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SCION: CHAOSIUM! "Awakening"


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Val pursed her lips. This was already so far into the absurd, why not toss in 'gods are real and don't like each other very much'? Sounded like family drama, just on a cosmic scale. She watched them come in, the beautifully monstrous turning themselves into just the beautiful. Her parents hadn't raised her with much of a religious education - more cultural studies than 'here's what to believe' - so she didn't have a contradicting belief set to be challenged at the moment. Just basic sanity. 


"So. . . .yeah. I'm with Tenchi. This is already completely strange. Why not a bunch of gods? I'm just curious what they want with us." She gave Imhotep a curious look. "Can you tell us? Do you know?"

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Try sighed, and looked over at Imhotep. "I have a feeling that we may not like what we are about to learn. I also have a feeling that it will be 'IMPORTANT' to the 'Gods' and therefore they logically believe the world at large. " He shook his head. "I just hope that we can succeed AND live. I'd hate for this to be a suicide mission."

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“So many questions, I cannot answer them all, it is not my place,” said Imhotep. “But I can explains some.


The myths and legends, the religions, you know, developed over time, long before the civilizations which passed them to you were even a dream.


The age of the gods was long long ago, and when they made their truce and left the mortal world the civilizations were giving knowledge by the proxies of the time. As I said the good greatest food is the mana created by worship. The gods could no longer walk the earth and earn and collect their worship in person and so they let their followers develop ways to worship from afar.


Civilizations rose and fell but the core myths remained of course they changed were embellished. In some cases the conquest of one civilization led to the incorporation of one set of myths with another.


In time some civilizations fell and left no or little in the way of legend and myth and so those gods lost their worship and eventually turned away from the mortal world all together.


But some remained, and as time passed it was decided that even their proxies must cease for still mankind warred among themselves and often it was because of their worship.


The main religions of today are constructs made by man and subtly influenced by the old gods, those who stand around us, right now. Your religions incorporate the festivals and holy days of dozens of Pantheons just under new names and attributed to your religions of today. Still the core framework is older than any living civilization of today and still the worship feeds the goods.


As for why you are here. Their exists things of great danger to the cosmos, we call them Primordials and Titans. They comprise the combined myths and legends they are the force which these living gods rose up against in the dimmest past. And today their bonds weaken. Some the lesser of them have slipped through the seals which have held them for an eternity.


Once the gods walked among you and many passed their seed into the mortal coil, this seed resides in many of you mortals in truth almost all alive in the world could if it were possible trace their line to one of more particular gods.


Most of us are barred by treaty from walking the worlds of man, but we can still effect through proxies. When the current threat was detected the gods those who still care for mortals looked upon the multitude of mortals and chose among you. When three gods could agree upon one mortal that mortal was elevated, they became Scions of the gods, true children, to be nurtured and taught, to take their place and defend the mortal world. They will become the New Gods.


These gods gathered here are those who agreed upon a mortal, they will become the patrons of the New Gods.


And you will become those New Gods.”


Imhotep gestured and the circle of gods began to come forward mixing as the came close to the table until there were three gods behind each of the band except for Tenchi and Tryfon who both had only two. Hephaestus stayed some distance back by Imhotep, he spoke once everyone found their place, "I chose two, Tench and Tryfon, as is my right as a god of two Pantheons."


Imhotep closed his eyes and sighed but nodded, "It is permissible." He addressed the band next, "You may each ask three questions of your patron gods, one each, they will answer truthfully and as best to their ability."




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Stacy was as lost and confused as she had ever been in her life, but more she couldn’t understand why she wasn’t freaking out, why none of them were.


She turned her chair and started to stand but the dark skinned woman raised her hand, her movements odd, leaving strange afterimages as if she had more than the two arms Stacy could see. “Remain in your seat, child, ask your questions.” The woman’s voice was heavily accented, from where Stacy couldn’t tell, yet her words were unmistakable.


Stacy looked at each and was about to speack when the Blond shook her head, “You only get three questions,” the blond said, again the voice was heavily accented, a different one yet the word were un-mistakenly English, “ask wisely.”


Stacy shut her mouth looked at the rest of her sitting companions many craned their necks to watch her as she was the only one speaking so far. She looked back at the unidentified god before beautiful blond and fit, she wanted to ask who she was but now felt that would be a waste of a question. “Why are we not freaking out, all of this, what happened, back there, coming here, you are telling us you are gods. Shouldn’t we be on the ground curled up into little balls cackling with madness?”


