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“Steel doesn't try and trip you up if you respect it's needs and put in the work. Same with The Craft.”


Allison “The Hammer” Shaw


Appearance: A striking, obviously muscular 5'11 brunette who puts in the work to keep herself in the peak of fitness, Allison Shaw dresses practically for whatever task is at hand unless prodded by someone she'll take seriously. It takes a lot to get her to smile these days, her manner serious and even somber.


Personality: Not one to abide idleness in herself, Allison prefers to keep physically active either in her forge, hikes, or the local gym, the burn of pushing herself a way of avoiding thinking too deeply about her less tangible problems. She doesn't have the highest regard for academics or easy manner around people, keeping her social circle tight with a few proven associates to whom she'll return that loyalty fiercely.


History: born to Michael and Gwen Shaw 23 years ago, Allison's world was torn apart at the age of 12 when her father's infidelity led to an acrimonious divorce. Used as a pawn in her parent's war with each other, she turned to the local YMCA as a refuge. Her preoccupation with physicality and, on really bad days, fighting, initially developed as a rebellion against her Mother's academic expectations and raw weekends with her Father's 'new family'. A Career Day in her Freshman year had her cross paths with the local commercial blacksmith, Shawn Brendle.


Most of her classmates took in his display of works and explanation of the laborious, meticulous process and moved onto the more popular booths. Allison, though, lingered, taking in the process of turning raw materials into polished order with your own hands hungrily. Brindle himself saw something in the young woman that intrigued him and made sure it was clear she was welcome to come by his shop and satisfy her curiosity afterwards. She would accept, and after some parental wrangling, got permission to become his apprentice for want of a better word. It turned out to be a very good word for it, the mundane art of crafting metal into tools eventually leading into the deeper secret of weaving quintessence into objects and other topics, the older smith helping her to see that the fire stoked by her hardships wasn't just emotional but outright arcane in nature, a gift that needed tending.


Joy was the only word for it.


Allison threw herself into learning everything she could under Brendle under the obligations of first graduating High School and then the trials of young adulthood out on her own. She made a lasting friendship with Jessica Tombs, the vivacious young woman who ran the front end of the business, the ying to her yang. The business was simple really. Commissions came in. Fairs brought both purchases and exposures. Supplies were bought and used. Most were mundane, The Craft only used where needed, pulled out of the aether with hammer and anvil, alloy and tong, rituals of forging began and finished at precise times to find and meld the seams of the Is Not into the Is.


Six months ago, there was one commission that required Allison to leave Brendle alone in the forge and get supplies she knew they already had in stock, Jessica off visiting family. Suspicion buzzing, she had no real reason to not comply. Allison returned to find the shop trashed. Brendle tied up, tortured, and dead. Murdered. Only clue she found was a sigil written in his blood somewhere a stranger wouldn't spot it. A sigil Brendle hadn't taught her. In the whirlwind of his funeral and a so-far-fruitless police investigation, she and Jessica discovered that the older smith left the shop and forge to them in his will, having no living family.


Well. The Forge was a gift that needed tending.


And maybe, just maybe, Allison could use it to find out why Shawn Brendle was killed.







Essence: Pattern Arete: 2 Willpower: 5 Quintessence: 3 Paradox: 0


Attributes: Strength 5 (Raw Power), Dexterity 3, Stamina 5 (Tireless) , Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 4 (Hawt), Perception 3, Intelligence 4 (Deep Thoughts), Wits 3


Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 4 (Bodybuilding), Brawl 4 (Dirty Fighting), Art 3


Skills: Craft 4 (Forging, Blades), Drive 2, Melee 3, Meditation 2, Survival 2


Knowledge: Occult 3, Academics 2, Science 2 (Metallurgy)


Spheres: Matter 3, Prime 2, Spirit 2


Backgrounds: Ally 1 (Jessica Tombs, Friend and Business Partner), Avatar 3 (Dindrane, Lady of the Loch), Resources 2 (Artisanal Blacksmith), Sanctum 2 (Her Forge)


Bonus Points: +1 STR (5), +1 APP (5), +1 Arete (4), +1 Craft (2), +1 Brawl (2), +1 Athletics (2)


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Name- Darien Novak

Profession- Student/Musician


From my earliest memories, I have been surrounded by music.   It isn't just a thing you listen to, it's something to be felt, to be experienced, to Live.   My great grandparents are survivors of the Nazi Concentration camps.  Music saw them through it, in the form of songs sang by their elders, songs they would sing to their children, so that they'd not be forgotten.


