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Chapter 2:The First Adventure


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The blonde runner leaned forward, allowing her curiousity to be abundantly obvious, "Let's say I am, Miss Oracle. Will this contract, directly or indirectly, harm the Runner's Guild?"


Her mysterious, blue-eyed patroness replied easily, "Of course it will not directly harm the guild.  Now, indirectly is a much trickier matter.   Indirect effects can occur centuries after the fact.   Suffice it to say, that successful completion will be obvious to me, and that who accomplished this mission will ONLY be known to you and your party, and myself, and your guild."


In.Ter.Esting. Tikki leaned back and gave a soft little scoff at that baited riddle of an answer before deciding to just roll with it, "Very well. Present me with your contract, and if it's everything you say it is, I will agree in the name of myself, the Whitewall Runners Guild, and our patron Mercury the Traveler." 

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"Excellent."   The blue haired woman smiled.  "You and a party of up to five will journey to the Ruins of Jalnoth, Far to the North from here.   Once there, you will descend into the ruins, you will know your entry point by a door of Crimson stone.  Enter there, and find your way to a grand ampitheater.  You will know it, because there will be row upon row of statues, made of the same Crimson stone.  Standing at the center, you, and if by chance you can find another like you, will both say aloud the following.  "Arise, and be of service, The hour has come to fulfill your oaths."

She smiled.  "As I said, there will be a response, and something will be handed to you, which you will return to me.  Once it is in my hand, your mission will be complete.  As for payment,  I will give you fifty talents of Jade, and a single talent of your choice of any enhanced material, each."   It was an impressive sum, to say the least.  Enhanced materials ranged from the various types of Jade, to Soulsteel, Moonsilver, and Starmetal and Orihalchum.  It was impressive to be able to offer one of them, let alone any of them, and a full talent of it no less.

"Now I realize that you've likely never heard of Jalnoth, or know how to reach it.  I can reveal the location, but I will only do so if you agree to take this contract.  IT isn't close, and you'll have to secure means of travel yourself, but I don't imagine that will be too difficult."

As if to emphasize her point, and perhaps her preparedness, she unfurled a scroll, and laid it on the table.  Everything was there, except the message to be delivered.

"Now, do we have a deal?"

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In. Ter. Esting.


Tikki's smile grew to mirror her mystery contact's at the reveal her message was not for human ears. Quite frankly, the combination of absurd payment, baited riddle, and implied challenge to her skills was enough to make her say yes a dozen times over. The Gods gave gifts with the intent that they be used, and using her skills to deliver payrolls between butchers and bankers felt a little bit like a sin. "Agreed," the blonde runner responded raising one hand in the traditional manner of taking oaths that weighed so much more than any written contract in semi-literate world of street runners, "In the name of Mercury, the Guild, and My honor, I will deliver your message to the intended ears at the intended place at the intended time. Now. Tell me the place and the words I am to deliver and I will make it so." 


Her smile was predatory and remained predatory as she received the information and signed the contract, dancing on her lips as she emerged from the back room and made her way back to her friend's booth.


Plopping down in her seat, she chuckled, "Who's up for trip North?" 

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Shrayuki had been telling Ami about the city of Whitewall.  She was careful to keep it to the general knowledge known to the public, the better to keep them all safe.   

Shirayuki smiled at Tikki's return, and nodded.  "Mixing business with pleasure already?"  Her tone was light and teasing.   "How far to the North are we talking?  That would determine my answer at least. We did promise to show Ami around too.  When are you planning to leave?   I mean we'll need supplies, of various degrees depending on where exactly we're headed."

She knew that for someone to reserve a room here just for a meeting, well they didn't lack money or power.


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Amisera enjoyed the food and drink, but the ale was strong and she hadn't been used to alcohol so she had switched to water after only one. While Tikki was off doing her business, Shirayuki explained in detail about the city.


Ami was not what you would call educated, being from a remote village and all, but she was bright. As she listened to Shirayuki, she heard what was unsaid, and what was perhaps distorted. With her eyes she watched the other patrons and remembered those she persons she had seen on the streets. She remembered the streets themselves and the ally's, all so clean.