“No,” said the blond, “I am Athena, I am known by many names but that is mine. None o fyou are mad because we have chosen you. In your veins, in your blood flows the ichor of divinity. Our choosing has awakened that and now you can see what other mortals cannot. You now have the potential to rise, to take your place among the heavens, as gods in your own right, in time.”


Stacy digests this and realizes she does feel different has since coming to the Hotel in fact. She looks around at all the different gods and realizes that she has no idea who they are or represent.  “Athena, you and those others arrived with Zeus so you must be the Greek gods,” she looks at the red head, “You came with Odin and the Valkyries, so that means you are Norse, but you, “she looks at the dark skinned woman and almost points at her but stops with hand half raised and puts it back in her lap, “I don’t know who you are and I don’t recognize your accent even though I am really good at languages and accents. And these others I never knew there were so many different gods not really.  You are all of different pantheons, I know what that word means, but none of us worship you and I don’t believe there are many in the world today who worship you, so why would you involve yourselves in some menace to the, as you say, mortal world?"


“I am Kali of the Deva, and I do still have worshippers in the world more than are known. Your question has merit though.


The mortal world feeds us, so at the root it is survival. But more it is legacy. We warred for a dominance none could achieve for the world grew too vast, mortals at our urging became smarter, even powerful. Mortal nations of this time have weapons which could harm, even kill a god. But you are still mortal. To use those weapons, you would have to be given the chance, and no god or titan would allow that.


Each of the pantheons here and those not, had to overcome what came before, we collectively call them Titans but they had and have other names. If they, the titans break free they will ravage the mortal world and then turn on us. We gave of ourselves to the mortal world and as such we are bound to it, dependent on it. The titans are not. They were the power before the world and while they shaped and in some cases created it they are not a part of it. We are. We do not have the power as we once did the worship the world gives is no longer sufficient because we have become myth. Even I who am worshipped by name still do not have the power I once did.


But you, our chosen scions, you have the potential, your legends can grow in this new world, and with that growth comes power, you are the hope of the mortal world, and ours.”


Stacy notices that many of the other gods nod in agreement with the one called Kali. She looks at  the red head. “Are we the only ones you have chosen?”


All three women in front of Stacy smile and look at one another then the red head inclines her head, shaking it. “I am Freya, I am of the Aesir but from the Vanir, and no, you are not the only ones who have been chosen, and we are not  the only ones who choose.


This threat has loomed for a time, and others have come before chosen by us or others, all before you have failed. The Titans are still bound but their scions, and mortal servants are not and all before you have fallen to them before their legends even sparked.


Now it is your turn, before,  a scion was only chosen by one of us and then often because of some internal whim of the god. With all of you, three of us had to choose each of you, and so it was the qualities you posses rather than anything else which won you favor. All of you are special, Gods are jealous creatures by nature, we do not share easily.”


The three gods, Athena, Kali, and Freya nod to one another then to Imhotep, “We approve of this one and give our favor.”



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Juno cheated a little. As she sized up the three...admittedly smoking hot...ladies coming her way, she listened in on Stacy's Q&A. The whole 'ichor' thing sounded kinda...yuck? But then again she wasn't 100% clear on what ichor was, so that was a bridge to burn later.


Three questions. She took the first three ideas that came to her head and strangled them, putting a shot in the back of each one's head when it fell, just to be sure. Those were stupid questions. Was Jesus real? Was there a Heaven and Hell?


Get a grip, Juno.


She didn't know if she bought into the whole 'all modern religions are fake, and we still benefit from them' thing, but it wasn't the important part. Juno wasn't a theologian, and she was already halfway or more of the opinion that modern religions were fake. She'd just assumed older ones were too.


As for why she'd been chosen...Juno figured that would become clear with time. Or, if she effed up, then their error would. What did they want with her? Easy. Maybe some of these other guys had long resumes and lots of qualifications, but Juno figured if gods put her name on a call list, it was because they needed someone to fight. And that was borne out by the test run they'd just gone through.


So what was important? What did she need to know that hadn't already been answered, even if only obliquely?


"My family," Juno said to the three goddesses standing before her; not knowing who to address, so just picking the middle one randomly. "How are we going to keep them safe while I'm doing this?"


