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The Phoenix Universe Vol 1


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Rolling Detect Bullshit vs Shift's 12 on Deception.

!roll 1d20+1

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 1:17 PM
Exile_Jeane Roll: [1] Result: 2 Crit 1. Nooooope.


Atalanta was spending almost as much time parsing the peculiarities of the woman's pronunciation   of her native tongue as the words, a hungry want in her gaze. A traffic jam of questions was building on her tongue when Shift suddenly changed its appearance to something out of sci fi. Or in Atalanta's case, something out of her childhood, the rare visits to a M'Kari colony or outpost splashed with memories of lumbering machines tromping along with heavy loads under the shepherd-like guidance of an operator. The sudden shift, sudden resurgent memory, made her tighten her grip on her baton, thoughts whirling.  


Almost enough to make her miss the buzz of her phone vibrating in a pocket.


Almost enough to make her miss the gleam of the camera man up by the road. Almost.


The camera man would get a quick head tilt of acknowledgment and wave in his general direction before Coraline turned her focus to the robot, contralto voice not unfriendly, "I believe you, but we have an audience. Top floor of Coit Tower tonight at eight o'clock. Expect questions, Shift. So many questions."


And with that, Atalanta's outline blurred at the edges as she tapped her reserves of speed and broke for the edge of the park at a sprint that made her earlier pace seem like a turtle's crawl, cloak snapping in her wake. A quick pause snapped her baton away and phone out for a quick read of Triessa's text. She frowned, hating to bail, but between her tiredness and Shift's... Well, stated reason for existing here... She was in no state for this. Time. She desperately needed more time to put this straight in her head. 'Oil and Water. Stay safe,' she texted back, shorthand for needing to get out of Dodge, before breaking again into motion.    



Casting Haste and attempting to get clear again, lol.


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The infiltrator's head swiveled to one side, visual sensors flash for a moment with reflected sunshine as they stared directly at Jose, taking in the cameraman's appearance for later duplication.


"Shit." The sighed curse sounded comically human emerging from the smooth, mouthless face. Shift turned back to Atalanta and nodded.


<"I'll be there.">


Activating its chameleon circuit, the infiltrator faded from view, now visible as only the slightest ripple in the air. There, it's right there! Wait, no- where is it? Gone!


Shift didn't actually move very far, just into some nearby bushes to think for a moment. So much to consider...

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Joe sighed and decided to head over to the beach to maybe get a better angle on the crime scene. Along the way, he passed close to where Shift was hiding, but didn't notice them. His expression was a dejected one, as he pondered how he would be able to help out. His gaze kept returning to the scene of the crime, trying to see what he could see. He didn't seem to notice the camera focused on close to where he was standing, until he got an alert about a live broadcast. He pulled out his phone and saw a replay of the two beings, the robot and the tall human apparently talking, before they split up, and disappeared. He looked up from his phone, and looked around. He saw the place around him looked like the scene where the video was taken. 


Squire began to look around at the ground near him, looking for disturbances, 'What in the hell?' He thought. 'Maybe that thing or that person have answers to what happened here. Maybe I'll be able to find out more.' 



Dozer — Today at 7:43 PM
Squire investigation
[7:43 PM]
!roll 1d20+6

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 7:43 PM
Dozer Roll: [12] Result: 18


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They leaned in scowling watching the monitor which played a live television news broadcast from the scene of Mr Invincible's murder.

There she was. Atalanta. thye didn't even take notice of the robot, they just reached out and hit a switch and in an alien tongue, <Drop Gargun, Golden Gate Point One B. Target Atalanta.>


Squire took a step toward the cloaked Shift when he heard a strange whistling sound from above, he paused and turned craning his neck eyes searching the sky...


The sound started as a high pitched whistle but in the time it took for it to register it had grown to a roar. People all over San Francisco looked up and many screamed in fear at the burning object falling from the sky! It plunged into the bay just west of the golden gate with a huge boom sending a geyser of water hundreds of feet into the air, the point of impact roiling and steaming. Jose quickly focused the camera on the spot and so it was that he saw the ripples moving toward shore toward him!


"Holy @#^&!" 


Gargun rose from the depths of the bay the heat still dissipating as steam energy crackling along it's limbs, it burning eyes scouring the nearby shore for the accursed  ancient Greek hero, but all it saw were puny insignificant humans and their gods defying machines with flashing lights! With an angry roar Gargun's eyes grew brighter and fire leapt from the in twin beams of heat and destruction to rake the road above exploding cars and media vans and sending the gather reporters and onlookers diving for cover!



