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SCION: CHAOSIUM! "Awakening"


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The Hills of En'gannokt.....


The Suffi grinned showing surprisingly white and straight teeth. He looked at Kamala, “You have large dreams.”  He called for the boy and gestured for him to come. “I have waited a long time for you. “


Neither of the women knew who he was speaking about. The boy came and helped the Suffi  to his feet, he faced Valentine. “You worry about the dying. Is it for their lives, or their souls? Come.” Leaning on the boy he walks out of the tent, the women follow Karam was still outside, and he bowed to the suffi who waved him away.


He pointed north where the desert gave way to dry rocky hills “En’Gannokt is gone. It watched over the silk road here before history began. But there are remains. You are needed. Your spirit is needed, your drive. Go that way.”  He points to the hills, “The boy will lead you as far as he can. Take that one,’ he points at Karam, “with you or he will die here. Your lives end here now and begin there today.”


He turns to go back into the tent

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Los Angeles, California...


The phone answered on the beginning of the second ring solidifying Juno's belief that this was about money, that was the only thing her brother would be on edge about.




The voice was not her brothers. And something about the way the man on the other end of the connection said her name, slow as if rolling it on his tongue, tasting it,  made her shiver.


“I know it is you, Juno. This is a warning for you. Tonight’s events were… unfortunate. Forget them, you have so much to lose. I would hate for something to happen to your brother, or your father, or heavens forbid, your saintly mother.


When they call for you do not answer. Heed this warning.”



the voice speaks precise English with a north east accent


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There was a lot to unpack in those few words, but Juno latched onto the most immediate salient point. This asshole was threatening her family.


"Listen to me, shithead," she growled into the phone. "If you think I will ever not answer my brother, or father or mother, when they call, then you're genuinely fucked in the head. So as long as we're passing out warnings, here's one for you. Do not fuck with me or mine or I will baptize you in an ocean of pain, you puta madre."


"Now we got that out of the way, is Carlos there with you? I want to talk to him, now."


The line crackled in silence, then, "Your brother was never there."


The connection goes dead.


"What?" Juno demanded. "What did you say?!"


She started redialing, then paused and went back into the living room where her dad kept his vigil over the computer screen.




He turned around, frowning. "What are you yelling for? It's late, go to bed."


"You said Carlos came in asking about me, right?"


Hector nodded and swiveled back around to look at whatever article he was reading.


Juno wasn't done yet. "You're sure it was him? You turned around and looked at him?"


"You think I don't know my own son?"




"Yes, mija, I looked at him," he finally snapped, glancing back at her. "Eye to eye." Hector took a breath then and calmed himself as he saw the anger and concern simmering in her features. "Why, Juno? What's wrong?"


Juno hesitated, then shook her head. "I don't know yet. I'm thinking he may be into something bad though. If the police call, don't pick up, okay? I'm going to check around with his friends, see if anyone knows where he is."


Her father was quiet for a moment. Finally he nodded and said, "You tell me what you find out. And if he calls, I'll tell you too."


Then, simultaneously they said, "Maybe don't tell mom," and "don't tell your mom," before they both stopped, and broke into a moment of mutual laughter. It was subdued though, the shadow of Carlos darkening the moment.


Juno headed back to her room, getting her cellphone out. It was late, and there'd be some sleepy, angry people out there that weren't going to call themselves...


Edited by SalmonMax
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15 hours ago, SCION STORYTELLER said:

“Funny you should ask that, “said Det. Arron


Prentis flipped her notebook back several pages, “There were eleven bodies found in the cargo hold of the fishing trawler that mysteriously appeared at your leased dock. Those bodies were in a state of severe dismemberment.” She looks up meeting Raiko’s gaze, “Mainly upper limbs and heads but there were a few legs, and one  subject had his torso cut diagonally, left shoulder to right hip. There were several firearms, that had been cut apart as well.”  She flipped her notebook back to the page she was taking notes on.


“There was also large number of drugs found aboard with the bodies, so the DEA was called in, and where the DEA goes the FBI usually follows,” said Det Arron, taking over.


“One of the best things about the FBI is their administrative functions especially their ability to cross reference. They pretty much do it automatically and one of the services they always cross reference with is Interpol, and Interpol are probably better than anyone at record keeping and cross referencing. So, imagine our surprise when the FBI turned up the fact that you, Miss Shirahara, had been kidnapped when you were a young girl, at school in Sweden, and that  when you were found, unharmed, your kidnappers, all eleven of them, were dead and in various states of dismemberment.”  He holds his hands out palms up questioningly. “Coincidence?”


Beverly Hills -


So that was it, then. Suspicions, but nothing concrete. She drums the fingers of one hand on the table, thinking. She could understand where they were coming from, though remained unhappy with it.


"You'll have to excuse me for finding absolutely nothing about the situation funny. You're digging into distinctly unpleasant memories. Things I've spent the last 21 years doing my utmost to not think about." she sighs, before relenting, the wind visibly coming out of her sails. "Though it would have been a hell of a coincidence." She shakes her head  before composing herself.


"I did indeed meet an individual who styled themselves in the same manner 21 years ago. Though I wasn't in much of a position to talk with him, and he didn't stay for long. Just enough time for him to do his.... work.... and leave again afterwards. It's hard to hold it against him, though. I wouldn't be here today if he hadn't decided to intervene." Just keep focused. She could freak out about it later. Just keep the anxiety down from where it was scratching at her innards. She could get through this.

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Snowfield, Colorado ...


Cobb stood up and was still under the hood of the truck, “Yes. Lightfeather told me you would be coming. I wasn’t expecting you so soon.”


The little man climbed down, to Try the maneuver looked awkward but Cobb didn’t seem bothered by it. “Don’t you have work to do somewhere Jason?” The salesman had been loitering but now made a hasty retreat out of the garage.


The dwarf walked right up to Try, getting close enough to invade his personal space, as if trying to rattle him. “I was surprised she kept to the deal. I hadn’t even deposited the check and offered to return it, but she said no, she wanted the car. Said it was sentimental. Didn’t strike me as a sentimental woman. Nor her brother for that matter.”

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Beverly Hills, California

The detectives seemed to sense Raiko’s anxiety and instead of pressing her, backed off a bit. They asked a few more questions to ascertain that neither of them knew the identity of the mystery man and it was apparent from their answers that they had no knowledge of the boat until call last night.


After the questioning which lasted maybe forty-five minutes total, the Detectives departed with the usual warning that they might have more questions later.

Raiko and Tenchi were left alone with their thoughts.


Los Angeles California


Juno made several calls before locating her brother who was as her father had said high.


He wasn’t exactly coherent, but she gleaned from the bits and pieces she could that Carlos hadn’t been by the house and hadn’t left a burner phone in her room. And that yeah, he could use some money if she could spare some…


When Juno hung up from call, she didn’t know what to make of things.