Then she looked at the goddess on the left; the bald one. "What kind of support can we expect from you guys? You said you can't do anything directly on Earth...so can you help us at all, or are we on our own?"


Then Juno pondered for a moment longer and asked the last goddess, the sultry-looking one, "If we do this...if we fight these 'titans' and win, and become new gods or whatever...does that mean we have to leave the world too?"

Edited by SalmonMax
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Juno had asked the questions one following the other only pausing to breath, getting them all out at once instead of waiting for the answer one of the gods might provide.


15 hours ago, Juno Reyes said:

"My family," Juno said to the three goddesses standing before her; not knowing who to address, so just picking the middle one randomly. "How are we going to keep them safe while I'm doing this?"


The woman in the middle flexes her back, causing her to stretch seductively, like a great feline, "I am Bast. Family is important, they provide comfort, love, understanding, a place to turn to when you need renewal. And they are your responsibility. The world is not safe, no one is safe. Protect them as you wish, if you wish, and as you can. But do not expect others to perform a task which is yours."


15 hours ago, Juno Reyes said:

Then she looked at the goddess on the left; the bald one. "What kind of support can we expect from you guys? You said you can't do anything directly on Earth...so can you help us at all, or are we on our own?"


"I am called by many names, I am Oya.  Imhotep will be your guide and mentor, and we three your patrons. Our help will not be direct but we will do what we can. But look around you , at those who have fought beside you have shed blood beside you, this is your band. You are young, your godhood is not certain but you will grow, together. Each of you brings talent and skill and drive, with your band you are never alone."


15 hours ago, Juno Reyes said:

Then Juno pondered for a moment longer and asked the last goddess, the sultry-looking one, "If we do this...if we fight these 'titans' and win, and become new gods or whatever...does that mean we have to leave the world too?"


"I am the Obsidian Butterfly, Ītzpāpālōtl. Your question is many fold. You are Mortal, as such you shall always have a root in the mortal world. Those such as Imhotep who also was once Mortal, may walk the earth among mortals. Their powers, and yours if you should rise, are not diminished but they must take care for laws exist amongst us and each Pantheon watches the other. If a god who walks among mortals breaks a law then the offended pantheon may take action. We Gods are selfish, we look for way to touch the earth even when we cannot and if you transgress mayhap another may benefit.


Yet even though, you may walk the earth, as your legend grows you will find yourself with little in common with those who are Mortal, it is then that you will look for a place to call your own among the heavens."

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Try looked and listened to the questions asked by the other members of their group. He struggled to think up a question that would make sense for the current situation, let alone 3. After some time he seems to nod to himself and he approaches the first God in his line. 


He stares at the man with dark Indigenous features, not even trying to figure out who he is,  and hoping he introduces himself, as most of the others have done. "This is my first question. I understand the sooner this is taken care of the better, but do you know of any 'Active' plans in the works that would enforce a timeline upon us?"


He approached the second man, the man of south asian appearance. "To you I pose my second question. What intelligence do you have on the disposition of our first 'target' or mission? Are we to kill something? Foil a plot? or perform a 'heroic' quest?" 


To the redheaded man who identified himself as Hephaestus he turned. "For you, I have what can be perceived as a selfish question. Will there be transportation provided, or are we expected to procure our own transport to the mission zone?"


He sighed again and sat down at the table again, slumped in his chair awaiting their answers.

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Tenchi beheld the three Gods before him, and He smiled.  Susano-o no Mikoto, Lord of the Seas, Storms, and Death.   Sun-Wukong, The Monkey King, The Victorious Fighting Buddha.   Hephaestus, God of Craft, Industry, and the Forge.  These were the three patrons who'd chosen him, the three he could question, but only once.

Hephaestus was the only Deity who'd chosen two, as he was part of two pantheons.  He smiled at his patrons, and bowed his head in respect, to each of them.  "I intend no disrespect, but please, allow me to ask my questions, and answer me as each of you would.

 He knew Susano-o liked poetry, and as such did his best to ask his question in the form of a Haiku.  He stood before him, and nodded.  

"Great Battles lie ahead,
 Wise seek council from Elders,
A Warrior's way."

He moved to stand before Sun Wukong.  "Regrettably my knowledge of Chinese poetry and forms is lacking."   Sun Wukong just grinned.  "You can learn.  That was good for something on the spot, you have potential."   The Monkey King also was a lover of poetry, especially opera.  He signaled for Tenchi to continue.