The faces, smiling pleased to see her, but after she passed she had seen the looks change from the corner of her eye. She saw the faces of those in this place who thought themselves unobserved and she saw fear and dispair, sadness and woe.


Their was a great illusion of peace and happiness in Whitewall. In the world it seemed. 


She thought she felt the blade under cloak shift.


"Pardon Shirayauki, but I get the sense that all is not what it seems in this place. I have thought back on our day and the pleasantness of those we met...but, I begin to see that what I took for kindness and happiness were not what those person really though and that they were being kind because they were supposed to.  Am I wrong?"


It was at that moment that Tikki returned.

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Shirayuki had barely managed a nod before Tikki returned, and then replied to her question with her own.   She was in, she knew that this would be the right path.  She didn't know how she knew, but she knew.

More, Ami's question and comment deserved her attention.   "You would be correct in some circumstances.  The City is far from perfect,  and while we definitely went to a better section of it, there are far worse.   Those in charge want the city to be a shining beacon in these darker days, so the areas for tourists and visiting merchants are nice, clean, and generally free from unsavory elements, at least in the open.   Towards the walls, you get further from that.  The areas by the walls themselves are more like slums, where those with nothing to live for, or lose, reside."

She sighed.  "It's kinda like that everywhere.   There's a public face, and a private face, and this city's are very different."

"In the past though, this city wasn't like that.  It WAS a shining beacon.  But Wars and the Fae Invasion did great damage to it, and there is no one left who has all the knowledge needed to repair the damage fully.   What they know to do, they are doing, which is part of why the city does prosper, but it's like simply bandaging a wound.  Certainly it can stop the bleeding, but it doesn't actually heal anything."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tikki grunted in annoyance at the slander to her city but let the Lunar have her say.


"You'd need a miracle worker on every other street corner to accomplish what you're talking about, Shira. Everything alive eats, including cities, and it's our job to make sure we aren't the ones being eaten or eating more than our share. Speaking as someone born in one of those slums, even the worst of them have their good souls doing what they can to pluck who they can from the mud and into safe rookeries from where they can learn to fly. Good and bad and all-too-human mixed together in the rising dough that holds up the Great and the Good no matter what they think."


The blonde runner punctuated her remark by snapping a tender in half, "Now, whose interested in hearing more about a job I'd be heavily tempted to call a quest from an employer I'd be heavily tempted to call a seer?"   



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Shirayuki looked at Tikki and smiled.  "Not so many no.  The city was designed by a Single Solar Circle, working together in harmony, but this Is Not the place for that tale."  She looked at Tikki.  "What sort of adventure have you signed us up for?"

Tikki filled them in, providing every detail, to which Yuki only nodded, and said little.   She looked over to Ami, who didn't seem lost so much as she was digesting everything that had been said.  

Yuki chuckled.  "I had planned on staying home for abit longer, but that amount of Jade is impressive, and a talent of magical material each, that can lead to some Very interesting paths."  It was clear she was on board.  "A forgotten city in a part of the North that isn't on any extant map?  Sounds like an adventure to me.   I will handle transportation.   Why don't you and Ami round up supplies.   Assume we'll have a single covered wagon for our journey."

Tikki looked at her, she'd seen where they were to go, and even by wagon, they'd be hard-pressed to make it in the alotted time, unless, it wasn't a normal wagon.

Knowing that giving voice to such was unwise, she accepted the duty of gathering supplies.   Yuki told her where to have it all delivered, and the trio spent the rest of the evening enjoying themselves.   It took two days to procure the supplies, including coldweather clothing and food, camping gear, and other necessities.  They loaded the wagon together, and hitched a pair of what appeared to be normal horses to it.   Taking the Reins, Yuki led them out the West gate, the same they'd come in, and several miles from the city, there was a man waiting there in a small patch of woods.  

"Shenzi."  Yuki spoke, and he bowed his head.


"Everything is ready?"  She asked softly?

