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Fantastic, Amazing, Astounding Weird Tales of Adventure, Suspense, Fantasy and Science Fiction!




We play RPGs by play by post. Someone a StoryTeller, Game Master, DM, whatever you want to call them. Makes the world, creates the plot and sets the scene. The players make their characters and enter that world by first reading the setup of the scene and then composing their own text in response.


That is of course over simplified, but you get the idea… at least you should y’all been here long enough. And maybe that is the problem.


Most of y’all have been doing this for years and years and people have come and gone… and come back… and gone again. So much so that we here have a dedicated group of four. Yup. Four players who can be counted on to join a game and make a character.  And then after two or three posts it seems to become a chore to get a post from some.


Days and weeks go by… the story is hanging waiting for a post to move it to the next scene.


Here’s the thing. I am not the best storyteller out there, I am not a great GM and I certainly am  not a great writer. But I try. And I lack Patience.


If no one is posting I get bored. When I have to remind someone that they need to post… more than once… I get annoyed. When I get annoyed I get depressed and wonder why the fuck do I bother,


You know what get rid of my depression? What soothes my annoyance? What makes me smile?




Its that simple.




Ok hope I didn’t offend anyone with that little rant but if I did… oh well you will get over it.


I got to thinking while waiting for post and teetering on the brink of  an existential crisis, that if only I could just go ahead and post I would be fine. I kind of did that a few time last week. But then I really let my imagination go.


We play this hobby because it is our social outlet Posting is how we interact. And not posting is what bugs me. So I immediately thought, “Well, I will just write my own stories.”


That didn’t work, I got bored. Now why did I get bored? No social interaction. I wasn’t posting. Which led me to this idea.


Why don’t I write and just post what I write. Brilliant!


But then I though that’s a bit selfish of me. And I came up with this.



Fantastic, Amazing, Astounding Weird Tales of Adventure, Suspense, Fantasy and Science Fiction!

Is not a game perse, but rather a set up for potential games. The concept is taken from the PULP magazine of the 1930s and 1940s. Authors wrote stories which were published in parts.


So here is my plan. To keep myself entertained I am going to create this club on the forum. I will create individual Threads that will consist of a story I want to tell and I will make posts in that thread while I wait for posts in our real games.


Now here is where it gets interesting for y’all. Because some of you might be waiting on posts and feel the itch to post I am going to open My threads to group participation.


Each thread will start with a spoiler section listing the genre of story and what game I would use to play it.  If any of you feel inclined, you may insert yourselves into the threads. Just make a character using the rules suggested and. Write a post and fit it into the thread. Once inserted your character becomes part of the story and is fair usage.


Game mechanics are not important. Using the game to create a character is mainly to give you an idea of what your protagonist is capable of. If you wish to use game mechanics for combat or skill resolution, use a solo rpg ruleset there are dozens available now.


When I said these are not really games, I meant it. It is more of a co-author thing. I don’t expect you to only write your character, I expect you to write the next part of the story and for that you can use any of the characters that have been introduced.


Participation is purely voluntary. I am not recruiting players and I don’t expect anyone else to join in. But if a story interests you and you find the urge to contribute feel free to do so.


Oh, and if my stories don’t interest you feel free to start one of your own.


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