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Issue#1 "First Measures"


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Murphy made a twisted frown at RJ's flippant reply reached onto the desk and flipped over several sheets of paper and tossed them to the side of the desk where RJ could see them. They were printouts of images of a woman running through the dark streets in a little tight black dress. RJ's face was very clear in these pictures.


"Vigilantism is against the law.  They can't ID you from the Video, but everyone who saw it knows who it is. I'm the only one who had the sense to check the other street cameras, I think i got all of them but who knows there's fucking cameras everywhere these days. 


I know you got issues and shit Vergas, hell we all got shit. But I thought you knew better. Chicago isn't the place to play this superhero crap, If you intend to keep it up... get a fucking mask."


Murphy stood up and turned away from RJ and looked out the window. "Go one get the fuck out of here, Callen will drive you back. If anyone asks tell them I was updating you on your case."

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On 6/21/2024 at 2:00 PM, Shameless said:

After setting his food down he smiled and shook the proffered hand.  "Hi Cassandra, I'm Marc."  he chuckled looking at Gwen.  "To answer that question, no, Gwen and I are just friends and sometimes lab partners when we have classes together."


Gwen rolled her eyes, smiling, and shook Cassandra's hand as well.


"Hey Cassie. Have a seat, don't mind Marc. And Marc, you don't have to go. I was just about to tell Cass all about the excitement the other day." She glances around and lowers her voice. "I heard a superhero showed up after we left though. Don't get me wrong, I think keeping out of it was still the smart choice, but...it would have been really cool to see a crime stopped by an actual superhero."

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RJ's fine-featured face flushed a fiery fuchsia as she fumed with embarrassment. Captain Murphy was covering for her and she shouldn't have too. The comradery of the badge was a powerful thing, but too many abused it to provide cover for their more questionable actions. Now that she was out, RJ believed her questionable actions should be her own. 

She did have a mask, an improvised thing, but she didn't always keep it with her. If she was going to continue this way, she'd have to be more serious about having it with her, and more serious about the mask itself. RJ flowed up to her feet, lips tightened as she felt another surge of fury at being talked down to by someone so much weaker, slower, more fragile than her.

It was another thing she had to deal with after her change and recovery. If she was getting more than used to the superhuman strength and speed and senses, the rest was something she had to make sure she controlled. It was making her reckless. And while physically, so far she was able to handle the repercussions, non-physical ones wouldn't be so easily blown off. Could she accept going to prison?

"Captain," RJ said cooly. Murphy's shoulders stiffened as she waved a dismissive hand without turning around. RJ gave her back a stiff nod, then left, closing the door behind her with barely a whisper.

Callen, arms folded across his broad chest, glance over, giving her a laconic look. "Need to do anything else here?"

"Nah. If you can give me a ride back home, I'd appreciate it, Callen."

"What they bring you in for, Riley?" the officer who'd been trying to pump Callen for info asked her, or more often, her breasts. Morelli, several years younger than her, but more would thing the deficit went they other way. He'd flirted with her several times, even when she'd been married.

RJ gave him a brittle smile. "Just updating my case, such as it is. You know how it goes, brass gotta cover their asses." She turned away from the admittedly rather handsome Italian to face Callen directly, tilting her head towards the front door of the precinct. "Can I get that ride? Still got things to get around to today."

Callen grunted and lead her towards his squad without really acknowledging Morelli. RJ could smell Morelli's interest and feel his eyes on her ass all the way out the door. The ride back to her place was done in silence and RJ thought she and Callen weren't going to exchange a word, when she got out of the patrol car and closed the door behind. She was sauntering towards her front door when Callen spoke.

"Don't become what you're fighting," Callen muttered. RJ spun around, but Callen was already driving away. He hadn't spoken loudly, but she could've heard him whispering from more than a block away.

"I don't know what I'm becoming," RJ murmured to herself as she turned the keys in the lock to her bungalow.

She cleaned up a bit, put on a Chicago Bulls cap and a pair of aviator glasses, then poked her head out the back door. She tilted her head and took a deep breath, but didn't catch any hint of Bastard loitering about. He'd be fine until she got back. She wasn't sure about any wildlife - or domestic, for that matter - in the Dan Ryan woods. Then she locked up and walked over to her car. 