Gargun is 50-60 feet tall  AC: 16  any attacks made against it are at advantage due to its size.




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Joe took a dive into nearby foliage as the creature opened fire, his eyes more concerned with the beams than the trees and bushes in front of him. He nearly slammed into a tree, and quite unceremoniously fell on his behind into a bush. Once there, he realized he left his uniform at home, and his backup mask in his briefcase on his motorcycle. He sighed, shook his head and concentrated as he manifested first his bow and arrows. He carefully lined up a shot, his eyes focused solely on the creature's head. He loosed the arrow and watched as it sailed towards the Kaiju, for lack of a better term. As it struck with a satisfying thunk, Squire was already looking for somewhere else to move to and shoot from. 




To Hit:

Dozer — Today at 4:41 PM

Attacking the Gargan with bow.

[4:42 PM]

!roll 2 1d20+8

Dice MaidenBOT — Today at 4:42 PM

Dozer Rolls: [5] Result: 13 [14] Result: 22



Dozer — Today at 4:45 PM

!roll 1d8+2

Dice MaidenBOT — Today at 4:45 PM

Dozer Roll: [1] Result: 3


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Cameron was torn between a desire to protect others by engaging the towering kaiju-looking monster, and the need to protect those close to him by maintaining his secret identity.

It wasn't something he could ever get back, once he forsook it, especially in front of the cameras.

"Dammit."  he muttered softly and looked to Gina and the Cameraman.  "Come on we've got to get out of here before it turns that beam on us."     He began leading them away from the crime scene, amidst the bedlam that it had become following the attack, as the police were trying to rally in response, and clear the area.  "Cameron, we've got to cover this."  

"We need to clear out so the heroes can work without worrying about bystanders.  One's already here in case you missed the arrow hitting it.  I don't know which one, but if we can get to somewhere safe, one of the buildings, and film from it, then fine."

They looked at him, and he shrugged.  "Just not covering it isn't an option, but we need to get to relative safety, and out of the heros' way."   He had to keep them safe, and it wasn't yet immediately necessary to forsake his secret.

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This...was unexpected. While it was possible the arrival of the gigantic creature was somehow linked to the death of Mr. Invincible, it was also possible the two were completely unrelated. Regardless, there was now a very real threat to the people of San Francisco, specifically those on this beach. Shift had little in the way of ranged weaponry in this configuration, so the best they could do was offer assistance to those who did.


The infiltrator suddenly appeared out of thin air next to the mysterious bowman, a neutral voice emitting from their mouthless face. 


"Hello, I am Shift, and I offer you my assistance."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Joe nearly jumped out of his skin at the appearance of Shift. He looked the inflitrator up and down, and then said, "I can't operate openly like this.... Can you grab my briefcase from the motorcycle at the edge of the police cordon? The closest lamp post has a flower attached to it. I need the mask in there. Unless you can hide other people as well as yourself. Try to remain safe." Squire looked up at the Kaiju again, and drew another arrow, "I'll try to keep him contained... but no promises."


Squire fired the second arrow, and prayed for someone to guide it to a soft spot. The arrow thunked into the creature's thick hide, looking like it may have just annoyed it. 


To hit:

Dozer — Today at 7:38 PM
!roll 2 1d20+8

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 7:38 PM
Dozer Rolls:
[6] Result: 14
[8] Result: 16



Dozer — Today at 7:40 PM
!roll 1d8+2

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 7:40 PM
Dozer Roll: [2] Result: 4


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Shift nodded their metallic head, and then their optic sensors flashed a few times before the infiltrator took on Joe's appearance. "No problem. Be right back." Oh God, it even copied his voice! So damn creepy!


'Joe' made it back to his bike, doing his best not to be seen while not acting overtly sneaky either, because that called attention to you. Real Joe's directions worked like a charm, and in no time at all the once-more robotic biped returned with the case.


"Here you go." The voice was back to neutral.

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Atalanta loved the thrilling burn of pushing her body and reflexes to it's limits, the faint roar of her pulse in her ears. She couldn't keep it up, but the sheer vaulting progress she could make over, under, and through any obstacle, the slack-jawed 'Did you See That?' reaction it provoked from human witnesses, made her chuckle in her head, lungs too busy flooding her body with oxygen to allow her to do more than grin behind her mask.


