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Chapter 2:The First Adventure


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Shirayuki nodded.  "I like the way you both think.  Now the only caveat is that we still have a long way to go, so we don't want to exhaust ourselves in these fights.  They likely won't be the last.  So while i am fine with engaging beyond the first pack let's play it by ear, really.  If it works to our advantage, then yes, we can take out the other packs."

She sighed.  "As to your questions regarding what is left, I don't know.   There are stories of undead who maintain their sense of self, but those are rare.  Most, like what we'll be facing, lose themselves, and only have an all-consuming hatred of the living."

Once it was decided, They mounted up again and head for the northern most pack.  It was decided to unhitch the horses as they drew near, allowing them to defend themselves, though Shirayuki warned they weren't immortal, and the wolves would be the biggest threat to them.   "I am going to hang back near the wagon itself, since I can fight best at range."  She readied her bow, and chuckled.  The undead were perhaps only a hundred yards away, moving as a pack, with the Mage in the backline much as Shirayuki was.

A howl went up from the wolves, and the 6 of them in the group sprint ahead, heading for the trio of exalted and their horses.  The two horses seemed almost eager to battle.  Indeed, against the skeletons their massive hooves would likely be enough to kill them in a blow.



We are in combat, you are 100 yards or less from the undead pack.  the Mage is in the back of the formation, and the wolves are charging 3 to a flank.  the skeletons are in front advancing in ranks, with the zombies behind.  There's 12 zombies, 6 wolves, and 10 skeleton warriors+ the skeleton mage.  You won't be able to close with them this turn, they are moving at a pace that they will reach the wagon in 4 turns, if no one does anything.  the wolves will reach it in 2 turns.  If you wish, and you have Ride, you may mount the horses, they won't refuse either of you, especially Ami.  the horses would take 2 turns to close in with the back of the formation and be able to act once there.  Have fun.


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Ami had freed the horses so they could fight then she took in the situation. Leaping on to Aselc's back she called to her companions, "I will draw them to me, when they turn attack! igo for the mage!"


Amisera kicks her heels into Aselc's side and summons Judgment to her hand, "Aresl with me!!"


The sword pointing forward the Dawn Warrior and the Horses charge forward straight up the middle toward the mage. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

With Tikki on foot to defend against one set of wolves, Shirayuki took on the other.  It was at what would normally be extreme range for an archer, but she was no simple mortal archer.  She was a chosen of Luna, capable of feats even Gods would envy.   Two died to her first salvo of arrows as the others closed the distance.  For Ami, it would still be a few moments before she was in range, and the Mage wasn't looking to give her a chance.   He sent two crimson balls of flame towards her, but they were far enough away that they weren't accurate and fell short.  Still it created two large fields of burning ground to either side, forcing Ami to head straight on, into the remaining skeletons and zombies.   The tip of the Mage's staff began to shift to a blue white color, hinting at what element it was about to call upon next.



you're up  you can now close into range and start swinging your sword against the foes.  You won't be able to get to the mage on this round as there's lots of bones and bodies in the way...


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With great speed Ami charged into the fray, Aresl beside her. They crashed into the body of the Skeletons and Zombies blocking their way the horses rearing and crushing with hooves the size of dinner plates. 


Ami drove into the midst of the undead force and swinging her blade in great arcs before her bagan to cut a swath through the enemies. Aselc's powerful hooves stomped down, smashing bones and sending dark magic-infused dust flying into the air. Judgment glowed brightly with each strike, leaving a trail of purifying light in its wake.


Amisera's eyes blazed with determination as she fought, her movements fluid and precise despite the chaos surrounding her. The horses fought as fiercely as their mistress, their eyes wild with battle rage.


Ami's companions watched in awe at her sheer ferocity and skill. Tikki and Shirayuki continued to fend off the wolves, their own weapons flashing in the darkness.



don't really know what im doing so Im just writing atthis point.  Dice Maiden
 — Today at 10:48 AM
nina_blain Request: [10d10t7] Roll: [10, 9, 9, 8, 8, 7, 4, 4, 3, 1] Result: 7 successes on a combat roll



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Everything Judgement touched was purified and "perished"   released from this state of undeath.  The powerful hooves of the two celestial steeds smashed bone and rotted flesh with equal ease, and in her single charge, half the defending zombies and skeletons had already fallen.   Lightning struck Aresl who let out an annoyed whinney, before smashing another skeleton with a bonebreaking kick from his hindlegs.   The Skeletal mage seemed concerned now, it was too close to use flame again, lest it hit its own troops and lightning had little effect.   The staff began to glow with a darker blue color now, as it shifted elements again.