"Yes, The Master has provided what you asked for, and will expect an Account of their use, for research purposes."

"Very well."   Shirayuki nodded.  

He handed her two small horse figures, seemingly made from brown Jade.  She set them down as he unhitched the live horses.  "Aselc, and Aresl.  Those are their names, Mistress.  You need simply call upon them, and they will meet your needs.  You will of course need to replenish their essence as time goes on, and as a bonus, the Master Made sure their forms will be as a normal steed."   Once they were unhitched, She set the two horses on the ground, apart from each other.  

"Aselc, Aresl, rise and live, and aid our long journey."  Beyond their names, Ami and Tikki couldn't understand the words Yuki had said.  There was a light rumbling of the earth as they both sunk into it, and what emerged were two powerfully built stallions with rich brown coats.  they were obviously quite strong.    They were led to the covered wagon, and hitched without issue.  

Shenzi nodded.  "I will return the others to the stable, Mistress.  Be well on your journey, and Safe travels to you and your friends."

"Thank you Shenzi, I look forward to the meal you will prepare when we return."

With that the man began to walk away with the horses, and Yuki looked to her friends.   "Now, we can truly begin."

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Two days. What to do with the, quite possibly, last two days in the city of your birth before departing straight into a quest straight out of the Imaculate Order's stories? Yes, she could run, speak, lift, do like no one her size should be able to, but she imagined their prophetic patron wouldn't have asked for her in particular, and her very very new friends obliquely, unless it would take that many exalts to deliver said message. Clients of the Runner's Guild tended to be savvy enough to know what they'd suffer if they sent a runner into an obvious suicide mission.


The first day was spent securing their supplies, and that night spending far too much of her saved Jade eating and drinking and celebrating at the tavern she mentioned to the young Imperial soldier at the park with well-wishing fellow Runners. Tikki told an acutely-edited version of her first out-of-Whitewall Run and encouraged her peers to keep the flow of completed jobs going out, their Little Birds inspired to do their runs. Catching the young soldier out of the corner of one eye in the company of his squad mates, she tossed him an apologetic wink and made sure to send a round of drinks his table's way by way of apology.


The second day started late in a Guild Rookery regretting the fact she had intentionally avoided using any powers to unnaturally bolster her resistance to alcohol. Thankfully most of the work had been done the day before, and besides checking up on her Exalted friends, she made sure that her wrapped armor and halberd was discretely added to the piles of items making their way wagon-ward.


The second night was spent in vigil at a Guild shrine to Mercury, Celestial Maiden of Travel, her remaining spare Jade going towards a few sticks of incense, kneeling alone in the mostly-darkened chamber. Tikki had done the same the eve before her fateful journey that led to her exaltation, so she couldn't deny herself that it might have helped. She'd rely on her gifts and her skill to make it through, but a night's worth of respectful devotion to her Guild's Patron was the least she could do to give thanks for whatever luck she owed Her.


Thus she found herself the morning of the journey out of it and not questioning how Yuki was going to miracle this wagon fast enough to make their deadline. That was future Tikki's problem after a well-deserved nap. A nap she took immediately after climbing into the back of the wagon, falling asleep when and where you could a skill she'd long mastered. 


"You can handle keeping watch first, right, Ami?" 


The blonde runner was only vaguely aware of Yuki bringing the wagon to a halt and talking to someone as she roused from sleep, poking her head out of supplies in time to see the resulting ritual. Some sixth sense picked up that a lot of power went into what had just happened, beyond anything she had picked up since her transformation. "...Okay," Tikki allowed, "I'll bite. What just happened and who was your friend?"     

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Amisera tuned out her companions, the horses had her full attention.


Magic horse, for what else could they be.


She had felt a stirring in her heart when Yuki had spoken her words, words Ami could not understand but, that spoke to her all the same.


She knew so little, understood less.


She held out her hands to the horses so they could smell her and spoke to them softly so they could hear her. ""Aselc, Aresl welcome. You have come home and my heart is overjoyed."

