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MR INTRO DARIEN - Once Upon A Time In The West


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Tony said nothing, though he was clearly thinking about what she said.  Darien however did speak up.  "So you're already using your abilities intuitively, that's actually good in a way, as you're less likely to really do something with truly serious consequences that way for the most part."   

He nodded.  "Do they ever to ask you to do anything for them, in return for their obedience, or otherwise?"   While it wasn't really something he had aptitude for , Darien was aware that Spirits did exist, and wondered if Tandy was seeing such entities as shadows, or perhaps it was something else.

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Tandy shook her head slowly, a troubled expression crossing her face. "No, they don't ask for anything in return," she said quietly. "It's like they're bound to me somehow, responding to my will without any demands." She paused, a shiver running down her spine at the thought of the shadows being tethered to her. "But sometimes... I feel like they're trying to tell me something. Like there's a message hidden within their movements, waiting to be deciphered."


Tony watched her closely, his eyes glinting with a mix of concern and intrigue. "It seems you have a unique connection with these shadows, Tandy," he said slowly. "Perhaps it's a gift that has been dormant within you, waiting for the right moment to awaken."

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Darien looked to Tony, and nodded.  "Do you think you can help her with this?   I know her way seems very different from ours."   It wasn't impossible to help but he found himself wanting to do so as well.    "Of course I'll do what I can too."  He looked around.   "Not here though, way too many people.   Maybe we should go somewhere less public?"  He had a feeling Tony knew what he was alluding to, and he looked to Tandy.  "Nothing untoward, just easier to do some of the things we can do without an audience."

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This set alarm bells off in Tandy’s head and the Shadows on she could see thickened around Dariena nd his Great Grandfather. She was a veteran of the streets since she was fourteen and going off to someplace private meant a whole different thing to her than it did to the two men. Once this occurred to her the shadows receded, they were still there but only at the edge of her perceptions.


“Right now?” Both men could hear the caution in her voice.


Tony observed the change in Tandy's demeanor, sensing her apprehension at the suggestion of moving to a more secluded location. He quickly reassured her, his voice gentle yet firm. "No need for alarm, Tandy. We only wish to help you understand and control your abilities better. It's important that we guide you in a safe environment where we can focus without distractions."


Darien nodded in agreement, his expression sympathetic. "We won't push you beyond your comfort zone, Tandy. Your well-being is our priority," he added, hoping to ease any concerns she may have.


Tandy hesitated for a moment, studying their faces intently. She could sense the genuine intention behind their words and found herself reluctantly nodding in agreement. "Okay, let's go," she finally said, her voice tinged with a mixture of trepidation and curiosity.


With a reassuring smile, Tony motioned for them to leave the diner, leading the way as they stepped out into the night.


The streets were quiet as they walked, the only sound being their footsteps echoing against the empty buildings. Tandy felt a knot of unease tightening in her stomach as they moved further away from the familiar glow of the diner and into the shadows of the deserted alleyways.


Tony and Darien remained silent, allowing Tandy to collect her thoughts as they navigated the dimly lit paths. The air was thick with an unspoken tension, each of them lost in their own contemplations.


As they reached a secluded courtyard bathed in moonlight, Tony turned to Tandy with a reassuring smile. "This should be a good spot for us to delve deeper into your abilities," he said softly, his gaze steady.


Tandy took a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever lay ahead. The shadows seemed to dance around her, whispering secrets only she could hear. With a newfound sense of determination, she stepped forward into the moonlit courtyard, ready to unravel the mysteries that lay within.

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For his part, Darien trusted in his great grandfather to ensure this place remained private, as he mustered his focus to Open his senses even more to the Worldsong, to better observe what Tandy was capable of.  

"Revelare" He spoke the Latin word with a practiced ease, and felt the Worldsong embrace him, a low soft medley surrounding them, the Worldsong itself anticipating something happening in this courtyard, but not resisting his desire to know, and understand.



Darien is using a Rote of Prime/Mind/Forces 1 to expand his senses so that when Tandy decides to show them her abilities, he can perceive what's happening

Shameless Request: [2d10] Roll: [10, 5] Result: 15 2 successes

Revelare- Reveal/Unveil


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Tandy was nervous. She had never worked her magick,even though she didn’t know that that is what the shadows were, her way of seeing Magick, on command or for anyone else.


She thought for a moment abstractly noting Darien speaking an odd word, and incorporating the simtiment if not the actual word. She decided to make them fly.

The shadows around Tandy seemed to stir, responding to her unspoken command. With a flick of her wrist and a surge of determination, she willed them to rise from the ground and take flight. The shadows twisted and contorted, forming intricate patterns in the air as they hovered around her, casting an ethereal glow in the moonlight.


Darien watched in awe, sensing the raw power emanating from Tandy as she manipulated the shadows with such finesse. The Worldsong hummed softly in the background, harmonizing with her magickal display. Tony stood by quietly, his eyes alight with wonder at Tandy's abilities, so unlike his great grandsons.


As the shadows danced around her, Tandy felt a surge of exhilaration unlike anything she had ever experienced before. It was as if she had tapped into a wellspring of magic hidden deep within her soul, a connection to the shadows that felt both ancient and familiar.


Tandy uttered a word she made up on the spot, “Aerosoale.” and the shadows lifted her from the ground to hover several feet above her onlookers. With a smile she raise both hands and said another new word “Aeroansemble” and the shadows flew around Darien and Tony and lifted them to join her and with another sweep of her arms the three begane to circle each other in and intricate dance.


To Darien’s sight he saw that the Shadows and the Worldsong were, if not the same, at least part of something something else. It was Magick, there could be no other word for it.


The trio continued to move in a mesmerizing display of magickal prowess, their forms intertwined with the shadows as if part of a graceful symphony. Tandy's abilities seemed boundless as she effortlessly commanded the ethereal elements around them, her eyes shining with a mixture of joy and astonishment at what she was capable of.

Darien marveled at the connection between Tandy, the shadows, and the Worldsong, realizing that there was a deep harmony between them that transcended mere manipulation. It was as though they were all pieces of a larger puzzle, coming together in perfect unity under Tandy's guidance.


The courtyard hummed with energy, the very air vibrating with the magick that flowed through each movement and gesture.


As the dance reached its crescendo, Tandy felt a surge of understanding wash over her. She was not just controlling the shadows; she was the shadows!

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Darien stopped focusing on trying to catalogue everything that was going on, on trying to analyze what Tandy was doing, and simply allowed it all to happen, and allowed himself to be part of it.   He felt almost compelled to add his own voice to Song, and this time his affect wasn't caused by a word of power, simply woven into the harmony of the Worldsong, as a dozen of  what looked almost like fairies danced through the air around them, and his voice joined the song, not with words, so much as a low, soft aria.

Her way was different, but not incompatible, and Darien was glad for that.  Until now, he knew only his great grandfather as a fellow awakened, meeting Tandy felt almost like Fate.   


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