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The Call of the Wild


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Raven nodded at Keith's hospitality, his gaze lingering on Peg before turning back to Keith. "Thank you, Keith. Your offer is kind, but I need nothing at this moment," he said cryptically. There was a weight to his words that made the air in the cabin feel heavy with unspoken truths.


As Keith settled into the couch next to Peg, the atmosphere seemed to crackle with anticipation. Raven leaned back in the chair, his eyes studying them intently.


"You are right to call it a curse, though not in the traditional sense," Raven began, his voice low and measured. "It is a heritage passed down through generations, a connection to a power greater than any man has ever wrought."


Keith's brow furrowed in confusion as he listened to Raven's words. He stole a glance at Peg, who sat beside him with a look of wary curiosity on her face.


"The wolves you encountered tonight are part of your lineage, Keith," Raven continued, his voice carrying an almost mystical quality. "They are guardians of a sacred pact, protectors of the balance between our world and the next. And you, Keith, are their chosen descendant."


Keith's mind reeled at Raven's revelation, his thoughts spiraling into a whirlwind of disbelief and wonder. The idea that he was somehow connected to the wolves he had encountered, that there was a deeper purpose to his existence, left him speechless.


Peg's hand found his in a reassuring squeeze, grounding him in the moment. She turned to Raven, her voice laced with a mix of skepticism and curiosity. "What do you mean by 'chosen descendant'? What is this pact you speak of?"


Raven's eyes seemed to pierce through them, as if searching their very souls for answers. "The pact is ancient, forged in blood and magic," he responded gravely. "It binds your family lines to the spirits of the forest, granting you powers beyond mortal comprehension."



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Keith finally found his voice, surprised slightly by Peg's reassuring squeeze.  "So, they were just making sure I was worthy?"  Keith asked, not wholly sold on this idea.   He knew he and Peg were different, that so much about life lately had been very different for him, for them both really.  

"Like Peg, I'd like to know the nature and details of this pact.  What sort of responsibilities are expected oof us?   All of this sounds truly fantastical, but given the circumstances, I'm not just dismissing it.  You seem to know a great deal about all of this, and are freely sharing your knowledge with us.  For which, we're both thanful, and though it may seem rude, I'll ask Does this pact have something to do with you as well sir?"

Power seldom came without responsibility, or consequence.  It wasn't as if he could surrender whatever this was, and even if he could, he wasn't sure the cost of doing so would be something he'd willingly pay.   Still, it would be nice to know just what was expected.

Keith smiled.  "I thought I had a pretty good grasp of my family's heritage, I guess I didn't really know anything after all."

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Raven nodded solemnly at Keith's questions, his gaze holding a weight that seemed to span centuries. "The wolves were indeed testing you, Keith. They are the guardians of the pact, ensuring that only those with the blood of their lineage can fulfill the responsibilities it entails."


He paused for a moment, as if contemplating how best to explain the complexities of the pact to Keith and Peg. "As for the nature of the pact, it is a bond between your family lines and the ancient spirits of the world. You are tasked with preserving the balance of nature, protecting the earth from those who seek to exploit its power for their own gain."


Raven's eyes flickered with a hint of sadness before he continued, "The responsibilities are great, but so too are the gifts bestowed upon you. You will find strength in times of need, wisdom in moments of confusion, and a connection to the world around you that few can ever comprehend."


At Keith's last question, Raven smiled cryptically, a glint of something ancient and unknowable in his eyes. "Yes, Keith, my connection to this pact runs deep," he admitted. "I am but a humble steward, a guide for those like you who are just beginning to awaken to their true heritage."


He leaned forward, his gaze locking with Keith's and Peg's. "You are both at a crossroads now, faced with a choice that will shape the course of your lives forever. Embrace your destiny, accept the mantle of guardianship that has been passed down to you through generations. Or turn away, and live a life cursed by the powers that dwell within you."


Raven's words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of what was being asked of them. Keith felt a surge of conflicting emotions - fear, excitement, doubt - coursing through him as he grappled with the enormity of the decision that lay before him.


