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Issue 1: Pressure


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"As he predicted."  the centermost Legionairre said quietly.  "Time to go.   Arm the device."   The other four went to the large mortar looking device, which seemed to be spent, and each of them placed a hand on it, and it began to reconfigure.

Once they took their hands away, she nodded.  "This is Mithril.   Phase III complete." 

There was a moment where they each began to shimmer, and then they were gone, as if they'd never been there.   The rifles which had been taken collapsed into a liquid substance, as the nanites that comprised them simply deconstructed them, and then themselves.

Down below Kitsune took her shot after noticing the power fluctuations,  but the angle was wrong, even with his shields down.   The beam seemed to play over the armor, leaving a smoking weld from wrist to elbow, but failed to penetrate the armor.   

"If you'd aimed abit better, that would have gotten through, tough break."  The Sovereign answered the attack, even as his shield hummed and came back up."  

Tempest was watching the battle unfold, this new armor was powerful, and geared to fight his electrical attacks, he had others, but they'd do far less damage.   He could try to overload the armor, but that put everyone at risk, as he'd already taken one of the powered up attacks.   Noting how hot the barrel of the flamthrower was, he focused on creating intense cold there and when the superheated metal was chilled so rapidly, the weapon itself collapsed, one of the flaws of the nanotech the suit was made of.  

"A localized cold zone only a meter across, impressive Tempest.   I'd never have guessed.   It seems you're not just a one trick pony after all."

Tempest chuckled.  "I'm full of Surprises, Steel."  

The Supervillain seemed to focus in on Tempest, and his other gauntlet's top reconfigured into what looked like two short barrels.   He fired Both in the span of a second, filling the air with veritable clouds of tiny razor edged flechettes.  normally they'd have been no threat to his powerful shield, but something warned Tempest to not take it lightly.  The first one missed, but clearly he'd expected his movement, and the second blast caught him.   The flechettes penetrated the shield as if it weren't even there, and half a dozen imbedded themselves int Tempest's right arm and side, knocking him back and causing him to fall to the ground.  

"I told you that shield wouldn't protect you forever."

He turned his attentions to the other Heroes, "Now, I believe it's time to finish up with you as well."

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Springboard looked around, noting the condition of Tempest, and the damage both himself and Tempest too. Activating the communicator built into his helmet, he spoke in a very quiet whisper that was picked up and relayed to his teammates. "Gonna try to hold him down."  He then did a short run at Steel Sovereign, and faked a jump, then aimed a slide at the space between Steelie's legs. Unfortunately for Springboard, SS read his intent from the very beginning and just closed off his positioning so he was unable to go between the legs, causing Springboard to stop short, and unable to attack. "Get Tempest out of here."

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Having worked on-and-off with Tempest through much of the more-mundane portion of her heroic career, short as that may have been, Rosette could see that the weather controlling hero may have been down but wasn't out. She was moving soon as Springboard made his dash for their foe, ready to back up his grapple with her own enhanced strength.


Wincing a little inside at the villain outfoxing her brawnier teammate, she redoubled her pace, letting her scythe go. The weapon melted into ghostly flower petals inches from her fingers, slipping between worlds until she might need it again.


And then the Reincarnating Redhead was on Steel Sovereign from behind, sweeping one leg out from under him with the clang of metal on concrete. She flowed with the grace of mystically-imbued physical self-mastery atop him in a flutter of black and red cloth, twisting on of his arms behind him with the warning of joint-injuring pressure. "Hi," she exhaled with a laugh, gold eyes dancing with amusement at the small victory.  



Rolling to Grapple.

  1. Exile_Jeane Request: [2d6+10] Roll: [6, 5] Result: 21
  2. near max, lol.


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  • 4 weeks later...



Kitsune launched herself into the air in a gymnastic leap...and even though he might be able to see through her manipulations of light and sound, she wouldn't be HER if she didn't put some spectacle into this!


For just a moment, at the apex of her jump, a lens flare seemed to flash out from her. Over her head an arc of radiant discs appeared, displaying the lunar phases, with new and full side by side directly over her head. The two merged and swirled together into the form of a yin/yang symbol as she doubled over and fired off a particularly intense blast of coherent light from her hands down at Sovereign's armored suit!


With the better angle from the high ground, and the timely assistance of her teammate in immobilizing the villain, Kitsune's attack was perfectly aimed! It struck with full force on the power conduit she'd spied earlier and started heating and sizzling the metal protecting it!