Elsewhere, The last of the Wolves perished to Shirayuki and Tikki's attacks, and Shirayuki shifted her gaze to where Ami was engaged, preparing to back her up from long distance as well.



roll like that again, if you get 6 successes or more you'll only have the mage left.


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Eyes ablaze, Ami smote left and right with her blade, each strike a precise and deadly blow. The undead creatures fell before her in droves, unable to withstand the holy power of Judgment. As she fought, she could feel the presence of the mage looming ahead, a dark aura surrounding him as he prepared his next move.


Sensing the shift in elements, Ami knew she had to act quickly. With a fierce battle cry, she urged Aselc onward, cutting through the remaining enemies with determination. Aresl followed suit, his movements synchronized with Ami's as they advanced towards the mage.



Dice Maiden APP
 — 06/21/2024 11:28 AM
nina_blain Request: [10d10t7] Roll: [10, 9, 8, 7, 5, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1] Result: 4


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Between Ami's sun-blessed blade and the two celestial steeds, all the Undead save the mage had fallen before their combined onslaught.   Still the Mage was far from idle, the latest spell it cast raining gigantic needles of ice down on Ami and the horses.   Aselc actually turned and Aresl moved before them, both horses taking several large shards of ice magic, the impact of which caused them to whinney in pain, blasting Ami from her position astride Aselc and to the ground.  Both steeds were clearly hurt by that magic attack, and She could see the Mage took notice, as it seemed to grin maliciously, even as it readied another attack


Shirayuki for her part saw this and left Tikki to finish the wolves, Great wings forming on her back as she took to the skies and heading towards Ami and the horses.  "Hold on!"   



horses each take 2 HL damage


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ami heard the cry from Shiri but the battle rage was afire and the evil of the undead an insult to the Undying Sun. With an inarticulate battle cry Amisera lept full on at the mage her sword aflame and charms buring on her lips… charms she hadn’t realized she knew…


As Ami lunged towards the mage, her sword ablaze with holy fire, she felt a surge of power welling up from within her. The charms on her lips seemed to resonate with the magic coursing through her veins, and as she chanted the ancient words, the very air around her shimmered with energy. The mage's skull-like grin faltered as he sensed the raw power emanating from the Dawn Warrior, a power beyond anything he had anticipated.


With a final incantation, Ami brought down her sword upon the mage with all her might. The blade connected with a resounding clash, sending shockwaves through the battlefield.



Dice Maiden
 — Today at 6:33 PM
nina_blain Request: [10d10t7] Roll: [10, 10, 9, 8, 8, 6, 4, 4, 4, 2] Result: 5 


7 successes with the double 10s


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Unlike every other foe she'd faced today, the Mage didn't go down under such a powerful blow.  She could hear bones cracking under the weight of her strike, and yet his staff nor his arms shattered, though her blow did stop the spell he had been about to unleash against her and the horses.  Instead he shoved his staff into the cratered ground, as if to steady himself after such a blow.  There were  small shockwaves rippling underfoot, and Suddenly Ami felt two strong hands grab under her armpits, yanking her skyward.   It was Shirayuki, her wings flapping mightily to put distance between them and the Mage, even as the area around him seemed to explode with bony spires almost as tall as a man.  Then each changed and became a new skeleton, a dozen of them in all.

"That's no skeleton Mage, Ami.  I was wrong.   That is a godsforsaken Lich."  As if to emphasize her words, the Lich drew up its staff, and laughter from a gravelly undead throat was heard.  "I see.  So the Lunar can tell the difference this close."  Negative energy, the sort that killed all the grass, and made even the two Exalted feel like something vile was crawling over their skin began to seep out from the Lich.  

She looked to Ami, after she set her back on the ground "Invoke the Unconquered Sun with your attacks,  or the name of your sword.   He's much stronger than we thought."



Ami can close back into range with the Skeletons and the Lich and attack, her steeds are not seriously injured, but they did take damage from the last elemental attack.  Shirayuki for her part has a pair of resplendent white wings growing from her shoulders, and is Wielding what looks to be a warhammer now.   There are now a Dozen skeletons blocking the path to the Lich, and he is already preparing another elemental attack.



