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Everything posted by Krul

  1. THE AMBERIS SYSTEM ********** She took a deep breath and considered the options, she felt as though she was backed into a corner, where there were no good choices, and all that was left was a degree of bad choices. Now that she knew Vader was on the ship, she wondered if she didn't know part of the reason she was asked for specifically, though if it wasn't a marriage proposal, apprenticeship to the dark lord of the sith wasn't something she was eager for either. The problem was that refusal of this offer wasn't just likely to hurt her, it could potentially hurt everyone in the star system, and she glanced at Winnis and made a slight throw away gesture, certain that he would know the gesture was regarding the idea of taking the Empire's ship. "Very well. I agree." Some of the other Dukes and Duchesses began to protest and she went over them. "This is a very good offer, you know it is, even should we wish to refuse the Empire's presence, it would cost us a great deal to do so, and I have a responsibility to save lives if I can. Which means the only question is they will stand by it, which makes it a matter of speaking with Lord Vader to understand his intentions, which is a matter for diplomacy anyway." She turned to the Colonel. "Give me an hour Colonel, to collect what I need, then myself and my entourage shall join Lord Vader on his ship, and we shall go from there." And maybe find out what the Force wanted from all of this.
  2. THE AMBERIS SYSTEM ********** "Demands for a hostage and a garrison are not the acts of a friend, Colonel, though the empires power does allow for such things." Her eyes met the Colonel's directly she continued, if Vader was on that ship, then any chance of taking it was gone, her best troops would not stand against the right hand of the empire. Which meant another way had to be found, she didn't like the idea of being Vader's guest at all, however, she could feel the force at work, her choice here likely would affect her future and that of her people for years to come. "This is Rhuvel, here I am sovereign, my fellows" She gestured toward the dukes and duchesses standing around them. "have immunity, due to the laws of Amberis each of them are considering beyond my rule, but upon this planet, I have primacy. Were it anyone but Lord Vader, I might be tempted to send them back your head for this insult." She saw for a moment that the Colonel was startled and shocked, but stilled himself. "Good, your not without some degree of self-possession, at least the Lord Vader choses his people well. It's odd that he would.. " she paused a moment as a thought came to her, one that she didn't like at all. "please tell me the Lord Vader is not looking to open marriage negotiations."
  3. THE AMBERIS SYSTEM ********** She frowned. "I don't believe so, but there is a strange familiarity about the name, perhaps I heard it somehow or somewhere before?" She shook her head slightly, before continuing with a plan that was forming even as she spoke. "Now, while I'd prefer a diplomatic solution, this is a rather hostile act on their behalf even if nothing comes of it, I have a plan if things turn sour." At the raised eyebrow from her fellow duke, she continued. "If they are going to make demands of a surrender or that we join their empire, I say we take the star destroyer, while the fighters engage, I'll put a elite unit on board the destroyer and we'll take control of it, or at least disable it and take it out of the equation. If that goes wrong, you can always blame my youth and inexperience for the whole mess" Her fellow duke responded with a mix between a chuckle and a grimace. "And people ask me why I wanted you for a daughter in law."
  4. After about a week to come to terms with your new status, each of you slowly becoming accustomed to your connection with one another, you are all introduced to your new ship and ranks within the ship, for it's shakedown cruse. First, of course, had been the meeting with the Admiral, and then for the official documents, each of you had been appointed and assigned your place on the crew of your new ship. Of course, the ship was a prototype, and as of this point, one of a kind, though several others were in the works. Meanwhile, the Admiral called the members of the weave, who were also the officers in command of the ship to his location, a hidden base on Charon, the moon of Pluto. "Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Elysium, and the Nemesis project. You lot have been tasked to my command for the purpose of bringing the fight to the Doyen, as well as the Abberants, and any other threats we might find out, like our encounters with the Coalition. But you also a exploration and discovery ship, in part because the Doyen are cowards who are not interesting a direct fight, but also because allies and discoveries will better help us in what is likely to be a centuries long conflict, baring some particularly useful discovery." She gestures to the Qin beside her. "This is Emerald Rain Clarity Mind Zhong Fu who has asked to join you on this mission, as the Qin are our allies, the request was accepted." The Qin, whose biosuit had a feminine cast, and as xe spoke the voice reinforced the impression, though those of you in the know were aware that Qin did not have genders as such, which meant that the impression was deliberate. The Qin made a formal bow of sorts, seeming very polite. "Since humans prefer shorter names, Clarity is an acceptable alternative. I look forward to working with you." The Admiral nodded, then turned her attention back to the rest of you. "So, once you've run the ship though the paces, I have a request from Khantze Lu Ge for assistance that I'd like you folks to look into, since a cloaked ship can get behind enemy lines in a way non our other ships can.. any questions?"
  5. Emerald Rain Clarity Mind Zhong Fu - The Zhong Fu Qin House is a house that has been generally neutral toward humanity, they value knowledge, asking questions and seeking knowledge, but also exploring new possibilities, as well as the inner discipline of knowing oneself. With the discovery of the Doyen's more nefarious plots for humanity, there are new questions to be asked, and they are more on board with some of humanities plans then before. Emerald Rain is one of their rising stars, xe seeks clarity in understanding and a request has been made to assign x to your ship, a powerful telepath, with some ability in biokinesis and clairsentence, she does have some diplomatic training, though she's more interested in learning and study, so has been assigned to Sian's department. Xe allows humans to call xir by only a single one of xir's names, but xe prefers 'Clarity' to either of xe's other names. Admiral Nishihara Hikari - A Superior from Nippon, who, since the war have become public about the Superiors, the admiral is quite adapt on many levels, but most importantly for her appointment, she is a strategical and tactical genius who managed to help put down quite a few of the sub-Abberants and saved hundreds of lives during the war. Since then she's been considering the ways to carry the fight to the Doyen, which is a problem considering their mobility and evasiveness. She has been put in command of the Nemesis project, of which the Starship 'Sekhmet' and her crew are part of. NOTE: I'll be adding more as time goes by,
  6. Alright, I'm putting this here so that it doesn't vanish into back messages. First, I'm going to change the ship a bit, make it bigger, because after planning around it's dimensions I found that I needed it a touch bigger for what it does, which is also going to increase the crew numbers a bit, but the command crew isn't going to change, just the amount of folks who answer to you shifting a bit. 2nd, I need folks to get their characters posted on the data thread, I've seen a character sheet and backstory from SalmonMax, just need you to post Melera now, especially since. Asarasa I've seen your backstory, and some of your character sheet, but I need both soon, with the details. Ship Commander: (Legion Rank: Lieutenant Colonel in the 7th Legion & 4th Legion) Leonidas Daniel Johnston (Ship Rank: Captain) 2nd in Command & Chielf Science Officer: (Chitra Bhanu Rank: Senior Operative) Sian Tristana Bleys (Ship Rank Commander) - Note: With regards to everyone's rank below this, with regards to the ship and it's crew, everyone's Lt. Commander, mainly you have primacy within you preview 3th in Command & Security Chief: Asarasa's Character 4th In Command & Navigation Chief: (Upeo Rank: Explorer): Melara Richter 5th in Command & Chief Engineer and Drone Manager: (Orgotek Rank: Senior Engineer): Cliff D'vir Additional Officer Positions Available (I will fill these with NPC's eventually, but the original preference was for PC's to take them, still could happen I suppose) Medical (Vitakinetic) Intelligence ( Clairsentient) Moral/Diplomacy (Telepath) NPC's of Note (I'll be adding these to a new thread eventually) Qin Diplomatic Attaché (also powerful telepath) Admiral in command of your ship and several others (this one I have plans for) NOTE: Crew member NPC's are generally enlisted, I will include some stuff for them as needed
  7. For a moment, she felt a hint of anger at the imperials, and she felt something rise in the force, if she reached out to grasp it, she would gain power, but that side of the force offered nothing without a catch. She pushed the impulse back and gave herself over to a meditation technique that she had been taught, for about 10 seconds, taking a moment to breath in deeply, remembered what she had been taught. There is no emotion, there is peace. According to her teachers from the holocron, this didn't mean you were to suppress your emotions, that was unhealthy, though many jedi tended to make that mistake, but the real meaning was to accept them, control them, and embrace serenity in the midst of them. Self-control was paramount, to yield to uncontrolled passions was a path to disaster, or the dark side, as her teachers indicated. This is why older versions of the code were slightly different, and there were apparently there was quite a bit of discussion of the code, and the meaning of each line within the code. Having taken a moment to reaffirm her commitment to balance and self-control, she felt the darkness withdraw and she turned her attention to the matters at hand. "I am on my way, scramble the fleet at least Rhuvel's fleet, we can at least threaten their fighters, perhaps then they will at least talk with us. Meanwhile, connect me with the Ducal Council, let's hear was the rest of the council have to say to this."