Elsewhere …

Akerson tossed the offending pictures onto the desk, looked out the small window at the dark clouds passing by at 30,000 feet. “Set up a meeting with Ahmad, I’m gonna have to clear this shit up. And Sorrum, clean up your shit on that end got me.” He didn’t wait for an acknowledgement just flipped off the zoom call.  “Fuck!”

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18 hours ago, SCION STORYTELLER said:

The Hills of En'gannokt.....


The Suffi grinned showing surprisingly white and straight teeth. He looked at Kamala, “You have large dreams.”  He called for the boy and gestured for him to come. “I have waited a long time for you. “


Neither of the women knew who he was speaking about. The boy came and helped the Suffi  to his feet, he faced Valentine. “You worry about the dying. Is it for their lives, or their souls? Come.” Leaning on the boy he walks out of the tent, the women follow Kamar was still outside, and he bowed to the suffi who waved him away.


He pointed north where the desert gave way to dry rocky hills “En’Gannokt is gone. It watched over the silk road here before history began. But there are remains. You are needed. Your spirit is needed, your drive. Go that way.”  He points to the hills, “The boy will lead you as far as he can. Take that one,’ he points at Karam, “with you or he will die here. Your lives end here now and begin there today.”


He turns to go back into the tent


*Suruc, Turkey???*


Well, it wasn't much of an answer, but Kamala had had just enough experience with the more-devote to know pushing their host wouldn't get them more answers. Not without bad blood that'd be worse long term than those answers might be worth. What they had been told made her frown, more strangeness out of the stories, that made her want to push forward not push away. The months in the camp had been... hard, initially rootless without family and friends, every brick of stability she'd made or seen trampled by the guards keeping them under control or desperate refugees just wanting a little more help for their precious people. A pressure cooker without release, and Kamala, like everyone else, just wanted Out to Somewhere Safe.


Well, here in this strangeness, was an Out, maybe, but was it safe? Did it matter it wasn't?


Knowing they'd go nowhere if Valentine didn't want to chase the goat trail of clues laid out before them, the Syrian medic gave the Doctor a sidelong look of consideration even as she addressed their guide, tone gentle, "What is your name?"


"Enid," the boy responded, not looking up even as he finished up his current task in apparent preparation for the Suffi's order of guiding these strangers into the foothills that held the next leg of their journey. Or would pilgrimage be the word?   

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2 minutes ago, Kamala Jamil said:


*Suruc, Turkey???*


Well, it wasn't much of an answer, but Kamala had had just enough experience with the more-devote to know pushing their host wouldn't get them more answers. Not without bad blood that'd be worse long term than those answers might be worth. What they had been told made her frown, more strangeness out of the stories, that made her want to push forward not push away. The months in the camp had been... hard, initially rootless without family and friends, every brick of stability she'd made or seen trampled by the guards keeping them under control or desperate refugees just wanting a little more help for their precious people. A pressure cooker without release, and Kamala, like everyone else, just wanted Out to Somewhere Safe.


Well, here in this strangeness, was an Out, maybe, but was it safe? Did it matter it wasn't?


Knowing they'd go nowhere if Valentine didn't want to chase the goat trail of clues laid out before them, the Syrian medic gave the Doctor a sidelong look of consideration even as she addressed their guide, tone gentle, "What is your name?"


"Enid," the boy responded, not looking up even as he finished up his current task in apparent preparation for the Suffi's order of guiding these strangers into the foothills that held the next leg of their journey. Or would pilgrimage be the word?   


Valentine considered the hills and the boy, coming to many of the same conclusions Kamala had. She should go back to the camp and call in to see if a Hazmat team could somehow be materialized and check the are out. In a couple of years, maybe they'd actually show up, too. 

This is stupidly dangerous, Val, she thought to herself. 

When has that ever stopped us? she retorted back silently. 

She glanced over at Kamala and nodded faintly - the other woman seemed on board and already establishing a rapport with their young guide. That left only the medical assistant. She stepped over to him, speaking quietly, "Kamar, you don't have to come with us if you don't want to. It might be deadly dangerous where we're going. But we might also need the help. That man at the camp's radiation levels were. . . incredibly high."

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Ali looked at her and sighed. "I suppose you're right. I have no idea why, but I guess we'll see when we get there." He didn't see any reason to object to Stacy coming along, there were two tickets, after all. Waste not, even if the 'want' portion of the equation wasn't penciled out. And truthfully, it felt a little easier to not delve into this mystery by himself.


"I didn't exactly rent a car though," Darlene had picked up him from the airport, "and I don't think Loraine or Darlene will care for driving us up together. You have one available, or should I start looking at buses?"

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5 hours ago, SCION STORYTELLER said:

Snowfield, Colorado ...


Cobb stood up and was still under the hood of the truck, “Yes. Lightfeather told me you would be coming. I wasn’t expecting you so soon.”


The little man climbed down, to Try the maneuver looked awkward but Cobb didn’t seem bothered by it. “Don’t you have work to do somewhere Jason?” The salesman had been loitering but now made a hasty retreat out of the garage.


The dwarf walked right up to Try, getting close enough to invade his personal space, as if trying to rattle him. “I was surprised she kept to the deal. I hadn’t even deposited the check and offered to return it, but she said no, she wanted the car. Said it was sentimental. Didn’t strike me as a sentimental woman. Nor her brother for that matter.”

"I didn't get that impression either, but I'm getting paid to do a job. Better to get to work earlier than later. Can I see the car? I'd like to get to know how much work I have to do to get the car running. Also, do you have any relationships with any local parts dealers or would I have to go to either the internet or denver? Any big things I should know about the area, aside from the fact that the weather is shifting towards a snow storm?" Try smiled, "Also, anywhere I can get snow chains for the Olds? just in case i get to drive it." He didn't seem phased by the invasion of his personal space." He grinned at the thought of getting to work on the Oldsmobile and even driving it. "I also need to rush tools here so that I can get to work. Do you know of any tool dealers near here?"

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Into the Rockies...


Stacy nodded, “I have a car we can use.” She pointed across the street at a blue compact SUV, “Let me go pack some clothes and I’ll pick you up at six.”   Ali agreed .


Several hours later, they had been on the road now for two hours and they had been traveling west into the teeth of the Rocky Mountains. The weather was turning rough, windy and rain and sleet, and the temperature had dropped considerably. Snow was in the forecast.


They had made some small talk. Ali had found out that she had grown up back east in Chicago, had started studying for Law school, but, that money had become a factor. Dancing and modeling had eased that a bit but in the end she had dropped out of college all together, and become a professional dancer. She was open about her past but Ali felt she was holding back as well.


They stopped for gas and something to eat it was almost nine when they got back in the car. Something was on Stacy’s mind, “Ali,’ she said as she drove, not looking at him, “Theres something I have to tell you.


Jim was being black mailed. Not by me, but I am involved because they were using pictures of Jim and I from when we were at the resort.  I think my meeting Jim there might not have been an accident and that maybe it was a set up.