She'd swing by her small office in the Loop to see if anything needed her immediate attention, and plan out what she'd have to do latter. There was the Fielder's File, to see if her husband was indeed cheating and if so, catch some pics with him and any potential mistress. Then she'd pick up a pair of burner phones with cash and start doing some research. She wasn't a computer expert by any means, but people didn't understand how much paperwork and internet sleuthing Policemen and Detectives did as a routine part of their jobs. She knew how to look for things with reasonable anonymity.

Time for find a proper mask, something to conceal her identity without impairing her senses. Something durable, yet easy to put and easy to stash on her. Maybe if she ran into that Odette woman again, she'd ask her wear she got her fancy suit.

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on campus...


Marc looked at Gwen and nodded.  "You're right, that would have been cool, but at least no one was hurt.  Which Superhero are they saying showed up?"  he sat across from Gwen.

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Mr. Invincible cut a fine figure in his custom tailored Sharkskin suit. He lounged in the comfortable chair in the Mayors private office. He didn’t like being summoned like a lowly clerk, but after all that was what he had been before the incident, and by god he did like the view from the office window.


“If you can’t fucking leash her then fucking get rid of her.”


The mayor’s harsh voice snapped him back to the here and now.


Mr. Invincible straightened in his chair, the Sharkskin suit stretching across his broad shoulders as he leaned forward. "I assure you, Mayor, I am doing everything in my power to keep her in check. She's a loose cannon, I won't deny that. But she is…" His jaw clenched as he spoke, a vein pulsing in his temple as he switched course, “good at what she does.” He couldn’t help but grin as the though of the two of them in bed earlier and how insatiable RJ was after her little adventure. He imagined that if he could bruise he would have been black and blue all over.


The mayor leaned back in his seat, studying Mr. Invincible with a shrewd gaze. "What she does is going to keep coming back to haunt us. Do you have any idea the kind of scrutiny we are under? The last thing we need is a vigilante running amok. And on top of that she wasn’t alone."


Mr. Invincible's jaw tightened further, his grip on the armrests of the chair nearly splintering the wood. "She's a necessary evil. But I will do what I can to curb her activities."

The mayor scoffed, waving a dismissive hand. “I’ll believe that when I see it. In the mean time, find out what you can from her about this other hero.”




Rj pushed back from the desk and her computer. Odette was mystery. A few grainy images on some barely registering superhero blogs and no real information.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"That spider guy? Uh..." Gwen took her phone out and tapped on the virtual keyboard. "Silver Spider."


With a shrug she added, "Not really super into superhero culture, hah hah, but it's still kind of interesting to have them around campus. I wonder if I could have gotten him to answer a few questions."


"Maybe next time. Hell, he might even be a student."

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Cassandra gave Gwen a sharp look. "Well seems I am going to get a much closer look at superheroes now."


Both Marc and Gwen looked at their fellow student. Cassie slid a envelope over to Gwen. "I leave at the end of the week."


Gwen picked up the envelope and saw the return address. Julliard, 60 Lincoln Center Plaza, New York, NY 10023


Inside was a midterm acceptance letter inviting Cassandra to attend for the remainder of the year.


Gwen read the letter and passed it on to Marc.  

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Contacting Odette would have to wait for another time. If it wasn't already hard enough to track something by smell through the air, it didn't help that RJ hadn't actually gotten a sniff of Odette's scent itself, just the scent of her suit. It if wasn't as well sealed as a hazmat suit, it was close. Oh well. In the meantime, she bought a Amazon gift card with cash, set up a PO box, made a burner account, and ordered a blank black 2nd skin mask - three of them, she was sure damages were inevitable.

She probably should have looked for something with a little more... pizzazz for her vigilante persona, but she really couldn't be bothered. She was resenting having to hide her identity in the first place. RJ snorted to herself. Her sister was in marketing. Sabrina could probably come up with something stylish and eye-catching in short order. But then RJ would have to explain, at least a little bit, and she was far from ready to do that.

Time to pay the bills. She had a man looking for her wife who had ditched him and their 2 year old son. He was looking to serve her divorce papers and requiring child support. That required some online research with what paperwork the husband could provide. It wasn't much, but it was a start, and really, most people didn't know how to disappear. A few hours and RJ at least had a place to start, but it looked like she'd have to take a trip out of town to track Becky Wellington down.

With evening coming on, she got dressed for clubbing, not that she wasn't planning on actually hitting a dance floor. It was just in case. She wanted to catch a man with his mistress. His wife seemed rather vindictive - she hadn't looked at RJ too kindly when she angrily hired her - and wanted to take him to the cleaner. RJ had gotten an idea of the man's routine and thought tonight she'd get the moneyshot.