When my Great grandparents emigrated to America, they found a home in Seattle raising their children with a love of music and dance, and my grandmother would teach ballet and dance.  my Grandfather was a wealthy patron of the arts, and they would raise five children together, my Mother and her two sisters, and my two uncles.  My uncles held no interest in music, but my elder aunt just became the Dean of Music at The University of Washington this year, where I am working towards my own music degree.  My Mother owns and runs the family dance studio, and my younger aunt plays as the first chair Cello in the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra.


Ever since I was young, I was gifted when it came to playing the piano, and the Violin.  I remember sitting and listening to my Great Grandfather play the violin after dinner when we'd go to their house on holiday, and there was always something about it that spoke to a deeper part of me.   Perhaps in jest, or not, looking back, I remember when he offered to let me try that first time.  Of course, it didn't go well, at first.  It wasn't long before I'd figured out how to make a sound that wasn't that of a dying cat.   He let me play, clearly I was just making it up as I went along, but he didn't stop me.   "My boy, did you enjoy it?" he'd asked me.  I could only nod enthusiastically and smile.  "It felt right, Grandpa."  He'd nodded and the next time he came over, her had a brand new violin for me.  "This one is yours to tune as you like, to make more of the music you hear."   I was a child then, I didn't understand the significance of those words, but now, I certainly do.   


My elder aunt loved to play the piano, and she was both my inspiration and tutor once I took up that instrument as well.   I proved to be just as talented playing a piano, winning at the national level in high school, which lead to my scholarship to the University of Washington.   


For me, the Piano is what I play for the public, the Violin is what I play for friends and family.  It was for the congratulatory dinner my family held for my aunt that I awakened to something i'd always known, always felt, but couldn't quite grasp or see it for what it was.


It was a gathering of family and friends, and indeed, none of us knew it, but it would be the last time my great grandmother heard me play.  The Piano was there, set up for our use, and certainly as the guests knew I was acclaimed as a Pianist.  Surely I would honor my Aunt with a medley of songs she loved on the Piano.


They were half right.   I looked to my great grandfather and he nodded.   I went and picked up the Violin he'd bought me, which was old, but lovingly tended.   As I began to play, I started slowly, with songs many knew, seeking to connect to everyone through my music.   I built the excitement, it was such that you could almost see the happiness and wonder in the air, a near invisible thread connecting everyone as I played on, Revealing even an original work that I'd written and arranged myself, finally drawing the performance to a close with a song that touched the hearts of everyone, but tangibly so for all of our bloodline.   It was the lullaby my great-great grandparents had hummed and sung to my great grandparents to banish the fear and hate and horror of the day, and they in turn to my grandmother, then my mother and her siblings, who would sing it to me.   She once joked that she'd sung it to me before I was born, so of course the song held special meaning.


To say I was successful in what I wished to do was an understatement.   The women of the family wept openly as I finished, and even the men couldn't help but mist up just abit.  I'd felt it in those minutes, the connection between the music and all of us, and saw it for what it was.


My great grandfather had nodded, and raised his drink in toast to my performance, as I was inundated with praise from family and friends of the family who were there.  My aunt of course hugged me tightly, and even my cousins and Sister were moved.


Three days later, my great Grandmother passed away, her final words were to my great grandfather, and he'd refused to share them with anyone.


After her funeral my Grandparents went back California, Only my family and my great grandfather and elder aunt remain in Seattle.  


For the next six months, I would live with my grandfather, who revealed to me what we truly were, and he helped me to understand just how to accept this new perception of the world.  He taught me how to make changes here and there, some easier than others.  There were things I could do that he couldn't, and yet many more things he could do that I couldn't.   "Don't worry, you are young, and the Worldsong isn't going anywhere.  In time, all things will be possible, if you put in the effort to learn."