"Various trials, 
Chosen rising to answer,
Wise King's Advice sought."

He stood before Hephaestus, who waved him off.  He'd just finished answering Tryfon  "No poetry for me, just ask straight away.  They may like speaking around things, but I want to get to the point, you're not my only Chosen."

Tenchi nodded, and asked his last patron his question.  "Mundane means will only go so far against what we are to face.  What can we do to earn or create the tools and means to accomplish the tasks ahead of us for when mortal means fail?

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He stares at the man with dark Indigenous features, not even trying to figure out who he is,  and hoping he introduces himself, as most of the others have done. "This is my first question. I understand the sooner this is taken care of the better, but do you know of any 'Active' plans in the works that would enforce a timeline upon us?"



The Native grinned and hummed a tuneless little song, he looked sideways  to the gods beside on either side, to Agni he gave a shrug then facing Hephaestus he wiggled his eyebrows then he looked back at Try and made a very dramatic and farcical serious face.  “Hai things happen when they happen, some say when they are supposed too, but that is not true. In the tongue of those who worshiped me I am pukawiss, the unwanted, eh. Day follows night, sun follows moon. He makes plans, she makes plans, they make plans, you make plans. As the mortal generals say no plan survives contact with the enemy. Do not worry about their plans,” He laughs a musical laugh, “make them worry about yours!”



He approached the second man, the man of south asian appearance. "To you I pose my second question. What intelligence do you have on the disposition of our first 'target' or mission? Are we to kill something? Foil a plot? or perform a 'heroic' quest?" 


“Hmm, I am Agni, you may know of me or you may not.  Yes, you will do lots of killing, yes, you will foil plots, and yes you will perform heroic quests.

We are your Patrons, not your task masters. From us you will inherit gifts, but it is not our place to drive you down the path, merely to show you where the path lies. The Titans are not like us and they are just like us. But those who were banished, imprisoned, they are not free, not yet. It is their children, scions like you, and mortals who wish to serve for power who weaken the chains, but they work from the shadows, hidden, they are not organized into one singe entity. They are legion.”



To the redheaded man who identified himself as Hephaestus he turned. "For you, I have what can be perceived as a selfish question. Will there be transportation provided, or are we expected to procure our own transport to the mission zone?"


Hephaestus threw his head back and roared with laughter. “You are a funny one. You are young, I bet you play those games with the internet, what kind do you like, racing, those shooting up kind, those crazy MMOs.” He laughs again. “I already gave you a car, we just don’t know what it does yet now do we?”




He knew Susano-o liked poetry, and as such did his best to ask his question in the form of a Haiku.  He stood before him,and nodded.  

"Great Battles lie ahead,
 Wise seek council from Elders,
A Warrior's way."


Susano-O clapped his hands together pleased. “let me think,” and gestured for Tenchi to ask his next question of SunWukong.

He moved to stand before Sun Wukong.  "Regrettably my knowledge of Chinese poetry and forms is lacking."   Sun Wukong just grinned.  "You can learn.  That was good for something on the spot, you have potential."   The Monkey King also was a lover of poetry, especially opera.  He signaled for Tenchi to continue.

"Various trials, 
Chosen rising to answer,
Wise King's Advice sought."


“Hmm,” The Monkey King looked thoughtful, “Various Trials, Battles lying ahead, seeking council, advice sought. You have asked the same question of us, with words of poetry, clever, but we do not need to be flattered, we do not seek your worship you are no longer what you were. and we are not the same.


When you fought you acted, the only council sought was your sibling. Do not come to rely on those who are not related to you, If you choose to walk this path your band will be your brothers and sisters.”

He stood before Hephaestus, who waved him off.  He'd just finished answering Tryfon  "No poetry for me, just ask straight away.  They may like speaking around things, but I want to get to the point, you're not my only Chosen."

Tenchi nodded and asked his last patron his question.  "Mundane means will only go so far against what we are to face.  What can we do to earn or create the tools and means to accomplish the tasks ahead of us for when mortal means fail?


“Earn is exactly what you will do. While we shall awaken abilities in you and grant you gifts, there are other things, Relics which will make your tasks easier. Most are lost as those who bore them died eons ago but the more the world awakened these old things will crop up. As for directly Some of us may pass a thing or two down to you .but you are not us we are not looking for you to be us. If we wanted that we would have just said damn the treaties and done it ourselves. But we will try this first, at least for a while.”