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Ami was not sure what a Lich was but she knew an abomination when she saw one. Taking Shiri’s words and advice to heart she Charged the Lich while Aresl and Aselc diverted the Skeletons!


“You are an unholy creature and a blight on Creation, your very existence breaks the law of nature and by the power of my creator the UNCONQUERED SUN you face Justice today!” Ending her sentence at full volume Amisera launched herself once again at the Undead Creature pouring all of her power into her blows!


Judgment blazed like never before, its bright light cutting through the darkness and casting ominous shadows on the skeletal structures all around. The Lich's staff glowed an eerie purple, but Ami's blade was a beacon of hope and life, banishing the malevolent energy seeping from the creature. As the Lich attempted to retaliate, the celestial steeds stood firm, their powerful hooves driving deep into the ground, preventing the undead minions from advancing.


The Unconquered Sun's divine power resonated with Ami's every strike, the light of the sun illuminating even the darkest of corners. Each blow Ami dealt to the Lich was a blow to darkness itself, pushing back the suffocating shadow that threatened to consume all of Creation. The Lich was forced to defend against the fierce onslaught, its normally powerful spells rendered inert!



Ami is using the charm  iron whirlwind attack p.193


 1st roll
Dice Maiden
 — Today at 1:38 PM
nina_blain Request: [10d10t7] Roll: [10, 10, 10, 10, 7, 7, 4, 4, 3, 3] Result: 10


2nd roll

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 1:57 PM
nina_blain Request: [10d10t7] Roll: [9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 4, 3] Result: 8


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Watching a Dawn Caste truly go to war was a sight to behold, even as Shirayuki swooped in to shatter a pair of skeletons with mighty swings of her warhammer, and the sight certainly kindled feelings of rightness within her.   Still their opponent was a Lich, which meant they had to be on guard.   Ami's first blow was mighty, an The Lich had raised a powerful barrier to protect himself, but the Barrier shattered, blunting what could easily have been a killing blow against a living foe.   Her followup attack now with no barrier to blunt it, smashed it back, missing most of it's right torso, a brilliant red soulgem could now be seen where the heart would be in a living human.  Still, it clutched its staff, which shone a dark blue, before it unleashed a powerful area burst ice spell, chilling the air to well below freezing, filling the field with ice spikes.

Even in the heat of battle, she recognized Shirayuki's anguished cry of pain.   Behind her, her lunar companion had shielded the horses from the attack which definitely would have been fatal for them as it was targeted at their weakness.   Using a powerful defensive charm, she'd shielded them from the damage, but left herself open to it.   

Her warhammer was now a Greatshield, and Her wings hung almost to the ground, completely iced over.  A large shaft of ice pierced her side and blood dribbled from both corners of her mouth.  It was a very serious wound, and then with a loud crashing sound, both her wings fell off and shattered. She moaned, and then slumped forward, not falling to the ground, and only by the wisp of cold air from her could Ami tell she was still alive.

The Lich, though hurt, and with wherewithal to know it wouldn't survive another series of blows, decided to share its misery.   "You may yet kill me, Chosen of the Sun, but without your friend's magical abilities, you will never leave this place.  She paid dearly to keep those horses alive, are you willing to pay as dearly to fell me?"  The black voice was almost gloating.  One more good attack would kill the Lich, but would her friend survive that long?  

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"You may be powerful," Ami retorted through gritted teeth, "but you underestimate the strength of the Unconquered Sun and of our resolve." With renewed determination, she surged forward once more, her blade alight with divine power.


The battle raged on around them as Ami and the Lich clashed in a dance of light and shadow. Every strike from Amisera was met with equal force from the Lich, creating a whirlwind of steel and magic that illuminated the darkness.


The Lich's taunts fell on deaf ears as Ami focused all her energy on bringing about justice and righteousness. With each strike of her sword, she felt the presence of the Unconquered Sun guiding her hand, infusing her attacks with unstoppable power.


As the fight reached its peak intensity, both combatants knew that only one would emerge victorious. The fate of their companions and the balance of Creation itself hung in the balance as they continued their deadly dance on the edge of oblivion...


Back and forth, round and round, an eternity in secondes. then with cry Amisera, she who had in another life been the Radiant Bastion of Hope, lunged, “Justice!”

