. He also recounted how they snuck into a masquerade ball in Florence, where they danced until dawn and caused quite a stir among the high society attendees.


The young dinner guests were enthralled as they listened to the stories, but Darien couldn't help feeling unsettled. This was all new information to him; while he was close with his great-grandfather Tony, he had never heard of this woman before. It was clear that Tony had known her before he met Darien's great-grandmother, and it left Darien feeling a bit uneasy.


Their stories were filled with moments of laughter and nostalgia but occasionally took on a somber tone when they mentioned Tony's late wife. It was clear that she had been an important part of their adventures in Europe, and her absence was still deeply felt by both Tony and Nadia.


But as the night went on, the mood lifted once again as Darien brought out delectable desserts that were almost too beautiful to eat. The group continued chatting and laughing until well into the night, enjoying each other's company in this elegant setting.


As the evening drew to a close, Tony rose from his seat with a sparkle in his eye. "I hope you have all enjoyed our journey through the past," he said warmly. "But now it's time to get to the real purpose of this dinner party and lay everything on the table." He glanced at Darien as he spoke these words before continuing, "Let us make our way to the living room."


They returned to their previous seats and all eyes turned towards Nadia Cain as she took her place in the center of the room. She and Tony exchanged a knowing look, and he gave a slight nod.


"I may be a stranger to all of you, but I hope that the stories Antony and I shared during dinner have shown that we are not strangers to each other. In fact, we were once very close," Nadia began, her gaze lingering on Darien as she gave him a small smile.


"Those stories were just scratching the surface. Each one of you - Darien, Tandy, Wayne - has recently discovered something about yourselves. You've learned that you are not like ordinary people. That you possess abilities, powers that can only be described as magical. You may have always had inklings, but only now have those inklings been confirmed as reality. You are what we call Awakened - able to see and understand the true nature of reality, and even shape it according to your will."


Since the dawn of time, those blessed with mystical powers have been known by many titles: Wizards, Witches, Wise Ones, Sorcerers, Shamans, and so on. Yet to us, we are known simply as Mages. A rank steeped in significance, tradition, and authority. As I gaze upon the three of you now, I see the potential for greatness. Like Antony and myself, you are Mages, Awakened with the extraordinary ability to mold the world around you. Embrace this unparalleled gift bestowed upon you and wield it with caution and care."


Nadia blinks and makes an intricate gesture and a glass of wine appears in her hand. Nadia took a sip from the wine glass, her eyes glittering with amusement. "I know you must have a hundred questions for us," she said with a smile.


"I...I don't even know where to begin," Tandy stammered, her eyes wide with wonder. She ran a hand through her hair. "So, what exactly does being a Mage entail? Do we have special powers or abilities?"


Nadia chuckled. "Oh yes, you definitely have powers. Each Mage has their own unique abilities and strengths, depending on their lineage and training."


Tony interjected, "And we are here to help you discover and hone those abilities. We already started, I have been nurturing Darien sublty for years and when he found you and we had our dance, well that was when your training began, Tandy. We will be your mentors and guides on this journey."


Darien couldn't believe what he was hearing. This was all so unreal, yet at the same time, it felt like it was meant to be.


"But why come forward now?" Tandy asked. "Why reveal yourselves to us?"


Nadia's expression turned serious. "There is a great darkness coming," she said gravely. "A powerful enemy that seeks to destroy all Mages and harness their powers for their own gain."


"What kind of enemy?" Wayne asked, leaning forward in his chair.


"A cult known as the Brotherhood of Shadows," Tony answered grimly. Tandy’s eyes widened, “Shadows?” Tony shook his head, “Do not worry Tandy, that’s just a coincidence, there is no connection to how you see Magick and the cult. I am sure of it.”


"They have been around for centuries," Nadia added. "Their ultimate goal is to bring about the end of the world as we know it and rule over what remains."


Darien shuddered at the thought of such an evil group existing in the world.


"So how do we fit into all of this?" Wayne asked, his voice filled with determination.


