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MR INTRO DARIEN - Once Upon A Time In The West


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Everyone knows that music is personal, especially the performer.


The competition finals were in three weeks and as per the rules each of the participants would receive 3 one-hour practice sessions at Benaroya Hall, where the performance would be held. Each would be using the actual piano they would use for their performance. Knowing the instrument and knowing the venue were vital to an artist, at least a normal artist.


Darien Novak had played here before, twice actually. Once as a competitor in the virtuoso artist festival when he was 11 years old and again a year ago when he was invited to play during a holiday festival by his aunt. He really didn’t need to practice but appearances must be kept up so to his practices he went. His Great Grandfather Tony Landa had come to the first two practices but had stayed home for this the third.


Darien had selected the last slot which put him at the hall in the early evening, He signed in with the festival official who was there to aid the contestants and then went through his hour of practice which was mostly him noodling on the piano and make a last walk around for the acoustics. Of course, with an audience the acoustics would be different but again that didn’t bother him.


Darien completed his practice and signed out gave the official a little small talk then bade him good night.


The young musical prodigy stepped out into the cool air of Seattle, it was dusk, late September and still warm during the humid day time but as the sun sank toward and below the horizon, the temperature followed it.


It was early, not yet 7:30 and Darien didn’t feel like going home, he was restless. He went to his car and got a light jacket out and started walking. He didn’t have a destination in mind then remembered The Founders Club and decided a drink and something to eat might be nice.


 He strolled leisurely and was just at the club when the sound of music reached his ears. Not from the Founders, or probably any other club since most clubs that had live music didn’t open until later, around 10:00. He knew it was live because his ear could easily tell the difference. Also it wasn’t a piece he was familiar with.


He stopped and listened, it seemed mostly acoustic, there was a drum. Not a bongo or a snare probably a small tom, guitar, mandolin, was that a harp? And then there was a electric organ, there were vocals but he was too far away to make them out except for the aethereal harmonies. He also couldn’t place the style. There was a definite Medieval vibe which made him think of a renaissance festival, but the organ threw that askew, and the beat of the drum was a very sophisticated indigenous groove.


Darien passed the club and went a further block to the east to a lush park. There he found the performers and a small audience of park attendees. There were lots of these small parks throughout Seattle and this one was called the Freeway Park and was good sized.


The band consisted of the aforementioned instruments, as well as three vocalist, one male and two women. All of them were dressed like they had just stepped out of the nineteen sixties hippie movement. The audience was your usual Seattle crowd about twenty young people a couple of them with leashed dogs, Mostly Collage aged just out for an evening stroll in the local park. There was a second group of five youths off to one side dancing along to the beat. From their dress Darien figured them for street kids. As he listened, he realized that the music they were playing was not formalized, they were making it up as they went along, jamming to some internal song.


Darien opened his senses more fully… was it possible… no they were just good at improvisation he could feel no underlying direction, they were part of the worldsong but not creating it nor directing it.


Suddenly Darien felt a shiver, as if ice cold water had been trickled down his back. It was a sensation he had never felt before, one that brought an immediate sense of warning to his young untried heart.


His attunement to the worldsong still open, he knew the source was not the band. He scanned the crowd rapidly, not knowing what or who he was looking for but knowing that he would recognize it when he found it. And he did.


The group of dancers fell under his gaze and one of them was looking at him. Their eyes met and there was a sound, sharp and clear, it reverberated through him and from the look on her face the same had occurred to her.


He hadn’t noticed before but while she was with the dancing group she was apart from it. The others had been dancing fully in the groove, but she had been to the side and her dancing had been more of keeping time with her body than full body movements.


 She was of average height, about five foot five or six, maybe one hundred twenty pounds or so. She wore a black t-shirt that left her arms bare and Darien saw multiple tattoos covering them. She was white with pale skin and short red hair worn in a shaved pixie cut.  She was wearing worn jeans which were loose and baggy with flared legs the cuffs of which were frayed and dirty from being walked on,  they covered her feet completely so he couldn't see her shoes or if she were even wearing any.