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Keith nodded.  His thoughts went to his family, to what he did know of the curse, and how it was passed on.   "It seems that once a soldier, always a soldier rings true, even now.  The only difference is I fought for my country, and now, I'd be fighting for nature."   He looked to Peg, and then to Raven.  "If we say yes, and Embrace the Pact, will we gain more control over its gifts?"  The downsides of how things were now weren't insignificant, and who knew how long they'd make it before they hurt someone as wolves.

"Will we have to leave everything else behind?"  he did actually like his life here, and didn't want to just up and leave on everyone he knew.

"Ours aren't the only families bound by this Pact then, are they?  Are we to work together with others, or are we on our own?"

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Raven's gaze softened as he listened to Keith's questions, understanding the weight of the decision that lay before them. "By accepting the pact, you will indeed gain more control over its gifts," he reassured them. "With time and training, you will learn to harness the powers within you, shaping them to serve the greater good."


He turned to look out of the cabin window, the moon casting a silvery glow over the darkened forest. "Leaving everything behind is a choice each guardian must make for themselves. It is not a requirement of the pact, but rather a reflection of the sacrifices one must be willing to make for this sacred duty."


Raven's voice took on a melancholy tone as he spoke of other families bound by the pact. "There are others like you, scattered across the world, each with their own lineage and responsibilities," he explained. "Though you may encounter them on your journey as guardians, ultimately, the weight of this duty will fall solely on your shoulders. Each family has a unique role in maintaining the balance of nature, intertwined but distinct." Raven furrows his brow, lost in thought. “Not everyone who is offered the Pact accepts it. For some, this gift becomes a curse. A curse that can only be broken by death.”


"As you ponder your decision, remember this," Raven said, turning back to face Keith and Peg with a grave expression. "The pact is not just a gift, but a solemn vow to protect the sanctity of life itself. It will not be an easy path, but one filled with challenges that will test your resolve and strength."


He stood up slowly, the fire casting flickering shadows across the room as he moved closer to them. "Should you choose to accept this burden, know that you will never be truly alone. The spirits of the forest will guide you, offering their wisdom and protection in times of need."


Raven's hand extended towards Keith and Peg, an unspoken offer hanging in the air. "Embrace the pact, become the guardians you are meant to be. The choice is yours to make, but remember - once made, there is no turning back."


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"Is the fact I'm a guide by trade going to have to stop?  I mean I make my living taking others hunting and fishing.  We never take more than the limit, or just kill things for fun.   I know it's small in the scheme of things, but I have my own obligations.   Simply abrogating them to take up something else doesn't sit right with me.  I understand that in the future I may have to leave everything, but how could i be expected to keep my vow on something big if I cannot keep the smaller ones?   I do want to embrace this, for this to not be a curse the rest of my life.  I can hear the truth in your words."

Keith looked to Peg, trying to gauge her intentions.  "You've been very quiet, what do you think?"  His tone was calm, and it was true, he felt this was the right thing to do, but all the same, he'd already made some promises, ones he'd like to keep. 

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Peg met Keith's gaze with a mixture of determination and uncertainty. She had always been drawn to the mysteries of the natural world, finding solace in its quiet wisdom. The idea of becoming a guardian of nature stirred something deep within her soul, a sense of purpose she had never felt before.


"I... I want to embrace this pact," Peg finally spoke, her voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions raging inside her. "I may not have the same ties as you do, Keith, but I feel a connection to something greater than myself. If this is truly our destiny, then I am ready to accept it."


Raven nodded approvingly at Peg's words, his expression softening with a hint of pride. "Your resolve is admirable, young one," he said warmly. "The path ahead will not be easy, but with unity and unwavering dedication, you will both find the strength to fulfill your duties as guardians."


Raven turned his attention back to Keith and spoke firmly, "Balance is crucial. If you can maintain a balance between your mortal life and your duties as a Guardian, everything will be fine. However, I must caution you: your vow to the pact is of utmost importance. If a choice must be made between your other vows and the Pact, you must choose the Pact. Breaking this vow will result in severe consequences."

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Keith nodded, and this time it was his turn to squeeze Peg's hand.  "I understand.  I too will embrace the Pact."   He smiled.