  8. First we shall begin with the two most important development of biotechnology in this 22nd century The Prometheus Chambers: With the cores of the chambers provided by the Doyen, each of them are a sort of black box biotechnology, something that will take humanity centuries of study to even begin to understand how they work and were made. The chambers alter a persons genetic and noetic template on a sublime level, changing them from latents psionic talents into the psions they are now. The Doyen meant this to focus and limit the human potential, as well as making them more vulnerable to Doyen possession, so that their powers were available to the Doyen possessing them, making them into useful pawns in their quest for galactic dominance, but it didn’t quite work out the way they wanted it too, in part because humanities noetic potential was much stronger then they would realize for some time. Each chamber is focused on one particular aptitude, and are akin to something of a cryochamber and a bacta tank and a womb, they are grown from the seed of the core they were given, with certain additional parts added during their growth to optimize their potential. The process actually takes a couple of years for the chamber to grow to it’s full potency, but once complete, one only needs to enter the chamber for 15 to 30 minutes for the human to be awakened to their new potential. One enters the chamber the same way you entered the world, wearing nothing, and the chamber fills with a bio-organic liquid that opens an individual’s mind, it’s been described as a mix of enlightenment and epiphany, with a touch of spiritual transcendence, and it covers a period between 12 to 36 minutes, depend on the strength of the new psions talent. When they leave the chamber, their new capabilities take a few weeks to get use to, and further development depends upon use and experience. Presently, this can be considered ‘black box’ level technology, though there is some thought by the Proxy’s that it might possible to reproduce a Prometheus chamber in a century or two. Maybe less with help (see Noetic Weave below) Proxy Tier: This normally takes at least a decade of focused development or an almost unprecedented level of talent demonstrated by the actual Proxy’s (leaders/founders) of the various orders, hence the term ‘Proxy Tier’’. While any latent who is awakened to his/her Aptitude can eventually reach this level, the level of discipline, focus, talent and experience suggest only about 10% will do so within the next 50 years. The Noetic Weave: Designed by the Eden nova know as the Engineer with the aid of the various Psion orders in order to remove or limit the weaknesses installed into the Prometheus chambers by the Doyen. The Engineer can understand noetic theory far beyond the limits of present , but is unable to actually work with the sub-quantum and it is difficult for her to translate her understanding into present human comprehension or to make the necessary tests regarding her theory and understanding without psion assistance. Even then, without some of the information that Dr. Bhutano managed to snag from the possessing Doyen before it left her, this would have taken many more years. As a result, the process is no where near as sublime and easy as the Prometheus chamber, each member of the soon to be formed ‘weave’ or ‘soulweave’ has to be specifically calibrated for the Weave chambers, a process which takes several weeks. For that matter, the Psions undergoing the process must posses a certain degree of competency within their own aptitude, as well as some degree of capability in other aptitude’s, in that they must possess at least 1 auxiliary mode d ot as well, in order to facility the weave’s connection accords multiple aptitude’s. The Weave chamber is biotech, just like the Prometheus chambers, and also quite complex, containing 9 rather similar chambers connected to one another like the petals of a flower. Once calibrated for each individuals genetic and noetic signatures, a minimum of three or a maximum of nine psions enter together, with at least 3 different aptitude’s between them. The chamber offers shimmering veils for modesty, since one must enter the Weave chamber just as one did the Prometheus chamber, unclothed. The chamber fills with a semi-transparent liquid in color similar to amber, giving the impression of each psion being caught in amber during the process. Unlike the Prometheus chamber, the process is much longer, and takes about an hour for each individual added to the weave, during this period, they enter a dream like state where the various members of the weave dream each other’s lives, though mostly with regards to using their powers. This does create a certain degree of intimacy that gives all members of the weave a sense of kinship, or soul connection with one another, hence the term ‘’soulweave’. Generally the connection effects the members of the weave making them feel a since of intimate friendship, but other positive relational connections are possible. This kinship extends to the noetic, weaving the noetic patterns of all members of the ‘weave’ together, so that every member of the weave always has a sensory connection with each other’s, as though they were always touching, no matter the distance. This has several effects, as indicated below. First: Members of the weave may choose to share their senses with one another, willingly sharing senses at any point. This also allows them to detect entities, such as the Doyen, attempting to possess a member of the weave and allows them to collectively react to it. Psionic attunement and other psionic senses gained from aptitude’s count here. This means a teleporter can always teleport to a member of their weave, a telepath can always create a network, a clear can always ‘see’ them if they try, and the various ‘kinetics’ can always reach out to protect or assist a member of their weave. Second: Any member of the weave can reach out to combine powers with other weave members as per the Combining Psionic Aptitude’s (Aeon page 208). They can also uses powers though each other, though outside of one’s attunement range this can produce greater difficulty. Third: The noetic development of each member of the weave strengthens the noetic development of the other members of the weave. When they develop 4 or more dots in modes of their primary Aptitude, others members of the weave can develop their own auxiliary modes within that Aptitude one dot higher. Should they develop 7 dots in a mode, that increases by one more, to a maximum of 4 dots for a proxy tier psion. Mixing the various modes together for unique applications of an Aptitude is only possible with one’s primary aptitude, though you can always combine you powers with another member of the weave, to use your powers together for unique combined applications that would otherwise be impossible Psionic dysfunction will create dissonance that disrupts this effect, though if you have already developed auxiliary mode it will not disrupt it to the level you’ve developed, just prevent further development Adding new members to the weave only requires that one member of the weave be present in chamber with the new members, though it still has a limitation of threes, so it takes two members of the weave to add one psion to the weave, and one member too add two. Why there is a limit of threes is not entirely known at this point. NOTE: More biotech will be added as I feel necessary. Having gone though the weave process in the last week is where the game will start