Jim was paying the black mail, had been for a while and he had not told me about it. After the resort he and I kept seeing each other because it was fun, he was fun. But I knew something was wrong and I sort of forced him to tell me.  He told me about the blackmail, showed me the texts from the black mailer and how much he had paid and that he was trying to get to the bottom of it. I told him to go to the police. He said no. Said he could not drag his family through that or the company he worked for. That was the day before he died.


That is why I wanted to get the shit off his phone and computer.


And I think that’s what the reservations are about. I think they may think Jim told you about the black mail.”

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Snowfield, Colorado...


Cobb looked up at Try the stepped past him and through the still open door to the car showroom waving for try to follow, “I am the local parts dealer, and tool dealer. If I don’t have it you will have to order it from Silverthorne or Telluride depending on which side of the mountain you want to go down to get it. But more than likely they would have to order it from Denver. Either way it would be two days if you have to get parts from somewhere else.’  He pauses and looks out the big showroom windows at the wet blustery sky, “And that looks like a storm coming so add two more days minimum.”  


He continues through a sales counter into a hallway leading toward the back of the dealership. He pauses to put on a coat before opening a door to the outside. 


Try follows Cobb out to a secondary garage which was heated by a couple of electric radiators, which is to say it was damn cold in there but not frozen.


Cobb waddles to a set of chains and pulleys which attach to a trap over what is obviously a car. He hoist the tarp off revealing the car Try had seen in the picture.


“I have a battery we can hook it up and turn it over. Last time it started it ran, not well, the engine needs a complete overhaul, rings valves, everything but it does run. Drive train is shot, Transmission I wouldn’t trust it to get you down the mountain much less across the country, but the clutch is good.  This beast will take a lot of work to make drivable.


My advice load it on a trailer and haul it down but if your going to do that you’d best do it first thing in the morning if the road is still clear.”



If you wish try to make is own Assessment make a Cunning + Technology roll


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19 minutes ago, SCION STORYTELLER said:

Snowfield, Colorado...


Cobb looked up at Try the stepped past him and through the still open door to the car showroom waving for try to follow, “I am the local parts dealer, and tool dealer. If I don’t have it you will have to order it from Silverthorne or Telluride depending on which side of the mountain you want to go down to get it. But more than likely they would have to order it from Denver. Either way it would be two days if you have to get parts from somewhere else.’  He pauses and looks out the big showroom windows at the wet blustery sky, “And that looks like a storm coming so add two more days minimum.”  


He continues through a sales counter into a hallway leading toward the back of the dealership. He pauses to put on a coat before opening a door to the outside. 


Try follows Cobb out to a secondary garage which was heated by a couple of electric radiators, which is to say it was damn cold in there but not frozen.


Cobb waddles to a set of chains and pulleys which attach to a trap over what is obviously a car. He hoist the tarp off revealing the car Try had seen in the picture.


“I have a battery we can hook it up and turn it over. Last time it started it ran, not well, the engine needs a complete overhaul, rings valves, everything but it does run. Drive train is shot, Transmission I wouldn’t trust it to get you down the mountain much less across the country, but the clutch is good.  This beast will take a lot of work to make drivable.


My advice load it on a trailer and haul it down but if your going to do that you’d best do it first thing in the morning if the road is still clear.”


  Reveal hidden contents

If you wish try to make is own Assessment make a Cunning + Technology roll


Try nods, "May I take a look? I just want to confirm what work needs to be done, and what i'll need." Cobb waves his hand in the car's general direction. Tryfon nods, walks over and begins to poke and prod around the car, especially focused on the drivetrain and the brakes. He wanted to know that if he was driving this beast it wouldn't break down on him in east bumblefrack, Nebraska.  


After about an hour spent combing over the whole car, he noted the parts down on his cell phone in a list, and headed to find Cobb. "I just want to see if you think you can locate these parts for me, or if I have to order them online. I know delivery will be slow, but it'll have to do. Also, can I use your tools for now to get a head start? I'll try to be as unobtrusive as I can," Try said with practiced innocence like he would use with his dad when working on a personal project. "Do you agree those should be the parts I need, or do you think I need different ones?"



Details:[8d10 (3 1 3 9 5 3 3 6)]

cunning and technology.  1 success.


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Tenchi  reached out to take Raiko's shaking right hand in his once the detectives were gone.   "You handled that well, Raiko."   Still concern bled into his normally genial tone.   "Better than I was about to.   Hopefully this will at least end having to relive that memory for awhile."   Even as he said it he knew they weren't done, there was still the matter of the trip to Denver, and how they could possibly bring Juno, who they both were fairly certain they were meant to bring, along with them.

"Turn that energy to more constructive pursuits.   We can't just invite her along with us, that looks all sorts of  strange.    They've been bugging us to up our security, maybe there's a way in that.   She is former military, so there's that.   Care to take a shot at it?"   he gave her a smile as he tried one of the tried and true methods of helping her past it when someone brought up what happened to her as a child, giving her an outlet to direct her energies.

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Ali's expression reddened, then purpled in anger. "Those... horrible people." Even still, the parental admonitions against vulgar language held firm over his mouth, even when the medical student found he really wanted to. He sighed at her look. "My parents taught me not to swear, Stacy." Still, the idea that Jim, such a kind person, and Stacy, who ultimately wasn't that bad, were being harassed and pressured by these people...


"Jim definitely didn't tell me, and I have no idea why they thought he would. I mean, my parents are very straight-laced, proper people. Jim probably wouldn't have wanted to drag them into this as well by getting me involved." The unearthly dream from the plane ride now made sense. A premonition, somehow? God did work in mysterious ways.


That left the issue of the scumbags hounding Jim. The stress of their threats could explain a heart attack at his age. If they had indeed drove his friend to death, Ali... wasn't sure what he would do.

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22 hours ago, Tenchi Shirahara said:

Tenchi  reached out to take Raiko's shaking right hand in his once the detectives were gone.   "You handled that well, Raiko."   Still concern bled into his normally genial tone.   "Better than I was about to.   Hopefully this will at least end having to relive that memory for awhile."   Even as he said it he knew they weren't done, there was still the matter of the trip to Denver, and how they could possibly bring Juno, who they both were fairly certain they were meant to bring, along with them.

"Turn that energy to more constructive pursuits.   We can't just invite her along with us, that looks all sorts of  strange.    They've been bugging us to up our security, maybe there's a way in that.   She is former military, so there's that.   Care to take a shot at it?"   he gave her a smile as he tried one of the tried and true methods of helping her past it when someone brought up what happened to her as a child, giving her an outlet to direct her energies.


Raiko offers her brother a wan smile. She was thoroughly done with today, and it was only morning time. They still had the entire day ahead of them. At least the police wouldn't bother them for another while yet, if at all. Hopefully they would be able to do whatever they needed to without dragging her into it again. She hated feeling like this, so out of control when she was used to at least being able to nudge things.