Unfortunately, RJ did have to enter a club to get some shots of the man, a lawyer, cozying up to his side piece, a blonde with plenty of plastic enhancement. She had to fend off too many men while trying to snap some surreptitious pics. One guy, honestly quite good looking, nearly got his hand broken when he gave her ass a squeeze. Well, tried to squeeze her ass. He was barely stronger than average, and her ass could bounce a hell of a lot more than just quarters.

She followed the man and his cliché personal assistant to their motel room and got pics of them going in together. She grumbled to herself. She had had to get a bit closer than she would have preferred. Her eyesight was better than the zoom on her camera. She'd have to get a better lens. She settled in for a tedious stakeout. She wanted to catch some pics of them leaving and wasn't sure if they would be staying the entire night or not. A little follow up and research on the mistress, then she'd have a full file to turn in to her client.

She didn't particularly enjoy this aspect of investigative work, but affairs and cheaters unfortunately ended up being the majority of PI work, at least when you started out.

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outside the motel...


As RJ waited in her car during the stakeout, she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. The night air felt heavy with an unspoken tension, and even the usual sounds of the city seemed to hush in anticipation of something unseen. She checked the time on her phone, calculating how much longer she needed to wait before she could catch the man leaving the motel with his mistress.


Just as she was about to reach for her camera to get ready for some shots, a shadow passed by her car. Startled, RJ looked up and saw a figure standing just a few feet away. It was a woman, dressed in some sort of costume, dark green, with a mask covering the lower half of her face.


The woman either hadn’t noticed her in the car or she had and didn’t care.


RJ's heart raced as she watched the mysterious woman. She quickly assessed the situation, realizing that this could either be a stroke of luck or a disastrous turn of events. The woman seemed to be scanning the area, her body tense and ready for action.


Feeling a surge of adrenaline, RJ made a split-second decision. She grabbed her camera and quietly opened the car door, stepping out onto the pavement with caution. The woman turned her head in RJ's direction, and for a moment, they locked eyes.


Without breaking eye contact, the woman raised a finger to her covered lips in a gesture for silence. RJ nodded in understanding, her curiosity piqued. Who was this woman, and what was she doing here?


Before RJ could make a move or say anything, the motel room door opened and the man and his mistress stepped out. The woman in green swiftly moved into the shadows, blending in seamlessly with the darkness. The man looked at his watch and up and down the street. He looked annoyed.


RJ's instincts kicked in as she raised her camera.


As RJ snapped some pictures of the couple when three small cars with garrish paint jobs pulled up at angles blocking the man from retreating in any direction except back into his room. The mistress gasped as three men jumped from each car and made a circle further blocking the man and his mistress. RJ could see that the newcomers were all asian and all of them wore the same black suit with white shirts and thin black ties… a uniform of sorts. Each of them also wore a domino mask with pointed, instead of the more normal rounded, ends.


“Cherry get back in the room.” The man said.


“No, “ said one of the asians, “she stays, you stay. The Boss wants a word.”


With that a fourth car pulls up and parks. This one is an old Cadillac from the middle of the last century, in pristine condition, black of course. A black suited, domino masked man leaps from the front passenger side and opens the rear passenger side door and a man gets out.


This man is also asian but not masked and not wearing a suit. he is dressed like he was going out to a nineteen seventies disco. Flared blue velvet pants, and pink silk shirt tucked into the pants but open to this waist revealing a smooth muscular chest and enough gold chains to make Fort Knox run an inventory.


Rj continues to snap pictures especial of faces. She realizes that something more than a cheating husband case is happening. She knew who these people were, soldiers of the Sai Sin Tong, one of Chicago’s criminal organizations. And that man must from the way he dressed, Wen Joon, one of officers in the Tong. But Rj thought that they only operated in Chinatown?


RJ’s mind raced as she tried to make sense of the unfolding scene before her. The presence of the Sai Sin Tong outside of their usual territory was concerning, to say the least. She adjusted her focus, capturing images of each member present with precision. The tension in the air was palpable as Wen Joon approached the man and his mistress with an air of authority.


“You’ve been playing a dangerous game, my friend,” Wen Joon said, his voice smooth yet laced with a subtle threat. “You should know better than to cross us.”


With her enhanced hearing RJ could hear them clearly


The man stammered, clearly caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the Tong members. RJ could see fear flicker in his eyes as he struggled to come up with a response.


