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Chapter 2:The First Adventure


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A palpable sense of dread washed over the battlefield as the trio of exalted warriors felt the malevolent gaze upon them. The very air grew cold and heavy, shadows stretching and deepening with each passing moment. Despite Ami's unmatched prowess in fending off the relentless assault of the skeletal army, a chill ran down her spine at the overwhelming presence of evil bearing down upon them.


Ami redoubled her attacks and called upon the horses to join the fray!


The horses, sensing their masters' need, charged into the battle with a thunderous gallop. With their hooves pounding against the ground like war drums, they trampled over the remaining skeletons, shattering their bones into dust. The wraiths recoiled in fear at the sight of the celestial steeds, their eyes widening with terror as they realized the tide of battle had turned against them.




using same charm


nina_blain — Today at 2:05 PM
Dice Maiden
APP — Today at 2:04 PM
nina_blain Request: [2 10d10t7] Rolls:
[9, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5] Result: 6
[10, 9, 9, 7, 7, 5, 3, 2, 2, 1] Result: 5
Results Total: each attack gets 6 sux + judgments enhancements


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With the help of her Steeds, Ami finished of the Skeletons their Soulsteel weapons clattering to the ground.   Even as this happened, Yuki aimed at one wraith and fired, the arrow blasting through it and curving in the air to do the same to the other one across the battlefield,  destroying them both with a single shot.  Tikki came back just then and strode beside her.  "Showoff."   

"Just being expedient, I think he's done seeing what we can do."

To emphasize her  words, the ground began to shake, and From the depths of the darkness, they heard the sounds of armored footfalls.   Then two sets of glowing red eyes, gleaming beneath black helmets.  Two Knights each over 8 feet tall, armored and armed with soulsteel, stepped forward.  Each carried a Daiklaive and shield, and radiated hate and malice.  

Behind them, and much smaller, barely crossing six feet, was a man.  His skin was alabaster white, his eyes were solid black.  He wore armor of silver and soulsteel, though it was incredibly ornate, each finger bore a ring, and his cloak was made of a ultradark fabric that lent more menace to him as he stood there.  

"Solars in my domain, and a lunar bitch who thinks herself my peer.  I would welcome you, but you've made yourself at home already.   If you had simply asked, i would have prepared a place for you at my side.   That time is past, now.   Now, your souls will worship at my feet, obey my whim, and serve forever.  His voice was high pitched, moreso than they'd have thought given his title, and It was Yuki who answered.  "Let not one who puts on his armor boast as one who takes it off."


"I will wear your skin as a new cloak."  He seethed at her scathing reply.

Not to be left out Tikki replied "Anything would be an improvement on your current style..."

Ami didn't even have time to add her own insult as he screamed in high voice  "Get them Kill these lowborn bitches!"

Both Knights moved from beside their lord, one heading for Ami, and the other for Tikki and Yuki.

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Without hesitation, Amisera lets out a primal battle cry as she launches herself towards the knight who dared to challenge her. Her blade ignites with the blazing light of the Unconquered Sun, radiating intense heat and energy as it meets the knight's daiklaive in a deafening clash. The impact of their collision sends shockwaves rippling through the air, each strike ringing out like a war cry.


As they engage in combat, Ami feels the power of the Unconquered Sun coursing through her veins, infusing her with strength and resilience with each blow. Her weapon becomes an extension of her body, moving with unmatched speed and precision as it carves a path of destruction through the knight's defenses. With every strike, Ami can feel the divine essence of the celestial sun empowering her, fueling her determination to emerge victorious. This is a battle that she will not back down from, for she is fueled by the fiery conviction of the Unconquered Sun within her.





nina_blain Request: `[10d10t7]` Roll: `[10, 9, 9, 8, 7, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1]` Result: 6 + enhancments  using my excellency which i keep forgetting


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As Tikki and Yuki engaged one knight, with arrows and defensive martial arts,  Ami met soulsteel with the orihcalchum of Justice parrying the knight's daiklaive, before unleashing her own strike.   The knight tried to parry with its shield,, and though strong, the Knight's shield was unable to stop the attack, even managing to slice off the upper portion of the shield, and tear into the shoulder armor for the Knight.   Black smoke poured from the wound, but the Knight was still in the fight.

The knight brought its daiklaive around in a savage strike, threatening to deal serious injury to Ami.



ok, he beat your defense by 4 on his attack.  You can negate this with a charm usage, or take 2 damage and lose two essence.  If you take the damage  it feels vile, like something is sapping your physical and mental strength, and the wound bleeds profusely.


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