"God willing, it will be the last I hear of it for a while, yes." she shudders before forcibly focusing again, greatful for the distraction Tenchi offers.


"Yes, I had been considering something similar. Our lack of Bodyguards has been a bone of contention with the board for a while now, though I doubt this was quite what they intended when they kept bringing it up." left unsaid was that any bodyguard appointed by the board would be a glorified Spy, there to keep them out from underfoot more than to protect them. The idea of thumbing their noses at them in a comparatively understated manner was appealing


"But yes, her history will likely leave non in a position to gainsay taking her on in such a role. Her head is screwed on straight as well. A straight shooter, I think the term is. After Sorrum, she's refreshing." she nods, before hesitating. "I know how difficult this may make convincing her to come along, but I wish to be straightforward about our reasons for bringing her as well. The last thing I want is that sort of deception hanging over us." left unsaid is that in spite of everything, this would be a legitimate offer of promotion. Neither of the two were ones to reward without reason, and if they didn't think her deserving, they would have found some other method of getting her to Denver.

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Entering Snowfield, Colorado…


They drove the las t hour in silence the weather was turning worse,  the rain had turned to sleet and Stacy was concentrating on driving the slick mountain road.

Ali had been thinking of his friend, now gone, and his dream on the plane. “But why two reservations? If they , who ever they are are setting me up, two reservations don’t make any sense.” He pulled the reservations from his coat and looked at them. Both were in his name. “This just doesn’t make sense.”


Stacy stole a glance not wanting to take her eyes off the road for more than a second, she frowned. “What are those room numbers?”


Ali read them off.


“Those are the same rooms we were in last year. Jim was in that one, “ she reached over and tapped the reservation, “I was in the other.”


They were driving through the town of Snowfield, the sleet had stopped and now small flakes of snow were drifting down. The town was quaint, there were a few taverns open and one old time café, but all of the shops were closed. They drove past a car showroom and Garage that was lit up and then they were on the narrow switchback road that climbed the rest of the way to the resort.


When they arrived, they were met by a valet who helped unload their bags and then took the car to parking while they went inside to check in.


Cobbs Automotive, Snowfield, Colorado…


The dwarf sighed and shook his head, “You really want to try to get this thing running?” He looks at it shakes his head again, “I admire your spirit. Alright but not tonight as you can see it is getting dark and the lights in here are not bright enough. I will clear out the truck in the main bay and move this over, plenty of light and it is heated unlike this, everything is over there anyway.


We can start in the morning, after you get a good nights sleep, you will need it if you want to make that deadline.”


Try was about to argue when he realized he hadn’t even checked into the resort yet and he was tired and hungry.


The Path to En’gannokt….


Karam was wide eyed, this was all much, he stared at the female American doctor, “The Sufi said I was going to die…”


“He is not a Sufi, interrupted the boy Enid, “at least not as you believe him to be.” With no further elaboration the boy set off at a brisk pace not bothering to see if he would be followed.


Kamala looked sympathetically at Karam before going after the boy. Valentine gestured for Kmar to follow, “Come on then we will take care of you.” She started after Kamala and the boy.


Kamar hesitated then he too followed.


The hills were steep but the path the boy led them through stayed low, the sun was high and the steep hills cast their path in shadow. It was cool and the air was a constant breeze. There was a freshness in that air one Kamala could not recognize but to Valentine it seems to bring forth memories of winter mountains.


They walked a kilometer maybe two the path had grown narrower and the hills taller, steeper. Now and then they saw remnants of worked stone jutting from the ground. Large imposing blocks that could only have been man made, buried in the dirt, lost in time. Above them the sky darkened with clouds. And the rumble of thunder sounded in the distance, every once and a while as the marched a blast of frigid air would come down the path.


“Where are we?”


Each of them asked more than once, the boy stayed silent and just led them onward. Then he stopped


“En’Gannokt.” He finally said.


Before them was a long hill, more a mound really, the hills surrounding it like a wall. The face of the mound was lined with huge statues and columns of a style none could easily place. They weren’t Turkish, nor Syrian, but to both Kamala and Valentine there was something, a flicker of memory, a shred of recognition. There was an opening flanked by strange, bearded statues and un real animals of stone in fierce poses.


“Through there lies what you seek,” said Enid




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4 hours ago, SCION STORYTELLER said:

Cobbs Automotive, Snowfield, Colorado…


The dwarf sighed and shook his head, “You really want to try to get this thing running?” He looks at it shakes his head again, “I admire your spirit. Alright but not tonight as you can see it is getting dark and the lights in here are not bright enough. I will clear out the truck in the main bay and move this over, plenty of light and it is heated unlike this, everything is over there anyway.


We can start in the morning, after you get a good nights sleep, you will need it if you want to make that deadline.”


Try was about to argue when he realized he hadn’t even checked into the resort yet and he was tired and hungry.


Try nodded, "Good idea. May as well check in and get some food as well. Thanks again for the use of the bay. Any advice on how to get to the resort quickly and safely? I rented a Tundra, but I still think I'll need to hurry." He imperceptibly bounced from leg to leg, shifting the weight in excitement. After getting the phone number for the shop, and for Cobb personally, he jumped into the Tundra and headed up to the Resort as quickly as he could, while maintaining a safe attitude. 


Once there, Tryfon checked in, dropped off his luggage, and headed down to the restaurant, where he proceeded to order a burger, fries and a Sprite. 

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Tenchi nodded in response to Raiko. "Then let's set up a face to face meeting, I'd feel much better making this offer in person. Should we have her come here then?" He wasn't opposed to this, after all, as bodyguard, he was prepared for her to have to live there. "Is the plan to offer her a live-in position? I know the board's sought to do this before, both live-in and not, but are you okay with that?"


Raiko hums thoughtfully. "It's not like we don't have the space for it, if needs be. I don't mind it on principle, though it would likely be down to her. It would be a lot to ask for having met the entirety of once for a legal investigation."


Tenchi nodded "Fair enough. I'll call her and ask her to come here. We can explain things, and offer her the position, and go from there."


Raiko reaches for her tablet, connected to the houses internal network, shaking her head. "No need. I pulled her details from our records last night before we headed to bed. It seemed prudent." she busies herself for a moment before a dialtone and ringing echoes through the room.


Back in LA, Juno digs her phone out, sees an unknown number and frowns. She picks up, saying, "This is Juno, who is this?" It wasn't great phone ettiquette, but seeing as that the last person she'd talked to on the phone had threatened her family, she wasn't dotting i's today.


Raising one eyebrow, Raiko returns. "Forgive us for calling you in your Downtime, Ms Reyes, this is Raiko and Tenchi. Do you have a moment to speak with us, or is this a bad time?"


"...oh, shit right. We were supposed to talk after the police thing. Yeah, sorry...it was like four in the morning before they let me out, so..." Juno winced and rubbed her temple. "Yeah, no, it's an okay time. You want me to come into the office?"


