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A Wellspring of Regret


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"Giving the source of magic in your world to a dragon doesn't seem like the wisest course to me," Maighan remarks lightly. "They are known for many things, the eldest of wyrms...but sharing their plunder is not one of them."


"That shall be your world's problem though. The Twilight Realm shall spin on as it always has."


She strummed a few bars of music on her lute, humming under her breath as she tested a song in her head, then added aloud, "It will make for a grand song though, this. A great quest that takes us to the golden heart of the world. Treating with ancient souls, dragons, the gods themselves...yes, it will be a fine piece. For that alone I regret nothing of coming along with you, whatever the outcome."

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Brarga nodded.  "Yes, a grand story and song, something that will likely live on long past us, should we survive to see it through to the end."  There was a note of pride in his voice.  "Definitely something to tell Renn when this is done."  Their friend who'd volunteered to stay behind wasn't far from his mind, even as they continued on.   

He looked at each of the others, newer comrades mostly, but at the same time, they'd fought and bled together,  and they would see this adventure through together too.

He looked to Tooli.  "You have been quiet.  Care to share your thoughts on this?"

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Tooli had said little to nothing since their descent into these caverns, seeing the dragon had terrified her, and she was not one to scare easily. And of course she had her own secrets which remained hidden.


She glanced up from where she had been quietly inspecting her gear, her gaze steady as she met Brarga's eyes. "My thoughts matter not if they lead us nowhere, Brarga," Tooli replied, her voice soft but firm. "We have a task ahead of us, and dwelling on doubts or fears will not aid us in completing it."


Her fingers traced the runic markings etched into the hilt of her dagger, a weapon forged with ancient magic that had been passed down through generations of her people. The weight of their quest pressed heavily upon her, but she knew that showing any sign of weakness now would only serve to hinder their progress.


"I am ready to face whatever challenges await us in our journey to retrieve the Heartbloom," Tooli continued, a steely resolve shining in her eyes. "Let us focus on the task at hand and trust in each other to see it through to the end."


Brarga nodded in understanding.



The ship sailed the Silver Sea, the sky above a granite ceiling. The light that guided them came from the sea itself, emanating a soft silver glow that illuminated their path. As they journeyed deep into this mysterious realm, the shore receded until only the silver sea remained.


They had been sailing for days now, and still there was no sight of land. It was as if they were suspended in time, lost in a never-ending expanse of water. Yet, despite the lack of visible progress, Brarga and his companions could feel themselves drawing closer to their destination.


The air was filled with an otherworldly energy, one that seemed to pulse and hum with every beat of their hearts. There were whispers on the wind, voices beckoning them forward. And as they drew closer to the heart of this unknown sea, those whispers grew louder and more urgent.


Tooli stood at the front of the ship, her eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of land or danger. She could sense something stirring beneath the surface of the water, something powerful and ancient. But she said nothing to her companions for fear of alarming them.


Brarga stood by her side, his gaze also fixed on the endless stretch of silver before them. He could feel his heart racing with anticipation and excitement. This was truly a journey like no other.


"I wonder what manner of creatures we will encounter in these waters," he mused aloud.


Tooli glanced at him with a small smile playing on her lips. "I have heard no tales of this Sea in all that I have read. But others seas both real and myth tell of great sea serpents that guard the depths," she said. "But I know not if that is ture here.


As they continued sailing further into this strange world, they soon came upon a towering island rising out of the silver sea. The island itself seemed to be made entirely out of shimmering crystal structures, reflecting and refracting light in a dazzling display.


"It's beautiful," Brarga breathed in awe.


As they drew closer, they could see intricate carvings etched into the crystalline structures, depicting scenes of ancient battles and mystical rites. The island seemed to hum with a strange energy, sending shivers down their spines.


Kathra steered the Bannocgonal towards the island, her hands steady on the tiller despite the growing sense of unease that gripped her companions. The waters around the island were calm, almost unnaturally so, as if the sea itself held its breath in anticipation of their arrival.


"We must tread carefully here," Tooli cautioned, her eyes sharp as she scanned their surroundings. "There is power in this place, ancient and potent. We do not know what guardians or challenges await us."


Brarga nodded in agreement, his hand moving instinctively to the hilt of his axe. Despite the beauty of the island, there was an underlying sense of danger that he could not ignore.


As they neared the shore, they saw a figure standing at the edge of the crystal structures, waiting for them. It was a being unlike any they had ever seen before, tall and slender with iridescent scales that seemed to shift and change colors with every step it took. Its eyes gleamed like precious gems, holding a wisdom that spoke of centuries past.


"Greetings, travelers," the being spoke, its voice like a melody that resonated in their very bones. "I am Ariael, guardian of the Crystal Isle. You have come seeking the Road of Gold, the Path to the Center of this world, Tellus, and the Heartbloom. But is this what you really seek?”

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