  9. An exclusive bio-archeology in Sudamerica, run by Trinity, and open to members of the various orders only by invitation, it is devoted to relaxation, rest, and restoration to members of the various orders, as well as physical and mental wellbeing. It contains a number of rooms, including bars, indoor swimming pools with jacuzzi’s, massage parlors, gardens, art studios and quite a few other amenities. Invitations come to those who are significantly overworked and stressed due to the tensions of their service in the orders or their experiences, guided by the clairsentient (Julian Silva) who runs the place with the aid of his telepathic wife (Maria Silva) who is also the psychologist on staff. Tradition has the guests pay not in money, since the archeology is independently funded and all but completely self-sufficient, but by the stories and experiences they are willing to share, independently or collectively. Private psychology sessions are not recorded or shared but the more publicly told stories told are. OOC: Ok, this is for folks who want to further flesh out their backstories and connections between your characters, or with some of your connections, or just tell stories about your character’s past, this is sort of an open area for you to put your stories together. Guidelines: If you have a fairly long interaction with another PC or PC’s, work it out in chat and one (or both, or more) of you put the entire story together rather then a dozen posts back and forth here. If you want to run something with one of your major contacts, get with me on timing and I will give you feedback (or even potentially run them) but its on you to put the story together for this thread. Yes, posts should be in character, and you might get some XP for them, especially if the story is a good one. Also, yes, that means your character should already be cleared and posted in the Character thread. Timeline wise, this is in the past, your free to do what you like with your characters, but get permission before including any other player characters. I have no problem with mature or erotic scenes, if they are part of your story, but explicit details should be contained in spoilers marked as such. If your wondering about the list of guidelines here, its because I don’t intend to police or guide this thread or even make any posts here beyond this one, unless I absolutely have too, the responsibility here is in your hands, players.
  10. AMBERIS SYSTEM *********** Not for the first time Ayria found herself wishing her parents were still alive, her father had a better handle on the politics within the kingdom and her mother had a talent for investigation, she was certain they would have been able to track down those behind the assassination attempts by now. Personally, she suspected either someone within her dukedom or the galactic empire, or some measure of both, but she had yet to pin down who or even why. Very few even of her own people were aware of her training with the holocron, her capabilities with the force were one of her best kept secrets, and part of the reason she’d survived multiple assassination attempts, she listened when the Force gave her a hint that things were wrong. “This is Ranger One, status check.” She called out on the comm system, and she kept a close eye on the fighter escorts, she considered the possibility of an attempt here, it was after all, potentially dangerous, and had gotten her parents so many years ago. As she asked for the status check, she also checked her own scanners, in particular checking for anything that could make this situation more of a problem then it would would be otherwise.
  11. Name: Duchess Ayria Rosalyne Isolde Zela a Rhuvel Template: Young Jedi (+2 Attribute Points) Skills & Attributes Dexterity: 4D6 Blaster, Dodge, Melee Combat, Melee Parry, Running, Vehicle blasters Lightsaber + 2D6 = 6D6 Perception: 4D6 Bargain, Command, Hide, Investigation, Persuasion, Search, Sneak Command + 1D6 = 5D6 Knowledge: 3D6 Alien Species, Languages, Planetary systems, Survival Scholar (Jedi Philosophy) +1D6 = 4D6 Willpower + 2D6 = 5D6 Strength: 2D6 Brawling, Climbing/jumping, Stamina, Swiming Mechanical: 2D6 Astrogation, Beast riding, Repulsorlift operation, Space transports, Starship shields Technical: 2D6 Blaster repair, Droid repair, Repulsorlift repair, Security Lightsaber Repair/Engineering +1D6 = 3D6 Force Skills/Abilities Force Points: 2 Control 3D6 (7) Sense 3D6 (7) Alter 2D6 (4) Force Powers Control Powers - Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Healing, Concentration, Detoxify Poison, Force of Will, Sense Powers - Danger Sense, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses Alter Powers - Force Push, Telekinesis Control & Sense Powers - Lightsaber Combat (2) Sense & Alter Powers: Lesser Force Shield (2) Control, Sense & Alter Powers: Affect Mind (3) Advantages/Disadvantages Noble Birth [-1D6] Targeted for Assassination [+3D6] Total Skill Dice: 12D6 History Born to the noble house of Rhuvel, from a young age she loved the stories of heros, and some of the oldest such stories revolved around jedi knights. Ironic, then, when she was 13, she found and somehow awakened a holocron deep inside of a cave on her families estate on her birth world, and began to follow the instructions and to learn from the holocron over the next 8 years or so. Using the holocron, it began with the the basic teachings of the jedi philosophy before teaching her much about the force, though, of course, part of jedi philosphy is about the force. Her training began with mental philosophy before anything else, but shes quite strong in the force and developed considerable ability which was fortunate, because she would not have survived the multiple assassination attempts over the years without her ability in the force. While she developed her skill in the force, she also had some training regarding her standing within her home star system, leadership and command specifically. She also is trained in certain aspects of leadership and diplomacy. Her weapon is a ceremonial blade that she carries as part of her noble rank, it has been passed down in her family over centuries, and is considered as much a mark of her rank as her house seal. It is well cared for, and though few are actually aware of it, sinces it's not be uses as such for a century, it's fully functional as a lightsaber, as she's secretly made repairs to it in order to make it more functional then it was before. Personality Elegant, refined, patient, strong-willed and stubborn are all descriptions that fit her, and she's very polite to people until given reason not to be. She treats young children and animals with considerable kindness, but is also a very careful about trusting people, too many assassination's attempts have made her careful about that, giving the impression she's a bit aloof to those who don't know her. Manner & Bearing Besides her appearance as indicated in the picture, she carries herself with a certain grace and determination, having a bit of a commanding presence about her, due in part to both training and rank. Notable Equipment Lightsaber (Ceremonial, see above) Blaster Pistol Holocron Several changes of clothing