"It feels right.  I always loved being in nature, and I'll find a way to maintain balance, for as long as I can."

He knew he'd committed himself to something important, something he had a feeling his grandfather had done as well.   Keith thought about it, and had to ask.  "My grandfather walked this path too, didn't he?"

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Raven was quiet for several seconds, “No, he did not. Your grandfather was good man, but he chose a different path. He was presented with the same choice you are now facing, and he chose to turn away from the pact. It was a decision that weighed heavily on him for the rest of his days."


Keith's heart sank at Raven's words, a mix of disappointment and understanding swirling within him. He had always looked up to his grandfather, admired his wisdom and strength. To learn that he had walked away from a destiny such as this was both surprising and sobering.


"I... I never knew," Keith murmured, his thoughts racing as he tried to reconcile this new piece of information with the image he had of his grandfather. "Why did he choose to turn away? Did he regret his decision?"


Raven's gaze softened as he regarded Keith with empathy. "Your grandfather had his reasons, reasons that were known only to him," Raven explained gently. "Regret is a heavy burden to bear, and I believe he carried it with him until the end.”


Raven glanced at Peg who stayed quiet then back at Keith, “Does this alter your decision?”


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"No."  there was no wavering in Keith's voice, he'd resolved to accept this.  Thinking about it, how his grandfather had lived, how he'd built his home, It had been a curse to him, forcing him to live alone, to be isolated, because he would lose himself in the curse.


"He had his reasons, which he thought best at the time."   Keith said the words.  "So do I, as I walk a different path too."

"I will accept the Pact."

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  • 2 weeks later...

“Tomorrow night the moon will be full,” Raven stands and walks up to Peg and takes a leather necklace with what appear to be bones and feathers and places it around Pegs neck. “Wear this until tomorrow night, we will meet under the Full Moon and perform the ritual.” He goes to Keith and produces a similar necklace and put it on Keith. “I will return tomorrow at dusk. You should rest.”


Keith and Peg watched as Raven left the cabin, the weight of their decision settling upon them like a heavy cloak. The flickering fire cast dancing shadows around the room, adding an air of mystique to the solemn moment.


As they prepared for rest, Keith couldn't shake the image of his grandfather from his mind. What had led him to turn away from such a profound calling? The thought gnawed at him, but deep down, he knew that his own path was different - that he was meant to take up the mantle of a guardian.


Peg, on the other hand, felt a sense of anticipation stirring within her. The necklace Raven had given her felt warm against her skin, as if pulsing with ancient energy. She couldn't explain it, but she knew that this was just the beginning of a journey that would change her life forever.


Together, Keith and Peg settled in for the night, their minds filled with thoughts of the pact they had just accepted. As sleep slowly enveloped them, a sense of purpose and determination settled in their hearts, readying them for the trials and tribulations that lay ahead on their path as guardians of the forest. The moon rose high in the night sky, casting its silvery glow over the cabin, bathing the world in an ethereal light as the two future guardians drifted off into a deep and dream-filled slumber.


The next evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the first stars began to twinkle in the darkening sky, Raven returned to the cabin. Keith and Peg stood outside, waiting with a mix of excitement and trepidation for what was to come. Raven's presence seemed to command the very essence of the forest around them, his connection to nature palpable in the air.


"It is time," Raven's voice carried a weight of solemnity as he led them deeper into the heart of the woods. The trees whispered secrets of ages past, their leaves rustling in a soft chorus as if welcoming the three figures into their midst. The forest seemed to come alive around them, a symphony of sounds filling the air as they reached a clearing bathed in the silvery light of the full moon.


Raven motioned for Keith and Peg to stand at the center of the clearing, the moonlight casting an otherworldly glow upon their faces. He began to chant in a language that seemed both ancient and timeless, the words weaving a spell that resonated with the very soul of the forest.


As Raven's chant reached a crescendo, a gentle breeze stirred through the clearing, carrying with it the scent of blooming flowers and earthy moss. Keith and Peg felt a surge of energy coursing through them, a connection to something primal and powerful.