The point of her sword, Justice, pierced the gem in the Lich's chest, it shattered and the Lich's staff exploded in a shower of sparks and shards. The energy around it dissipated, and the skeletal minions collapsed one by one, their forms fading into dust.


Ami's breath came in ragged gasps as she realized the weight of her victory. The Unconquered Sun's power had not faltered, and she knew that her resolve had seen her through this battle.


Shirayuki lay on the ground, still and silent. Ami desperately wanted to check her unconscious friend, but the newly defeated Lich had one last surprise in store for them.

The creature staggered a step toward Amisera, its face a contorted mask of hate, it took a second step. Ami raised Justice and prepared to strike again but then the Undead Thing convulsed, its arm outstretched, as black tendrils reached out from the void where the gem had set and began to wrap around it, pulling the Lich back into itself. It let out a final, gurgled laugh and crumbled into dust before her eyes.


Ami stared at the spot.

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The void descended to the ground, leaving a dark smoking spot devoid of gras,  it was as if the ground was vitrified into black obsidian, and still gave Ami a chill.  She'd smashed the core, but there was very much the feeling that this was Far from over.

Tikki hadn't been idle while her comrades engaged the Lich and his forces, she had finished the wolves, and then destroyed the next closest group of undead, before heading back to the others.  She'd used a charm to cover the distance once she heard Shirayuki scream, and go down.  It was fortunate the Lunar had somewhat prepared for this.  Knowing she had charms to cover distance quickly, Shirayuki had given Tikki several potions that would heal wounds and stabilize someone's injuries.   Because she wasn't a frontline combatant, she was ideal to act as their medic, though the stock Shirayuki had of potions such as this were quite limited.   As she finished administering the potion, she looked up, and Ami was staring at a dark spot on the ground.  The Lich was gone, defeated, and the undead had simply fallen apart where they were without the lich's power, leaving them alone in the shadowland.

Shirayuki was now stable but unconscious.  Tikki called to Ami.  "Ami, hey, come help me bring her back to the carriage.  She's gonna be okay in a few days, but we need to let her rest."

The two horses nickered and Aresl actually moved to Ami, nuzzling her shoulder with his snout.  Clearly they were glad to be alright, though they'd been hurt too.  

"If they're up for it we can travel tonight, and get out of this shadowland, and then take an extended rest.  I can drive for a fair bit while you rest."

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Ami tended her horses as well she could then brought them back to the wagon. She helped Tikki load Shuri then climbed up her self as Tikki took the reins.


The wagon creaked and lurched forward as Tikki guided the horses out of the shadowland, leaving behind the remnants of their battle. Ami sat beside Shirayuki, who looked peaceful in her unconscious state, her breathing steady. The Lunar's healing potions had done their work, and now it was just a matter of time and rest for her to recover fully.


As they traveled, Ami couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered after their encounter with the Lich. She knew that defeating it was only the beginning, that there were likely more dangers lurking in the shadows waiting to strike. But she also knew that they were strong together, bound by friendship and a shared purpose.


The journey was long and quiet, the only sound the rhythmic clip-clop of hooves on the road. The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink as they finally emerged from the shadowland.


Ami couldn't stop thinking about the dark spot on the ground where the Lich had crumbled to dust. She knew that their victory was only temporary and that there were more challenges ahead. But for now, she needed to focus on taking care of her friends and ensuring they had a safe place to rest.


As they traveled through the night, Ami checked on Shirayuki periodically, making sure she was still stable and comfortable. Tikki drove the wagon skillfully, her eyes scanning the road ahead for any danger. The horses seemed to know they were in good hands, and they walked on steadily, their steps measured and even.


Aresl and Aselc had suffered injuries in the battle, but they were healing well, their wounds scabbing over as they walked. When they stopped for food and water, Ami took the opportunity to check on them too, applying healing potions to their wounds as needed. They nuzzled her gratefully, their trust in her complete.


As the sun rose with the first hint of dawn, they found a place to camp. They would rest until noon then continue.


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Shirayuki woke just as the sun began to rise.  "Ow..."  her shoulders hurt, as did the places where the ice has pierced her, but as she opened her eyes, she saw Ami sitting there, and could hear the sounds that told the carriage was moving, only for it to stop.  She tried to rise, and pain lanced through her, enough that she stopped.   "Ok, bad idea."   

She looked at Ami.  "I knew you'd win."  