Her eyes widened with the contact and then she bolted. The girl turned and ran toward the band dodging through them and disappeared into the darkening park!



The Girl in the Park...






yer up!




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Thus far, the only other person who could hear the Worldsong, and influence it that he knew of was his great-grandfather.   The redheaded woman would be the third person he knew.  He was smart enough to know that how she perceived it may not be the same as him but given she had been here at the performance, there was a great chance that she was like him.  

When their eyes met she bolted.  To their credit, even as she made her way through them, the band didn't cease to play, nor did the dancers cease to dance, even as she made her way through them.  

Even Darien was surprised that his first instinct was to follow her.  He didn't know her, or owe her anything, but having felt that connection, he couldn't just leave her be.   So somewhat more circumspectly, than she had left, he made his way after her, though he didn't cut through the band.  

As he made his way into the darkening forest he began searching in earnest for where she'd gone, using his expanded senses with a light touch, to avoid giving himself away any further.  Still since he didn't just bolt after her, he figured she'd either hidden well, or kept on running.  "I just want to talk, you have nothing to fear from me."  he said quietly, not sure she could hear, or even care.  He didn't remain still, even as he waited for an answer.

Certainly he had other things to be doing, but right now, following this girl, finding her, felt much more important.   It was odd, because he wasn't usually an impulsive man, he planned things out, though he admit a touch of chaos now and then spurred growth.  The finals were several weeks away yet, and he'd have plenty of time to practice between now and then.  He could spare a little while on this impulsive search.  

"Now, where did she go?" he asked no one in particular.

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Darien carefully scanned the surroundings for any sign of the redheaded woman. The fading light of dusk cast eerie shadows around him, adding to the mystery of the situation. As he moved deeper into the park, he could feel a subtle shift in the energy around him, as if the Worldsong was whispering secrets only he could hear.


He suddenly caught a flash of movement to his right and turned just in time to see a figure dart behind a large oak tree. Darien quickened his pace, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and curiosity. When he reached the tree, he found himself face to face with the redheaded woman.


She looked at him with a mixture of fear and defiance, her green eyes searching his for any hint of danger. She was breathing hard from running, out of breath, a thin sheen of sweat on her face and neck. In her hands she clutched a tree limb holding it like a bat or club.


“Don’t come any closer,” she gasped.

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Darien's eyes narrowed, watching her, the movements of her body, and the fear in her eyes before putting up his hands in front of him in a nonthreatening manner.  "Easy there miss.   I didn't mean to scare you."  It was then that he thought about how it likely looked to her, how he'd fairly doggedly pursued her.   

"I really just want to talk to you for a little bit.   No tricks, nothing beyond that.  People like us, we're not very common you know."  The temptation to play coy, that he hadn't felt something when their eyes met, that he didn't know she was different from a normal person, it was there, but he eschewed that train of thought, instead choosing a more direct honest approach.   

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The woman's grip on the tree limb loosened a bit, but her stance remained defensive. Her eyes showed signs of uncertainty and caution, etched into her features. She studied Darien for a prolonged moment before cautiously asking, "How do you know? About individuals like us?"


Darien could feel the fear and isolation radiating from her, blending with the wild energy that identified her as someone connected to the Worldsong.

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Darien smiled, not something fake he had to use with alot of other people, but this was a real smile, like when he was playing.  "I only know what I was taught by my mentor.  Part of that is recognizing others like us.    We aren't alone in the world, save by choice."

He decided to at least give her his name.   "My name is Darien, would you mind telling me yours?"  He radiated a certain calmness.  He certainly didn't look intimidating physically.  He was fast it seemed, and that was all.  

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The woman hesitated for a moment, her eyes still searching Darien's face for any signs of deception. Slowly, she relaxed her grip on the tree limb and took a step back, as if considering her next move carefully.


After a moment of tense silence, she finally spoke in a voice that was slightly less guarded, "Tandy. I’m called Tandy."


Darien was still for a moment, he felt she was being truthful.