Awakened to a new perception of Reality, His great grandfather has taught him the basics of interacting with the Worldsong.  The power of sounds can be truly profound.  Words cannot be unspoken, music cannot be unplayed.   As such, after learning what aptitudes he possessed his Great Grandfather taught him ways to work his own will upon the Worldsong, adding his own verse as it were.  By far it was easiest and more successful when he used his music itself as a medium, though for quicker effects he learned to encapsulate the effect into a single word or short phrase from musical terminology.  He was also taught to embrace Meditation, allowing him to to hear a more pure version of the worldsong.  A final practice, and perhaps the one he doesn't like the most, a small collapsible conductor's baton serves as a focus for more overt effects he weaves into the song, not so much to add to the worldsong, but to tame it it and control it.


Appearance- wavy brown hair, brown eyes.  He's about 5'10,  roughly 155lbs, with a wiry athletic build.   He jogs daily to keep fit, and clear his mind.


Important people

Great Grandfather- Antoni Landa- An Awakened like his great grandson, he survived the Concentration camps of WWII Europe, and would awaken after emigrating to America.   A lover of music, he has passed on his understanding of Magic and the Worldsong as he perceives it, to his Heir and great Grandson following the death of his wife.  He is 87 years old, and still in good health.


Aunt- Leona Marie Alcott- Dean of Music for the University of Washington, she has built a life around music and nurturing a love of music in others.    She recognized early on that her nephew had true talent for music, and taught him personally.

Mother, Father, and younger sister-  Melissa Novak, Jan Novak, Judith Novak.  Melissa, his mother runs the family dance studio.  His father, Jan, comes from an old Polish family, and is an Architect.   Their other child, his teenage sister Judith, is 16, and while not musically inclined, she is brilliant academically.



strength 2
dexterity 4 light touch
stamina 2
Perception  4 keen hearing
Intelligence 3 
Wits 4 quick thinking
Charisma  4 smooth
Manipulation 4 
Appearance  2

Alertness 2
Athletics 2
Art 5
Awareness 3
Empathy 2
Expression 2
Subterfuge 2
Firearms 1
Drive 1
Etiquette 2
Martial Arts 2
Meditation 2
Academics 2
Computer 1
Enigmas 1
Occult 1
Science 1

Avatar 3
Mentor-2 (great grandfather)
resources- 3
Fame 2 (music)


Mind 3
Prime 2
Forces 2
Correspondence 2


Arete 2
Willpower 5
Quintessence 3
Paradox- 0


Freebie points (20)
-04 Arete+1
-12 Correspondence 2
-04 Art +2


Paradigm- The Worldsong encompasses All.

Spoken words-  Working his will upon reality using concepts found in music and the words that describe those concepts

Meditation- To truly connect to the Worldsong itself, and go beyond normal means
Music-  itself as a performance to bring the Worldsong to others
wand- a collapsible conductor's staff, the tool of a master seeking to control and guide the Worldsong itself.





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Posted (edited)

Dr. Wayne Sorrel Ph.D. Zoology


Nature: Visionary

Demeanor: Activist

Height: 5'10

Weight: 175 lbs.

Age: 36

Description: A almost middle aged man with a bit of stubble on his face. His hair is a bit shaggy and is a dirty blonde in color. The beard is the same color. His eyes are a rich chocolate brown. He commonly is seen in a long-sleeve polo shirt, sometimes bearing the name of the college he works at. Usually, his pants are jeans that look pretty worn. Occasionally he'll wear a pair of thin leather "driving gloves." When he is in the woods, or even sometimes when he is not, Wayne has a very nice SLR camera around his neck on a strap. On his back is a moderately sized backpack, with a few feathers hanging off the pouches. Part of the back pack carries switchable lenses for the camera for different situations. It also contains the pouch and nozzle of a camel-bak system holding 2.5 gallons of water. His face is a little worn, but it tends to make him look a little rugged.  





