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Notable Members of the Illyrian Court


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Emperor Mikhael, The Third Of His Name. The youngest child of the late emperor Mikhael II and his empress Theodora, and the only male heir to survive past infancy. Already crowned co-ruler shortly after his birth by his father in 840, Mikhael had just turned two years old when his father died, and Michael succeeded him as sole emperor Four Days before Kalends in the Month of the Falcon 842. During his minority, the empire is being governed by a regency headed by his mother Theodora, her uncle Sergios, and the minister Theokistos. The eight year-old emperor is already showing a keen interest in current events

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Empress Theodora, Imperial Regent. Though she is merely thirty-six years older, Theodora looks older than her years. Siring seven children, only three of whom survived childbirth, and navigating the shifting battlefield of Illyrian politics (including two assassination attempts by poison) have taken their toll on her body and spirit, although she is still considered to be a great beauty. Theodora is very shrewd and a good judge of character, and she does her best to protect her son from those who would take advantage of him.

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Theokistos, Logothete of the Course. An elderly eunuch, minister and sorcerer who served Mikhael's father and his father before that, Theokistos is the master of the Imperial Post, the network of couriers and small sailing vessels that keep the Illyrian Empire connected. This position makes him the de facto foreign minister, as his couriers bring a great deal of information back to him in Illyrium. As one of Mikhael's three regents, Theokistos is one of the most powerful and influential men in the entire empire, and some would say he is currently running it.

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Sergios Niketiates, Magistros to the Emperor. Uncle to Empress Theodora and a skilled and capable courtier, Sergios is the third member of Mikhael's regency, and de facto interior minister. He is also a skilled inventor who dabbles in magical tinkering. Though quite old, he is still strong of limb despite his somewhat sickly appearance. He is rarely seen outside of the palace, and tends to avoid most state functions if he can help it.

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