"Entirely understandable. The police gave us an idea for how long they would be keeping you, so we felt it best to leave it for the Night. It was..... a long one for all involved, I dare say." Raiko sighs "If you would, it would be appreciated. There are some matters we wish to discuss that are best served in person."


Juno let out her breath, unable to quell a nervous flutter in her gut. A boss wanting to meet face to face was almost never a good thing. They'd assured her that her job wasn't in danger, but how far would that fly if there was some kind of PR thing, or if the police thought she was in on it? "All right. I'll be there in a few," she said.


Raiko nods sharply. "Excellent. We will let the receptionist know to send you up to our personal offices." she eyes her brother who is already making the necessary arrangements. "Make yourself comfortable and we will be there shortly."


Once the call was over, Juno wrote her still-slumbering dad a note, got as presentable as having four hours of sleep allowed, and headed out to the main offices; a facility she had seen only a few times, usually for big meetings. Once there she checks in with the receptionist and heads up to the floor she's told to.


The Twins reluctantly left home for the second time, heading into the office, choosing to meet Juno in Tenchi's office, which was surprisingly spartanly decorated, and had a great view out the corner windows. Both twins were there, Raiko sitting in one of the three chairs set around a small table, with some paperwork atop it.
Tenchi himself met her at the door opening it. "Miss Reyes, thank you for joining us. Please come in. " He gestured over to the empty chairs, and smiled. "Can I get you something to drink?"


"I'm good, thanks," Juno demurs. She's put her 'interview' sports jacket on; a handmedown from her dad that fits decently around the shoulder but is a little long in the sleeves so the ends are tucked in. Clearly a little ill at ease, she goes to the chair across from Raiko and takes a seat. "So..." she says, eying the paperwork, "...hope the police weren't too hard on you guys."


Tenchi shut the door, and followed behind her. He sat, and it was he that answered her. "They insisted upon dredging up the past, but beyond that, no, they weren't anything more than either of us expected. It was a boon in that neither of us had set foot on the boat, so there was that."


"I didn't mention any of that, for what it's worth," Juno was quick to say. "They didn't ask, I didn't tell."


Raiko hums in acknowledgement. "Aye. And we.... I... appreciate it. It is in fact based partially off your discretion that we wished to speak with you today. You see, the board have had a bone to pick with us for a number of years now, in regards to our personal security. They had been pushing for us to take on a Bodyguard or Guards, as the case may be." A sardonic little half smile curls the edges of her mouth. "Of course, all candidates would be put forward by the board themselves. You can imagine why we might have chafed in such a situation. Needless to say, we have fought them on this." she shrugs "But the continued prodding is becoming frustrating."


Tenchi picked up from there. "As I said, you don't have to worry about your job. Regardless of how things shake out, or you answer us here. What we really want to ask you, is if you'd like to become the bodyguard they've tried to force on us. You would only be answerably to us, and in charge of our safety."
He smiled at her, and then held up the paperwork in the manilla folder. "If you'd like to view the legals for the job, they're here, including compensation."


Juno sits back, more than a little shellshocked. "Okay...sorry, I'm...yeah." She reaches out for the folder and opens it, but can't focus on it immediately. After a second she looks up. "So...you guys know that I haven't bodyguarded before, right? I mean, I did my share babysitting embedded reporters and that kind of thing, but it's not the same. I'm not saying I'm not interested, but I don't want there to be, like...a misunderstanding."


Raiko shakes her head. "We would not be offering if we thought there might be, but frankly, your experiences put you head and shoulders above many candidates, and a lot of accredited bodyguards started out in the military as well." She offers a gentle smile. "And the only thing between you and them, we feel, is some minor experience and a piece of paper. The experience will come in time by itself and the piece of paper" she leans forward, hand resting on the table and taps the sheaf of papers. "Part of your on the job training would see you accredited in time." She leans back again "Suffice to say, Juno, that we well believe you capable, and would love to have you on our staff."


"A bodyguard is someone we have to trust implicitly. We both feel that is you." Tenchi nodded. "Your service jacket speaks well of you, and while you've been employed with us, you've done good work."


She makes a show of looking in the folder again, buying time to think. It was weird. This was all a good thing, but it felt thin somehow. She'd spotted a boat, called it in, and now the owners wanted her on their personal staff? Was there a camera somewhere? But god knew they could use the money... "So I'd be going with you wherever you went," she concludes, looking up. "A lot of time away from LA I'm guessing?"


Raiko shrugs. "At times. We tend to stay fairly close barring conferences, but business does demand one or both of us to move around on occasion. Usually no more than a couple of days at a time. We tend to prefer to use our facilities here. In line to take over we may be, but both of us prefer to work and excessive travel would impact that." "In the interest of being forthright, we are planning a trip to Denver in the next few days, both to answer an invitation and to check on some startups in the area. There's a fascinating Deep Learning Neural Net focused on Surveilance and Security that I wish to investigate in the area." Internally she was grimacing. That invitation was going to be a doozy when it came time to explain.


Juno absorbs that, weighing it. Some travel, it sounded like, but not as much as when she'd been in the service. Manageable maybe. As weird as the situation was, her dad had always been adamant about one thing in particular; grab every opportunity when you can. And this was an opportunity. There might be razors in the apple, but she had to believe that if she wasn't stupid about this, she could take some bites out of it.


"All right," she says. "I'm interested. Tell me what to sign."


"There's one last thing." Tenchi said, and Raiko knew where he was going. "Neither of us want you to sign without knowing this. What my sister said about going to Denver is only part of it, Miss Reyes. " This was make or break, and it had to be done. "I don't know if it was before you saw him, or after, but Someone calling himself Yojimbo did visit our home. He looked as you described him, and he told us that the two of us and one other had to go to Denver, and that person would make themselves known. When we heard his message to you, well. We both realized we were meant to invite you. When you showed such good judgement, it struck us both that we could solve a lingering problem we face, and an immediate concern. I know this probably paints it all in a less favorable light, but we both wanted to come clean with you first."


Juno's eyes went from Tenchi to his sister, then back. "I...don't even know what to say to that. Yeah, I saw a guy in a samurai suit, but what the hell are you even talking about? There was another one in your house?"


"And I haven't made anything known. You called me."


Raiko shrugs "We did, yes. Because you were the one that he gave his message to. Because you showed good judgement and because we feel we can trust you, from your own actions. He said we would know who we were supposed to bring in time. " She nods, "Though, yes. You have the gist of it. " she sighs, looking bone weary, her own lack of sleep shining through.


"What does this mean then?" Juno asked. "This guy, Yojimbo...you really don't know anything about him besides the thing that happened when you were a kid? You're making it sound like he's the one that picked me out for this."


"I don't know that he picked you. I think someone else sent him. More than that, He entered our home without tripping any of our security, which should be impossible for anyone not one of us." Tenchi sighed. "You were chosen, however, for reasons even we don't know. We are going to Denver, because we were told others would suffer if we did not."