  12. Psionic Numbers Roughly 160,000 Psions, and each Order has roughly 85 to 90% of them as the aptitude that their prometheus chamber offers, but the orders do on occasion swap aptitudes between one another. It should be noted, regardless of the number of psions in an order, there are several times that number of regular humans (or Talents, though many talents don't recognize that they are such). The numbers below replace the numbers on page 133 and represent aggressive recruiting of latent psions over the last few years. It is presently believed that there are more then 200,000 latents (This does not count the 160,000 already activated to their Aptitude). Of these, not more then 10% of the latents have a strong enough latency to be teleporters or quantakinetics, and many of them will never meet the requirements that both Proxies expect of those they agree to put though their Prometheus chambers. Part of the reason some orders have such high or low numbers depends on how selective they are about the one's they are willing to accept into their order. There are about 2.5 to 3 million Potential latents are weaker then regular latents, as in individuals who do not initially test as latent, but after some time and exposure to noetic energies and biotech somehow awakens latency. These individuals have no ability to hold noetic energy (Psi), but if they gain a biotech device that stores psi, can develop psionic abilities, which is how the first of them were discovered, non of these have enough latency for teleportation or quantakinesis, but they can awaken to any other aptitude, though they often have to work harder to develop strongly then a normal latent, and it appears they can't reach proxy tiers (though this might not be true, perhaps it will just take them longer, no one knows [ST Note: They can't]). Going though the Prometheus chamber awakens them to being full psions, and apparently fixes the problem of their inability to store psi. Children of a Psion who has been fully activated to their aptitude automatically have latency. Quantakinesis is humanity's birthright, no other race will ever possess ability in that aptitude, even as a auxiliary aptitude, furthermore, it is because of that that humans can reach Psi 7 and gain level 7 powers in their aptitude. Not even the Doyen have access to level 7 powers in and of themselves. Proxy Tier: It takes talent, drive, experience and will to reach the proxy tier, many psions never will reach that point, even if they have the potential. Somewhere between 1% to 5% of an order's psions presently have reached that strength and drive to have reached proxy tier at this time, and the majority of those have been psions for years, most of them more then a decade. Æsculapian Order (Vitakinetic): Roughly 30,000 psions The Order’s Home base is in Switzerland, which is also where their Prometheus chamber is. The medical psionic order has quite a few non-psions, who serve in other ways, biological research and medical responders, after all, even with their high numbers, there are still billions of people spread out across light years, and one can be a doctor without being a vitakinetic. While the majority of the order are vitakinetics, about 90%, they have a number of electrokinetics with medical training who assist with regards to cybernetics and biotech implants, as well as telepaths who are trained psychologists, they also have a few biokinetics who help with regards to biological alterations, these are the major aptitude’s within the order after vitakinesis. Proxy tier psions among the order run to almost 700, it would be higher but many of them are to busy healing to further develop the strength of their powers beyond the norm, since that is enough to help people. Chitra Bhanu (Quantakinetic): Roughly 800 psions The order has reformed their HQ in India, but their secondary HQ and location of their Prometheus chamber is hidden and only known to their Covert division, they were more trusting before, never again will they be so. The smallest order, both in terms of aptitude and rarity, their number before the destruction of their order was barely over a hundred, but this was because the aptitude requires very high latency, their Proxy was very choosy, and Doyen interference to keep their numbers down. The number of quantakinetics who survived both because of their proxy’s actions or because they weren’t there and went into hiding was barely 25, and from those are the majority of the Order’s proxy tier psions. Of the order’s psions, only 600, about 75% are quantakinetics, but that is more then 6 times the number of quantakinetics who existed before their destruction so many years ago, this is part do to their Proxy not being possessed by a Doyen and more willing to make some trades and take in a few non-quantakinetics who manage it impress her with their skill and intelligence. While the majority of the order is still focused on Research, though more hands on and field research then lab research, it now has 3 additional divisions. The Medical division works closely with the Æsculapian order with regards to flux diseases, both with regards to healing individuals and healing flux zones, theirs was the recent project that restored France. The Covert division works with Norca and Trinity, the order was caught out due to events that nearly destroyed them completely so many years ago, Norca and Trinity were the two orders who assisted them in the dark years and the two who they trust much more than the other orders. The Combat division works closely with the Legion, without being fully inducted into those orders. The Legion grants them either the status of civilian experts or in rare cases of the more combat capable, honorary rank.within the legions. Due to how badly they misjudged the situation with the Chita Bhanu in their destruction, the other Orders are more willing to accept such circumstances then they might be otherwise. Proxy tier within the order is actually less then 1%, roughly 40 members of the order has reached that level of capability counting their actual Proxy, and not all of them are quantakinetics, the Proxy’s oldest and closest friend is a telepath who was part of the order before it’s destruction and achieved proxy tier. Mostly it is the oldest members of the order who are at this level of capability, which makes proxy tier quantakinetics exceptionally rare and precious in the eyes of many. IRSA [The Interplanetary School of Research and Advancement] (Clairsentience) Roughly 9000 psions The clairsentient order’s HQ and Prometheus chamber is a private location on Luna. The order is the second strongest in terms of drive to explore and colonize the stars, they were closely connected with Upeo before their disappearance and heavily involved in the Leviathan project, which makes use of clairsentience to jump a entire ship. While a teleporter’s ability is far superior, and they can operate jumpdrive based ships as well as a clear, it has opened up considerable additional options for humanity to travel the stars. While IRSA has a drive to push to the stars, that is but a small subset of the order as a whole, they also as much of a spiritual organization as they are an order, their Proxy encourages them to seek self-discovery and following their own vision, and there are no required beliefs to be part of the order. While only about 60% are clairsentients, just about all of those who are not have clairsentient auxiliary modes. And the order is much larger then their number of psions might suggest, since more then a quarter of a million neutrals are also part of the order. Proxy Tiers within the IRSA are a closer to 400 of the most focused and capable, many are 'clear's of course, but good number are of other aptitudes. The Legions (Psychokinetic): Roughly 54,000 psions The headquarters and Prometheus chamber of the Legions is found in Australia, though the exact location is kept secret, though the legion command centers are connected by jump rings, it's almost certain one can reach the chamber though them, if you know where your going. The largest order, in terms of number of psions, but also in