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The Phoenix Universe Vol 1


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Gargun has taken 173 points of damage total, however he has healed/regenerated 58, leaving him with 115 current damage.


the unarmed (bashing) damage has no effect


The various attacks the Paragons were putting on the monster seemed to strike home but at the same time the monster seemed less bothered by them, or at least it was ignoring them.


Of utmost concern, as the beast searched for Atalanta was Shift's imminent peril. The ooze bubbling from the cracks in Gargun's hide coalesced into a good dozen small one meter oozy versions of the giant beast, half of which lept off the monster and began to run toward the police line ignoring the bullets, which passed harmlessly through their gooey forms, which said police poured into them. The other half dozen scrambled for Shift who was still clinging to the monster.



Six of the jello gargun's are charging the police line mainly becaus ethey are in the open they will reach them next round.


six of the little fellows attack SHift since he is on Gargun. 5 are fended off by the robot but one lans a solid blow that does 11 points. if shift has any damage reduction you may apply it otherwise take 11 damage from a crit. make the description good 🙂


Gargun itself takes no attack this round, but more ooze is coming out of the open wounds while other open wounds seem to have crusted over.


it is your turn... since jeane has been called to service I will act in his place for atalanta.


its your go


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Even as the smaller Gargun made their way to the police, Tempest remained focused on the Larger beast itself.  From what he'd observed, the others would have better chances of eliminating them quickly, as most of his abilities were single target, or would envelop the police in them as well, should he try to use said powers for crowd control.  Instead, ice bolts formed once again and he sent them through the sky at Gargun, satisfied as they hit the massive beast and producing a light rime of frost where they hit.  The next attack against it would be slightly easier, due to this, though it wouldn't last long.



using guiding bolt   gives advantage on next attack if it hits

Shameless Roll: [15] Result: 23
Shameless Roll: [17] Result: 25 hit

!roll 4d6
Shameless Roll: [6, 5, 4, 2] Result: 17 Damage


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Joe looked up at the small ones budding off the large Kaiju. "You've got to be kidding me. Budding, AND regeneration!" He turned and noticed the lesser ones were going for the cops. He began to run to catch up with the lesser kaiju. "I'm going after these... Keep focusing on the big one," He shouted to the others. Squire began another attack sequence, his focus completely upon the one in front of him. His blade moved quickly, light glinting from the edge as he slashed. His first cut aimed at it's spine, and his second attacked one of it's legs. His front kick was easily avoided by the creature, due to sloppy footing. His gaze then shifted to the cops, as he watched their attacks do minimal damage. "Get out of here. Get the civilians to safety," he screamed at them. 



Dozer — Today at 6:12 PM
Sword attacks, 1 + 2
[6:12 PM]
!roll 2 1d20+8

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 6:12 PM
Dozer Rolls:
[20] Result: 28
[17] Result: 25

Dozer — Today at 6:12 PM
Unarmed attack
[6:12 PM]
!roll 1d20+6

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 6:12 PM
Dozer Roll: [2] Result: 8

Dozer — Today at 6:14 PM
Dam sword 1(crit)
[6:15 PM]
!roll 2d8+5

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 6:15 PM
Dozer Roll: [4, 1] Result: 10

Dozer — Today at 6:15 PM
Sword 2
[6:15 PM]
!roll 1d8+5

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 6:15 PM
Dozer Roll: [6] Result: 11


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Infiltrator 3675445AF was caught quite off-guard by the goo-based mini clones now engaging with them. In a show of inhuman reflexes and agility, the unit flipped and spun around, always maintaining one point of contact on the great beast while twisting their body out of the way of the hail of blows. However, it was just a matter of time before a lucky hit made contact, and soon there was s shriek of metal as claws ripped through their exoskeleton. A surprisingly human scream could be heard as the hit struck home, tearing into the left shoulder and exposing the inner workings to the salty air.


Coming to the conclusion that this assault was only making things worse, Shift opted to disengage; shoving off from their current position with a graceful arch, the infiltrator attempted to tumble down Gargun's leg end over end, using their claws for purchase.