Nadia sighed, her eyes heavy with the weight of centuries. "Mages were once prevalent in the world," she began. "We were revered and respected for our abilities, and we used them to help society flourish."


"But as time passed, greed and avarice took hold," Tony added with a grim expression. "Mages became more interested in hoarding power and knowledge for themselves, rather than using it for the greater good."


"Eventually, we turned on each other," Nadia continued. "Fights broke out over resources and territory. Mages became insular and anti-social, retreating into their own little worlds and shunning others who could potentially be a threat to their power."


"As a result, there are far fewer Mages now than there once were," Nadia finished with a heavy sigh.


Tandy's mind was reeling with this new information. She couldn't believe that something as powerful as Magick could have been twisted by human flaws.


"But what about us?" Darien asked, his voice filled with determination. "What makes us different from those other Mages?"


Nadia smiled warmly at him. "That is where your lineage comes into play," she explained. "Each Mage has a connection to a specific element or source of energy that gives them their unique abilities."


"We call these lineages 'Arcana'," Tony chimed in.


Tandy felt a thrill of excitement run through her body at the mention of Arcana.


"So what Arcana do we have?" Wayne asked eagerly.


"That is something you will discover through your training," Nadia answered cryptically.


Tony cleared his throat and leaned forward towards them. "But before we start training, there are some things you need to know about the Brotherhood of Shadows."


Everyone leaned in closer, eager to hear more about this mysterious enemy.


"They are skilled in dark magick and manipulation," Tony warned. "They seek out powerful Mages and try to corrupt them to join their cause."


"And they stop at nothing to achieve their goals," Nadia added, her eyes flashing with a mix of concern and resolve. "You must understand that they will use any means necessary to achieve their ends, even if it means resorting to deceit, betrayal, or violence."


Tandy felt a chill run down her spine at the thought of facing such a malevolent force. But a spark of determination lit within her as she thought about the responsibility that now rested on their shoulders. They were no longer just ordinary individuals; they were Mages with the power to shape reality itself.


"So, what do we do now?" Tandy asked, breaking the tense silence that had fallen over the room.


Nadia exchanged a look with Tony before turning back to face the group. "Now, we begin your training," she said firmly. "We will teach you how to harness your powers, control your abilities, and protect yourselves from those who seek to exploit them."


Tony nodded in agreement. "And we will also delve into the history of the Mages and the Brotherhood of Shadows," he added. "It is crucial for you to understand the past in order to navigate the present and prepare for the future."


The group nodded in unison, a sense of determination and solidarity settling among them.


Nadia stood up, her presence commanding attention. "First, we will teach you the basics of magickal manipulation. Each of you will have an affinity towards a particular sphere, which are the basic building blocks of reality That affinity is based on your Arcana. It is important to understand how to channel and control this sphere effectively."


She gestured towards a table where different objects representing the nine spheres were arranged. "Let us begin with a simple exercise to awaken your connection to your respective sphere."


As they gathered around the table, Tandy felt a surge of anticipation mixed with a tinge of nervousness. This was just the beginning of their journey into the world of Magick, and she knew that their lives would never be the same.




Tandy Tandy.thumb.png.263e53d4e71204145b6f0554a4d9b2d6.png   Nadia Cain helen_mirren_teaser.jpg.21fb99e459982fb7b208407485439ce8.jpg     Tony  4366220ec586b5e3d9aa15367e405197.thumb.jpg.ac40a940c1e4b3f5d80e766ab4c1d962.jpg


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Wayne was leaning forward in his chair for most of the explanations. When Nadia and Tony mentioned the Brotherhood of Shadows a deep frown crossed Wayne's face. "Power Corrupts. i will ever forget that. There is always some form of darkness within the seed of any light. Be mindful of that, and you will be less likely to fall easily. After all, in the words of Alexander Hamilton... Those who stand for nothing, fall for anything. Stand for right and light. Darkness will have a hard time finding a foot hold. Unfortunately, you must also constantly re-examine yourself to help with that. Ego and the knowledge that you are right can be a trap within it self." He leaned back in the chair as he finished speaking. 