terms of manpower they have a charter with the United Nations that gives them considerable leeway within their charter, but little outside of it. In essence, if it involves threats to humanity (alien, abberant, flux zones, monsters created by abberants, rogue psions, etc.) they have considerable leyway, but with little to no authority over how a nation governs its people and itself. Despite the huge number of psions within the order, the number of psion deaths within the order are higher in some ways then total number of psions in the majority of other orders, they are the tip of the spear. A military order, they have rank and discipline. That said, their number of non-psions and dependents cause their numbers to run well over a million, split into seven separate legions, though in the long run, perhaps the Seventh is most important to humanities future, since it focuses on extra-solar threats. The majority of the order are psychokinetics as one might expect, but they have a high number of other aptitudes, though the majority of other types are these more oriented in ability to affect the physical word, of the other aptitudes, electrokinetics are most common, but all aptitudes except for teleportation and quantakinesis can be found within their ranks at decent numbers. Their huge numbers means that they have a high number of proxy tiers as well, though even there, the high stress and turnover does have some effect, the majority of psychokinetics who push to this point had a single mode within the aptitude they focus on, with a secondary one they keep just strong enough to keep from falling into psionic dysfunction. Furthermore, a good number of them have died in combat, although roughly 2700 have reached this point, only about 1800 are alive, the others died in humanities service, of them about 1200 are pyschokinetics. The Ministry of Noetic Affairs (Telepathy): Roughly 9000 psions The headquarters of the Ministry are within China, but the location of their Prometheus chamber is a guarded secret, the kind of secret only telepaths capable of wiping your memories can keep. The Ministry is the only order that is directly part of a government, in particular, the Chinese government. That said, they are as devoted to humanities advancement as the other orders, they are both a part of the Chinese government and an independent force of their own. While the majority of the Ministry are telepaths, it's a simple majority, the order trades a lot with other orders and with trinity, the eyes of heaven, one of their unofficial sub-divisions has no telepaths, but 20% of them are other aptitudes and 15% are talents. Proxy Tier telepaths within the order are about 300, though another 100 are other aptitudes. Norca (Biokinesis): Roughly 4500 psions The headquarters of Norca is in Sudamerica, particularly Brazil, but their Prometheus chamber is in a guarded and hidden location. The number of psions within the order is low because their proxy is extremely careful about who he invites into the order, and because he has a preference for quality over quantity, in some ways they are the opposite of the Legions, who go for quantity. Even the neutrals who are part of the order tend to be exceptional (and are often Talents) due to this particular trend. This trend toward quality over quantity means that they have about 315 who have reached proxy teir, a higher percentage of their order then most of the other others. Orgotech (Electrokinesis): Roughly 27,000 psions Headquarters with the FSA, the location of their Prometheus chamber is unknown, they keep it secret like many of the orders do. As much a corporation as a psionic order, if an unusually altruistic one, much of the biotech in the world is developed and produced by them, though they struggle somewhat with FSA regulations. Orgotek is the world icon for biotechnology, which humanity embraced over hardtech due to bad associations revolving around Abberant actions. They do have different divisions devoted to various cooperate concerns, but also are still an order with actions focused on humanity's good as a whole. Roughly 1200 members of the order are at the Proxy tier at this point, which is pretty high, of them about 800 are electrokinetics. Upeo wa Macho (Teleportation): Roughly 1400 psions The headquarters and location of their Prometheus chamber is on Ruan's World, which they now completely control, in essence, they can be considered an order, a extra-solar colony and a government of their own, if a fairly loose one. The low numbers of teleporters is both because one must possess strong latency as teleporter, much like the quantakinetics, but also because their Proxy looks for particular qualities in those she is willing to awaken to the Aptitude. Though due to the fact they still take in those with less latency but commitment to their mission, not even the majority of them are teleporters, even though they have more teleporters in the order then all the other orders combined, about 500 are teleporters, with 700 psions of other aptitudes, though they have a slight preference for clairsentients with the order, and just about everyone develops teleportation auxiliary modes. Proxy Tier teleporters is fairly low, but about 50 of the 80 proxy tier psions within order are teleporters, the rest are of other aptitudes Trinity (none): Roughly 10,000 psions Trinity has a huge number of psions within their order, despite not having a Prometheus chamber of their own, but they offer something else, unity across the orders. It is often their work that gets the orders to work together. They are also larger then the majority of the orders, since their organization has existed for almost 200 years, though they have reformed several times over those years. About 500 are Freelance Psions: Roughly 12,000 psions Many freelance psions are distant from their orders, but not quite fully estranged, others are out for their own thing, or work for other organizations, governments, corporations, etc. Some even work for groups like Disney or Apple or the like. Proxy Tier Psions within the various Freelance Psions are rarer then the orders, since reaching that level of capability definitely gains attention, but they are also more scattered without a order to draw upon, and often the orders make offers to those who reach that stage to bring them 'under their wing' so to speak. Psiads (Mostly in hiding, but some are active members of Trinity): 2500 With the aftermath of the 2nd abberant war, roughly 10% of the psiads are known as such to the orders, of those 250, all are quite powerful, and about 50 are actually proxy tier Psiads who are also members of Trinity. NOTE: In the height of the nova age, there were not more then a few thousand novas, the number of psions is way beyond that, and their impact on society may not be as dramatic, it is much broader. Altered Quotes regarding the Chitra Bhanu Æsculapian: We were wrong about them, let us be more careful in the future. IRSA: 'The Truth will set you free' has proved to be even more apt with regards them Legions: We were tricked into believing to they joined the enemy, let us never forget who is the true enemy The Ministry: We thought they were traitors, instead they were the betrayed. Norca: (No change) Ogrotech: When you find that you are completely wrong about someone, it's time to reevaluate how and why you came to the conclusions you did. Upeo: We understand both their disappearance and return, did we not do the same? Trinity: The secrets they uncovered find us at war for the future of humanity NOTE: I intend to add more to this thread but here's a bit of basic data for folks.