“I-I didn’t mean to cause any trouble,” he managed to say, his words shaky.


Wen Joon raised an eyebrow, showing his lack of interest. "Words won't save you this time. You possess something that belongs to us, and we demand its return." He gestured with his right hand, and two soldiers swiftly moved forward and grabbed the girl, dragging her away. She began to scream, but one of the men silenced her with a harsh slap and a gag shoved into her mouth.


Suddenly, a green figure dropped in front of the two soldiers holding the girl. With incredible speed and agility, the woman in green spun, leapt, and kicked, sending both men flying backwards. She landed gracefully, snatched the girl, and pressed her against the wall of the motel, daring anyone to approach.


“Wen Joon you should take your soldiers and go. You are about to start a war.”


Wen Joon gave the green woman a contemptuous look. “You have no authority over what we do outside of Chinatown Jade Dragon, it is you who should go.”


Jade Dragon shook her head “Do you think the Gwailo will respect the boundaries? No. You will bring this war to Chinatown and that makes this my business.”


Wen Joon chuckled. “We are not hatchetmen, little girl.”


The Sai Sin Soldiers drew guns.




The Jade Dragon






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While not really expecting to be passed the letter, after he read it, he looked up at Cassandra with a huge grin.  "That's awesome and amazing.   I heard that they seldom take midterm transfers, so they must think extremely highly of you.  Congratulations."   Even though they didn't know each other, he knew the import of something like this, and that this was a great opportunity.

"And you're right, there's more superheroes in New York than anywhere else I would think."

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The news of Cassandra's acceptance to Juilliard filled the small group with a mix of excitement and sadness. Gwen couldn't help but feel a pang of loss at the thought of her closest friend leaving for New York so suddenly, but she knew that Cassandra belonged at Juilliard. After all, she had never met anyone as talented and passionate about music and dance as Cassandra.


Marc, on the other hand, was genuinely happy for Cassandra despite just meeting her. He admired her dedication and drive, and he knew that Juilliard was the perfect place for her to flourish and grow as a dancer.


As they chatted about Cassandra's upcoming move and what it meant for their friendship, the conversation drifted back to the Silver Spider sighting on campus. Citing rumor, Gwen managed to at least give Cassi the gist of what had transpired the night before. And likewise Cassandra told of the blog she read about the appearance of Odette and another super in the city foiling a store robbery.


Marc just listened and wondered why his spider-senses were tingling…

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Marc's spider sense didn't just go off for no reason.   He knew that, but even Arachne wouldn't tell him exactly how it worked.  He took it as he should be careful, so he tried to not seem too interested in the conversation.   "I know Odette, but you said there was another super with her?  Chicago keeps this up, we might actually get to having as many as New York one day."

He seemed abit sad.  "Maybe then the crime rate will actually start going down."

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Outside the motel...


"Kurwa!" RJ cursed in near silently Polish to herself.


RJ had grown up speaking English and Polish. She'd learned Spanish on the job, considering the demographics of the Precincts she'd been assigned to. She'd never worked directly in Chinatown, so only knew some of the players there, and only in a limited capacity. She had no idea what the hatchetmen comment meant, and had definitely never heard of Jade Dragon. RJ was fast. Usain Bolt wouldn't even hit the half way mark before she crossed the 100 meter finish line. This lady flowed, like silk, like water.


Also, were did all these people get their activewear? Maybe I should ask Michael where he shops for Mr. Invincible...


This was supposed to be an easy job. Just following a cheating husband, get some pics, hand them over to the wife. Sure, he was an asshole, but he didn't deserve to die for it. Seemed like the douchebag had more going on than just being unfaithful. Keeping him alive looked like the best way of finding out what was going on.


And there was a shadowy urge that the Sai Sin Tong was intruding on her territory and she wanted to disabuse them of that. A stupid notion and she had to squash it the idea of rushing in and start swatting with cars. Especially after her talk with the Captain.

She slipped her camera into its case, and then pulled out the balaclava out of a pocket of her jacket and pulled it on. It was meant for skiing, leaving her distinctive electric blue eyes visible without ski goggles, and it was hot besides, but it was what she had, since she had made her order for a more suitable mask just that day. She was glad she'd changed out of the clubwear, and was sensibly dressed in jeans, band shirt, and hikers, so didn't have to fight barefoot in a dress again.


