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Chapter 2:The First Adventure


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The haunting melody of the song resonates deep within Amisera, stirring up memories that do not belong to her but feel strangely familiar. With her Caste Mark ablaze and a fierce determination burning in her eyes, she throws back her Cloak and tightly grips Justice's hilt.


"I am Amisera, also known as the Radiant Bastion of Hope, Defender of the Realm, and now the Lion of Pure Serenity. Standing before you are three formidable beings: the Lion of Pure Serenity, the Silver Huntress, and the Shadow Fox. Together, we have journeyed through treacherous lands and faced unimaginable dangers in search of answers. But there is still so much that eludes us. We come to you humbly, seeking your wisdom and guidance."


The Construct studies each of them carefully before responding.


"You have traveled farther than most would dare and overcome challenges that have long been forgotten. Your bravery and determination are unparalleled. But know this, the path you seek is one of great purpose."

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Yuki smiled, clearly Ami had some memories of her past, just as she did.   She didn't know her full title, but the one she had indeed given.

The construct's eyes narrowed.  

Tikki looked to Ami, and the two spoke together.  ""Arise, and be of service, The hour has come to fulfill your oaths."

The Construct's eyes shone for a moment.  "Ahh, yes, I expected that command, but it has been a long time.  It will take some time to raise the entire army, and this vessel."

The construct went to one of of the stations, one that was made of Starmetal, and withdrew a small rod, offering it to Tikki, "This is what you'll want.  It is a portable codex of the forces here.   I should note that as things stand no more than a hundredth of what's there is in any shape to march, and much of that will be needed to start bringing the rest back to readiness.  Still, when we are needed, we will Serve."

The construct nodded.  "It is late, but I should introduce myself.  I am Glorious Purpose From Upon High.   I was made by Aliura, She That Crafts the Eternal Panoply, consecrated to and as First Servant of the Endless Ring,  A Complete Solar and Lunar Circle, with their two Sidreal guides."

Shirayuki smiled.  "Two circles, incredible."

She moved to inspect the stations, and quickly found hers, to the right of the central one.  "Your previous Incarnations knew you would one day have need of these facilties.  The Great Betrayal forced them to hide this place, and all their other preparations.   It cannot be raised until one more than half your number return, but even with just three of you, much can be done.   It will allow me to begin at least, restoring some of the functionality."

Glorious Purpose seemed prepared to go on, but stopped.    "It does seem you don't know what I'm talking about.  This place is a holy factory and cathedral, made by your previous incarnations to craft the means to defend the world from those beyond it, and if need be fortify the borders between the worlds.   Now, this isn't possible right now, but as you find more like you, this should become possible."

Shirayuki nodded.  "Weapons?" 

"Of course, as well as over ten thousand constructs of Knight class, a thousand at Knight Captain,  a hundred Majors, and twenty generals.   Three Field Marshals serve above them, and I, as Grand Marshal, above them.   Each Knight can fight at the level of powerful dragonblooded warriors, and more.  it is truly a grand army, along with full supporting vehicles, both transport and combat capable."

Tikki had surrepititiously moved to the console her Previous incarnation had occupied, and leaned against it.   "So this is an army we made, that is larger and more powerful than likely any other..."

Glorious Purpose shook his head.  "Oh no, mistress.  That is unlikely.   We are actually among the smaller armies, Each Direction had a Fortress like this, though I have long since lost contact with them.  This facility was the last one built, and is properly the most advanced, but here it was quality over quantity.   I must also stress that while there is great potential here.  With only the three of you, I do not have sufficient permissions to truly raise and restore much.  I can begin the process, but you will need to find more like you, those with the exaltations of the other members of the circle would be best, but aren't required."  

It was a large amount of information being thrown out at them, and the construct paused, allowing them to parse it all.  


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As the echoes of the hymn still resonated within her soul, Ami made a vow to herself: she would not stop until she had found every member of her circle, and they would face these challenges together, just as she had done with Yuki and Tikki.


Deep in thought, Ami sat on one of the steps leading up to the altar. Her mind was racing with all the possibilities and responsibilities that lay ahead. She knew that this was only the beginning and there were many more challenges waiting for them. But it didn't matter, because they were together and nothing could stop them.


Tikki joined her on the steps, sitting down next to her. "Hey," she said softly, placing a hand on Ami's shoulder.


Ami turned to look at her friend. "Hey."


"You okay?" Tikki asked, concern evident in her voice.


Ami nodded slowly. "Yeah...I think so. It's just a lot to take in."


Tikki smiled sympathetically. "I know what you mean. But hey, at least now we have an army at our disposal," she joked, trying to lighten the mood.


Ami let out a small laugh. "Yeah...an army we never knew we had."


They sat in silence for a few moments before Yuki joined them on the steps. She looked around at the cathedral with awe and wonder before taking a seat next to them.


"So...what now?" Yuki asked after a moment of silence.