  13. Ship Name: Sekhmet As the one of the first phantom class ships, but also meant to carry battle to the doyen, abberants and other enemies of humanity and their allies, she is named for the Egyptian goddess, Sekhmet the lioness, goddess of conquest, destruction, divine vengeance, healing, the sun, plagues & war, Orgotek Scarab Battle Frigate: This unique biotech frigate is both smaller and more maneuverable than hardtech frigates. The 80m long Scarab is even capable of landing on a planet, and bears enough firepower to hold its own in the shipping lanes. It has accommodations for 16 and carries two Locust hybrid fighters for support. Formatting the entire vessel isn’t normally possible. Instead, psions must format the piloting and weapons systems separately. Each formatted function offers 1 Enhancement to related actions Phantom Class: A joint project between Ogrotech and Chintra Bhano for a more covert ship, the phantom class it possesses a special bioamp skin that allows a Quantakinetic to cloak the whole ship from psionic detection, or even use Null to render it completely undetectable, and teleportation helm to allow a teleporter to teleport the ship to be teleported. The Phantom class is a joint work between Ogrotech and Chitra Bhano for a more covert ship, there is presently a work to create a Leviathon ship with similiar capabilities, but that project is still in the works. The Phantom Battle Frigate class also increases it's size by about 300%, to 225 meters (738.189 feet) allowing them to added more systems and capabilities, it is still lighter then ships of it's class and capable of landing on a planet with ease. Cloaking System: technically, anyone with a quantakinetic mode dot can make use of it's most basic function, which is a ship version of Psi Cloak, but only a quantakinetic with the Enhanced Psi Cloak edge can make it do what this system was designed to. Without enhanced Psi Cloak, you can cloak the ship from psi detection, but no one on the ship can use Psionic abilities or it breaks the cloak. A quantakinetic with Enhanced Psi Cloak, however, can cloak all uses of psionic abilities within the ship, and can use the Energetics mode Null power to make the ship completely vanish from all sensors and detection, including clairvoyance. As part of the ship's systems, it has a tolerance rating of 3, just like every other system on the ship. Teleportation Helm: Built into the ship, it allows a teleporter to teleport the entire ship at no additional cost beyond transmit person. Meaning no requiring a high number of successes or the 8 psi teleporting a ship this size would normally require. As part of the ships systems and bound to the piloting systems, it has a tolerance rating of 3, but is included in formatting the piloting system, so there is no increase in the tolerance requirement for the ship. Appearance: While it roughly appears in the shape of a scarab beetle, as a biotech vehicle, it is grown rather then built, and has more in common with a tree then an insect. The interior of the ship contains the bridge, accommodations for 16, though it can work with just six if necessary. Size: 5 Handing: 0 (if not formatted) + (if formatted) Formatting Tolerance: 3 Speed: 6/[5] This is fast enough to get from earth to the Luna (the moon) in 4 hours, and from Earth to Mars in 4 days, about a week to make it to Ceres (the asteroid belt) and about 12 days to make it Jupiter. Going the other way, about 3 days to Venus, and about 5 to Mercury, and about 10 days if you for some stupid reason wanted to dive into Sol (our Sun). That's for space travel (and accounts for the [5]) The 6 is it's speed in the atmosphere, which means among the fastest, supersonic if you will. Tags: Armor (2) - provides 2 levels of composite armor for the vehicle, both soft and hard Cargo (3) - In essence, cargo room, can be used for passengers, bricks, smaller vehicles, etc. Computer (0) - vehicle comes equipped with a standard suite of onboard computers, including navigation systems, GPS, an OpNet connection, sensors, and similar equipment. These sensors include the equivalent of improved binoculars, as well as whatever other sensors they may require for their normal operation. Vehicles with this tag are capable of driving themselves under normal conditions, with a dice pool of four, modified by the Handling tag. Crew (-2) - This means you need at least a crew of 6 in order for this ship to be fully functional. Hybrid (2) - The ship's computer also includes Flight and Astrogation systems, allowing it to operate both in space and in an atmosphere. Massive (3) - This increases a vehicles size and adds an additional condition box in terms of how much damage it can take. Military (1) - This ship was designed for military operations, it's difficult for those without military/combat related paths to operate NOTE: As far as I'm concerned, this means no player character, regardless of path, every Psion at your level has enough basic instruction to have no problem with this. It does mean, anyone trying to take over your ship without that training is going to have a hard time. Psi (-1) - Any vehicle with this tag can be formatted. Unless otherwise specified, formatting a biotech vehicle provides 1 Enhancement to handling. Vehicles with a Size of 4 or higher are too large for one individual to format, and instead require individuals to format different systems, like controls, weapons, and engines. A different person must format each system. Formatting bioware unlocks its full potential, though this is not without risk. If the formatted vehicle is Taken Out, the character automatically suffers both an Injury Condition and a level 2 Complication (Shaken), as though struck by a Stun weapon. Thrusters (2) - This increases the vehicles space speed, which is part of why this ship is so fast Weapons Plasma Cannon Range: Short EN: 5 Damage Type: In Laser Carbine x 2 Range: Long EN: 2 (if formatted +1) Damage Type: Ballistic Tags: Beam, Quality 2, Ranged, Tactical Sight Coilgun Range: Short EN: 5 (if formatted +1) Type: Ballistic Tags: Automatic 2, Brutal, Heavy Weapon, Piercing, Ranged, Restricted, Tactical Sight, NOTES: All weapons are adjusted to scale, which for this ship, due to high tech, capabilities, ectara, is a scale of 5, is is pretty much deadly to anything it fires upon, outside of high tech battleships, which are a size 5, but are a touch slower and less maneuverable, its one of the deadliest starships out there. The Coilgun & Plasma Cannon are spinal mounts, facing forward, but the laser carbines are a fully rotating guns, linked to the weapons station on the Bridge, with has VR link for the gunner. Inside Bridge: Ship controls, includes stations for piloting, navigation, weapons and sensors. Armory: Contains a number of weapons, both personal and stock. Lockers contain the personal weapons, a number of weapons are mounted on the walls. Engine Room: Contains the ship's power and internal gravity systems. Medical Bay: The medical bay contains a pair of regeneration simulators, separate from the ships systems. Regeneration Simulators: The Æsculapians have revolutionized emergency medicine, but the number of vitakinetics who have mastered Iatrosis remains much lower than the number of trauma centers across human space. The recently released regeneration stimulator attempts to close this gap. This bioapp resembles a deep hot tub (early models were more space-efficient but looked too much like coffins) filled with translucent green sterile gel. When medical personnel immerse a patient in the gel, the regeneration stimulator enables a psion with at least Iatrosis •, even if only as an Auxiliary Mode, to use Iatrosis •••• (Restore Template; Trinity Continuum: Æon, p. 262) on that subject, with no increase in Difficulty. However, this bioapp only works on recent injuries — those incurred within a number of hours equal to the patient’s dots in Stamina. Formatting Tolerance: 2 Research Lab: A laboratory devoted to quick study, includes scanning systems and a high powered computer research station. Living Quarters: Barracks style, space is premium on a starship, so bunks, showers, a fractal kitchen(page 152 of Terra Firma), etc. The Command Crew has separate quarters, small size rooms with just enough room for a desk, a shelf and a bed. Ship Bay: For all six locust hybrids also assigned to the ship, they are also very fast, think starwars fighters for a grip on size and capabilities. Cargo Bay: Can be configured for up to 40 passengers, or up to 20 vehicles of size 2, it is presently devoted to several bioVARG's, and drones.. Crew: The ship can be run by as little as half a dozen (6) individuals, it has room however, for a crew complement of up to 70, not counting the command crew NOTE: I will be adding more to this if necessary, as this is a completely unique ship.