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Ali was struggling to absorb all this, crazy implications that did not mesh well with what he'd been believing his whole life. The others offered an array of questions that covered all the sorts of things he could think to ask. Instead, he turned his attention to the two men and the woman who had chosen to be his patrons. "I don't have any questions to add. Instead, I'd like a piece of advice from each of you along with your names, please."

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Valentine considered her words carefully, listening to the others ask the strategic questions or only for advice. She tumbled thoughts and questions in her mind and eventually turned the first of her three patrons, a beautiful Goddess wrapped in a hijab-like covering whose name she did not know (Ninhursag). "What skills and qualities did you see in me that made you think I was up to this undertaking?"

After hearing her response, she turned to the next Goddess. This divine woman was sharply dressed with short hair and a piercing gaze. "What is the best way I can help my. . . group, I guess - the others here - that we might succeed where others have failed in the past?"

And again, after listening attentively, Valentine turned to the final Goddess, one who made her think of baking special treats with her mother and happy summertime days spent with her family. "What is your advice on how best to come together as a group? We as a whole are only as strong as our weakest bond."

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Ali was struggling to absorb all this, crazy implications that did not mesh well with what he'd been believing his whole life. The others offered an array of questions that covered all the sorts of things he could think to ask. Instead, he turned his attention to the two men and the woman who had chosen to be his patrons. "I don't have any questions to add. Instead, I'd like a piece of advice from each of you along with your names, please."


The beautiful,  clean cut blond man, smiled pleasantly at Ali. “I am Apollo, sone of Zues and Leto. I, we, could give you much advice, for we have lived since before history began.


 What you know of us is myth, legend, stories, but what you don’t is that the peoples you associate us with, The Greeks, The Romans, the Egyptians, The Babylonians, etc,” he makes wide gestures at the naming of each race, ”all of them came long after us. Their knowledge of us, was as much legend and myth to they themselves as the tales they hand to you are to you.


My Advice to you, to all of you, seek knowledge, but do not trust every source as the one truth, for the truth is usually just a part, and often the smallest part, of a tale. Sometimes it takes many small truths to reveal the real truth.”


The handsome bearded man spoke next, stepping forward he placed a hand upon Ali’s shoulder, “I am Haoma, but like most here I have many names, some known, some not. You are a good doctor, you are a good and dutiful son, you are a good man. Each of these are branches of you, you must balance them, do not let one over take the others. If the branches of a tree are equal, the tree will grow tall and straight, but if the branches are not it will lean and twist.”


The woman shakes her head at the cryptic ramblings of her fellow deities and placing her hands on her hips stares down at Ali. “I am Aset, also called Isis, I will talk straight not with bad riddles. You are not a god, you may never be a god. But you can be one. You have strength, that has not been allowed to grow, The tree calls you dutiful, I will call you oppressed, you have done what others want you to do even when your soul has cried out for more. My advice to you Ali Badren, stop listening to others and listen to your soul.”



Valentine considered her words carefully, listening to the others ask the strategic questions or only for advice. She tumbled thoughts and questions in her mind and eventually turned the first of her three patrons, a beautiful Goddess wrapped in a hijab-like covering whose name she did not know (Ninhursag). "What skills and qualities did you see in me that made you think I was up to this undertaking?"


“I am Ninhursag, Lady of the Sacred Mountain, the Mother of Mankind. And I am Ninhursanga, Ninmah, Nintu, Nintud, Nintur, I am  Beletili, Belet— ili, Aruru, Dingirmah, Mami, and many many more.


Why did I choose you? What makes you special? Perhaps it was your skill as a doctor, or maybe your drive to heal the pain of the world? Maybe it was the loyalty to the quest of your family that they sacrificed for?


Maybe it was all of those things, maybe none of them.


The real question is one I cannot answer, only you can. Why are you here? Why did you leave the warmth and safety of the hotel to go fight those foul creatures? Why did you walk down an otherworldly tunnel and through an impossible door? Why did you follow the ravings of a mad holy man? Why did you do what a dying man asked of you?


Answer those questions and you will know why I chose you.”


After hearing her response, she turned to the next Goddess. This divine woman was sharply dressed with short hair and a piercing gaze. "What is the best way I can help my. . . group, I guess - the others here - that we might succeed where others have failed in the past?"