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"Well it's nice to meet you Tandy.   Do you mind if I ask you some more questions?"  When there was no immediate response, he pressed on.  "Earlier I saw you listening to the music, even dancing to it, but it seemed that it was different to you.  Would you mind telling me what drew you to it?"

While it was true no one was actively influencing the song, it was still part of the Worldsong itself making itself known, and such instances weren't particularly common.  It could well be that she was drawn by something else, something he'd missed.

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Tandy's eyes flickered with a mix of surprise and wariness at Darien's perceptiveness. She shifted her weight slightly, "The music?" She shook her head, "I came with those other guys, not really friends but I hang out with them sometimes. The music was ok, I've heard better."


She shifted about some, looked at the tree limb in her hand and tossed it down. "You said, said we were different that there were others like us. What did you mean?"

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Darien looked at her.  "Can you sometimes perceive things that are different than how they look or sound normally?  Things that people are generally don't expect to?   Maybe inexplicable things just happen around you, to your benefit.   There's lots of smaller incidental ways that things happen, things people take for granted.   There are people in the world who can make these little things, and certainly with practice and training, much larger things happen.   There are limitless ways we can make things happen, with the right aptitudes and training.   The term I've heard most generally used is Awakened.  People like that perceive reality differently than others.  My mentor and I share how we understand it, but chances are, I don't really expect you to perceive it the same as I do."

He nodded.  "Having said all that, I do know it's alot to take in."


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Tandy looked past Darien scanning the woods. She didn’t see anyone else.


“Your mentor?”


Darien noticed a shift in her voice, in her body language. The fear was gone and there was a confidence that had been missing before. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up.


Darien followed her gaze, scanning the surrounding trees for any sign of movement. The Worldsong seemed to hum in the background, a melody he could always sense but seldom understand fully. Tandy stood before him, her posture now one of alertness rather than fear.


“I don't have a mentor,” Tandy stated firmly with a hint of sarcasm. “I wasn’t taught anything about being Awakened. I just... know things sometimes. Feel things that others don’t seem to notice.”


Darien studied her carefully, sensing a raw power within her that was untamed and unrefined. A power that he hadn’t noticed before asi if it had been concealed.

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Darien resisted the primal fear that sparked as the hairs on his neck stood up, fully alert to his surroundings, and now that he sensed the power, the potential within Tandy, he nodded.  "Would you like to meet my mentor Tandy?  He will be able to answer any questions you have, likely many that I cannot.  I am still learning too, a process that never stops."

Something was different,  and he wasn't sure what, and for now, the Worldsong held no answers.

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Tandy narrowed her eyes, her expression a mix of interest and wariness as she tried to comprehend the significance of Darien's proposition. Her mind raced as she struggled to process the potential consequences. After what felt like an eternity of contemplation, she finally spoke in a cautious manner, “I think I would like to meet your mentor."


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"OK, I'll make a phone call and arrange for him to meet us."

With that, he pulled out his phone and called his great grandfather.  There was a diner near the park, one he'd eaten at a few times, and quickly arranged for his great grandfather to meet them there.  Once he agreed, he nodded.  "Well, now that that's done, we can head on over, and grab some food if you like.   It will take him a little to get there."

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With that, he pulled out his phone and called his great grandfather.  There was a diner near the park, one he'd eaten at a few times, and quickly arranged for his great grandfather to meet them there.  Once he agreed, he nodded.  "Well, now that that's done, we can head on over, and grab some food if you like.   It will take him a little to get there."


Tandy nodded in agreement, a mixture of nerves and curiosity evident in her demeanor. She followed Darien as they made their way to the diner, the world around them buzzing with an energy that only they could sense. As they entered the cozy establishment, a bell jingled overhead, announcing their arrival.


Darien guided Tandy to a booth near the back of the diner, where they settled in to wait for his great grandfather. The faint scent of pancakes and coffee hung in the air, blending with the quiet chatter of other patrons. Tandy fidgeted with the edge of the menu, stealing glances around the room as if looking for threats.