Tikki had poked her head back inside and Shirayuki smiled.  "Had to use a potion didn't you?"  

Tikki nodded.  "You almost died.  Good thing you had those prepared."  

Yuki looked to Ami.  "Out of the Shadowland?"  When Ami nodded, She smiled.  "Good, should take a break for awhile.   I didn't expect a Lich, they're rare even in a shadow land."

She wanted to hear the story, but sighed.  "I'll be quiet and let you two make camp, but i want to hear what happened."


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ami gave a silent nod as she helped Shirayuki sit up, handing her a waterskin for hydration. Tikki watched them with a look of both relief and exhaustion in her eyes. "We'll make camp here and rest," she declared, "and yes, that was an unexpected encounter."


Tikki began setting up the campsite while Ami assisted Shirayuki in laying down in the carriage.


As they ate their simple meal, Ami recounted their intense battle with the Lich, the dark void it summoned, and the aftermath. Shirayuki listened intently, her eyes wide with awe and fear at the tale of the final moments of the immortal creature.


"But Ami," she spoke softly but with determination, "we didn't defeat the Lich. The void consumed it and we're still in danger." Her gaze shifted to the darkened sky above them.


Ami nodded understandingly, her heart heavy with the weight of their ongoing struggle. "You're right, Yuuki. We can't let our guard down. There are more battles ahead and more enemies to face. But for now, you need to rest and heal. We'll need all our strength for the journey ahead."


Tikki approached from a distance, having listened to their conversation. "I agree. Let's get some sleep."


As the group prepared for rest, Ami couldn't shake off the sense of unease that nagged at her. She knew that defeating the Lich was just one small victory in a sea of challenges. There were more threats lurking in every corner, waiting for their moment to strike. But for now, Ami had to focus on taking care of her friends' well-being.

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Tikki prepared the food, and Yuki directed Ami in looking through one of her bags, and having her pull out 5 small written talismans.  "Put them around our camping area, and we'll be safe, or at the very least have sufficient warning of anything coming our way."   Much as they had the previous nights, this had always proven true.   When she returned Yuki was at least still sitting up.  The potions had mostly healed her wounds, and she could tell the rest was healing faster than normal.  Yuki smiled gently   "Due to the more solitary nature of most Lunar, we learn ways of healing ourselves.   The one I was taught is useful, but made even moreso by the presence of a Solar like you and Tikki."

She was still weak, and the color had yet to return to her face.  She had Ami dig into another bag, and withdrew two apples, both of which began to glow when Ami touched them.  "Those are for the horses.   I don't have a huge supply of them, but they are charged with a little essence. As I can't really spare any of my own right now, it's a good time to use them.   They'll keep them going another week.  Of course if you'd like to channel abit of your own into them, I think they'd like that too."

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Ami looked at the apples and furrowed her brow. Channel her own essence? Ami did not know what that meant but then as she looked at the perfect shiny fruits she felt the heat inside, the same fire she had felt when she fought, the power of the Unconquered Sun, given to her as his chosen.


The apples grew brighter, more perfect if that was possible.


“Not too much Ami, that is enough for now.” said Yuki.


Ami felt the inner fire dampen, she smiled at her friend, “Let me go tend to them.”


Ami carefully climbed down from the carriage and approached the horses, offering the glowing apples to them. The horses nuzzled her hand gratefully, and she felt a sense of connection and gratitude from them, as though they understood the effort she had put into healing them.


As the horses munched on the apples, their energy visibly renewed, Ami felt a sense of satisfaction. It was then that she realized how much had happened since they had first set out on this journey. They had faced danger and adversity, but through it all, they had remained strong and united.


Tikki joined her by the horses, and together they examined the luminous fruit. "Those will keep our horses going strong for another week," Ami said, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Yuki had them.”


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"Yuki is so much more than she seems Ami.   Think about it.  There are few with resources quite like her.  To outfit this expedition, the gear she gave me, the gear she wields.  She has True magic, and to her it's all so easy.   She has access to the sort of wealth that could provide a lifetime of luxury, yet she's here on this journey with us.   She nearly died protecting the horse she gave you, because they're important to you."

Tikki smiled.  "We have a truly odd, but wonderful companion."   


She chuckled.  "We have faced a lich and lived, dark wolves, the undead, and more.   And this is still early in our journey.  Did you ever expect anything like this?"