The sky-splitting arrival of the mega-fauna halted her in her tracks.


Her parents had told her bedtime stories about the various wonderous and terrifying large predators that worlds spawned. That, and their tendency to go extinct once an intelligent race decided they were a problem. The one that killed her parents had been the first that Korre-Lin had seen with her own eyes, backlit by fire and shrouded in the smoke of her home being rent asunder by its teeth and claws, pieces of metal flashing into view as camouflage field failed. She'd never seen it again, not once in the years she'd looked before getting caught.


The professor had told her no one else had either. Other giant monsters were spotted though the years, popularly referred to as 'Kaiju' in the cadence of the Asian languages, attacking cities and attracting their own specialized brand of heroes. 


So this wasn't entirely a surprise, cold comfort that the small mercy represented. Triessa was back there, still not having responded to Atalanta's text. And the creature shot lasers from its eyes. Rest would have to wait. There was a monster to kill.


She exploded in motion, backtracing her progress in a sprint that she paused only when she was at the very furthest range she reliably could send an arrow arching skyward for her looming target. A few deft movements had the flickering amazon assemble her compound bow into a ready state, arrow resting in the tripartite cradle of string, bow, and fingers. Atalanta exhaled and stepped out from under cover of park greenery, tracking an arrow hitting her prey from elsewhere in the park. Hmmm. Another hunter out there. Good. She pulled her bowstring all the way back, aimed, and released, the projectile flashing skyward with it's cloaked source clearly visible to the monster.



Haste still up for about 9 more turns. (AC 19) 

Shooting the beastie from 600 ft away. Disadvantage from range + advantage from size = a straight up roll.

!roll 1d20+6

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 1:04 PM
Exile_Jeane Roll: [13] Result: 19

Rolling damage just in case that connects... 

!roll 1d8+3

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 1:05 PM
Exile_Jeane Roll: [7] Result: 10


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Triessa stared past the handful of trees and scrub brush at the towering figure hauling itself up and out of the bay water. She flinched involuntarily as that terrible beam swept across the landscape, devastating traffic. How many people had just died? How many?


Circles of violet light wrapped around her wrists and hands as she chanted under her breath, and she flung a pair of scintillating bursts of magical power at the creature as she dove for cover behind an outcropping of rock. The shots, at this distance and fired in such haste, went wide of it even with its prodigious size.


Think, Hex berated herself, we need a plan!


Most of her spells worked at closer range though, unfortunately. As terrifying as the thought was, she was going to have to get nearer to that creature. And for that, she was going to need some help.


She tapped out a quick text to Cora.


>giant monster attacking from bay, need backup!!




Rolled a pair of misses on Eldritch Blast. 🙂


Edited by SalmonMax
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Gargun pushes through the waters of the bay as the police and the hidden heroes let loose a barrage of gunfire and arrows! Surprisingly it is the ancient weapons and not the modern firearm's which damage the monster as the bullets which hit the monster flatten and fall harmlessly into the bay while the arrows fired with skill find weak spots in the creatures tough hide and pierce it.


The damage is seemingly negligible and while the monster does brush at the spots it continues its striding toward shore its eyes sweeping the beach , searching, yet no more beams of destruction shoot forth. Yet.



next round the monster has take 17 points of damage but seems unfazed. it is at the shoreline now. the cops are still holding thier line and fireing at the beast with handguns and few rifles. y'all are up go!


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When Shift arrived back with the case, Joe opened it and unlocked the secret top compartment which held an older mask made by himself. He put the mask on, picked up his bow again and fired off two arrows in the direction of the Kaiju's head. After launching the arrows, he moved quickly towards the next set of bushes. 


First arrow: 


Dozer — Today at 8:23 PM
!roll 2 d20+8

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 8:23 PM
Dozer Rolls:
[11] Result: 19
[19] Result: 27

Dozer — Today at 8:27 PM
!roll 1d8+2

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 8:27 PM
Dozer Roll: [1] Result: 3


Second arrow:


!roll 2 d20+8

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 8:28 PM
Dozer Rolls:
[8] Result: 16
[4] Result: 12

Dozer — Today at 8:28 PM
!roll 1d8+2

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 8:28 PM
Dozer Roll: [2] Result: 4


Two hits: 3 and 4 damage total.

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Cameron took note of how the cameraman was simply filming the monster attack, and even Gina wasn't paying him any attention, despite his warnings.   He could choose to warn them again, or slip away to try and join the battle.