Minutes turned into what felt like hours, and just as Tandy was about to question whether he was even coming, an elderly man entered the diner. His presence commanded attention, his eyes holding a depth of knowledge and wisdom that seemed to speak of a lifetime lived to its fullest.

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Antoni Landa saw his great grandson sitting in a booth with a woman he definitely didn't know.   That said, he felt the same sort of power coming from her, a vast well of barely tapped potential, and smiled.   He understood without being told  why he'd been asked to come.  When he arrived at the booth, Darien got up, allowing him to take a seat and then sat beside him.   They'd ordered drinks and something to eat, and once it was brought, Antoni looked at the two youngsters.   Darien took this as an opening   and nodded.  "Tandy, this my great-grandfather and mentor, Antoni Landa.  Grandfather, this is Tandy.   I met her earlier tonight while I was out walking.  After discovering that we have much in common, I thought it best to introduce her to you.  She has great potential."

He looked back to Tandy.  "He helped me recognize what I was doing, and taught me all I know regarding what we are, and how we interact with the world around us."

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Antoni studied Tandy with a calculating gaze, his eyes seeming to pierce through her very essence. Tandy squirmed under his scrutiny, feeling exposed in a way she had never felt before. After what felt like an eternity, Antoni finally spoke in a voice that held centuries of experience and knowledge.


"It's a pleasure to meet you, Tandy. But please, call me Tony. All these kids act like I never left the old world. Believe me I did, and never have I looked back." His words were measured, each syllable carrying weight. "You are right to seek guidance in understanding your abilities, youmg lady. I sense a potential that lies within you.” The Old man smiles at his great grandson, “The path of the Awakened is not an easy one, but it is a path of great power and responsibility."


Tandy swallowed nervously, her palms clammy against the menu she held tightly. She glanced at Darien,then back at the old man. “I don’t understand. What do you mean by Awakened?”


Tony's eyes twinkled with a knowing glint as he leaned back in the booth, giving Tandy a small smile. "Being Awakened means tapping into the true potential of your mind and spirit. It means seeing the world for what it truly is, beyond the veil that blinds most people. It grants you the ability to shape reality, to bend it to your will in ways that others cannot comprehend." He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing. "But with this power comes great responsibility, just like the Spider-man in the comic books.You must learn to control your abilities, to use them wisely and with respect for the natural order of things. The consequences of misuse can be dire." Tony's gaze bore into Tandy's, making her feel as though he could see into her very soul.


“My grandson here, he sees the truth of the world through his connection to his music, to what he and I call the Worldsong, eh… somewhat of a grandiose name but it serves its purpose. The Worldsong guides and reveals its truth to him… it revealed you.” He smiles broadly at Tandy, “But I do not think it is the Worldsong or Music which pulls you. And the Worldsong does not always reveal everything, especially if pains have been taken to conceal.”


Tandy tensed and sat up straight, her eyes glancing around.Darien, who had been listening aptly to his great grandfather say more about the Worldsong and being awake to a stranger than he had to even him initially, saw Tandy tense.

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Even as his Great Grandfather spoke, the words held his attention, and he still found himself paying attention to their surroundings.  though in the diner, no one was within two tables of them, so as long as they didn't yell, no one would hear their words.  Still, as Tandy tensed, he looked back to her.   She'd just had alot of information dumped in her lap, and he nodded.  "The Awakened don't all perceive reality the same way, and even as that's true, there's no one true way to understand it all.   Even if we don't see it the same way, sharing our Perspectives allows us to potentially see more we couldn't before, things we miss."

Darien's tone was very genial, he was being honest and fairly open.  Perhaps he knew he came off as Naiive, but given how they'd met, he wanted her to feel more at ease.  There were plenty of people around, so this definitely wasn't the place to start actively using their abilities.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tandy nodded, trying to absorb the weight of the revelations that were being laid out before her. She couldn't deny the spark of curiosity and excitement that flared within her at the thought of unlocking her true potential, but it was tempered by a sense of caution and apprehension. She glanced at Darien, seeing a kindred spirit in him, someone who had already embarked on this journey of self-discovery and understanding.