He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and when he reopened them, Wayne said, "Perhaps you may want to start from the basics.... what are the spheres? How many are there? I'm coming in from zero knowledge, which means treat me like a bit of an idiot. " He smiled at Tony and Nadia. He then shut up and listened. 

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The revelations of the past left only even more questions for Darien, he knew he didn't really know his Grandfather's story, but this only really served to show how much more he didn't know.  

Starting at the basics was well and good, his great grandfather had already told him much, it was how he had done what he did earlier.  Still one of his sayings had always been "You only fail when you think there's nothing left to learn."   A new teacher, a different perspective, even the perspective of his fellow students wouldn't be without value.  

He chuckled good naturedly at Wayne's comment.  "No, no, not an idiot, Wayne.  I know Tony doesn't suffer those,  I highly doubt Ms. Cain does either.   Better to be thought of new students, eager to learn."  When Tony smiled at him he knew it was partially because he knew Darien had already been through a fair bit of it already, he knew what spheres were, what he had an affinity for, but also because he was happy that Darien was open to going over it again, learning from another mentor, another point of view.   More knowledge was never a bad thing.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nadia smiled at Wayne and nodded in approval at his eagerness to learn. "It is wise to start with the fundamentals," she began, her voice calm and reassuring. "The spheres are the nine fundamental aspects of reality, each representing a different facet of existence. These spheres are the building blocks of all Magick, and understanding them is crucial to your development as Mages."


She gestured towards the table where the objects symbolizing the spheres were laid out. "The nine spheres are: Prime, the raw energy of creation; Forces, the manipulation of energy and motion; Matter, the shaping of physical substances; Life, the essence of living beings; Time, the flow and control of time; Mind, the power of thought and consciousness; Spirit, the connection to otherworldly realms; Correspondence, the relationship between objects across space and distance; and Entropy, the inevitable decay and destruction in all things."


Nadia paused to let the information sink in before continuing. "Each of you has a natural affinity towards one of these spheres, which is determined by your Arcana. For example, Tandy, your lineage may be aligned with the sphere of Life, granting you abilities related to healing and vitality. Darien, you might find that your strengths lie in the sphere of Forces, allowing you to manipulate energy and motion with ease."


Wayne listened intently as Nadia explained the significance of the spheres and their connection to the Mages' abilities. He made a mental note to remember each sphere and its corresponding aspect of reality, knowing that this knowledge would be essential in mastering their powers.


"Understanding your affinity towards a specific sphere will help you focus your training and develop your skills more effectively," Tony added, his gaze moving between the group. "It is important to embrace your strengths while also recognizing the importance of balance in utilizing all spheres harmoniously."


Darien nodded thoughtfully, his mind already racing with possibilities of what he could achieve once he honed his abilities. Tandy studied the objects representing the spheres on the table, feeling a sense of anticipation building within her. She knew that discovering her affinity would be a pivotal moment in her journey as a Mage.


As she scanned the items, one object seemed to shimmer faintly in the dimly lit room. It was a small crystal orb, pulsating with a soft, ethereal glow. Intrigued, Tandy reached out and picked up the orb, feeling a surge of warmth spreading through her fingertips.


Nadia watched with keen interest as Tandy held the crystal orb in her hand. A knowing smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she observed the subtle change in the orb's radiance.


"It seems that the sphere of Spirit has chosen you," Nadia announced, her voice filled with affirmation. "Your connection to otherworldly realms will be a valuable asset on your path as a Mage."


Tandy felt a mixture of excitement and wonder at this revelation. The thought of delving into mysterious realms beyond the veil of reality filled her with a sense of anticipation unlike anything she had ever experienced. She gazed at the crystal orb, feeling a deep resonance with the sphere of Spirit as if it had been a part of her all along.


With newfound determination, Tandy focused on channeling her energy into the orb, allowing the power of Spirit to flow through her being. The room seemed to shimmer and warp around her as wisps of ethereal energy danced in the air, responding to her newfound connection.