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Shirayuki smiled at the reactions of her comrades.  "That, is ancient Celestial Magic.  It isn't easy to cast, though it may have looked so, even for me. It's something that the Solar however found quite easy, in a previous age.  My Mentor has spent quite some time tutoring me, and with his help, and properly crafted catalysts, i was able to give our friends here physical bodies."  Shirayuki herself looked somewhat drained after the experience, clearly the Magic was significant.  

"As to who I am, I am Shirayuki, the Pale Huntress.  As I said before, I am a Chosen of Luna, one of the Lunar.   My Mentor is the same, though a different caste.  He's much older, and somewhat reclusive now.  I will not say his name, but allow you a clue to his identity.   It is not that I would not tell you, but that I cannot say.  He is the Keeper of what waits to be found again.   He guards the lights against the shadow, though his hands are empty.  His domain is beyond vast, containing worlds beyond ours, and yet so small, it can also fit in the palm of your hand."

She paused, and when nothing happened, she nodded.  "Good, that will have to be enough then."  Clearly she expected something to potentially happen, but nothing did.

Meanwhile, Amisera approached the two horses, calling their names.  They practically leaned in to her hands, each of them warm to the touch, just as a horse should be, yet she could feel their strength, and more, there was a connection, a bond there, far stronger than she'd felt with any horse or animal she'd been around in her life.  She KNEW these horses, a part of her very soul told her this, they were her horses, even though she couldn't recall seeing them before.   

Shirayuki, watching out of the corner of her eye, saw this, and smiled.  "He was right."

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  • 2 weeks later...

"These are not beasts of burden. These... these are my companions, how?" 


Ami pet the horses leaned into them as they leaned into her. She smelled smoke and heard the clash of arms, the sounds of hooves tearing up the fields, the rattle of harness and the crash of chariots. She turned to look at Shiryuki but this place was not there, instead she saw a field of battle and a hill  and on the hill a war-chariot being drawn by two immaculate steeds, these two, Aselc and Aresl. And in the chariot a Warrior with her sword raised. Ami could not see the warrior clearly because of the blazing sun above the hill... but she thought she knew... but then it was gone and she was looking a Shiriyuki.


"I know these horses and they know me, yet until you came to my village i had never even saw a horse. How can this be?"

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Shirayuki smiled, and it was probably the most gentle smile the others had seen grace her lips.  "They are bound spirits, by the way they act, specifically those of the horses who served your previous Incarnation in some way."  

"Long ago, in the First Age of Men, the Solar Exalted ruled.   They were mighty warriors, priests, generals, healers and civic leaders.   The accomplished so much, expanding the world, both in territory and understanding.   Both the physical and metaphysical.   In the end, their power was sealed away, and while many of their ancient works were destroyed or forgotten, some were preserved, as was the method of reproducing them.   I had these prepared, and asked for guidance on the names to call.   The horses that served the Great Solar were celestial steeds,  horses that don't tire, and can seemingly move great burdens without effort.   I called to them, and they returned, because their Master is here."

Shirayuki nodded.  "Not me, even though I called them, and my essence was fuel to manifest, but you Amisera.  They recognize your Exaltation as that of their Master from an Age past.  That bond is a powerful one, and goes both ways.  As you care for them on this journey it will deepen.   While yes, i do have to take notes of how they do, I do believe they will be yours once this adventure is done.


She turned and looked to Tikki.   "I know your guild carries no weapons, so I didn't ask for such.  Instead I sought something that would help keep you safe."  She pulled out a pair of bracers, inlaid with the crest of Whitewall, with a Hearthstone set in each of them.  The first stone will protect you with the blessings of the winds.  The second will see to it that even your fists strike with the force of hammers."



The Horses are Familiars, and have a good stat block that I seem to have lost.  I will post it when I find it, or have time to rewrite it.  They are mighty, and as said almost don't require sleep, can move twice as fast as normal horses, and require less food and water than normal horse  They are easily able to pull the wagon.

The hearthstones grant a +1 to defense, and a+1 to offense, allowing Tikki to seemingly coat her fists in metal.  this does allow her to block/parry weapon attacks with them.