"I have seen a fair bit in my own travels with the guild, but seldom this far off the traveled paths, or with so few people.   It truly is just us out here."

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As Ami continued to tend to the horses, her heart swelled with gratitude for her friends' careful planning and resourcefulness. They'd been through so much together already, and she knew that they still had many challenges ahead. But for now, she took a deep breath, folded her arms, and looked out at the vast expanse of wilderness that lay before them.


"Tikki, you've seen more than most in your travels, but I can't help but wonder what the future holds for us. I'm just grateful to have you both by my side. We've faced so much already, and we're still standing."


Tikki patted Ami's arm reassuringly. "We've got each other, Ami. And besides, we're not just any group of travelers. We've got Yuki's magic, her wisdom, her strength. And you, Ami- your determination, your bravery, your unwavering loyalty to those you care about. And me, well, I just hope I can contribute something too. Together, we make a formidable team. Together, there's nothing we can't overcome." She smiled, her eyes reflecting the fire that burned within her. "We'll keep going, Ami. No matter what comes our way. We'll face it together."


As night fell, they gathered around the crackling campfire, sharing stories and laughter. They talked about their pasts, their dreams, and their hopes for the future. As the fire danced and their shadows flickered, they made a silent pact to stay strong, to protect each other, and to never give up - no matter what lay ahead.


And so, under the watchful gaze of the moon and the stars, they settled down to rest, their hearts full of love, hope, and the unshakeable bond that would see them through any challenge, no matter how great.



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When the morning came, they woke and pressed on.  Yuki was feeling better, able to sit up, but she still wasn't able to contribute much beyond instructions.   Three days would pass before she was fully mobile again.   They came to another shadowland, though this one was much smaller.  Still, they traveled straight on through, fighting through a horde of shadow-spawned wolves and zombies.  In all Their travel was uneventful as the journey took them north.  The weather turned cold, and the cold weather gear was brought out.   Two emberstones  were used to keep the horses warm.

After another six weeks, it would have been only four had the cold not slowed them, They finally reached the area where Jalnath was said to stand.  As far as they can see, there was only snow and ice.  Great pillars and mounds of the stuff, and Yuki sniffed the air, and her eyes narrowed. 


Tikki looked at her  "Something wrong?"

"There's no smell, at all."

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Ami had been quiet for most of the day. She struggled to remember her dreams from a troubled sleep and woke up in a sour mood. The cold weather was still unfamiliar, even after a month living here. Back home, during the dead of winter, people only ventured outside for essential tasks like gathering firewood or collecting ice for water. Here, they were constantly exposed to the elements and their only shelter was a wagon or tents. Amisera longed for home, where there was peace and comfort.


She had been walking alongside the Horses not wishing to be sociable today when Yuck stopped and made her pronouncement. Ami walked a little further from the stopped wagon to get a clear sense of the place

and to think. She felt the weight of her Unconquered Sun power surrounding her, protecting her from the icy cold air that nipped at her skin like a thousand tiny needles.


Suddenly, she could feel her senses opening up. It was as if the air around her was pulsating with energy, electricity crackling like lightning bolts in her veins. She knew what this place was - it was the site of an ancient battlefield, where the Unconquered Sun had fought to protect this land from some unknown enemy.


Ami felt a surge of determination and a sense of purpose fill her heart. She knew that she was meant to be here, in this place of memory and power. The Unconquered Sun had chosen her, and she would not let him down. She would find the heart of this place and uncover the truth that lay buried beneath the snow and ice.

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There was an energy in the air, and all three exalted were soon feeling its effects.  This place, though almost without feature, was an ancient battleground, and still something was there, beneath the ice and snow which radiated a quiet power, one that called to them all.   There was something about this place that called to each of them.   Still Yuki was probably the most attuned to the currents of magic and essence, and that was why the truth escaped her notice, she was looking too hard.  

In the end, it was Tikki who made the first move, heading off into the mounds and drifts, with the others following behind her.  They came to a large drift, easily three times as tall as a normal man stood, and she stuck her halberd into it.   after only a foot or so, she hit stone.   Working together the trio of exalted managed to clear away much of the built up snow, revealing what looked to be a stone door.