RJ pulled her Sig from the shoulder rig under her jacket and glided forward. The handgun wasn't as dangerous as her fists or feet, but it wasn't negligible either. She'd been a good shot before. Now, she was top tier, after relearning to shoot - she'd had to adjust after the gun felt nearly weightless in her hand, felt delicate, and the recoil didn't affect her at all. But for the moment, it was meant as a distraction, to give her the chance to get in front of the man to save his life.


"This round-eye ain't carrying a hatchet either," RJ called out as she inserted herself into the situation, flicking a glance to meet Jade Dragon's eyes, Sig Sauer P320 aimed at Disco Joon. Eyes and guns turned her way.


"I've called the cops already," she lied, poised to take a distracting shot and sprint in front of her target to shield him. So far, it looked like the Sai Sin members only had pistols. Shouldn't be too dangerous to her, unless one or more of them were expert marksmen. "Really worth sticking around to take care of this guy and the lady in green? She's right, CPD will go a stomping, given the chance."

And they might still. I should probably turn over some of my pics. Anonymously. Depending on what cheater-man has to say...

Edited by Asarasa
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Jade Dragon narrowed her eyes at RJ, assessing the situation. She knew the woman before her was not just an ordinary civilian caught in the crossfire. There was a determination in her stance, a readiness in her eyes that spoke of experience and skill. Jade Dragon could see the subtle shift in the atmosphere as RJ inserted herself into the standoff, her Sig Sauer steady in her grip.


Wen Joon glanced between RJ and Jade Dragon, weighing his options. He knew that a confrontation here would draw unwanted attention, but he was not one to back down easily. With a sharp gesture, he signaled his men to stand down for now.


"Fine, we will retreat for now," Wen Joon said, his tone masking his frustration. "But this is not over." With a final lingering look at RJ, he motioned for his men to return to their cars.


Jade Dragon watched as the Sai Sin Tong members got back into their vehicles and drove off into the night. She turned and help the sobbing woman to her feet.


The man that RJ had followed and who had been the apparent target of this attack started to back away, looking to escape.


“No, Mr. Kaufman, you have questions to answer.” Kaufman freezes the blood draining from his face for the second time tonight. Jade Dragon was staring daggers at him then she looked at RJ, “This woman is in shock, I will take her to the hospital while you interrogate Mr Kaufman. If that is agreeable?”


RJ nodded in agreement, her eyes still trained on Mr. Kaufman. She watched as Jade Dragon led the woman away, her movements calm and reassuring. With a deep breath, RJ holstered her gun and approached Mr. Kaufman, her expression unreadable yet intense.









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RJ continued to breathe deeply as she stalked towards Kaufman, taking in all the scents of those in the encounter, so she could recall them if she crossed paths with them later. Kaufman's she already knew, though now he reeked of sex after his dalliance with his mistress. Kaufman took a step back, but only a single step, almost paralyzed by woman's eerily blue eyes. He might have had half a foot on her, but the masked woman gave off a sense of being... taller, more massive, more... solid, more there. 

Before Jade Dragon made it around the corner with Cherry, impossibly blue eyes caught impossibly green. "Wait up!" RJ called out as she tilted her head towards Kaufman. "Where do you want to meet up, afterwards?"


With her mask, RJ couldn't make out the woman's expression, but there was something in the angle of her head, the set of her eyes, that suggested bemusement. "Do not be concerned," she said, a distinct Chinese accent to her English. "I will find you."


RJ snorted. Fine, be that way. "Right." She turned back to Kaufman. "Let's go, lover boy."

"Thanks for the assist, ladies," Kaufman with hastily assembled charm, and an obvious glance at RJ's chest. "But I can take it from here..."


"I don't think so," RJ replied with a smirk he couldn't see beneath her balaclava. One of her hands closed around his wrist. "This way."


Kaufman tried to pull away but he might as well have been trying to pull free from dried concrete. He didn't think the woman even noticed as she dragged him over to his car. And idle part of thoughts wondered how she knew which car was his, even if it was the nicest one in the motel parking lot.


"Unlock the door."


Kaufman pullout out the fob and pressed a button. The car made a muted click.

"Keys." When he hesitated, the hand around his wrist began tightening, like a silk covered vice. He dropped the keys into the open palm offered to him. "Get in."


Kaufman barely got the car door open before he felt like he was going to be propelled through it. He had just gotten settled into the seat before the woman in black slipped into the passenger seat. She stared at him with those large, electric blue eyes.