Attempting to use Acrobatics and Spider Climb to basically backflip down Gargun.


!roll 1d20+2

Heritage Roll: [1] Result: 3


Hoo boy!


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A grunt of disgruntlement interrupted Jack's huffing efforts to reach Atalanta. Not only were Big Boy's wounds crusting over before his eyes, he was also... spawning. Several were rushing the police line, but a guy with a sword was engaging them. The others were going for the brave woman scaling the gargantuan biological war machine. Woman? It was a damned robot, apparently!


But brave all the same. Jack's fingers danced, the tattoo on his shoulder burned, and a spade of dark magical force flashed towards two of the Little Boys assailing the robot lady. He'd focused on Big Boy, even attuning arcane hunter's insight on it, but he thought he could give the robot lady some space.

The spades spun and slammed into the blob babies with small explosions of dark concussive force. Jack swore that he heard a pair of bloops as the  blob babies expanded, then contracted back into their semi-solid forms, seeming to have swallowed his blasts, relatively unscathed.

"Well... crap. The Little Boys are tougher than they look too." Jack gasped, catching his breath, the looked up at Atalanta. She was a whole lot of woman, he had to admit, most of a head taller than he was, and by no means a waif with it either. "Atalanta, right? I'm Jack Spade. A local PI. We gotta talk after we deal with Big Boy and his Little Boys. Over a couple of beers." He frowned wryly. "It's been that kind of day."



Spade-like Eldritch Blasts at two of the little guys
Asarasa Rolls:
[18] Result: 26 - Hit!
[5] Result: 13 - Hit!

Damage Rolls
Asarasa Rolls:
[9] Result: 9 arcane force damage to one of the blobs attacking Shift
[6] Result: 6 arcane force damage to a different blob attacking Shift


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Atalanta looked down at the magical detective, already stringing another arrow to her bow. Her smile was hidden behind her mask, and features faintly blurred by her own activated speed, but the amused quirk of her eyebrows and tone of voice was clear enough. "A pleasure, I'm sure," she responded, "Try not to die before we have that talk."


There was an almost audible crack of displacing air and snapping fabric when the amazonian huntress erupted forward pushing another dreg of speed out of her muscles, more heat along her nerves. She refused to think about how much bigger the creature looked now that she was so much closer and fought down the irrational impulse that it might have come for any one of the gathered empowered humans. That would be insane. Mr. Invincible himself didn't rate this kind of attention. 


Enough woolgathering though. The world stuttered into slow-motion as she came to a halt next to the tent hiding the body of the fallen hero and her arm shifted up, lining up to arc a shot into the beast's giant eye. Snap! Her bowstring barely had a chance to return to recover from its recoil, the wheels on her compound bow to spin back before unnatural reflexes had a second arrow out and set and flying after its twin. She tracked the shots with her eyes, world snapping back to normal pace.



Action Surge, Ho! Two shots with advantage at last, I think. Called shots aimed at his big ol' peepers.

!roll 1d20+6

Exile_Jeane Roll: [18] Result: 24 Should Hit. 

!roll 1d8+3

Dice Maiden
Exile_Jeane Roll: [6] Result: 9 Nine damage from that shot...

Second Shot...

!roll 1d20+6

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 5:14 PM
Exile_Jeane Roll: [18] Result: 24 Same to hit result...

!roll 1d8+3

Dice Maiden
Exile_Jeane Roll: [5] Result: 8 Eight damage second hit.


Whew, Haste still ticking. 




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hex was about to cast another spell. The words of power trembled at the tip of her tongue, and her hands were already sketching out the sigils...when movement at the corner of her eyes arrested her. She looked over to see police officers, woefully unequipped to deal with this kind of threat, fleeing from several of the smaller beasts that had been unleashed. The others were focused more on the big creature...which made sense. This spell had done real damage to it as well, one of the few truly devastating incantations she'd mastered.


But what was it for, if not to protect lives? If she didn't save those cops, even if it meant the huge 'main' threat was destroyed, what had it meant?