"We find the others," Ami replied firmly.


Yuki nodded in agreement. "Right...but how do we even begin?"


"That's easy," Tikki said confidently. "We'll start by looking for any clues or leads about other exalted in this world."


Ami smiled gratefully at her friend's optimism. "Thank you both...for everything."


Tikki grinned mischievously. "Well, we couldn't let you have all the fun, right?"




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Yuki looked to the two Solar, and nodded.  She was about to say there was no need to thank her, but that would cheapen all the preparations, everything they'd endured to get here.  "It's been my pleasure, Ami."   

Glorious purpose watched them, and smiled.   "Now while I cannot offer you forces to escort you back to civilization, I can offer the hospitality of your apartments that your predecessors maintained.  I wager it will be better than sleeping in a wagon.  While you refresh yourselves, I will have your cart and steeds brought down here.  A blizzard will be coming soon."

They nodded, and were shown to an opulent set of rooms, complete with running hot water baths, and despite not being open to anyone in centuries, once they were done bathing, they found fresh food in the dining area, a veritable feast, just for them.

Glorious Purpose was there to greet them, and nodded.  "Your horses and wagon will be here and are safe."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ami breathed in deeply, taking in the warm, welcoming scent of the room. She couldn't help but marvel at the luxurious surroundings. "Thank you, Glorious Purpose," she said, as she and her friends looked around in awe.


"You're quite welcome, my Ladies," replied the construct. "I hope you enjoy your rest. I will await your call when you are ready to continue on your journey."


Tikki walked over to the bath and tested the water with her toe. "Hot... just like we need," she commented to Yuki and Ami.


Yuki couldn't help but glance once more at the array of weapons available. She felt a strange mix of fascination and trepidation. They were a potent reminder of the gravity of their mission.


Ami nodded in agreement. "Indeed, it feels like we've been through a whirlwind. This rest will be much needed," she said as she led her friends towards the baths.




As they enjoyed their rest and prepared for the next leg of their journey, Ami couldn't help but feel a new sense of determination. They had come so far, and now they had the tools to make a difference. And with their unity, there was nothing they couldn't face.


As night fell, the three friends huddled around the fire in their luxurious quarters, discussing their next steps. They knew time was of the essence, and with Glorious Purpose's assistance, they could begin to locate their fellow circle members.


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Yuki marveled at the splendor, it was everything and more that her mentor had said it was.  This was a relic of the First Age, something her previous incarnation, and that of her circlemates, they'd made it, and it still endured, all these long years later.  They had their own couches around a large essence generated fireplace, food that she knew was brought into being from pure essence, a power few living could do effortlessly.   

The discussion of the other members of the Circles was a topic of discussion, even after Glorious Purpose left them for the evening.  

"Three other Solars, four Lunars, and if the materials of the last two stations are an indication, then we have a Sidreal for each circle. "  When the two Solar looked to her, she nodded.  "The sidreal exalted are the chosen of the Maidens that govern Fate, and the loom of Creation.   Starmetal is their magical material of choice.  They are often masters of multiple martial arts, and experts at hiding their nature."

Tikki looked at Yuki.  "So the woman who hired us..."

"I wouldn't bet against her being a Sidreal Exalted.   Now her purpose could easily be to draw us out, as Solar are considered Anathema by the Dragonblooded, which means when we return, we will be arrested and slain."

Yuki took a drink of the wine they'd been provided, and continued.  "She could be the incarnation of one of those two sidreal, which would be benficial to us as well.  She could also be out for herself, I've heard they are given wide leeway in what they must do to preserve the fabric of Creation and keep the forces from beyond the borders at bay."

She finished her glass and poured another.  "That would be a boon, if she is an actual ally.   I know you both want to find the others, but We don't yet know what capabilities this place will have recovered now that three of us have come to reactivate it.  I suggest we take that up with Glorious Purpose in the morning.  I wouldn't get my hopes up.   If he can activate enough forces to keep the shadowlands at bay, and begin the work to reactivate more, that would be enough I should think."

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The following morning, Ami, Yuki, and Tikki gathered in the grand hall, where Glorious Purpose awaited them. With a sense of urgency, they addressed the construct about their mission and the potential capabilities of the reactivated place.


"Glorious Purpose," Ami began, "We are grateful for your assistance in restoring this place, but our purpose here extends beyond restoring it to its former glory."


Glorious Purpose turned to face the three friends attentively. "I understand, my Ladies. I am at your service."


Yuki stepped forward, her resolve steeled. "We need to know the full extent of the capabilities of this place. How many forces can it potentially reactivate?"


The construct's form shimmered for a moment before it responded. "I am capable of reactivating the essences and materials necessary to bring forth many units of the ancient armies," Glorious Purpose said solemnly. "However, it will take time to fully assess and reactivate them. We must proceed with caution and not overextend our resources."