The decision was made quickly, but not lightly, as he slipped away down an alleyway.   With a quick check to make sure no one was around and no cameras were aimed his way, He loosened his tie, touching the place where the pendant had merged with him, and the Primal Storm within him surged forth, wreathing him in primal energies, his body transforming into the embodiment of a living storm.  His clothing became a blue and black costume, a mask covering his face, even as arcs of electricity surged over his body.  He had become the Avatar of the Storm, Tempest.   The winds lifted him up, answering his call as he took flight, and made his way towards the massive Gargun and the battle there.  

He maintained some distance, even in the air, nearly thirty yards or so, not far enough that it couldn't engage him he was sure, but close enough that he could use the power of the storm to engage and hopefully help bring this monster to bay.

There was no grand announcement of his arrival, no declarations or plea for peace.  Gargun was incapable of answering such an entreaty, instead, Great shards of ice formed at Tempest's fingertips, it wasn't one of his stronger attacks, but it would benefit whoever decided to attack next.

In an instant the bolts of ice shot forth with incredible speed, and missed Gargun narrowly, and Tempest cursed his aim.  "Focus dammit, this should be an easy shot."  



Tempest activates Guiding Bolt (L1) 
Shameless Roll: [4] Result: 12
Shameless Roll: [7] Result: 15
results- miss


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It had been less Jack Spade's attempt at charm then the wounded melancholy in his eyes that made Officer Linda Lancer relent and allow him pass the police cordon. Her tight smirk and his wry grin suggested they both knew the real reason. Jack had barely gotten a glance at the scene when the newest interruption arrived.

The sheer force of the ginormous creature's landing knocked him off his feet even from that distance. He was dazed for a moment until he felt an elbow jab him in the ribs. Hard. He had instinctively fallen to protectively cover the short policewoman. Lancer was having none of it.

"Offa' me, Spade!" Officer Lancer growled, shoving the PI to the side and rolling to her as she drew her sidearm. Her pistol was steady, but her eyes were wide as they traveled up and up and up at to see what she was facing, only her eyes able to move through her instant of paralysis.

Jack rolled over with a cough, spitting out his gum and climbing with less grace than Officer Lancer.

"This day just keeps getting better and better," the occult detective drawled with fatalistic nonchalance. "It's too god-damned early in the morning for Godzilla."

He didn't know what it was, though some refugee from a Godzilla flick seemed apt enough. It didn't come across as a Great Old One or some other Cthulhoid analog to him from what he had read. The urge to run was there, but how could he when others were still standing their ground, even as the beast's eyes ravaged the ground with photonic beams of destruction.

Jack slunk to the side, trying to make some distance so Knockoff-Godzilla couldn't take them all out in a single, encompassing attack. Sharp eyes and insight studied his Brobdingnagian adversary for any weaknesses or vulnerabilities. It was very quickly clear guns weren't one of them, the arms of the first responders affecting Big Boy less than gnats.

Fortunately, Jack didn't rely on guns. On the other hand, Big Boy did seem to notice the several arrows that pierced its heavy hide. Jack damned himself that his first thought upon seeing that was that it meant the Hero Hunter Atalanta must be relatively close and that it might present him with a terrible opportunity. Big Boy would draw just about every paragon in San Francisco. Everyone but one, now, he privately amended. 

It was far too coincidental. Mr. Invincible's unlikely and untimely death. His heart in his bloody living room. The extortion for Atalanta's head. And now Big Boy's arrival. Jack just didn't have enough piece's yet to get a hint of what the puzzle could even be depicting.

"Bullets don't have enough punch," Jack shouted back to Officer Lancer as he continued towards the side, trying to flank Big Boy with whoever was shooting arrows at it. "Have the PD get the civilians out of here or get heavier ordinance."

Jack intoned an arcane word and gestured, feeling the tattoo on his shoulder burn for an instant as he marked the gigantic monstrosity with an invisible, eldritch sigil, forming a link between him and Big Boy, naming it his quarry.

"Let's see how good you are at cards, Big Boy," Jack muttered. 

He gestured again, more intricate this time. The illusory image of a playing card manifested just before his outstretched fingers, formed from lines of dark blue, almost black, light. An Ace of Spades, the single spade in the middle the size of a fist. His fingers tightened into a fist, an a spade limned in dark flames shot toward the towering monster, followed by another.