She swiveled, and completed the incantation; the same one she'd cast before. And once again Hex felt something vital in herself stretch outside, leaking into the world. The air twisted and curled, light passing through blueshifted into a funhouse carnival mockery. Just behind the fleeing police, shrubs and grass flared into brief spasms of growth, then immediately withered and browned.


The creatures too were affected, and more viciously by far than even the larger monster had been. More temporary in nature to start with, they immediately stumbled and plowed into the ground, shrieking unearthly wails as their bodies began to deliquesce and dissolve into a thick substance that resembled mucous laden with coal dust. In seconds of outside time, they had aged to oblivion. Leaving only foul-smelling puddles to mark their passing.


Unfortunately, Hex could feel herself tiring quickly. That spell was almost certainly outside her reach now. She'd have to use weaker magic...against the strongest foe.


Not great, but at least she'd saved them.

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Gargun is at 149 damage


Between Hex and Squire all of the drones on the ground were neutralized in short order. Shift tumbled down off the gargantuan body of the monster to land in the sand with a wet thud.


Gargun raised its massive foot and brought it down with terrible force with the intent to crush The alien robot but Shift managed to roll ou tof the way and the giant foot smashed nothing but sand. At the same time Gargun who was still reeling from the blast Tempest had hit it with focused his laser eyebeams on the flying hero.


The monsters eyes crackled with energy and those twin beams flashed out at tempest but the hero had been ready and with aerial ease had dodged the twin beams of fire which sailed off into the sky.


The remaining drones leap from Gargun and chase after Shift.



Next turn


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Tempest grunted as he dodged the energy beams, knowing he did not want to get hit by one of those.   "Fine.  You want to throw around energy blasts, let's just see how you handle it when I turn it up."   The sky darkened and lightning crackled through the clouds, coming from all directions, moving towards where Tempest flew in the air.  "Taste the storm's wrath, wretched creature."  He held his hand up and the gathered lightning in the clouds struck his hand and seemed to move over his body as he held his hand towards Gargun., from which streamed forth a blast of lightning much larger than any single bolt most had seen before.  Only those who remember his father had seen such a display.  

Unlike before,  the blast was much larger and more intense, lightning up the sky with an actinic flare, the smell of ozone and burning flesh permeating the air as it struck Gargun squarely.   Tempest's eyes shone blue with the same actinic fire, and his lips curled into a satisfied smile.  He didn't think that it was enough to kill Gargun, but he knew that had hurt it.



!roll 1d20+9
Shameless Roll: [3] Result: 12
!roll 1d20+9
Shameless Roll: [16] Result: 25

!roll 8d6
Shameless Roll: [6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 3, 1] Result: 37 damage


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Directly attacking the giant beast didn't have the desired effect, but Shift wasn't surprised; it had been a bit of a longshot anyway. Instead, the infiltrator decided to play to their strengths by increasing the chaos factor for their foes.


Spotting a nearby rock outcropping, Shift ducked behind it...and Atalanta emerged on the other side! Or rather, another Atalanta, as the original was still actively engaged elsewhere. Considering how much footage of the Paragon Shift has analyzed, it was a relatively easy duplication.


'Atalanta' shouted out at the beasts pursing her, "Come at me, foul creatures!" The impersonations was quite impressive.



Using Disguise Self and Mimicry to throw confusion at our enemies.


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Triessa hurled more blasts of magical energy at the towering monster, walking towards it as she started trying to think about what to do next. Watching her mystic bolts spatter almost harmlessly off its hide made her realize that she needed stronger magic here...and unfortunately, most of the spells she knew that would be good for that required her to be close in. Like, touching range.


Just thinking that was terrifying...but she closed in anyway.


The beast shifted then, sending water surging towards Hex and nearly kicking her all without even noticing she was down there...when suddenly out of the bushes nearby exploded a large dog; built like a German Shepard with oddly tufted ears and unusually stocky around the shoulders. His tail too had an almost leonine tuft at the end rather than just tapering to a point.


"Hubcap!" Hex shouted in dismay. She hadn't even realized he was around here! But it shouldn't have been a surprise...he rarely let her stray far...