"Okay, Mr. Kaufman. You are in a lot of shit. Too much shit. And now, you've gotten me to step into it, too. Not good. Now, here is what you are going to do. You are going to tell me what you took from the Sai Sin Tong and why they want it back so badly. Next, you are going to give it to me. Then, you are going to sign the divorce papers your wife is going to send you and accede to all her terms."


Kaufman opened his mouth to protest, but the words died in his throat as RJ's eyes narrowed in focused annoyance. "Finally, you are going to pack and leave Chicago. Too heartbroken by the divorce. Whatever excuse you want. But it'll be for the best. We stopped them tonight. But I ain't going to keep being your bodyguard against the Tong. Now, start talking."

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On 7/31/2024 at 6:09 PM, Shameless said:

Marc's spider sense didn't just go off for no reason.   He knew that, but even Arachne wouldn't tell him exactly how it worked.  He took it as he should be careful, so he tried to not seem too interested in the conversation.   "I know Odette, but you said there was another super with her?  Chicago keeps this up, we might actually get to having as many as New York one day."

He seemed abit sad.  "Maybe then the crime rate will actually start going down."


Gwen laughed lightly at Marc's sudden maudlin tone. "You're going to miss crime? C'mon. What I want to know is, if superheros fight crime, and crime goes way down...what are they going to fight then? Will they just resign en masse?"


She shrugs. "You have to wonder how many of them do it because they see a need, and how many do it just because it's fun. Or maybe a power trip."


"...oh right, yeah, there was supposed to be another super that showed up. A girl, woo woo. Represent." Gwen lifted a fist, grinning.


"No one I talked to knew what her name was supposed to be though. Maybe a newcomer or something."

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In the car...


Kaufman deflated, “Look I didn’t steal anything from any Tong. I don’t even know who that guy was.”


RJ's gaze remained steady, searching for any hint of deception in Kaufman's eyes. She could sense he was holding back, but she needed to push him further.


"Listen, Kaufman," RJ said firmly. "I can tell when someone is lying to me. And right now, it looks like you're lying through your teeth. The Sai Sin Tong doesn't go after just anyone for no reason. They must have a good one for targeting you."


Kaufman's eyes darted around nervously, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. Finally, with a defeated sigh, he relented.


"Okay, fine. I may have come into possession of something that belongs to them," Kaufman admitted reluctantly. "It's a valuable artifact they've been searching for, and I may have... acquired it during a business deal gone wrong."


RJ's eyebrows rose slightly at the confession. She knew she had to act fast before the situation escalated even further.


“What is it?” RJ asked.


Kaufman hesitated for a moment, weighing his options. Finally, he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small, intricately carved jade figurine. A dragon. The artifact gleamed under the dim light of the car, its delicate features hinting at its cultural significance.


"This is what they're after," Kaufman said, his voice tinged with unease. "I stumbled upon it during a deal in Chinatown. I didn't know its true value until the Sai Sin Tong started hunting me down."


RJ carefully examined the jade figurine, her eyes tracing every curve and symbol etched into its surface. She could feel a faint energy emanating from it, a sense of history and power that sent a shiver down her spine.

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On Campus...


Cassie wished Marc would just go away, but then she immediately felt guilty for thinking that. Gwen was still struggling to readjust to school after her absence, and Cassie could tell she hadn't fully recovered socially yet. It was obvious to Cassie that there was some tension between Gwen and Marc.


“Well I just wanted to let you know that I was leaving.” Cassie said.

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Marc shook his head.  "No, I definitely don't miss crime, just a lament on how bad it currently is."  He sighed, and sensed that maybe Cassie had wanted to speak to Gwen without him there.   He'd finished most of his meal, and smiled.  "I'll see you in the lab later Gwen?" He asked.  They had a lab together later on, and he looked to Cassie.  "Congratulations on getting accepted."   


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Baker Dining Commons...



Gwen breathed a sigh of relief as Marc excused himself from the table, leaving her alone with Cassandra. She sensed that Cassie had something important to discuss and now that they were finally alone, Gwen could feel the weight of the situation.


Cassandra took a deep breath and looked directly into Gwen's eyes. "I have news," she began, her voice steady but filled with emotion. "I didn't just get accepted to Juilliard for the rest of this year. They offered me a full scholarship to complete my degree there."


Gwen's eyes widened in shock and joy. She jumped up from her seat and grabbed Cassandra's hands. "That's amazing, Cassie! I'm so proud of you!" Tears welled up in Gwen's eyes as she hugged her friend tightly.