That catches Juno's attention. "Wait. Wait...who told you that? Burner phone? Boston type accent? Maybe Maine?"


"The one who called himself Yojimbo told us that." He looked at her, slightly confused.


"Oh. Alright." Juno shakes her head. "Sorry, getting...paranoid or something."


"When I got home, someone that apparently looked like my brother...but wasn't him...left a phone on my bed. When I called my brother's phone, someone with that accent answered, told me that I should keep my mouth shut, not talk to the police, or they'd go after my family."


Raiko scowls fiercely "Disgusting." she stands, moving to pace to bleed off some of the furious energy now filling her. "To stoop to such a base level." she stops behind her brothers chair, hands clamped on the back. "I would ask you allow us to help. There are avenues available to us that you would not have access too." She nods at the paperwork "Even absent that. Though I feel that you may be right, and that the two situations may be connected."


"Right, all right." Juno sets the folder down. "That's making me a little concerned about a trip to Denver is all. Not that I wouldn't like to go, but if someone's after my family then they need me around. I can tell the police, but that would definitely..." And here she pauses again.


"...except it wasn't the police. He said I shouldn't take 'their' call. Didn't say who, I assumed he meant the police..."


Tenchi was also scowling, and shook his head. "Bastards." He looked over to Raiko. "While nothing is confirmed, I'd like for us to do something to help look after Miss Reyes' family, especially if she's going to be accompanying us, and even if not."
"I can call up a friend and see who they recommend for discreet work." he looked back to Juno. "That assumes you would like us to help. As I said, this isn't going to be predicated on your answer to our job offer. We both feel that we are at least partly responsible for the situation, though even we don't know all the details.
"If you want us to help, tell us how you'd like us to do so, and we'll make it happen to the best of our abilities." The twins were odd, but it was clear to see that they both were genuinely concerned.


"Alright, first...I don't know what's going on, but I'm in," Juno replied. "It looks like it's a bit late to be out. As for my folks...they'll need a place to stay, somewhere that's not in their name. Even some kind of...motel room, I don't know. Call it an advance on my first check. I need to call my folks."


Raiko scoffs. "Think nothing of it. We will sort them with something. You call your family. We will organise a place for them to stay. Discrete and Secure."


"Dad's going to freak," Juno mutters as she pulls out her phone. She nods at the twins and steps a little ways off so as not to subject them to a one-sided conversation as she calls her dad first, then mom. Getting ahold of Carl isn't going to be easy; she'll have to track him down again...

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13 hours ago, SCION STORYTELLER said:

Stacy stole a glance not wanting to take her eyes off the road for more than a second, she frowned. “What are those room numbers?”


Ali read them off.


“Those are the same rooms we were in last year. Jim was in that one, “ she reached over and tapped the reservation, “I was in the other.”


"Isn't this melodramatic?" Ali scoffed, shaking his head. "They really are going in all out on assuming I knew what was going on. Do they have someone in the staff? I can't see how they could select the exact room." Well, that didn't matter. He wasn't going to be playing their game. He thanked the valet and gave the man a twenty dollar bill - it felt right, seeing the man struggle with their luggage.


At the desk, Ali checked in. "Hi, we have a reservation for two." He said, handing the tickets over to the clerk at the front desk.

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On 3/11/2021 at 9:33 AM, SCION STORYTELLER said:

The Path to En’gannokt….


Karam was wide eyed, this was all much, he stared at the female American doctor, “The Sufi said I was going to die…”


“He is not a Sufi, interrupted the boy Enid, “at least not as you believe him to be.” With no further elaboration the boy set off at a brisk pace not bothering to see if he would be followed.


Kamala looked sympathetically at Karam before going after the boy. Valentine gestured for Kmar to follow, “Come on then we will take care of you.” She started after Kamala and the boy.


Kamar hesitated then he too followed.


The hills were steep but the path the boy led them through stayed low, the sun was high and the steep hills cast their path in shadow. It was cool and the air was a constant breeze. There was a freshness in that air one Kamala could not recognize but to Valentine it seems to bring forth memories of winter mountains.


They walked a kilometer maybe two the path had grown narrower and the hills taller, steeper. Now and then they saw remnants of worked stone jutting from the ground. Large imposing blocks that could only have been man made, buried in the dirt, lost in time. Above them the sky darkened with clouds. And the rumble of thunder sounded in the distance, every once and a while as the marched a blast of frigid air would come down the path.


“Where are we?”


Each of them asked more than once, the boy stayed silent and just led them onward. Then he stopped


“En’Gannokt.” He finally said.


Before them was a long hill, more a mound really, the hills surrounding it like a wall. The face of the mound was lined with huge statues and columns of a style none could easily place. They weren’t Turkish, nor Syrian, but to both Kamala and Valentine there was something, a flicker of memory, a shred of recognition. There was an opening flanked by strange, bearded statues and un real animals of stone in fierce poses.


“Through there lies what you seek,” said Enid


*Pretty Much No Longer Turkey???*


There was no way the Turks wouldn't have found this place, posted a guard, and turned it over to the archeologists or tourists. This place felt old, strange, not quite of this world, and Kamala hugged herself at the unseasonal chill before straightening again. If this was somewhere out of an old story... Well, cowering young women who lost their heads to fear tended to need rescuing and not get rescued. Get it together, be respectful of whatever further strangeness awaited them, and she'd come out the other side better. She had to to gain justice for all her ghosts.


"I'll go first, Doctor," she offered to Valentine with a smile at the surreal reality of their situation, producing a much-battered flashlight from the bag that held her water, the implement flickering to fitful life. She played across the entrance and beyond, seeing nothing but a stone hallway made of the same old old rock as far as her flashlight could play. She started forward, making herself not slow down as the cold draft from the mound caught her. Her shoes made a hollow, eching tak tak tak as she took her first steps down the tunnel, one ear alert for Valentine's warning if she picked up something before Kamala's flashlight did.

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25 minutes ago, Kamala Jamil said:


*Pretty Much No Longer Turkey???*


There was no way the Turks wouldn't have found this place, posted a guard, and turned it over to the archeologists or tourists. This place felt old, strange, not quite of this world, and Kamala hugged herself at the unseasonal chill before straightening again. If this was somewhere out of an old story... Well, cowering young women who lost their heads to fear tended to need rescuing and not get rescued. Get it together, be respectful of whatever further strangeness awaited them, and she'd come out the other side better. She had to to gain justice for all her ghosts.


"I'll go first, Doctor," she offered to Valentine with a smile at the surreal reality of their situation, producing a much-battered flashlight from the bag that held her water, the implement flickering to fitful life. She played across the entrance and beyond, seeing nothing but a stone hallway made of the same old old rock as far as her flashlight could play. She started forward, making herself not slow down as the cold draft from the mound caught her. Her shoes made a hollow, eching tak tak tak as she took her first steps down the tunnel, one ear alert for Valentine's warning if she picked up something before Kamala's flashlight did.