The sharp-eyed woman regarded Val, “I am Het-Heru, you might be more familiar with the name Hathor though. I will not judge those who went before, any failure was more of circumstance. What can you do for your band? Love them. Nurture them, heal them, protect them. Kill for them if need arises. But most of all Love them.



And again, after listening attentively, Valentine turned to the final Goddess, one who made her think of baking special treats with her mother and happy summertime days spent with her family. "What is your advice on how best to come together as a group? We as a whole are only as strong as our weakest bond."


“Call me Hestia. I could give you lots of advice, draw you a plan,” She smiles at val, “But what your really going to need if this is going to work, Become a family, build a home, Like Hathor said, Love each other, even if you don’t like each other. Nothing is stronger than family.

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Raiko sat primly,palms resting primly upoin the sabre sitting across her lap. She waits calmly assessing as the others ask their questions, content to listen and learn what she can of their answers before she leaps to make her own decision. The primary worry for her so far was the enemies that they would be facing, and the considerations they would need to make for the fights ahead. Something told her that this would be an Ordeal. She would like to be able to make as much in the way of preparations as she could before they saw any more battlefields.


Clearing her throat as the last of the chatter from the others cleared, she began. "I have many questions, more than I dare say we all together have been allowed. So I must beg your forbearance as I marshall my thoughts." With a deep breath, she begins.


"You say that we share the blood of you and yours, that we are your Scions, and that we are privy to a world that most Mortals are incapable of seeing." she paused, thinking of how to phrase about 20 questions into 1 single one. "If this is the case, I assume that we will end up fighting those like us, albeit whose blood has woken to these Titans. How circumspect must we be in combatting them and the ilk of those giants already vanquished, the staff of the hotel here were cleaning up the mess we had made. Can we expect a similar sort of help from other allies in future, or are they a once off because of our proximity to your holdings?"


She pauses once more, allowing a shaky breath out, the only sign of nerves in her otherwise stoic facade.


"Secondly, this Legend you have all spoken of. You talk of it as if it were a tangible thing, as if it were more than simple story and tale passed down through generations, and from what you have implied, it is somehow tied to us and our... being, I suppose. From how you speak, it sounds as an intrinsic part of who we are, but what does that mean for us? Is it a being in and of itself, or is it more akin to a force? Is it something we must appease and placate, or sometrhing less overt? Technically multiple questions, I know, so I suppose the best way of putting it, would be: What is legend and how will it affect us as we fight and live our lives?"


Up till now, she had been adressing the trio before her with no particular focus on any one of the three, though her attention had occasionally wandered to the man with Asian features. She had more questions, but she found herself hesitating perhaps, with all everyone had asked, it was all right to be selfish with this one question...


".... a long time ago, there was a little girl." From his position a besides her seated form, Tenchi frowned in concern, the minute waver in Raiko's voice concealed almost completely from everyone else. "She was precocious, and thought that she knew better than those older and wiser than herself, and so she strayed from where she should have been and was taken." Her voice cracks slightly on the final word and she has to swallow around the lump that had taken residence in her throat. "Those who took her hid her away, that they might reap the benefits of posessing her, or so the girl thought." She still hears the boisterous laughter of the men that first night, so pleased with themselves, and she shudders. "And yet time passed, and no riches did they accrue from their captive." No laughter then, only angry words and cruel commentary, day after day. "Eventually, they decide "Enough is enough." and decide to cut their losses." the dark tone of voice left no guess as to what they had meant by that. She wipes angrily at the tears building in the corner of her eyes, still furious at her own stupidity and huffs our a hoarse laugh. "But it was not to be, as the girl had someone looking for her, and this one man was more than any of them could hope to contend with." She would never forget the sounds of those men dying, nor the mess and smell they left behind, where she was found later, shivering in what was more akin to an abbatoir than anything else.


"I can only assume that I have you to ultimately thank for his presence there," she says in a low rasp, still speaking around the lump in her throat. "And given that, you have been watching us for a lot longer than we might have thought. Tell me of Yojimbo, and what really happened during that time, because that little girl has a feeling that there was a lot more going on than she might have thought....."


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The three before Raiko looked to each other, two of stern face, one of quite wisdom, the one with Asian features gave a slight bow to his fellows. “ I am Ōkuninushi, and your last shall be answered first. You are correct, all of you have been observed, since your birth, all of you have been woven into the loom of fate, and even should you choose to not except this honor, your lives as mortals will still have impact.