The dog, Hubcap, rushed past her and leapt on one of the monster's toes, snarling. He dug his muzzle in savagely, biting down. To Triessa's astonishment, a scale actually came loose in his jaws, and was pried out! Hubcap emitted a growly bark then, and seemed to implode to a point and vanish. At nearly the same instant he appeared beside Hex in like manner, sending a puff of wind outward with a sort of whooshing noise.


At the expression on his doggy face, fierce but proud, and clearly expecting praise...Triessa reached down and scritched between his stiff ears with a sigh.


"Good boy. Just...be careful. This thing is..." She looked up. And up. "...well, you can see it."



Eldritch Blasts do a total of 3 damage after 1 miss, and Hubcap's bite does 3 damage too! Hee hee.


Edited by SalmonMax
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The remarkable tall archer streaked away and Jack wasn't about to chase her all about the battlefield, especially since he couldn't catch up her, probably not even with his car, if she didn't want him. And not when a stomp of Big Boy's massive foot knocked him to knee, which naturally landed right on a pointed rock.

With a grimace, Jack climbed back to his feet. The Little Boys had been taken down by the young woman with stronger magic than his own and the guy with the sword, so Jack turned his focus back on Big Boy, hopefully enough of them targeting it would overwhelm its recuperative abilities.

"I couldn't be so lucky as to die. It's been that kind of day," Jack snarked, though Atalanta was much too far away to hear it. Or was she, since she appeared to be right by Big Boy. No, she was still over by the ambulance and tent where the remains of Mr. Invincible lay. He shook his head. As long as she stuck around so they could talk afterwards. "Whatever. Big Boy, you're standing in the way of a beer after a long night and a terrible morning."

The tattoo on his burned with the familiar tingle as he threw two more arcane spades at the creature, both striking true, piercing thick scales. He wasn't calling down the storm like Tempest, but his spades struck with satisfying retorts. Then Jack shuffled to the side, looking for any hint of cover in case he drew Big Boy's ire.



Attack Rolls
!roll 2 1d20+8

Asarasa Rolls:
[13] Result: 21
[18] Result: 26 - Hit!

Asarasa Rolls:
[9] Result: 17
[17] Result: 25 - Hit!

Damage Roll 1 (1d10 + 1d6 Hunter's Mark + 2d6 Sneak Attack)
!roll 1d10+3d6
Asarasa Roll: [9][2, 1, 1] Result: 13 Force Damage

Damage Roll 2 (1d10 + 1d6 Hunter's Mark)
!roll 1d10+1d6
Asarasa Roll: [8][6] Result: 14 Force Damage


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  • 2 weeks later...

The monster reels fromthe blasts and seems weakened by the drones elimination. it takes a shaky step, it head swiveling back and forth between he two versions of Atalanta visible then it decides which to blast!


Its head locks onto Ignoring everything else and its eyes glow and spark and...fizzle. No beams flash out and the beast staggers and shakes its head making a guttural rumble deep in its chest.



monster is a 219 damage and failed to attack it is y'all turn

fyi  it will regenerate this at the end of this round so make it count 🙂


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Tempest grunted, that was one of his stronger attacks, and even combined with everything else, they'd still not brought the beast down.  They'd already seen it regenerate damage before, and they had to take it down now before it could again.  "Bring it down now, before it heals again!" he called out to his comrades in the fight, even as he created a larger ice spear than he had before.   He only hoped their combined efforts would be enough.  He grinned, though no one could see it, as the mighty spike of glacial ice skewered into Gargan.



Tempest uses Guiding bolt as a level 2 spell, adding 1d6 to damage, which continues to give advantage to the next attack against Gargan.   


!roll 1d20+8
Shameless Roll: [13] Result: 21 hit

!roll 5d6

Shameless Roll: [6, 2, 2, 1, 1] Result: 12

Shameless — Today at 6:22 PM
i am using one point of elemental power to reroll those last 4 dice

!roll 4d6
Shameless Roll: [6, 6, 5, 2] Result: 19

Total damage- 25


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