Cassandra returned the hug, feeling both excitement and sadness at the thought of leaving her friends behind to chase her dreams. But she knew that this opportunity was too good to pass up.

"I need to get some paperwork signed for my classes here, but I won't actually have to attend them anymore. And I have a new suit for you with some upgrades and special features. If you swing by my apartment tonight, I'll show it to you."


The two friends caught up on their recent adventures over breakfast, savoring their time together before Cassandra's big move to New York


Cassandra wrapped her hands around her coffee mug and leaned in close toward Gwen conspiratorial like, “So what’s the deal with you and this Marc guy?”

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Gwen laughed quietly and looked around. It was just like Cassie to talk about her super-suit relatively freely, but then go all spy when it came to gossip. God, she was going to miss her.


"I am...seventy-five, maybe eighty percent sure he's the spider-guy," she said, leaning forward and lowering her voice to a near whisper. "And we're classmates. Past that, no deal. Which is, honestly, refreshing. I'm not in the market right now, for a boyfriend. I've got enough balls in the air...and I immediately regret my choice of metaphor now."


She grinned and reached out to put her hands around Cassie's, which were around her mug.


"Nevermind all that. This is your day. Is there anything you want to do, or see...before you head off to your bright future?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Night in the City...


As night settles in Chicago, the wind howls and rain pours down. Only necessary tasks are being completed; people rushing to the grocery store or meeting for dinner, employees working late and now racing home.


Marc patrols the city, his suit illuminated by distant streetlights as he swings through dark alleys. The chill in the air only adds to his heightened senses as he keeps a watchful eye on the streets below.


A sudden movement catches his attention as someone darts out from behind a dumpster. Instinctively, Marc swoops down and lands in front of them, his suit's glowing eyes locking onto theirs. "Stop right there," he commands with authority. The figure freezes, caught off guard by his sudden presence.


"What are you doing out here at this hour?" Marc questions, taking a step closer. The figure stammers, clearly startled by him.


Before they can respond, a loud crash echoes through the alley as a group of masked individuals emerge from the shadows, armed and determined. Marc's instincts kick into overdrive, warning him of danger.


He quickly evaluates the situation and realizes he is outnumbered. But that doesn't stop him from standing his ground.


The leader of the group sneers at him. "Well well, what do we have here? A little bug trying to play hero in our territory?" he taunts, wielding a metal pipe menacingly.


But Marc remains unfazed, crouching into a defensive position with his glowing eyes fixed on his opponents. "You've picked the wrong night to cause trouble," he warns confidently.


Without hesitation, the criminals attack him, their weapons glinting in the dim light. Marc is ready for them.




Gwen and Cassie decided to ditch their classes for the day and spent it having a blast together. Later that night, Gwen went with Cassie to her apartment where she was gifted with the latest version of her suit. Gwen suggested they go out and patrol the streets, but Cassie declined and begged off. So, after saying goodnight, Gwen suited up and ventured out alone on the lookout for any signs of trouble.


Gwen navigated the city with ease, her patrol spots carefully chosen and strategically placed. With a mere flicker of her body and an energy surge, she teleported between them, surveying each one with a sharp eye before moving on to the next. The bustling streets below were alive with the sounds of chatter and honking horns, but she remained focused as she scanned for any signs of trouble. Her movements were swift and fluid, her senses on high alert as she fulfilled her duty to protect the city. Time was of the essence, and she wasted none as she skipped through the spaces between her destinations.


As Gwen appeared on a rooftop, she caught sight of a flicker of movement in the alley below. She crouched down, her eyes narrowing as she focused on the scene unfolding before her.


It was the Spider and he was surrounded, his movements precise and calculated as he faced off against multiple assailants. Gwen's heart raced as she watched, assessing the situation quickly. Without hesitation, she leaped from the rooftop, her suit glowing with power as she landed gracefully in the midst of the confrontation.


The criminals turned their attention to this new arrival, their expressions shifting from confidence to uncertainty at the sight of Gwen. She stood tall, her presence commanding respect as she locked eyes with the leader of the group.


"Looks like you freaks are growing on trees now.” Said the leader as he waved half of hi sgang toward the new comer.

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Marc had  been about to launch into an attack, but with the intervention of the same super from earlier on, he paused as the gang changed their formation to accommodate both the supers.  "Much Obliged."  He was still on guard, as the gang leader didn't seem too concerned that another super was now present, so he took that to mean he still had cards to play.   