Prophecy is a powerful tool of the divine, when we openly meddled in mortal affairs prophecy was used to guide our tools, and to befuddle our enemies. When you were a child, Raiko you became a pawn of Prophecy, your abduction was not what it seemed and when the outcome did not seem to be going in the manner those who perpetrated it, sloppily I might add, wished, they, at the prodding of one of their member who perhaps had more knowledge of things than he should have, decided on a different deal than the one they were supposed to follow.


Yojimbo, is an Immortal Hero, a servant of the Kami, and inspiration. He was once like you. When the plan in which you were ensnared went awry, Yojimbo was sent to put things back into order. His fate and yours have been bound since then. Now is not the time nor is this the place for greater detail, but I will tell you that the origin of that plot is still very much alive, and the outcome are not yet decided.”


He looks back at his companions, both nod to him. “My friends speak little, lest they set in motion things which must be, so your other two questions I will turn to my good friend, Imhotep, who will be your mentor in these maters.”


Imhotep walks to a poisition where he can be heard by all of the band. “The answers to Raiko's questions are for all, and they are related. Your opponents will be many and varied. The titans are bound, yet their children have never been fully cleansed from the world and mortals, seekers of power, have always sought them and theirs.


Monsters of legend exist and while their forms are not recognizable to mortals, they will be by you once you have returned to the world awakened. Those things you fought today, The Scions of giants and a full blooded Troll, to normal mortals they would have appeared as a gang of savage men bent on murder, outlaws, thieves the like, Mortals who saw them would have seen, a rioting mob, or a drug addled motorcycle gang, this is how a mortal mind interpret the supernatural, it makes excuses and draws a picture it can except.


Others more powerful exist these are like you and not. In their veins the blood of titans flow, but these were not born mortal no in many cases they were created for a purpose. And there are others, forces in the world who were not bound by our treaties, but who, for their purposes did not show themselves to the world openly. All of these you may face in one way or another.


Your encounters if seen by mortal eyes will in many cases will be explained as mundane as that is what the mortal will tell himself he saw.


The Einherger from the hotel are servants, like you right now they were mortal once, and their service earned them a place among their gods service. All Pantheons have the like, and yes they even today can walk among men. At times they will be able to aid you in tasks such as today and in other ways, and as your Legend grows you may have servants of your own to call upon.


Which brings us to your Legend. Legend is what makes mortals into gods, what gives a god his power and station among his Pantheon, Legend is the personification of worship.


As mortals you mostly have no legend but there are a few, among the mortal world, who accrue it, their names become known their deeds told time and time again. These men and women, do not become gods, nor are they immortal, but their names will persist for long periods of time. For us however, legend feeds the divine, it builds upon itself. That spark will lend power to your Legend, as you perform deeds and they become known, your tales will inspire, your names will be invoked. The greater your legend the greater your power. Legend can make a mortal a hero, a Hero a demigod, and a demigod a god.


That is what Legend means to you. To the world it is a different thing. As I said your Legend can inspire, it can also bring fear to those that are not predisposed for you. Legend as it grows will turn your deeds into myths. As heroes, you are still seen as mortals, but suddenly when your legend passes a certain point, the tales of your deeds become fantastical, real mortals begin to see your deeds as reality. Mortals may see the giants and the trolls when you are present because Legend says it is part of you. That is when the mortal world and you will clash. If you win this contest, you will become demigods and the divine will once again be part of the world. You will become the gods. It is inevitable

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Raiko lets out a long breath with a simple "I see." and thoughts racing. The general consensus had been that it was a rogue group acting on their own merit that had been the ones to originally orchestrate the kidnapping. To find out that the mastermind was actually still around was not a pleasant experience. She would need to pick up her training even further now. For whatever about fighting this war for the Gods, this was now a personal matter for her. She hoped Tenchi wouldn't mind a few extra bruises. For now she would have to put it from her mind. She'd have to talk to Tenchi and perhaps Yojimbo if she could swing it, to come up with a new regimen.


The rest she would need some time to internalise. It certainly sounded useful, but she imagined that there would be some drawbacks as well. If only by painting a giant target on your back. Still, while it gave them seome leeway, they would still need to be careful about being too blatant in their actions. It's one thing to kill giants, it's another thing for people to see you killing.... well. Maybe not innocent as such, but humans at any rate.