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Tikki laughed, breaking the moment of awe, "Your Patron has deep pockets. I've known Dragonbloods to be big tippers when the mood strikes them, but between our employer, your patron, and who or whatever is worth paying us as much as they are to contact... It's like the difference between urchins and the Lords of Whitewall."


Her smile was wry as she folded her arms on the edge of the wagon like an improptu pillow, "I'm flattered beyond words at your gift. Really. I am. I *did* pack the guard armor and halberd in the wagon just case, but I'll take something that will let me obey my oaths as a Runner. I'm no Imaculate Monk or whatever paragon our dear Ami can become, but I have thrown the odd elbow in a pinch. Repay you some of the more interesting stories as we travel."


"Assuming you're kind enough to walk me through how to turn them on. Assuming they need turning on," the blonde runner finished, laughing again from her perch in the wagon.    

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Shirayuki smiled again and nodded.   "My mentor sees wealth as a means to an end, and has amassed a great store of it, in order to acquire what he truly desires.  He has always been very supportive."

She motioned for Tikki to present her arms, and nodded. The Bracers were made not of Orichalcum, but White Jade.   "They aren't the best material for Solar attunement, but If you so choose when this is done, I can arrange new bracers to be made from whatever material you get at the completion of this quest."   

"To attune them, you'll need to get down here, and remove your boots.  Stand with your feet upon the bare earth, and feel yourself drawing upon the Strength of the Earth Element.   While not a Dragonblooded, we are actually "more" and higher in the hierarchy of Exalted.  As for the Hearthstones, Because these were from neutral manses, The should attune automatically."


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On 4/6/2024 at 7:58 PM, Shameless said:

The horses that served the Great Solar were celestial steeds,  horses that don't tire, and can seemingly move great burdens without effort.   I called to them, and they returned, because their Master is here."

Shirayuki nodded.  "Not me, even though I called them, and my essence was fuel to manifest, but you Amisera.  They recognize your Exaltation as that of their Master from an Age past.  That bond is a powerful one, and goes both ways.  As you care for them on this journey it will deepen.   While yes, i do have to take notes of how they do, I do believe they will be yours once this adventure is done.


Ami continued petting the two Equines, "Then care for them I shall, and when this is over, they shall be free. Free to accompany me anew as they did in the past or free to live their lives wild and carefree. Either way the choice shall be theirs."


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As Ami cooed over her previous live's pets, Tikki levered herself out of the wagon and onto the grass, any shadows of sleep driven from her mind by the prospect seeing for herself how these relics worked. She'd seen, furtively from the rooftops, the rare visiting Dragonblood bedecked in jade armor and weapons, her much-younger urchin self overawed by the splendor of those foreign high lords and ladies. 


And here she was being given such a trinket as a gift and being told (again) that there was some kind of hierarchy that placed Solars like her above a Dragonblood. 


Then again, even if it was true, in the same story all Solar members of said hierarchy ended up murdered at the hands of their 'lessers' so there was a lesson there.


Right. Magic relic bracers that would let her catch blades with her bare hands. The blonde runner unlaced the bindings on her boots and set them to one side, claiming the bracers. She considered them for a few heartbeats before identifying the near-hidden latch that would open them. Click. Snap. Click. Snap. Tikki paused then, standing in her stocking feet, allowing herself a second to smile at the silent advertisement screaming from her forearms to anyone in the know that she was anything but humble now. And then an indrawn breath, and she focused on the 'earth' with the same intensity she did to use her inner fire to power any of her other Solar tricks, a silent prayer to Mercury in her thoughts in hope she was doing this right.    

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Both the horses nuzzled Ami warmly and Shirayuki chuckled.  "I don't see them leaving you."