  14. Template Pictures Name: Order (Allegiance): Description: This includes such things as demeanor, how one dresses or moves, etc. It should also include such things as using biokinetic modes to often make changes, or if one has high levels of biokinesis, your preferred appearance(s). Temperament/Personality: Some basic personality description for yourself and others. Psionic Aptitude: Psionic Capabilities/Talents: Beyond your aptitude, this is how deeply one is invested in modes, how capable one is in them, as as capabilities gained from auxiliary modes. Use words, not dots here. History: Stuff anyone can find out about your character looking it up. Background as who you are and why you are the way you are. Private History: Stuff only your order, your family, your friends or a clairsentient investigator might know/discover
  15. 2020-2050 - Nova Era, some extrasolar colonies are created, but records of where are lost. 2050-2067 - the 1st Abberant War era, ends with the China Ultimatum. Many nova age technologies are banned or heavily restricted. 2067-2075 - The Crash, Urban Schism begins 2075-2086 - Computer enhancements and other mind-computer enhancements become increasingly common. 2086 - The Shanghai Accords passed (ignored in Nippon). Public opinion turns against cyberware and hardtech in general 2090-2103 - Mt. Kenya Space Elevator completed, space travel becomes cheaper and more common 2104 - Most small corrupted zones vanish and many of the larger ones shrink 2105 - Aberrants attack asteroid mining colony 2106 - Abberants attack Sydney Australia, a force of 500 Psions defeat them and the Psion orders go public 2108 - First Contact with the alien Qin 2109 - Qin establish embassy on Luna 2111 - The other orders declare Chitra Bhanu corrupted by Abberants. Many quantakinetics killed in ensuing battle. Dr. S. K. Bhurano and closest associates seemingly destroy themselves in mysterious explosion. NOTE: Today, humans know this was a Doyen (alien) plot to discredit and destroy the quantakinetic order and that the mysterious explosion was created by Dr. Bhurano to hide them from everyone. A handful of quantakinetics escaped the purge either by not being there, or using similar methods to hide themselves. The quantakinetic prometheus chamber was dismantled, but Bhurano manageds to put it back together within 7 years with the help of the Norca proxy. A number of higher ups in all orders become extremely supicous about what really happened here. The truth will not be known for years. 2115 - First contact with the alien Chromatics as they attack Karoo Station Upeo makes contact with the human-nova colony of Eden. Tension between Upeo and other orders increase during some of the discussion around this event. 2116 - Upeo wa Macha mysteriously vanish, cutting off humanity from the stars. 2118 - Oceana becomes an independent nation recognized by the UN 2119 - Abberant attack on jumpship prototype puts the jumpship project back years 2120 - Esperanza space station crashes near Paris, devesting France and creating a new blight area in much of France 2121 - Telepathic messages from Khantze Lu Ge colony around Alpha Centauri report Abberants have attacked and overrun half the planet 2122 - First Leviathon jumpships completed, humanity returns to the stars First contact with Coalition Ark ends with damaged jumpship fleeing Chromatics attack earth, discovering to be using captured teleporters to transport ships Upeo returns from the stars. 2123 - Cannon Game beginning (but not for this game) 2125 - Invasion of Chrome Prime To rescue teleporters and fight back against Chromatic attacks. Significant further discoveries regarding the Chromatics and their culture discovered. Abberant attacks on Chromatics in the past discovered, explaining a good deal of their antagonism toward humanity Doyen influence found behind further Chromatic antagonism. Over the next few years, diplomatic contact with some Chromatic groups ease tensions, but some clans remain antagonistic. War is no longer hot, but conflict could still easily break out. 2126 - Coalition Ark is teleported to Mars orbit by Abberants in a huge quantum surge sensed by every Psion in the solar system. Battle ensues, Ark is destroyed and some of it crashes into mars, about 3000 aliens rescued by psions managed to escape the destruction. This is around the end of the year. 2126 - 2127 - 2nd Abberant War begins within a week after the ark is destroyed, war lasts for a month moving into the next year. Many Abberants attack, including ones hiding on earth. Clairsentient warnings are just barely enough to allow some of the orders prepare. Otha Herzog the clairsentient proxy is able to see this happening and gives warning before it begins, granting some preparation time. Teleporters with Clairsentient guidance are just barely able to keep up with the Aberrant using warp to rapidly transit to attack at different locations in the solar system, but the war is looking bad until more then 50 quantakinetics join the battle, as the Chitra Bhanu return. During the conflict, almost a dozen Doyen are seeking to make it worse, attempting to cause humanity as much damage as possible and make them ripe for Doyen conquest. The combined effort of thousands of psions, Talents, and Nihonjin Superiors, with help from novas from Eden and the quantakinetics allow humanity to defeat the Aberrants and also to detect, and on three occasions destroy, Doyen possessing humans. This victory comes at a very high cost. Almost a quarter of the habitats orbiting Earth are destroyed and more than 25 million people are killed, mostly in Chicago and Olympus. This is also a time of loss for the psi orders, since both General Solveig Larssen and Dr. Matthew Zweidler died during the attack. General Larssen died leading the Fourth Legion into the heart of Olympus, while Dr. Zweidler died trying to save lives in the ruins of Chicago. The Æon Trinity also suffered heavy losses. Aberrants destroyed the Æon Trinity’s famous headquarters, known as The Cube, during their attack on Chicago. Several thousand Æon Trinity personnel were killed when this building collapsed. However, humanity also learned more about the Doyen, and after the battle ended, Chitra Bhanu is welcomed back as one of the eight psi orders. 2127 - 2128 - Much of this year is spent simply repairing damage done, but with some discussion, the orders push hard to increase the number of active psions, as Doyen influence is discovered in attacks against a number of human interstellar exploration teams. Dr. Magalie Alcine has stepped up as the next vitakinetic proxy, having been Dr. Zweidler's protégé and the one he relied on to lead the order when he was busy with a research project. Somewhat more flexible in a spiritual sense then her mentor, however, the order hasn't changed much under her leadership General Morgan Taylor has stepped into General Lassen's shoes, as the next psychokinetic proxy, promoted from the 4th legion, he's pretty much pursued the same goals as she did, with only a few minor shifts that no one has any problem with. 2129 - The Chitra Bhanu order remove the la Blessure blight zone, using high level quantakinetics to deal with quantum flux, radiation and other damage. Other orders assist as they can, but it demostrates just how effective and useful the order can be, as the Dr. S. K. Bhurano reforms the order into it's new shape. 2130 - With help from certain super intelligence novas of Eden, the Subquantum Weave is developed, the player characters are among the earliest part of the Weave project. - Game Starts
  16. For out of character statements and questions that you want to last longer then they would in the chatrooms, at least without scrolling back.
  17. so, presently, looks like about 6 players. Nina: Quantakinetic scientist SalmonMax: Teleporter pilot Asarasa: Biokinetic covert operative (retired) Shameless: Psychokinetic warrior, bioVARG pilot, legionnaire Veral: Electrokinetic Drone Master Kaoleth has indicated some interest, not sure what he wants to play yet. UPDATES: I'd prefer characters not to overlap on their Aptitude, since there are eight aptitudes, it should only happen if we have more then eight players, which I don't expect to happen.