Valentine nodded as Kamala led the way in. This whole day had been rather surreal and this strange place was the capstone. How could this place have been missed? The idle thought flickered through her mind, but she was in too much awe to give it a good logical answer - if there was one. Instead, she fumbled out her own small flashlight after Kamala had gotten hers out and followed the other woman. She checked back for Kamar, making sure the man had followed them in. 

"What is this place? It's. . . amazing," she breathed as they walked. Belatedly she half-fumbled out one of her remaining radiation cards, trying to read it in the gloom. 

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Kamala and Valentine, followed by Karam walked slowly to the opening, the statues towering above them, their lights piercing the darkness ahead but revealing nothing but stone floor, ceiling, and walls. The trio hesitated and Enid's voice came to them as if from far away, “It is a path that may only be taken once...”


Kamala and Valentine exchanged glances then entered the tunnel, Karam's glance was back toward the way they had come and the boy. His eyes widened, horror and awe spread at once across his face and with fear in his heart he ran after the two women.



Los Angeles, California


True to their word the Shirahara twins worked diligently and rapidly to make sure that Juno's parents were taken care of at last for the short term. At Raiko's insistence Tenchi, went outside of the company to make arrangements with a private security team, A-C Security, the company his two friends from the army had started together after their discharge. Tenchi knew he could trust them.


With Juno's family safely ensconced at a five star hotel/resort outside of Los Angeles, the twins and Juno finalized arrangements and caught a flight to Denver. As they began the climb over the Rocky Mountains the plane hit heavy turbulence. It seemed that a freakish weather cell had developed in the region and despite the early timing of the snow season, heavy snow and near blizzard conditions were expected over the next twenty four hours. This posed a problem, driving from Denver to the resort would now be impossible, but luckily, the twins had resources and Tenchi was a pilot.




Their footsteps echoed and was the only constant sound aside from their breathing. The hall was tall and wide and featureless and imposing. Conversation seemed inappropriate, so they walked in silence, Valentine and Kamala side by side with Karam crowding close behind them. Ahead was naught but darkness while behind all that they could see was the square of outside light growing smaller with every meter they traversed.


After what seemed hours but was only minutes, when the light from the entrance could be blocked with a hand held at arms length, ahead they could see another square of light and now gust of bitter cold air would come in bursts from down the hall every few meters.


All three were unused to such cold temperatures and while it grew cold at night in the desert regions, it had been mid day when they had set out and none of them were wearing warm clothing, However Valentine had her emergency supplies and Kamala had the kit which Val had given her and in those kits were state of the art termal blankets designed by NASA. The trio paused and the thin silvery blankets were opened up and they wrapped themselves against the cold wind. With warmth at least partial restored they continued their march into the unknown.


Denver, Colorado...


Tenchi was frustrated, He could not find any one who would rent a helicopter to him that he could fly himself and most wouldn't even consider allowing a charter to go into the mountains with the weather advisories they were seeing, even if they had a pilot willing to fly.


Tenchi was about to just buy a helicopter after the latest negative answer he received, but Raiko reminded him that while possible, it would take time and they would most assuredly draw attention to themselves from parties they wished to no become aware of their current dealings. Tenchi nodded and as they were leaving the last charter service the receptionist approached them looking over her shoulder to make sure she wasn't seen.


“I'm not supposed to point people to other services but you all seem a bit desperate. There is one company that you might want to try... They are call Zero G Charters, they won't rent you one but they have a pilot who will fly anywhere anytime...”


Zero G Charter was small and located not at Denver big international airport but a smaller field about thirty minutes away. They had two helicopters for charter a small ancient Bell 47 and a modern EC155 B1 outfitted for high altitude and cold weather. The owner was an older man in his late fifties or maybe even older. When asked if they could charter the 155 he said they have to talk to his pilot he only flew the Bell. He made a phone call and about ten minutes later a rugged looking jeep pulled up and a girl that looked to be about fifteen or sixteen got out wearing a flight suit and a old style bomber jacket.


“This is Polly Prentis, she flies the big one.” And with that the owner went back inside leaving them to haggle.


After explaining what they wanted the young woman who assured them she was a pilot and showed her papers which said she was certified and was actually twenty-eight and not a teenager, “Yeah, “ she studied the sky, “it's doable. Snowfield has a pad at the resort, so yeah if we leave within the hour we can make it, any later and its gonna be a bit dodgy.” She had a subtle British accent and a somewhat confidant air about her. She smiled warmly at Juno. “So wot you want me to fly you or no?”


“Yes, how soon can we leave?”


“As soon as you do your paper with Dick in there, and we get your gear loaded.”


Within the hour, the big chopper took to the angry sky.



En'Gannockt... and beyond


The hall went on and on, the light ahead grew larger, while the light behind grew smaller and then it was gone and only the square ahead was visible. They marched on the wintry gusts growing more and more frequent. Until they arrived at the opening before them and saw what could not be.


Valenitine could not believe her eyes before them was slope of snow, beyond tall peaks also snow capped and a grey sky from which even more snow fell. Kamala and Karam had never seen such a sight, never imagined.


Karam his heart gripped with fear had had enough h turned to flee back to the other side and screamed falling to his knees. The two women turned at the scream and even their hearts jumped with shock and fear. The hall was gone, behind them was a wall of snow and ice, they shined their lights to either side gone there too was the comforting stone replaced by snow and Ice. They were in a small ice ice cave and in the distance, they heard the steady thump thump of a helicopters rotors.



In the Rocky Mountains...


Tenchi sat in the co-pilots seat, Raiko and Juno occupying the cabin behind him and Polly Prentis, in spite of her youthful appearance and size proved to be an exceptional pilot. Tenchi had never flown in such weather but the girl, no woman, handled the machine as deftly as a lover as she banked this way and that between the peaks.


It was on one of those banks that Juno had glimpsed something out the window in the cabin. She keyed her mic, “Hey I saw a flash of light on the ground at 8 o'clock.”


The two in the cockpit stretch to look back, “Are you sure,” asked Prentis?


“Yes go back someone may need help”


The helicopter banked and turned back flying lower and slowing. There on the snow below were three figure in silvery blankets with flashlights signaling them...


Thirty minutes later the helicopter landed at the resort with three new passengers...



Snowfield Resort, Snowfield Colorado...


Outside the snow fell and the wind blew, a winter storm advisory had been issued for the whole region and it was still only late October, two days before Halloween.


Ali had escorted Stacy to her room and then went to his which was only two suites down the hall. The Suite was luxurious, his parents would not be happy with the extravagance, and while he knew that Jim had made good money with his consulting firm, he hadn't realized that it had been that good. After putting his clothes up he showered and shaved, then dressed for dinner. As he finished dressing he saw lights outside his window.


Pushing aside the heavy curtains he saw a helicopter landing pad and a helicopter that had just landed apparently. Flying in this kind of weather seemed awfully risky.