As Tikki set about attuning her bracers, The lunar turned her attention there.   Tikki could feel the bracers becoming lighter.  What's more she got a sense of someone smiling at her, not from Shirayuki, but from within her core.   Could her prayer have actually been heard?   After several moments, they were perfectly attuned, and Shirayuki smiled.  "Now, because I know you prefer more modest attire Tikki, I made sure these had another useful special ability.  As White Jade is most associated with the element of Earth, It was easy enough to give these an enchantment that allows them to appear as any other earthen material.   They don't get the properties of anything save White Jade, but they can be made to not make you quite such a target for those who would seek to try to relieve you of them."

She was well aware just how much the bracers were worth, but since they'd be together some time, very far from home it was worth the costs.   "Money is best spent protecting those you value, and ensuring continued happiness for all."  She paraphrased one of her master's favorite sayings, and nodded. 

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With the gifts distributed, the horses were hitched to the wagon, and the trio set out for their far away destination.  They came to the town of Farthes in three days, a trip which Tikki knew normally took at least a week, a testament to the benefit of the celestial steeds.   There were no issues, but as Tikki knew, the lands grew wilder as they went further to the Northwest, and The next town was at least three weeks away normally.  They stopped to replenish some supplies, and it became clear that their cart was far from normal, though it looked it.  It seemed to have endless space for items, though when it came to the three of them, it was comfortable but seemed no bigger than it was.  When asked Shirayuki chuckled.  "It too is enchanted.  The primary of course being that Items within it go Elsewhere, where time doesn't move, and they cannot be stolen.   The secondary is more that the wagon is much more durable than normal, so that we won't be stranded on the road with something broken."  That night she'd showed them how to access the Elsewhere storage, and once they were both able to do so freely, she nodded.  "You can put nearly any item there, along with a sort of ownership tag.  The supplies for this trip are "owned" by all three of us, so any of us can get them.  If say Ami wished to put her sword there, then only she would be able to access it and withdraw it, unless she expressly allowed one of us to do so."

After a brief stop in Farthes, they continued on, and several days travel came to something Neither Tikki or Shirayuki remembered.  It was a Shadowland, and it spread far in each direction, even into the woods to the south, and the hills that rose to the north.   The lands reeked of death, even at the outer edge, the grass was sickly and likely dying, the trees bore no leaves, and the only sound of nature they heard was the moaning of the wind.   To their credit, Aselc and Aresl showed no sign of being spooked by the Shadowland, and Shirayuki looked to them.  "So, we can try to go around it, but That could delay us significantly.  I take it Tikki this wasn't on your map?   We can go through, but we will most likely be attacked.   Shadowlands hold the restless dead, and they do not suffer the passage of the living freely."

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tikki definitely had Opinions on the restless dead, but she was acutely aware of their closing deadline. So, a scowl flickered across her face, a sucked in breath steading her mood.


"You'd be right about the map not having this on it," the blonde runner confirmed with soft grunt, "And here we are without an army worth of salt barrels or the army to spread it out. If they try closing on us without appearing first, I *should* be able to feel them coming, let alone any tricks the two of you can bring, but... You're the expert. If you feel a three woman Circle can make the crossing, I'll trust your instincts. Same note to our resident swordmaiden, Ami."


She smiled warmly on that last note. stretching her arms over her head, disguised bracers on her wrists.  

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Ami looked at Tikki, opened her mouth to reply but a glance at Shira cut it off. 


She looked around studying the environs and her lack of knowledge. Thought of the undead chilled her blood, but at the same time gave rise to an anger. A coal burning deep inside, suddenly fanned to life.


"It seems an obstacle has been placed in our way, not on your maps or in your knowledge," Ami takes a deep breath, "Prudence says go around, make up time lost on the other side. But, if this is by design, such would think of that, and precautions taken. I am no swordmaiden, not yet anyway, but I am one who in my village was known for running at problems full tilt.


I say we go forward."

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Shirayuki nodded with a slight smile, as if she expected the response.  "While I do have purified salt, it won't last forever.   It is best if we forge ahead.  Having said that, it will be nightfall soon.  The undead are much stronger in the dark of night, so I'd rather we go ahead and make camp, and rest tonight.   I will lay the salt circle around our camp while the two of you prepare our camp and meal.   I will set a few wards as well.  This could well be the last time we rest peacefully for several days, so we should take advantage of it."