At this point in his life, Wayne is mostly content with finding the magic (small m) in the everyday world and helping others experience the same. Earlier in his life, Wayne was a bit of a trouble maker. As a child, Wayne spent most of his time not in school in the woods and forests of the National park system. Since he grew up in the pacific northwest, some of his favorite parks were Mount Rainer National Park and Northern Cascades National Park. His local park was Soaring Eagle regional park. He became very familiar with its trails and wildlife. After he moved up into high school, where they offered a photography elective. Once Wayne got behind his first camera, his life changed. His eyes were opened to all the beauty in the natural world that you could capture through a lens, freezing an image in time. When Wayne graduated from high school, he followed his first love of nature and supplemented his courses in biology, with a focus in zoology, with a minor in Photography. After graduating, he started working for some of the smaller zoos throughout the country, first as an intern, and later on as a doctoral candidate. Most of his work was with the avians within those zoos.


After spending quite a bit of time as a researcher, studying birds and other creature, Wayne decided to learn a bit more about the native wildlife from the original inhabitants of the area. He even went so far as to learn one of the languages for the local tribes. He then spent time learning where and how to “hunt” the local wildlife from some of them, but never did anything but photograph them. He always had respect for the local wildlife and came to believe in the fact that every living thing had a spirit, and thus should be treated with respect, if not deference. From time to time, he swore that the magic (small M) was more than just basic stuff. He swore he could feel responses to his entreaties of the spirits at times, and time seemed to slow down for him when trying to get a particularly difficult shot. He also began to notice he had much more energy and was less tired while in nature.

He has had a couple of photos published in Nat Geo, and even was in consideration for the Audubon award for Best Avian Photo. Since then, he has also been teaching both photography and biology/zoology at a local community college. Only a couple of his students have become really close over their shared love of wildlife and natural environments. He has become friends with a couple of the art professors in the school as well.




Artwork: Taking photographs and developing them

Shamanism: Spending time in nature, just absorbing the beauty and energy around him, occasionally talking to the natural world.




                His Film 35mm Camera with various lenses.

                His Photographs

                A small collection of feathers he hangs from his backpack on his wilderness jaunts.

                A very small slice of clear agate he uses as a meditation focus.

                A very well-worn collection of Audubon guides to local wildlife.

                A compass, a gift from a good friend who passed away.

                A pocket watch with chain, a family heirloom, engraved with 5 sets of initials. E.S., D.S., J.S., R.S., and W.S.  



                Beauty and Magic surround us and we need to appreciate it fully.




Dr. Wayne Sorrel


Essence: Questing



Strength: 2

Dexterity: 3

Stamina: 4 (Inexhaustible)


Charisma: 3

Manipulation: 3

Appearance: 2


Perception: 5 (Sharp Senses)

Intelligence: 3

Wits: 4 (Cunning)



Alertness: 3

Art (Photography) 4

Athletics: 1

Animal Kinship: 2

Athletics: 1


Brawl: 1

Empathy: 1

Expression: 1


Crafts (Photographs): 1

Drive: 1

Firearms: 1

Research: 1

Stealth: 1

Survival: 3


Academics: 2

Computer: 1

Investigation: 1

Law: 1

Medicine: 2

Science (Zoology): 4




Avatar: 1

Resources: 3

Allies: 2 [4 Students]

Fame (Wildlife Photographer): 1

Contacts: 2 Professor Bill Dickson(Visual Arts/Painting), Zookeeper  Dr. Mary Greene

Node: 2 (Darkroom in photo studio)

Sanctum: 3 (Photo studio)  Address: 1308 Railroad St, Enumclaw WA 98022



Life (Affinity): 3

Time: 2

Prime: 2

Spirit: 1



Acute Vision – 1pt

Language: French – 1pt

Language: Southern Lushootseed– 1pt

Unobtrusive - 1pt



Rival(Dr. Michael 'Don't call me Mike' Swann, Professor of Mathematics) - 3pt








-1 Acute Vision


-1 Language: Southern Lushootseed


-1 Language: French


-2   Science (Zoology) 4


-2 Art (Photography) 4


-7 Sphere: Spirit 1


-4 Arete 2


-2 Sanctum  3




After Prologue 1 point : Awareness 1

After Prologue edits: Added Rival, Meditation 1, and Unobtrusive. Changed contact from Physics dept to Visual Arts/Painting.




Edited by Veral
Post Prologue edits.
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