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Imhotep lets his eye roam across the band, then holds his hands up in an all encompassing gesture. "Then it is done, The gods have made their choice, you the chosen must decide if you will accept their gifts.


Refuse and you will be taken to your home with no memory of this save some lingering dream. Accept and begin you journey."



if no one posts i will assume all accept and move to the next phase.


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Raiko has to supress the urge to snort. With the news that had just been delivered to her, there was little doubt as to what her ultimate decision was going to be. And she suspected that her Patrons knew it as well. She inclines her head towards the trio.... who barring Ōkuninushi hadn't actually been introduced, now she thought on it.


"I accept."


It wasn't like, with her eyes being opened now that she could turn her back on the road put before them. That it would bring her closer to those who had attempted to harm her was just a happy coincidence. As she had said, for her, the choice wasn't much of one. And unless she missed her mark, Tenchi would feel similarly enough, if only because he wouldn't be able to forgive himself for turning his back on the option to make a difference to the well being of the world.

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Tenchi looked to her sister when she made her choice, as he knew she would.  When she looked back to him, that little smile, he nodded before looking back to the trio of Gods who had chosen him.   "I accept."   Making the world better was a major motivator, but at the core of it, he knew he'd need Raiko's help, that he wanted her help, to make it so.  She would need him too, and from the look she gave him, she wanted him at her side too.  

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Juno took a breath and really thought about it. The consequences of this couldn't be predicted. Would these things go after her friends? Her family? Was this a war, or more like being some kind of police officer? But in the end...this wasn't something she could walk away from. Even if they took her memories, there'd always be a hollow spot in her after this.


"I've never run away from a fight before," she said stoically. "I'm not going to start now."


"I'm in."

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Ali looked at Stacy, wondering if she was willing to accept this. Digesting what the gods told him, well, whether or not he'd been over-dutiful and letting his parents control his life... Ali was working on being a doctor. This was the biggest threat to lives imaginable, accepting this task completely fell within the spirit of protecting and saving lives. Even if it meant accepting things completely alien to the faith that had helped fuel his life.


You couldn't edit fighting giants out of your memories, after all. His soul... was surprisingly at peace with this. "I... accept."

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Stacy was excited this all was crazy, insane but it was perhaps the biggest turn on she had ever had.


When Ali accepted she gave him a sly smile and with a glance at Imhotep, "Well I am just not one to turndown a gift... I'm in."

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Valentina smiled, every inch the world-saving daughter her parents had raised her to be. The monsters they'd raised her to fight were of a decidedly human bent, but world saving was world saving and she wasn't going to quibble. Sign up for advanced combat classes, but not quibble. "I accept."

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“So be it!” Imhotep’s voice rings loudly the table and chairs vanish, leaving the band standing. The gods, those who chose, step up and surround their scion each reaches out and lays a hand upon the chosen one.


Sound, a cacophony of horns and drums, choral voices, all mixed together, it should have been horrible, discordant, yet it wasn’t. Each member of the band could here three distinct lines of the music, they feel a rush of dizzying euphoria…


Each of the band stands alone in a halo of light before them stands one of their patron gods, the god leans forward and whispers a word that has meaning only to the two of you, the euphoric rush surges again more powerful than before and then this is repeated with another of your patrons, and again for the third. Each surge of euphoric power is greater than the last, the halo of light burns brighter, and a rush of sounds carries you away…



Thus ends the Awakening. it is time to up your mortals to Hero


The rules in this section provide you with the tools you need to create a Hero-tier Scion for this game. Note these are house rules and not RAW.  To convert your character to a full-fledged Hero, apply the following steps:

• Choose two additional Callings at one dot each. This calling can be any calling appropriate for the character and do not have to be from your patrons. Assign three additional dots (total ) in any combination among your five callings. The character’s primary Calling, or highest-rated, does not have to be a Calling from your patron(s)

• Choose a total of five Heroic Knacks, these are in addition to the origin knacks you already possess. If you have a calling at 3 dots or more you may choose an Immortal Knack at the cost of two Heroics for that calling.

• Assign nine dots worth of Birthrights , as described in Step 6 in the Hero Book.

• Choose innate Purviews, as described in Step 7 in the Hero Book.

• Assign Boons, as described in Step 8 in the Hero Book.

• Note your character’s Legend rating of 1.

You have 15 xp to spend or save


Make sue you follow these instructions while similar to the book there are some differences. 


i am available if you have questions.






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