Nadia and Tony exchanged a knowing glance, recognizing the raw potential that Tandy possessed. She was a beacon of light in the darkness, a harbinger of change in their world of Magick.


"Embrace this gift, Tandy," Nadia encouraged, her voice tinged with pride. "The realm of Spirit holds many secrets waiting to be unveiled by those who are brave enough to seek them. You have taken your first step towards unlocking its mysteries."


Tony stepped forward, placing a hand on Tandy's shoulder. "Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Your affinity for the sphere of Spirit will allow you to peer beyond the veil, but it is essential to remain grounded in your purpose and intentions. The balance between light and darkness within you will determine the path you walk as a Mage."


Tandy nodded, her eyes reflecting a newfound sense of determination and reverence for the ancient powers now coursing through her veins. She could feel the energy of the orb resonating with her own essence, creating a harmonious melody that whispered of untold possibilities.


As she closed her eyes to focus on the swirling energies within her, a vision began to form in her mind's eye. She saw herself standing at the edge of a vast astral expanse, surrounded by shimmering stars and ethereal beings. A voice echoed in her consciousness, speaking words of guidance and wisdom that stirred something deep within her soul.



each of you should post a post like this one... explain your affinity.... note it does not have to be the sphere you chose at CC.  this affinity is different... so now that you have a feel for your character choose his heart.


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Wayne listened very carefully to the explanation given about the spheres and affinities, while also trying to take those definitions and apply them to his current limited understanding. 'So every fundamental physical embodiment has a corresponding sphere. Time, Entropy, Life, Matter. I'll need to learn more about all of this, quickly." When Nadia and Tony explained the nature of the Spirit sphere to Tandy, Wayne release a small breath that he hadn't been aware he was holding after Tandy picked up the orb. 


When Tandy sat down again, Wayne stood up and walked over to the table with the tokens. He let is eyes defocus slightly, and just let the feeling of the moment guide him. One thing he noticed when he opened his mind was the sound of a faint ticking tickling at the edges of his hearing. He absentmindedly reached a hand up and rubbed at his right ear. When he became aware of what the was doing, his vision instantly sharpened, and he was looking directly at an antique desk clock. The sound was clearly coming from it. 


Soon after, Wayne reached down and picked up the clock, cradling it in his hands as he turned it over and around, examining it.  As he did so, he felt the world around him fade away,  while at the same time he looked around, noticing every small transitory detail. 'It feels like I'm actually IN a photograph. I can see it clearly, but I know it's just a momentary feeling. Weird.' The world around Wayne seemed to almost take a deep breath, hold it for a few seconds and then resume. He felt that time had paused, almost like a video game.


Nadia and Tony again looked at one another and Tony let out a faint chuckle. In her enchanting voice, Nadia said, "It seems like you are attuned to Time, Wayne. The ability to understand and possibly influence the nature of time itself is a very powerful and dangerous ability. You must be careful and responsible in it's use."


Tony spoke up, "A photograph is but one slice of one second frozen in time, and it can trigger a memory of an experience or even a lifetime. You must remember that just like that photograph, memories can fade, if not cared for properly. You are a caretaker of the past and future, while living in the present. Do be careful, but remember to experience many facets of life."


Wayne nodded and took a deep breath as he felt his soul was expanding, along with the ticks of the clock. As if each second marked a growth in his mind and energy. He placed the clock back down, and reached for the pocket watch on it's chain in his pants pocket. He took it out and opened the cover as he sat down, letting himself BE in the moment and feel the flow around him.  

Edited by Veral
typo fix.
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Darien had watched the other two silently, watching as they found their focus, and he knew where his focus had seemingly been leading him, or perhaps simply his own subconscious.  He had a natural aptitude for the Sphere of Mind, That much he and Tony already knew.  


This however was different.  When he stood for his own turn, he closed his eyes.  Tony of course knew this as one of the habits he had when he was truly listening to a Song.   To sacrfice sight to truly "Hear" the song.   He trusted in the Worldsong, A truly primal force in his mind, and reached out, taking hold of the token that showed an affinity for the Prime Sphere.  