(55 damage as a called shot!)

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Hyper was momentarily disoriented y the teleport, so much that it took her a few seconds to get a handle on the new playing field. In that time everyone's attention had turned to Steel Sovereign with her companions taking various shots that ended with the armor clad villain being held in Rosette's iron-muscled grip!


Hyper was personally miffed by what the lady goon had said, as stupid as that may be it sorta hurt. So with resolve to show that she was more than a 'one trick pony', she reached deep inside her resolve and pulled up every ounce of hyper speed she could muster and launched herself at the held miscreant Steel Sovereign!


She was more than a blur as she strafed past Sovereign, pushing her speed into her arms and pummeling him with blows so fast that they registered as one massive blow! She passed him and spun on a dime her inertia contorted by her power to propel her back at he immobile criminal to land yet another series of blows and then again for a third time!




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Unable to move for a brief moment, Steel Sovereign was suddenly on the defensive, with both gauntlets disabled.   The energy shielding was down, and a hyperspeed barrage managed to crack his armor in several places.  The power system was failing, and there was no escape.  He'd not planned on so many heroes to show up, a miscalculation this time.  The only hope was that Tempest could be coaxed or goaded into using lightning again, but there was slim chance of that.  He had risen from where he'd fallen, his arm a bloody mess, and he was smiling.  "I'm not alone, and you badly underestimated my friends."

"I admit, I did.  I won't next time.  This has been most informative.  Goodbye."

It was something puzzling, then they suddenly felt Steel Sovereign go limp, as if the armor itself shut down.  All of them could smell the scent of burning plastics, and the center of the armor began to glow.   "GET AWAY NOW!"   Tempest's shout was enough to to see the others move away quickly.  What followed wasn't an explosion, but a controlled conflagration, like a white phosporous incendiary grenade, as the Steel Sovereign they'd been fighting simply melted away into a hunk of slag.   Tempest sent cold air to cool the metal hoping to potentially save some of the tech for Mainframe to analyze, but he didn't hold alot of hope for that.  

"Damn, this is both new and disturbing."   Thankfully the hunk of slag that bad been their foe didn't have a human in it, which was par for the course for him, he was a villain, but he never killed needlessly.   "He's never managed a android before.  Where the hell did he get that tech."   Tempest was concerned, as this represented a major threat upgrade to Steel Sovereign.   He looked at his teammates.  "We need to get back to Station.   Rosette and Springboard, I need you to carry that" he indicated the hunk of slag" "to the shuttle, and Kitsune and Hyper, I need you two to go inside and find out what exactly brought him here, and if he got it or not.  Round up any legionairres, but somehow I expect there to not be as many as we fought.  I'm going to go talk to The police."

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Can you handle this for a minute? Got to collect someone before he gets gobbled up by a jabberwock," Rosette demurred to Springboard, dusting herself off and summoning her weapon to hand from nowhere. A quick slash and reality bled purple and orange, man-sized rift forming next to the reincarnating redhead. Knowing the cameras were on them, she slipped through and into the pink-shaded mirror of the plaza where she and the other Guardians had just fought Steel Sovereign's very convincing replicant and his mooks. Good. No actual jabberwocks like she had joked. Those things had been hell to clear out. And it would be terrible if her...


"Hey! What did you do to me!?" 


Rosette smiled at the outraged voice of the Legionary, closing the rift with a thought and turning on one heel to face him. Definitely no jabberwocks then. "Put you on ice while we dealt with your coworkers. Gonna need you to drop the gun and armor before I get you out though."


The man looked defiant for a moment, weapon halfway up to shooting her with whatever exotic ammo it had before he cursed under his breath and started to comply.


Odd. He looked more resigned then defeated, but Rosette wasn't going to complain as the clatter of metal played off the empty plaza around them. "Good," she purred, supressing the faint wince as she pulled on the impromptu stitches Tempest has applied. Another half-minute's waiting as the man stripped down to the under layer and she opened another rift back into the real world, leading them through. 

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Springboard walked over to the pile of slag and hefted it onto his shoulder. He made his way back to the shuttle, and gently placed the pile down. "If he hasn't managed an android before now, it hasn't been because he wasn't smart enough. It was because he didn't need it yet. I expect more twists to show up in the future," Springboard said to Tempest.

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