The eldritch spade slammed into the creature's chest with a cracking retort, the second spade spiking in after it, burying itself even deeper. Big Boy roared, the basso tone making the water ripple, ground shake, and Jack's ears pop.



1st Round 
Move - Stand up and move
Action - Move more
Bonus Action - Assess

2nd Round
Move - Move more, to the side of Big Boy, getting a little closer to it and the coast
Bonus Action - Cast Hunter's Mark
Action - Cast Eldritch Blast (2 bolts)

[17, 10] Result: 25 - Hit!
[18, 16] Result: 26 - Hit!

Damage 1 (1d10 + 1d6 Hunter's Mark + 2d6 Special Attack)
Asarasa Roll: [2][2, 2, 1] Result: 7 (Really?!)

Damage 2 (1d10 + 1d6 Hunter's Mark)
Asarasa Roll: [4][4] Result: 8


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Seeing the thing peppered with arrows and...playing cards?...Triessa realized the thing was just too big. Nothing she had would make a dent in it!


Well, almost nothing. There was one arrow that would bring even the mightiest down. If she had the courage to fire it.


She texted Cora. <I'm here at the monster. If you're here too, I could use some cover. I need to get closer.>


Then Hex took off running. Towards the beast. It didn't feel like the smart thing to do...but it was all she had left.


At the shoreline, Gargun seemed to be as big as a mobile skyscraper. He loomed in a way that laughed at physics with its paltry square-cube rule. It made mockery of the natural order of things. But he wasn't the only one who could do that.


Hex held her hands out and began to speak. Her voice reverberated strangely, picking up an unnatural overtone as if her words were being spoken simultaneously by other people. As the incantation progressed, that overtone became more severe, more unnerving, with the 'voices' in her voice moving slightly more out of phase with each second and turning the result into a chorus, like a music-less song.


"Arescet et labe...

Sicut anni praetereunt...

Accipere mortem amplexus,

Capti impetus temporis."


The grass around Hex's feet sprouted and flowered and grew in fast motion, but then inevitably browned and withered and dried out in fast motion. A circle of dead earth spread a few feet out from her, then swept forward. Shrubs and bushes dropped their leaves and became skeletal dead wood. Lichen crawled madly over rocks and then decayed to smears of brown. Those were just side effects though.


Gargun himself bore the brunt of the attack. Time's arrow, launched at his heart.


"Prevaricator quid frangi,

Cede omibus nostris...

Tolle quod potest amissa,

Et numquam reddere...numquam reddere."


As time flexed, light itself shifted within the area the spell affected. A cone of impossibly warping, distorting space that rippled with blue, indigo, and black zones of ultraviolet wrapped around Gargun afflicting his body with years stacked on years, flowing in pockets around him.


Then it ended, Hex gasping for breath as she lowered her hands and tried to understand what she'd done, and what the consequences would be.



She moves to the shoreline within 30' of Gargun and casts a spell. Elemental Burst does 34 necrotic damage in a 30' cone from Triessa and because the elemental effect is 'time,' it resets Gargun's initiative to 1. A Dexterity save of DC 16 will halve that damage and prevent the effect.


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If the infiltrator had a jaw to drop, it would be hanging a foot below their face: both Atalanta and Hex were in sensor range at the same time. And both were exposed and focused on a threat. After three years of waiting, planning and assimilating into human culture, they had a lock on both targets, the entire reason they'd been sent back in time to Old Earth. True, the other Paragons might destroy 3675445AF immediately afterwards, but that was acceptable; the mission parameters would have been successfully met.


And yet.. 


The smooth metal head swung over towards the massive immediate threat, a creature that could wipe out thousands of meaningless human lives. Like Carmelita's coworkers on the campus police force. And all the young students studying for their degrees. And the children playing in Golden Gate Park.




In an instant, Shift was charging pell mell towards Gargun, robotic limbs ratcheting at high speed. The infiltrator leaped towards the beast's gargantuan leg and stuck there like a fly on the wall.


This is insane.



Shift is activating Spider Climb after jumping onto Gargun's leg. Let me know if that requires any rolls.


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Battle was always one failed test of nerves away from infectious chaos, so the rumble of Triessa's text and lightshow was missed, the amazonian huntress closing more of the gap between the beast and herself. Pick your shot, pick your shot... If she could get close enough, she could start spotting weak points and targeting them. Something this big? They'd have to level a good chunk of the city to bring it down with brute force the way it was shrugging off some of these Paragon attacks.


