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CotS: Any Port In A Storm


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Ankabut shook her head. "Nothing besides the words themselves."


With a glance at Kimmiz she adds, "As for the Night Terrors, from what I understand they operate almost entirely in the Illyrian Empire, yes?" Ankabut shrugged. "I did not see any sign of poison on Frostfinger's wound, but there...may be poisons that don't leave traces like that. In the end, I admit I do not see the issue here though."


"It is not so unusual for criminal groups like this to cooperate to some extent, as long as they do not compete directly. They share the shadows, and are often customers to one another after all. The real question here is if they have ties to a non-criminal group. Which you did mention, I think?"

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In response to Kimmiz' question, Kleio nodded slowly. "I have heard that name before, as well as seen a symbol marked on walls and doors with chalk or charcoal."


She hummed a simple tune and waved her fingers in the air. A glowing character appeared in the air, similar to an upside down number 4 or lower case letter 'h'.


"This I have seen scratched onto walls near victims who've been killed like Mr. Frostfinger; if you don't know to look for it, it just looks like a child's graffito. But I believe it's the symbol of the Chair."


In regards to Ankabut's line of reasoning, the beautiful blonde shook her head.


"The Night Terrors don't always use poison; they often use magic to deceive their targets. This is why I suspect them, because Mr. Frostfinger was, well, rather paranoid; I don't think he would walk into a darkened market at night unless he thought it was safe."


Then the priestess rested her hand on her holy symbol and muttered a prayer. Shimmering motes of light swirled around her, coalescing into the image of Ankabut, though her voice remained unchanged.


"But if he thought he was talking to a friend, he might have been lured to an out-of-the-way spot."

Edited by Heritage367
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"Regardless of what happened to your friend, if they have the evidence he possessed, why would you still be in danger?" Aelia purses her lips and shakes her head thinking. "You have not spoken to the investigator?"


She didn't wait for an answer, "Then we need to protect you and ascertain whether or not the deceased had hidden a copy of what he was bringing you, elsewhere. His room here is the first place to start but the investigator is probably already their."

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Arrick stood quietly, and then nodded.   "I agree.   Since I believe we're all staying here, I think you should as well. I agree that if we're going to further involve ourselves, then we need to go through his room.  The Guards may miss something, unintentionally or not. "

He largely trusted the guards, but they were mostly human, and didn't always think like a dwarf, certainly not a paranoid dwarf.  Of course this was all predicated upon being allowed to inspect the room by the proprietor.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kleio frowned and shook herself like a wet cat, allowing the illusion of Ankabut's form to dissipate like drops of glowing water, once again revealing her lovely self. "I cannot say for sure if I'm in danger, but my limited experience with criminal gangs leads me to believe they don't like any loose ends. And yes, I spoke briefly to one of the officer's outside."


"I don't think Mr. Galavrakas would object to the search to help find his tenet's killer; as far as any investigators go-" And here she smiled and wrinkled her nose. "I think I can distract them. Our cult teaches us that charm, flattery and persuasion are all tools that can be used for either good or evil; it is up to us as individuals to choose the right path!"


She paused to look up at the ceiling, and then briefly poked her head out in the rain before pointing up at one the balconies. "Frostfinger's room is up there, on the fourth floor; I will create the sound off a cooing dove in the courtyard once I have the investigators distracted. But please be stealthy! One humble priestess of Aphrodite can only do so much!"


The young woman puts on her helmet, braces herself for the elements, and then dashes outside. About five minutes later, the sound of cooing can be faintly heard.


- - -


In the fourth floor hallway, the door to Frostfinger's apartment stood slightly ajar. Just outside it, a few feet further down the hallway, a young man in a watch uniform with this back to the stairs spoke with Kleio, who listened to him talk with rapt, wide-eyed attention, nodding her head and slightly biting her lower lip. The investigator stood very straight and gestured expansively, oblivious to anyone but his 'captive' audience.

Edited by Heritage367
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Kimmiz, as soon as he heard the cooing, headed stealthily up the stairs. His booted feet were making very little sound. Once he arrived at the Dwarf's room, he quietly opened the door. Inside, he began to carefully look around, at first making sure not to disturb anything's position. 



Dozer — Today at 3:57 PM
CotS: Stealth roll for Kimmiz
[3:57 PM]
/roll 2 d20+4
[3:57 PM]
!roll 2d20+4

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 3:57 PM
Dozer Roll: [20, 18] Result: 42

Message #dice-rolling-channel


Total: 24


Sorry, messed up how to do two seperate dice. 😞


Investigation Roll: 

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 4:02 PM
Dozer Rolls:
[14] Result: 16


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The apartment was a simple two room affair, with fairly basic furnishings. The first room held little more than a writing desk and chair. On top of the desk was a neatly folded calligraphy set of hinged wood, containing an inkpot, powdered ink, several quills and a penknife. There was also blocks of red and green wax and a small candle. A wastebasket was on the floor next to the desk.


Inside the second chamber was a rather stiff looking bed, an iron stove for both heating and cooking, and a chamber pot.



Kimmiz doesn't find anything unusual.


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Arrick was abit late to the idea of checking out his room, or at least, to actually getting round to it.   As he moved to the steps, his armor jangled loudly, and he sighed.   "Sometimes it's annoying to be prepared for everything."  With that, he wished his comrades luck and head back to the common room. Whatever assistance he could have offered, it wouldn't do to get them all caught.

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