Stacy answered almost immediately when he knocked on her door to take her to dinner downstairs. She was dressed in a plain dark green ¾ sleeve skater dress which shouldn't have been so breathtakingly sexy, but on her it was. A tasteful necklace of small pearls at her throat and matching earrings were her only jewelry, and she was carrying a small handheld clutch that matched her dress.


She joined him in the hallway, “I checked the suite as best I could and couldn't find any cameras or listening devices,” She said. At the look he gave her, she shrugged her shoulders, “In my line of work you get used to that sort of thing, and its always good to make sure.”



Try had checked in and when he got into his suite he found himself in another world. Never in his short life had he stayed at a place like this. Every other stay at a hotel he had stayed in a single room with one or two beds and a small bathroom with a shower. This place had a large living room, a kitchenette and dining area, a separate bedroom with a queen sized bed and a half bath. There was a separate full bathroom with a full sized tub and there was even a hot tub. No wonder it cost so much.


He showered and changed and then considered food. They had full room service but when he was checking in he had seen the restaurant/bar and decided that for his first, and possibly only night here, he should take full advantage. He left his room and headed toward the stairs ahead of him were an attractive couple, the woman with long red hair wearing a sexy green dress, he followed behind them admiring the view.



With the helicopter secured against the growing wind the twins, Juno, Prentis, and their new companions retreated out of the storm into the resort.


Valentine had been as vague as she could in telling their rescuers how they had gotten on the mountain, Kamala had followed her lead. Valentine knew that this was impossible, you can't walk from turkey to Colorado, it is impossible but here she was. Karam for his part was just stumbling along behind the women his English what little he had wasn't that good so he said nothing.


The Shirahara party checked and arrangements were made for Prentis. “Mr Shirahara, your suites are not quite ready if you don't mind prehaps you would liked to take dinner on the house of course while we get caught up.”


Valentine wanted to call her parents but she was informed that calls weren't going through at the moment. “Don't worry ma'am,” the black concierge said, “we understand the situation, rest assured you will not be turned away. While we try to get through with the phones and prepare accommodation why don't you go into the restaurant and warm up and have some dinner.


Stacy, Ali, and Try came down the stairs which led to the lobby and the dining room and at the same time the twins, Juno, Valentine, Kamala and Kamar all headed to the dining room too. They all arrived at the same time and the string of fate rang.



im around if questions


Karam  Samerismail-medium.jpg.776b21edae8a079b11a5fd42d37fbca0.jpg  Prentis  5c7dae178c4d2681257724.jpeg.3f71a93bd4f14467589f823a8f85e7ed.jpeg  


The Concierge  20200709-hype-cover-04.thumb.jpg.0a88747f4a9690c90fc4f6af7b1886bb.jpg




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By the time everyone was in the dining room, Juno was already on edge. The helicopter ride had been surprisingly without incident, but having taken that risk seemed insane to her. What was going on out here that was so important that the twins would risk flying into a blizzard rather than wait it out? Moreover, there was something about this resort...even considering the weather, it seemed like there should be more people in it. And the people that were here...


Juno had learned to trust her instincts even before joining the army, and that had only sharpened since. Something about the folks in the resort, even the three they'd picked up on the way, had her nerves jangling. They felt...dangerous for some reason. Nothing she could put a finger on, but it had her hackles up.


They hadn't screened for weapons either. That was good, because it meant she still had her pistol tucked into a slim holster under her puffy winter jacket. It was bad because the others could have guns as well, and there were a lot more of them.


"Tenchi, Raiko, can I have a word?" She pulled the twins aside and dropped her voice to a low volume. "Something's off here. They're claiming there's no communication, but they didn't bat a lash at Polly or three uninvited strangers being with us. I need you two to stick near me, keep your eyes open and if you see anything, anything, that seems weird or dangerous you tell me immediately. And if I tell you two to do something, do it first and ask questions later. All right?"



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7 hours ago, SCION STORYTELLER said:




Snowfield Resort, Snowfield Colorado...



Try had checked in and when he got into his suite he found himself in another world. Never in his short life had he stayed at a place like this. Every other stay at a hotel he had stayed in a single room with one or two beds and a small bathroom with a shower. This place had a large living room, a kitchenette and dining area, a separate bedroom with a queen sized bed and a half bath. There was a separate full bathroom with a full sized tub and there was even a hot tub. No wonder it cost so much.


He showered and changed and then considered food. They had full room service but when he was checking in he had seen the restaurant/bar and decided that for his first, and possibly only night here, he should take full advantage. He left his room and headed toward the stairs ahead of him were an attractive couple, the woman with long red hair wearing a sexy green dress, he followed behind them admiring the view.



With the helicopter secured against the growing wind the twins, Juno, Prentis, and their new companions retreated out of the storm into the resort.


Valentine had been as vague as she could in telling their rescuers how they had gotten on the mountain, Kamala had followed her lead. Valentine knew that this was impossible, you can't walk from turkey to Colorado, it is impossible but here she was. Karam for his part was just stumbling along behind the women his English what little he had wasn't that good so he said nothing.


The Shirahara party checked and arrangements were made for Prentis. “Mr Shirahara, your suites are not quite ready if you don't mind prehaps you would liked to take dinner on the house of course while we get caught up.”


Valentine wanted to call her parents but she was informed that calls weren't going through at the moment. “Don't worry ma'am,” the black concierge said, “we understand the situation, rest assured you will not be turned away. While we try to get through with the phones and prepare accommodation why don't you go into the restaurant and warm up and have some dinner.


Stacy, Ali, and Try came down the stairs which led to the lobby and the dining room and at the same time the twins, Juno, Valentine, Kamala and Kamar all headed to the dining room too. They all arrived at the same time and the string of fate rang.


  Reveal hidden contents

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Karam  Samerismail-medium.jpg.776b21edae8a079b11a5fd42d37fbca0.jpg  Prentis  5c7dae178c4d2681257724.jpeg.3f71a93bd4f14467589f823a8f85e7ed.jpeg  


The Concierge  20200709-hype-cover-04.thumb.jpg.0a88747f4a9690c90fc4f6af7b1886bb.jpg




Try came up behind Ali and Stacy, a slight off-putting scent wafting through the air. While he wasn't sure what the scent was, it seemed to be coming from the people in front of him. As he approached the Lobby the scent got more powerful and had him wrinkling his nose occasionally, and sometimes breathing through his mouth. 'What the heck is that smell? Not altogether unpleasant, but still I can't place it," Try thought. He spotted the unusual attire of the two ladies and one man that seemed to be attired for somewhere much warmer. Then his stomach rumbled, and he started reading over the menu placed outside the restaurant/bar and contemplated that, rather than the unusually suicidal choice of dress for up in the mountains this time of year. 


He accidentally used his out-loud voice when he said, "Ooooh. The menu here looks Sweet."

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