Heartbeat pounding in temple on overdrive, she ended her sprint back to a tree, readying another arrow. 


She popped out into view, launching her arrow upwards at Gargun, green eyes tracking the shot enroute to it's target.



Moving 100 feet closer to Gargun (500 ft to go), 8 rounds of Haste left.

Rolling to hit with the bow.

!roll 1d20+6

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 9:02 AM
Exile_Jeane Roll: [10] Result: 16

Think that hits... Damage...

!roll 1d8+3

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 9:03 AM
Exile_Jeane Roll: [8] Result: 11. Whew.


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Gargn has taken 91 points of damage total


Gargun pauses at the edge of the shore, still in the water as its gargantuan head swings left and right as if searching. The arrows and playing cards of mystical energy barely a nuisance, Tempest flying in the wind,  earned a swat of annoyance as the electricity crackled around the monster harmlessly, but then the mystical energy of Hex struck true and Gargun recoiled.


The spell lashed at the monstrosity causing it to reel, to an outside observer it seemed as if he were coming apart into pieces and reforming several times a second! The police stopped firing, had the heroes spell slain the monster?


Hex's spell wrought its worst and the shimmer faded, Gargun still stood, whole but instead of the rocky brown he had been now his hide was grayish and cracked with oozing veins. The beast staggered and looked ready to fall.


Then Atalanta stepped from behind the tree and let fly an arrow which sank into one of the oozing cracks to the fletching! The Beast roared!


However the roar was not of pain but of Triumphe, its prey had been found! Garguns eye flashed and the twin beams lashed out, Atalanta rolled away from her cover just as the beams met at her tree which exploded sending flaming splinters flying!



gargun fired at atalanta and missed it is y'alls turn again


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Tempest saw the opportunity that the others had bought with their own attacks, and Gargun had been hurt,  Tempest called upon the Storm.   Lightning arced along his legs up his body and along his arms to his hands, gathering as it arced between his hands.   Then in an almost blinding flash, and with a rumbling boom of thunder, a crackling torrent of Lightning shot forth from his hands in an azure-white line briefly connecting Tempest to Gargun as he blasted it with one of his stronger blasts, a directed Lightning Bolt.



gargun may make a dex save to take half damage

Details:[1d20+8 (18)] hit
Shameless Roll: [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1] Result: 23


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3675445AF continued to climb their way up the great beast's leg, moving towards the back of the knee. Once there, the infiltrator extended their wicked claws and buried them deep into one of the fissures Hex's spell opened in its skin.



30 feet of movement with Spider Climb, bonus action to active Thorn & Claw, and then the attack.

Heritage Roll: [19] Result: 26

Heritage Roll: [4, 2] Result: 6


6 points piercing damage


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Squire let his focus on the bow go, and it dissolved slowly into the ether along with the arrows at his side. He grabbed at the empty scabbard at his waist, and suddenly a sword appeared in his right hand, and a shield adorned his left. Underneath the mask, Joe was smiling like a little kid who got the best gift of his life on Christmas. He ran forward, towards the creature, sword drawn back ready to strike. As he came upon the creature, the sword glinted in the air as it slashed at the creature, slicing through some of the weakened skin. After the sword cuts, Squire reared back and threw a pair of kicks additional, one of which connected. Joe chuckled and crouched a bit so  the shield on his arm partially covered his face. 

First attack 


Dozer — Today at 7:04 PM

First attack - Sword

[7:04 PM]

!roll 2 1d20+8


Dice Maiden


 — Today at 7:04 PM

Dozer Rolls:

[3] Result: 11

[13] Result: 21


Dozer — Today at 7:05 PM

Damage sword 1

[7:05 PM]

!roll 1d8+5

Dice Maiden


 — Today at 7:05 PM

Dozer Roll: [2] Result: 7


Attack 2


Dozer — Today at 7:04 PM

Second attack - Sword

[7:05 PM]

!roll 2 1d20+8


Dice Maiden


 — Today at 7:05 PM

Dozer Rolls:

[11] Result: 19

[10] Result: 18




Dozer — Today at 7:05 PM

Damage sword 2

[7:06 PM]

!roll 1d8+5


Dice Maiden


 — Today at 7:06 PM

Dozer Roll: [3] Result: 8


Third attack(Bonus unarmed)



Dozer — Today at 7:06 PM

Bonus attack - Unarmed 1

[7:06 PM]

!roll 2 1d20+6


Dice Maiden


 — Today at 7:06 PM

Dozer Rolls:

[6] Result: 12

[3] Result: 9


Spending a point of focus for a second bonus attack. 