Tikki nodded in understanding. "Then let's focus on reactivating a few and see how effective they are. We can use them to scout for our circle members and gather more information."


Ami agreed. "That sounds like a good plan. We need to act quickly but also strategically."


Glorious Purpose nodded in agreement. "I see your wisdom, Ladies. I shall begin the process of reactivating a few units of the ancient army. We will proceed with caution and assess their effectiveness before activating more."


As the construct set to work, Ami, Yuki, and Tikki took a moment to reflect on their mission. They knew the stakes were high, and the responsibility on their shoulders was immense. But they also knew that together, with their unity and determination, they could overcome any challenge that lay ahead.


With a renewed sense of purpose, they prepared to set out on the next phase of their journey, ready to face whatever trials awaited them in their quest to locate and reunite with their fellow circle members. The ancient army would rise once more at their command, a testament to their strength and resolve as Solar Exalted. And with Glorious Purpose by their side, guiding them with its vast knowledge and power, they felt unstoppable.






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After several days enjoying the facilities, They would be restocked and ready to return home.  A dozen automatons, none as powerful as Glorious Purpose, but each strong and built for the ability to gather intelligence, were sent out, under the directive to look for information regarding specific exaltations.  Another three dozen knight class were awakened, and they would serve as guardians for the area, tasked with keeping bandits away and The Shadowlands from encroaching further.

Glorious Purpose brought them to another chamber, and this one showed a Map of Creation.  "While it is only somewhat functional, This is the Room of Journeys.  It can connect to any place, when fully operative, and be used to transport you back here, or to the other strongholds, when fully active."

"Place your hands upon the map please."

After they did so, It began to glow.  "You have all been registered now."  He took three hearthstones and handed one to each of them.  "Keep these on you always.  Should the need arise, you need only channel your essence into the stone, and it will transport you and your belongings back here."

It was an amazing item, but it did have the disadvantage in that this place was still a very long journey away from any particular place.   "They will also serve to allow us to communicate, when we find the others."

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With no further reason to delay, the three Exalted and their magical horses departed the ancient stronghold. The weather had gotten worse, the land was in the hard grip of a cold winter, and the skies threatened renewed snow. The wagon moved steadily plowing through the deep snow pulled by the seemingly tireless horses.


The vast expanse of snow-covered landscape stretched out before Ami, Yuki, and Tikki as they journeyed onward. The winter winds howled around them, carrying the promise of a fierce storm on the horizon. Despite the harsh conditions, the three friends pressed on, their determination unwavering.


As they traveled, Tikki kept a vigilant watch on their surroundings, her sharp eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of danger. Yuki drove the wagon, her gaze fixed on the path ahead, while Ami sat beside her, her senses attuned to any disturbances in the essence around them.


Hours turned into days as they made their way through the wintry landscape, facing bitter cold and treacherous terrain. But their spirits remained high, fueled by the knowledge that they were on a mission of great importance - to find and reunite with their fellow circle members and unlock the full potential of their Exalted powers.


With each passing day, the landscape grew more desolate, the snowfall heavier, and the winds fiercer. Despite the harsh conditions, Ami, Yuki, and Tikki pressed onward, their determination unwavering.


One evening, as they made camp in a sheltered grove to rest for the night, a sudden blizzard descended upon them. The wind howled fiercely, driving snow in swirling gusts that threatened to engulf their campsite. The three friends huddled together for warmth, their magical cloaks shimmering faintly in the dim light of the campfire.


"We need to find better shelter," Yuki shouted over the howling winds, her voice barely audible.


Ami nodded in agreement, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Tikki, can you scout ahead and see if there's a safer place for us to take refuge?"


Tikki nodded and quickly vanished into the blinding storm, her form blending seamlessly with the snow-covered landscape.

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An hour passed, and even with Tikki's abilities, nothing was found.   Yuki had set out her wards, preparing a meal to keep them warm, while Ami tended the horses.  The Blizzard seemed to intensify further after Tikki returned, requiring Yuki to actually cast a spell to prevent the weather from touching them.   With that done, nothing more could be done, so the trio laid down to rest for the night.   

Morning found them unable to see the sun, or their surroundings.  Yuki's magic had formed a protective dome, which had been incased in snow and Ice.   She sighed, and shifted to her Snow Leopard form, quickly digging a tunnel wide enough for them crawl out of,   something that would at least allow for fresh air.   

As she poked her head up through the snow, two arrow bolts impacted the snow to either side of her head, causing her to quickly back down the tunnel.  She could smell them on the wind now,  It was a group of Icewalkers.  Nomads of the North, and powerful hunters, They were known by their ice-blue skin and dark blue eyes,  they were immune to the effects of cold, and some could use Ice type elemental magic.   

She made her way back to the others, and shifted back.  "Good news, Blizzard is over.  Bad news, there's a group of Icewalkers outside.  You'll need to prepare yourselves for battle."

Edited by Shameless
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