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Max shook his head.  "Keep monitoring it, if it stops, or the direction shifts, be sure to let me know, now, let's execute the plan and clear them out."

He set the Tesseract into firing position, covering the approach with his main gun.   It was perhaps overkill, but it allowed him to put out an obscene volume of fire, and they had alot of demis to deal with.   "Gonna need something anti personnel if we're gonna keep fighting demis on this."   It was too quiet.   "Alright, let's go."

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  • 4 weeks later...

Max gave the order and the mechs executed. Using stealth that was hard to imagine in machines of that size the combat Mechs moved into their assigned positions, acquired their targets, armed their weapons and prepared for the order to engage.


As hard as it was to believe the demi- kaiju seemed to not have detected them at all and were not showing any sense of altered alertness.


The enemy were sitting ducks!


Max waited until everyone showed that they had aquired targets and then gave the word... "Attack!"

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Melvin began using the data sent by the drones to compute the target zones for two of his shock mine missiles right outside the entrance to the front of the building. The zones would be short-side connected so it forms a 400 long x 200 wide minefield. He also trained his phased array laser on the front, to cover anyone that made it past the minefield. He pressed a button on his armrest and a small chuff was heard as the missiles were ejected, and then their rocket motors took over and pushed the missiles down range. When passing over the target area, the missiles seemingly disintegrated one after the other, and their payloads were delivered, almost pinpoint on target.  


Sage seemed to settle a bit after the launch and didn't even sway from the back blast. Melvin checked that he was strapped in fully, and smiled as the missiles did their job.

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With the mines laid out, the trap was fully set, Delaney shot forward on her mission to stir up the hive.   Max was set in firing position, and just as Delaney reached the center of the hive, having drawn the attention of dozens of demikaiju, causing them to turn and close ranks, The Tesseract opened up with its main gun.   The whine of it spinning up could be heard in the other mecha, and then the ripsaw-like roar as it put out a prodigious volume of fire, well over two thousand rounds a minute.   This wasn't the max rate of fire, Max had dialed it back since he didn't know what else was in the hive, but as he swept the stream of shells across the exposed backs of the demi kaiju it was like a reaper's scythe in a wheat field, as many died to the surprise assault.

Max was quite satisfied, it worked exactly as it did in the prototype model, so his gauging of the recoil was perfect.  

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Around and around we go.


Katarina broke Hot Potato left bracing against her combat couch. The quick little mech chewed up ground, sensors peeled for any surprises beyond scattered demi-kaiju. She kept her hands from squeezing the charging triggers on her weapons, not her role, not yet. Let her teamates draw all the hate for now, and once the swarm broke, *then*  she'd let Hot Potato burn her targets Until then, eyes open, keep an eye open for new C+C signals, and...


Around and around we go.

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