As she turned her gaze back to Tony, she felt a surge of determination welling up inside her. "I want to learn more," she said, her voice steady despite the roiling emotions churning within her. "I want to understand this world beyond the veil, to see the truth that lies hidden from most. Will you teach me?"

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Tony nodded, but refrained from speaking for a moment.  She could feel his gaze upon her, their eyes meeting, and it felt almost as her soul itself was being examined, before the much older man spoke.  "I will teach you, and we will both help you to understand this world."

He smiled warmly.  "Now, perhaps most importantly, we need to understand how you currently see the world.  You of course know the normal way most people perceive and understand the world around them, what I want to hear about is anything that doesn't fit the norm.  We can certainly teach you how we perceive things, but knowing your basic understanding gives us a starting point.  Don't worry too much one way or another. "

Darien nodded.  "Even small things can help.   Neither of us expect you to see things just as we do, heck we don't perceive it all exactly the same way."

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Tandy absentmindedly took a bite of her food and chewed. She stopped suddenly and swallowed.


“Shadows. I see shadows.”


The atmosphere in the booth seemed to shift as Tandy uttered those words. Tony's eyes narrowed slightly, a flicker of interest passing through them. Darien leaned in closer, intrigued by her revelation.


"Shadows," Tony repeated thoughtfully. "Tell me more, child. What do you see in these shadows?"


Tandy hesitated, unsure of how to put into words the things she had always kept hidden within herself.


Tony leaned in, a newfound intensity in his gaze. "Shadows?" His voice was low, almost a whisper, but commanded attention. "Tell me more about these shadows you see. What do they look like? Where do you see them?" Tony's interest was palpable, a mix of curiosity and something darker lurking beneath the surface.


Tandy shifted uncomfortably under his piercing stare but knew she had to be honest. She glanced around the diner nervously before taking a deep breath to steady herself. "I see them everywhere, some are like your shadows and of other people and things, but they move  as if they are doing something that their casters want to do but won't or can't. But then some aren't cast at all the just are, just lurking at the edges of my vision," she began, her voice barely above a whisper. "They're not like ordinary shadows - they move on their own, twisting and contorting in unnatural ways." Tandy shuddered, her hands trembling slightly as she continued. "And sometimes... sometimes I feel they are watching me."


Tony listened intently, his expression unreadable.

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Darien for his part was also listening rather intently, and nodded.  "That's certainly a different way of seeing things.  Have you tried affecting these shadows, like making them stop, or actually do something you want them to do?"  Tony looked to him, and frowned, but Darien looked back without shrinking from the glare.  "What, we both know I was interacting with the Worldsong before I even really knew what it was, or how."

"Yes, and that was very dangerous, Darien.   Overuse and misuse can have disastrous costs, and side effects.  That's why you must always manage the risks, and find new ways to will what you want to happen into reality naturally."

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That one word mad both of the the Old and the young look back at the girl. There was something in the tone of her voice.


"I can make the shadows do what I want." Tandy looked at both of them, unblinking.

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"When you do that, what happens?  Does it affect what casts the shadow?"  Darien was simply trying to piece together how far this went.  Tony for his part, was considering what he knew regarding what and how they did what they did, and trying to correlate it to what Tandy was saying she could do.

"Do the shadows ever directly communicate with you?"  he asked quietly.   There were of course several options for how to explain this, finding the right one though, was important.

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Tandy hesitated, unsure of how much she should reveal. She had always kept this ability hidden, even from herself at times. But now, faced with the scrutiny of Tony and Darien, she felt a strange sense of liberation in speaking her truth.


"They don't communicate in words," she began slowly, choosing her words carefully. "It's more like... a feeling. An intuition. When I will them to move or change, it's almost like they respond to my thoughts before I even fully form them in my mind." Tandy paused, trying to articulate the inexplicable connection she felt with these shadows.


“Like I am the shadows.”

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