With the assent of the other two, They moved back from the shadowland, and Shirayuki set about making a circle of salt around them.   The wind carried the moans of the undead to them, and even through that, the trio kept working.   When the last ward was set, Shirayuki came back to the camp.  "The shadowland shouldn't be able to extend this far.  If it does for some reason, then the ward will wake us and let us know.  I know it won't get past the salt barrier, or at least nothing minor will, and if something did, again, the wards will rouse us."  

Both the two Celestial steeds seemed to give a snicker, and she nodded.  "I can't imagine anything getting by the two of you two either."

She looked at Ami, and Tikki.  "I know as Solars, the two of you are truly the Anathema of the undead, so we should be fine.   The Sun's light bends to your will." 

Traveling during the day didn't mean they'd not be attacked, but the monsters would be much weaker thanks to the daylight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Night passed, not quietly, as the wind brought the moans and howls of the restless undead to their ears, but nothing was able to breach the wards and salt barriers that had been erected.  When the sun rose, there was nothing but fel Shadowland barring their paths, no sign of the undead, though the sky was starting to cloud up.   They broke camp quickly and set out.  Ami and Tiki rode behind the horses, and Shirayuki took to the skies, in the form of a Silver and white eagle.   While she couldn't converse with them, she could see further and better, serving as an early warning system, and a sort of guide.     After eight  hours of uneventful travel, the sky had darkened considerable for the time of day, and the clouds were thicker, and darker.  The first flash of lightning was more than enough to send Shirayuki down to the Wagon and her comrades, three more flashes dancing across the roiling clouds and subsequent peels of thunder happened before She even finished shifting back to her human form.  

"Ok, enough of that, I do know better than to stay airborne in that.   Now the worse news, there are three packs of undead nearby, all of them in our way.  The center most is almost purely skeletons.  They'll die in a single strike of a blunt weapon, or a one made of orichalcum.   The Southern-most pack is mostly bipedal zombies, with some zombie wolves in them as well.   The Northern-most pack has a Skeleton mage, and a mix of the others, zombies, skeletons, wolves.  The first two have forty or more in each of them, though the northern pack only has about thirty."

She looked to them.  "Now we can try breaking through either the center or southern groups, but if we don't move fast enough, we will give the northernmost group a chance to catch up.  I'm not liking our chances against so many foes, even if they aren't that powerful individually, but the weather will favor them, since they don't actually need senses to find us."

"So which way do you want to go?  My own vote is to tackle the biggest difficulty head on, we handle the northern pack fast enough we can outrun the other two easily enough."  She offered her own thoughts on the matter, but this was a team quest, she wouldn't just unilaterally decide for everyone.

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"North. Having seen what you can pull off with magic, don't want to let anyone with the same tricks be at our back. The Guild always tells us to 'Deal with the problem who can think first', and I can't find a reason to disagree with that here in this turf," Tikki offered with a wry smile to cover her unease.


There were stories about places in Whitewall to avoid that had nothing to do with their human occupants. And here they were in a patch of the same stuff that you couldn't see the edge of. Bad vibes. Bad times if the owner caught wind of them. Yuki hadn't mentioned any particular evils being behind this, but the gods wouldn't give out gifts like theirs if there wasn't a need for them.

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"The dead should not be restless."  They had stopped when Shiri landed and explained the situation. Ami had dropped from the wagon and fetched a couple of apples from their stores for the horses. She stood Between them now a hand on each head.


"I do not know much about these things. How much of the former person is left to these abominations?" She shakes her head, "Death should be the end of suffering not the beginning of it."


She gives the horse one final pet then climbs back into the wagon and looks in earnest at her companions. "If we can defeat one group of these undead, we can defeat all of them in turn. Justice is sending all of them to their final rest and ending the suffering and the threat."


Ami pulls out her dagger and scratches the plank between the seats. "I say we strike north as suggested, defeat the mage and destroy those undead. But, instead of fleeing on we feint and ambush a second group and when they are done with. Advance to the third."

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