Suddenly, beams of moonlight converged upon Keith and Peg, encircling them in a shimmering aura that seemed to dance with ethereal light. The air hummed with energy, and for a moment, time itself seemed to stand still. In that suspended moment, Keith and Peg felt a profound shift within themselves, as if they were shedding their old selves and stepping into a new, unknown existence.


The moonlight began to swirl around them in a mesmerizing display of silver and shadow, intertwining with their beings in a radiant embrace. Each thread of moonlight seemed to carry with it a piece of the forest's essence, infusing Keith and Peg with the wisdom and strength of the ancient planet.


A surge of power coursed through them, awakening something primal and untamed deep within their souls. It was as if they were being reborn under the watchful gaze of the moon, baptized by its celestial light into a sacred duty that would forever bind them to the natural world.


Their bodies twisted and reshaped with an unnatural fluidity, first taking on the form of a simple wolf - a spitting images of the ghost wolf they became during their trance. But then the transformation continued, becoming larger and more primal with each passing moment. Features stretched and contorted, muscles bulged and shifted under fur-covered skin. And finally, after several rapid changes, they stood as full-formed Lycans - towering over seven feet tall and oozing with deadly power. This was not the uncontrollable curse that took over every full moon; instead, they retained their faculties even in this monstrous form. Every inch of them radiated danger and ferocity, ready to unleash their brutal strength at any moment.


As the last echoes of Raven's chant faded into the night, Keith and Peg stood in awe, their hearts pounding with a mixture of wonder and reverence. They exchanged a knowing glance, a silent acknowledgment passing between them that they were no longer mere mortals, but guardians of the forest bound by a sacred pact with the moon itself. The weight of their newfound power settled upon their shoulders, a responsibility that both thrilled and daunted them in equal measure.


Raven watched them with a look of pride, his eyes gleaming with ancient wisdom. "You have been reborn as guardians of this land," he intoned, his voice carrying the weight of centuries. "Embrace your new form, for you are now protectors of the balance between man and nature."


Keith and Peg nodded in silent understanding, a newfound sense of purpose burning brightly within them. They could feel the wild energy of the forest coursing through their veins, empowering them with a connection to all living things around them.


As they gazed up at the full moon hanging high in the night sky, a howl erupted from their throats - a primal cry that echoed through the trees and beyond, announcing their presence to the world.



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True to his words, the following morning Keith had taken the sports he'd agreed to fly fishing, leaving Peg at his home.  After a full day of guiding, The plans for the rest of the weekend were derailed somewhat, as two of them received pages on their pagers.  Keith dutifully brought them back to the office, and the entire quartet was being called back from their trip for an emergency.  Keith tried to not listen in to why, but he understood this meant they'd not be staying or needing his services.  To his surprise, Cliff Morris, the guy who'd booked the trip, insisted on paying Keith for the whole trip, after all, he'd done his job, and gave them an amazing day of fishing.   Two of the others had caught fish they wanted to mount, so they'd be preserved, and arrangements were made to have the mounting done locally and then shipped to the men.  It wasn't a cheap thing, but they readily agreed, and sought told Keith they'd be back when they could to go again.   

He was thankful for the money which offset what he'd spent to kit them out for the day, and he still made good money after providing his boss his cut.   It was a neat arrangement, and he welcomed them all back telling them he still had more spots to show them the next time.

That night, his life, his entire world changed.   He would change too, in a way he couldn't imagine.

The moon's embrace was like nothing he'd ever experienced, empowering him, forcing a transformation without pain, The raw power unlike anything he'd felt coursing through his body, it was both intoxicating, and humbling.   He'd never thought of himself as a weak man before, but he was so much more than he'd been before tonight.  The howl that the two of them loosed had power, he felt, and he looked to Peg as they both finished, and then to the woods.

This new form begged to be tried out, and perhaps the best and easiest way to do that was to hunt.

He looked back to Raven, as if to ask the old man's permission.  There was a small part of him that felt bad for his desire to leave him at his home, but The Wolf called to him, powerfully, moreso than it ever had, it called to his very nature as a hunter, and he would answer.

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