In a move similar to what he'd done at the school he shot out a webline and used its elasticity to help propel him forward in a powerful kick that sent one of the gang members still facing him flying into two of the others.   

He didn't quip this time, they were still very outnumbered, and it their was still alot of ass to be kicked.



roll to attack
Shameless Request: [9d10] Roll: [10, 8, 8, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3]


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In the car...


Splats of big, cold rain drops shattered against the windshield, but RJ couldn't tell if the smell of a storm was coming from the sky or the statue. There was electricity in the air and the fine hairs on the back of her neck were standing on end. A Jade Dragon looking for a jade dragon. Coincidences definitely occurred, but she didn't think this was one of them.


She closed a hand about the exquisite, delicate-seeming statue, and the sense of electricity intensified. Kaufman tried to pull it away from her, but her arm didn't budge an inch, her bicep didn't even need to flex to resist him. Kaufman stared, then frowned. RJ smirked, though he couldn't see it behind her balaclava.


"Don't make me take it from you," she warned. Kaufman swallowed, then released his grip. "Good. It's better this way." She gave the statue another look, then tucked it into her satchel with her camera. "Now, I'm gonna get you out of some of the trouble you're in."


She slipped out of Kaufman's car, then leaned back in to rivet his brown eyes with her intense blues, ignoring the rain. "Pack up and leave Chicago. Sign the divorce papers. And if the Tong comes back for what they claim is theirs, tell them the bitch with blue eyes took it from you. If they want it, they can try and take it from me. "


She closed the passenger-side door with a firm shove, and Kaufman felt the car rock. She walked away from him, in the opposite direction of her car - she'd circle back once Kaufman left. After a moment, she heard the engine start, then the sound of spinning rubber on wet asphalt.


A strange night, but a good night. Stopped a gunfight with a single shot, and the soon-to-be-former-Mrs. Kaufman would get the divorce she wanted, and in her favour with the pics she'd gotten tonight. Checking to make sure the coast was clear, she ducked behind a dumpster and pulled the balaclava off. She ran a hand through her hair, almost black with the wet, then made her way back to her car.


She had a suspicion on how Jade Dragon might find her. Might be she'd be sleeping in her office rather than back home tonight or the next day. She might know who she was, but that didn't mean she wanted Jade Dragon to know where she lived. And it didn't mean she wouldn't see who she could hit up in the Chinatown Precinct, to see what they knew about Jade Dragon and gangs there. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

As RJ drove through the rain-soaked streets of Chicago, she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Her mind kept going back to the mysterious artifact tucked safely in her satchel, the Jade Dragon that seemed to pulse with hidden power. The events of the night replayed in her mind like a movie on repeat, each scene revealing more questions than answers.


She parked her car a few blocks away from her office, opting to walk the rest of the way. The familiar buzz of neon lights and distant hum of traffic greeted her as she made her way up the stairs to her office on the second floor. Unlocking the door, she stepped into the dimly lit space, filled with the scent of old books and stale coffee.


RJ set the satchel on her desk and carefully extracted the jade figurine, placing it under a small desk lamp. The intricate carvings seemed to dance in the warm light, casting eerie shadows on the walls. She reached out a hand to touch the figurine, hesitating as a sudden chill ran down her spine. The air in the room felt heavy, almost suffocating, as if some unseen presence lingered in the shadows.


Just as she was about to pull her hand back, a low rumble echoed through the room, causing the walls to vibrate ever so slightly. RJ's heart raced in her chest as she realized she was not alone. Slowly, she turned around, her eyes scanning the darkness for any sign of movement.


And then she saw it - a pair of glowing amber eyes staring back at her from the corner of the room. A figure emerged from the shadows, its form shifting and contorting like wisps of smoke. RJ's breath caught in her throat as she recognized the unmistakable silhouette of a dragon.


The creature approached her with an otherworldly grace, its scales shimmering in hues of jade and gold. RJ stood rooted to the spot, unsure if she should be terrified or awestruck. The dragon's gaze seemed to pierce through her very soul, as if it was reading her deepest secrets and desires.


With an uncertain hand, RJ reached out towards the dragon.


The office phone rang, RJ jerked back startled and the dragon vanished, if it had ever been there at all.


RJ answered the phone.


“Riley Vergas?” A voice that sounded young but firm came over the line. “I’m Detective James Li, I work out of the 9th (China Town), I know its late but we need to talk.”




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