Before he opened his eyes, he could feel the power of the token, the interconnected ness of same primal energies that flowed within them all, Just as the worldsong connected all things.

"The Sphere of Prime is my affinity."  He said as he opened his eyes, knowing it to be true.  It was indeed already a sphere he could use, though now this explained why it came so easily to him.  it was like hearing a new melody he'd suspected to be there all along, but hadn't truly heard.

Tony looked at him, and chuckled.  "I'm not that surprised. I expected you to be drawn to that one, and would have given even odds on that or Forces, as well as I know you my boy."

Darrien nodded, and sat back down, and without really trying now, he could feel the power realized, and potential yet to be within the others around him.   More than that though, he felt the Power within the house, things he'd always taken for granted, but now he had at last taken the first step to truly hearing, to understanding.

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Darrien's eyes lifted as a sense of tranquility washed over him, his connection to the Prime Sphere strengthening with each passing moment. He could feel the intrinsic ties that bound all of creation together, a tapestry of energies interwoven in a delicate dance.


Nadia looked at Darien with pride and admiration. "Your understanding of the essence of creation is innate, Darien. The Sphere of Prime resonates deeply within you, giving you the power to manipulate the very fabric of existence itself. Your respect and awareness for the interconnectedness of all things make you a powerful Mage."


Tony nodded in agreement. "The power of Prime is both subtle and profound. It is the foundation on which all other spheres rest, holding reality together. As you continue to explore your abilities, remember to tread carefully and with humility. The balance of creation is fragile, and as a Mage it is your responsibility to maintain its harmony."


Tandy's vision of the astral realm faded as she opened her eyes, her newfound connection to the sphere of Spirit filling her with purpose and awe. Looking around the room, she saw Wayne holding an antique clock in his hands, his affinity for Time growing stronger by the second.


Nadia and Tony watched with knowing smiles, recognizing the unique abilities each member possessed and how they intertwined to create a balanced team dynamic. The air in the room crackled with tangible energy, as if the threads of destiny were weaving around them like an intricate tapestry waiting to be revealed.


As Tandy stood up, she felt determination surging through her veins, her connection to Spirit growing stronger with every beat of her heart. She approached Wayne, who was lost in contemplation of the clock, and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.


Wayne felt wonder and curiosity stirring within him as he looked into Tandy's eyes. He had always been fascinated by time, but now with his newfound connection to the sphere of Time, he had a deeper understanding and appreciation for it.


Tandy smiled warmly at Wayne, sensing his thoughts. "Time is fluid and ever-changing," she said. "It can be both a blessing and a curse, depending on how we choose to use it."


Wayne nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of responsibility settling in his chest. He knew that with great power came great responsibility, and he was determined to use his abilities for good.


Nadia approached the two Mages, her expression serious but kind. "As you both know," she began, "the balance of Time is delicate. We must always be mindful of our actions and their consequences."


Tony joined them, adding, "Even the smallest change in the fabric of Time can have significant ripple effects on the future."


The group engaged in deep discussions about the intricacies of Time and its impact on reality. As they talked, Wayne's understanding and control over his power grew stronger.


Meanwhile, Darrien dove deeper into his connection to the sphere of Prime. With each passing day, he discovered new ways to manipulate energy and matter at will.


He marveled at the beauty and complexity of creation, grateful for the opportunity to explore its mysteries with his newfound abilities.


Tandy spent her days meditating and communicating with spirits from different realms. She found comfort in their wisdom and guidance as she honed her skills as a Mage of Spirit.


Together, they trained under Nadia and Tony's tutelage, learning how to use their respective powers effectively while also maintaining balance within themselves and the world around them.


Their bond grew stronger as they faced challenges together and celebrated victories as one united team.



Thus ends this chapter.  You each gain 1 dot in your sphere affinity from this thread. you also are awarded 8 xp. you  may spend you xp at this time if you wish


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