On the door were strange symbols.   Shirayuki knew them, but it was a different dialect than how they were normally used.   Still Tikki would surprise her by saying "Speak The Truth of the Way and enter."   It was essentially asking for an ancient passcode, something the Lunar didn't have the first clue of.  She quietly prepared to use a spell to brute force their entry, when Ami spoke.   "Those who walk in light are welcome, those of Shadow, Oblivion awaits."  The words seemingly spoken in Common, Yuki also heard in Ancient Celestial.   The symbols on the door began to glow with golden light, before the doorway opened inward, revealing a long corridor, with essence lamps along the walls.  

Shirayuki looked to Ami, who seemed unaware of the dual speak, and cocked her head.  "I have no idea where you came up with that, but I'm glad you did.  My way wasn't going to be as nice.   Also, what do you two think?   We press on?"  Of course she was for it.

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Ami nodded, her eyes glistening with determination. "We've come so far, we can't stop now."

Tikki chuckled, her weapons at the ready. "You're right, Ami. We've come this far together, I don't see why we should stop now. Besides, I'm curious about what lies beyond this door."


And so, after placing the ward stone to guard their wagon and the horses, whom Ami let roam free with instructions to stay near the safe area, the trio cautiously entered the dark corridor, their hearts pounding with anticipation and their eyes adjusting to the dim light of the essence lamps. They were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, for they knew that they had each other's backs, and that was all that truly mattered.


As they ventured deeper into the ancient battleground, the air grew colder and the shadows seemed to lurk around every corner. But they didn't let fear consume them; instead, they pushed forward, driven by their unwavering determination.


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The Tunnel became a stairwell, winding back on itself, descending deep into the earth, so much so that they could feel a growing warmth.   After over an hour descending the gently sloping yet downward winding stairs, all the while lit with essence lamps, they would stop to rest, but the unknown beckoned them, and once again they continued downward.  

At all times, the trio couldn't help but feel they were being watched, not just physically, but their souls were laid bare before whatever it was was watching.  Still, nothing rose to bar their path, or impede them.   

At the bottom of the long spiral stairs, which they reached after another full hour of descent, there was another door, this one too with raised glyphs of ancient Celestial language. 

"What lays beyond waits for the return of the Master that Fell.  If they be not amongst your number, then know that the way forward holds only death.  Reveal your light, and proceed."

While they looked to each other, Yuki nodded.  "Reveal your Caste mark by channeling your essence through yourself to it."

As she spoke she did this, and while her own Castemark, the No Moon, began to glow, and the door began to shine.    Tikki and Ami followed suit, their own caste marks blazing upon their brows, and the stone door opened.   As they walked within, they got the sense of being in a cavern of wondrous scope.   At first it was dark, but two by two, Essence Lanterns, the larger versions of the lamps they'd seen before, began to light, revealing a long row of pillars, each rising into the sky beyond where the light could reach.  

Undaunted, the trio of exalted followed the illuminated path.  Each was aware that eyes in the darkness followed their every step, though they heard nothing but their footfalls and the sound of their own breathing.   Finally after what seemed to be over a Mile of walking, They came to a Door as tall as the pillars, and Yuki marveled.

"Ami, this door, it's Orichalcum, the same metal as your sword."  

She'd been told the metal was rare in the extreme in this era, but clearly that wasn't so when this place was built.   

Tikki chuckled "That Door alone would buy a midsized kingdom."   Her sense of value had been sorely tested on this trip, first by yuki's gifts and the goods she'd prepared for them all, and now this.  A multi ton door of Orichalcum.

Unlike the other doors it had no glyphs, and when Ami put her hand to it, it felt warm, and opened.  

It was in that moment that they all heard it, almost a murmur, but slowly the sound rose, not unpleasant.   It was the sound of a choir, of a truly ancient hymn.
Following it inside, they found a well lit collection of twelve stations, and what looked to be a single person kneeling at the edge of the floor between the stations.   The hymn filled the room.   It was from this person that the chorus of voices sang, a hymn not even Shirayuki knew the words to, but it touched all three of them, from exaltation to soul itself.  The Beauty of the song brought a tear to yuki's eyes, and after a few minutes the song ended, and the figure rose.

As the figure turned, its cloak dropped away, and the lights came up further, revealing the awesome form of a pure Orichalcum Construct, faceless, and made seemingly both for war, and to praise the Unconquered Sun.

"You have finally returned."  The voice that spoke was rich and deep, powerful, yet respectful.  It didn't question, it spoke as if it knew this for certain.  



The Hymn

The Construct


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