Dozer — Today at 7:06 PM

Focus point spent for second bonus attack - Unarmed 2

[7:07 PM]

!roll 2 1d20+6


Dice Maiden


 — Today at 7:07 PM

Dozer Rolls:

[15] Result: 21

[1] Result: 7


Dozer — Today at 7:07 PM

Damage Unarmed 2

[7:07 PM]

!roll 1d8+3


Dice Maiden


 — Today at 7:07 PM

Dozer Roll: [7] Result: 10

Damage - 7, 8, 10.

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Showered in burning splinters, Atalanta counted her blessings that her cloak was at least mildly fire-retardant. She dashed forward through cover, a thought niggling at her. She was hardly the closest of this kaiju's many Paragon foes, and it didn't make sense that a beast or a thinking mind would pick her out. And, great as the M'Kari were or might still be, she was hardly worth the dispatch of a creature this large. Still, if by some fluke, she could draw the fire away from the ones valiant enough to *climb the beast's legs* like it was a particularly impressive red wood. She needed to ask Hex if she wanted to drive there again come elephant seal season. After the dust settled from this. 


The amazonian huntress skidded to a halt in another clearing, notching an arrow to her bow. An exhale marked her letting it fly once more.



400 feet out and 7 rounds of haste left.


!roll 1d20+6

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 4:25 PM
Exile_Jeane Roll: [12] Result: 18

Rolling for Damage...

!roll 1d8+3

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 4:26 PM
Exile_Jeane Roll: [2] Result: 5


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Jack's mouth tightened into a thin line. His signature arcane spades were only marginally more effective than throwing playing cards at, well, Godzilla. Maybe if he could hit an eye? Infuriate the kaiju at the least-


-it seemed something did infuriate it. An arrow. No, not quite infuriate it. It had a different tone. One of victory. The beast's eyes blazed once more and Jack's gaze  followed the beams of plasma to where they struck, just barely missing a very tall (relatively) female figure. A person he believed he knew, from reputation and description, if not in person. 



Jack let out a sigh that was more agitated than exasperated. Seems like he wasn't the only one who was looking for the Amazonian Archer. Why? Why, why, why?

His long-finger hands wove another mystic mudra, his voice reverberating strangely, and another pair of arcane aces coalesced and flashed towards Big Boy's deeply set, incandescent eyes, black-light erupting in flash against burning orange. Then Jack was running, knees coming up high, he breaths coming in panting puffs, as he heading towards the new clearing an arrow had coming from.

Bloody Hells! Lady can move. I'm too old for this. Not even sure I could keep up in my car! Jack wasn't even sure what he was going to say or do, if and when he managed to catch up to the seemingly very much in demand Atalanta.



Attack #1
!roll 2 1d20+8
Asarasa Rolls:
[4] Result: 12
[14] Result: 22 - Hit

Attack #2
!roll 2 1d20+8
[10] Result: 18
[12] Result: 20 - Hit

Damage #1:  1d10 +1d6 (Hunter's Mark) + 2d6 (Special Attack)
!roll 1d10+1d6+2d6
Asarasa Roll: [6][4][2, 1] Result: 13

Damage #2: 1d10 +1d6 (Hunter's Mark)
!roll 1d10+1d6
Asarasa Roll: [10][6] Result: 16 (Woot! Max damage)


Edited by Asarasa
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Hex's initial burst of triumph faded quickly as the creature proved more durable than she'd expected. That spell was her strongest magic! It had clearly been hurt, but was far from the point of surrender. More arrows flew, and when the monster focused in on someone, Hex risked a look back. Atalanta? Why was it so intent on her?


She retreated as the wave of water pushed ahead of that titanic thing splashed up onto shore, meaning to regroup with Atalanta and try to coordinate. As she went, Hex's hands blazed with swirls of violet light that she hurled at this persistent enemy. This time her aim was true, and the magic blasts erupted into incandescence as they struck! Even so, they seemed puny indeed compared to Gargun's sheer bulk.


"Atalanta!" Hex called, waving. "What IS this thing?!"



(26 and 19 to hit with Eldritch Blast, for 5 and 5 damage; total of 10)


Moving towards Atalanta.


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