  18. Since I've had enough indications of interest in the chat rooms, and I'm willing to pick up a game again. It will be the end of August to the beginning of September likely before I'm ready to start, but plenty of time for folks to consider characters if they are interested. Here's the setting and concept. Setting (Trinity Aeon) The year is 2130 (7 years later than the main setting), the quantakinetic order is back and respected again, the Doyen are known enemies of humanity, the proxies of the Legions and the Æsculapian are the prodigies of the of the previous prodigies, as General Lassen and Dr. Zweidler were killed in what is now called the 2nd abberant war about 3 to 4 years back. Additionally, the number of potential latents is higher, and at this point, the number of active psions is increased by about 80%, though teleporters and quantakinetic numbers remain much lower (roughly 1600 and 800 total respectively) Total number of active Psions: 160,000 aproximately Unidentified Latents: Present indications suggest that there are way more latents then originally thought, as a few were discovered with what is now called 'potential latency'. As in individuals who do not intially test as latent, but after some time and exposure to noetic energies and biotech somehow awakenes latency. These individuals have no ability to hold noetic energy (Psi), but if they gain a biotech device that stores psi, can develop psionic abilities, which is how the first of them were discovered, non of these have enough latency for teleportation or quantakinesis, but they can awaken to any other aptitude, though they often have to work harder to develop strongly then a normal latent, and it appears they can't reach proxy tiers (though this might not be true, perhaps it will just take them longer). Going though the Prometheus chamber awakens them to being full psions, and apparently fixes the problem of their inability to store psi. Presently, it's believed that there roughly 2.5 to 3 million potential latents, and about a 200,000 undetected regular latents. Trinity Psion Game - A Subquantum Weave Year: 2130, January History - Last 7 years Invasion of Chrome Prime (War with Chromatics end, though some problems remain) (+1.5 Years) The Coalition Ark Invasion and Destruction: Ruins of the Ark remain on Mars and in parts of the asteroid belt, about 3000 aliens who escaped the destruction now live among humanty (+3 Years) The 2nd Abberant War (+4 years) Proxies General Solveig Larssen and Dr. Matthew Zweidler both die heroically in the conflict. Dr. S.K. Bhurano, Proxy of the Chirta Bhanu returns with her order (turns out, reports of her death were greatly exaggerated). Trinity and other Psion Orders take control over their faction Prometheus chambers in the aftermath. The shear amount of Flux involved in this mess prevented any of the clairsentient's from seeing past this point with regards to Humanities home star system's future. Aftermath: The return/redemption of the Chitra Bhanu, humanity (and their allies) now know much more the Doyen and their manipulations, especially from the Chitra Bhanu (since she learned a great deal about them while possessed by one) , and know this will lead to further problems A tentative alliance with the leaders of Eden with regards to dealing with the doyen, but due to them being Abberants (Novas), most still preferring to keep some distance between them and the rest of humanity. At this point, consulting with the hyper intelligence nova's on research project and on occation assistance in terms of extra-solar colonies is causiously pursued. (+5 years) Close to a 25% of the orbitals around earth were destroyed during the latest war, and a dozen leaders were possessed by doyen, some of whom were killed in the conflict. Plus 25 million humans died, so it was one of the most devastating periods of combat, it has taken the last 3 years to even begin to recover. However, the quantakinetics have proven to be able to deal with Flux zones and diseases, so in time some worst damage of both Aberrant Wars may be undone. The War with the Doyen has begun, though it's only in the early stages there have been some problems on extra solar colonies, besides the ones that already exist. New Proxies Dr. Magalie Alcine has stepped up as the next vitakinetic proxy, having been Dr. Zweidler's protégé and the one he relied on to lead the order when he was busy with a research project. Somewhat more flexible in a spiritual sense then her mentor, however, the order hasn't changed much under her leadership General Morgan Taylor has stepped into General Lassen's shoes, as the next psychokinetic proxy, promoted from the 4th legion, he's pretty much pursued the same goals as she did, with only a few minor shifts that no one has any problem with. NOTES regarding the Quantakinetic Order: Dr. Bhurano was being somewhat restrained at adding more Quantakinetics during the period of being possessed by a Doyen, in part because of the Doyen restraining her. Since she hates the Doyen and knows they fear Quantakinesis, she's more willing to create more then she was previously, and the order now has several subdivisions, but she also has a long memory, and trusts few outside of her order, she'll work with them, but those she trusts are few and far between, which is also why the Order's Prometheus chamber location is completely secret and remains so. The number of Quantakinetics outside the order are few, but there are some, not more then 10% however, and more of those are Norca than another other, since she trusts the Biokinetic Proxy much more than any of the others. Presently, the order has 4 divisions, a research division (which remains the largest), a covert division, an medical division and a combat focused division. The Team Your team of psions is the member of a troubleshooting team that is was formed to deal with problems wherever humanity has traveled too. Due to your exceptional talents you were asked to be part of what is being called the Soulweave project (See Noetic Synergy Weave below) and to become part of a permanent team. Gear: The following is available to everyone on your team without cost, you can start with them for free, keep track of tolerance though, it still matters. Some of you may want most of it, or only one or two things, or things not on this list. Bio Enviromental Suit (BES) Biofilter (From Distant Worlds, page 119) Electrolaser Gauntlet (you may if you wish, purchase other weapons or trade this for a different gauntlet of your preference) Biocomp Space Maneuver Pack (SMP) Medical Symbiot Vision Enhancement Orgotech Noetic Link (Distant Worlds pg 120) Wrist Tools (Distant Worlds pg 127) Special Equipment Your team has been assigned a Orgotek Scarab Strike Frigate (Phantom Class) with also includes 2 locust hybrids, and a special bioamp skin that allows a Quantakinetic to cloak the whole ship from psionic detection, or even use Null to render it completely undetectable, and teleportation helm to allow the entire 80 meter ship to be teleported. The Phantom class is a joint work between Ogrotech and Chitra Bhano for a more covert ship, there is presently a work to create a Leviathon ship with similiar capabilities, but that project is still in the works. NOTE: A Scarab has a crew of up to 16, if no one wants to play the teleporter, I'll assign one as an NPC pilot for mobility. Also, the Serenity from Firefly was 82.1 meters, so it's roughly the same size, though wider, so internal surface area is a bit more, granting a good bit of room. I'll let your team decide what you want to name your ship. Noetic Synergy Weave [NSW] Created recently by a several of the Orders, using information that Dr. Bhurano pulled from the Doyen that possessed her and consulting with one of the hyper-intelligence Nova's of Eden. Those involved in the design calling this a 'Weave' or a 'Soulweave' (by those with a more spiritual mindset) as it ties a group of Psions together in some fairly interesting ways, broadening their capacities when working as a team. The process is similar to how one is made into a psion, as it also involves a entering a series of connected chambers like but not identical to the Prometheus chambers. First: Members of the weave have a consent permanent and sense of kinship with one another, how this is expressed varies between members [as players you decide]. This connection extends to noetic, so that one always has a Sensory Connection with all other members of the weave, and they can willingly allow another member of the weave to share senses if they permit it. This means a telepath can connect with and telepathically speak with a member of their weave at any distance, or create a network with all members of the weave with a tought, a vitakinetic can sense and heal damage being done to members of the weave, a clairsentent can see them no matter where they are, a electrokinetic, quantakinetic or psychokinetic can protect another member of the weave at any distance, a teleporter can teleport to a member of the weave or teleport them to the teleporters side, etc. Second: Since everyone is connected in a sensory connection, all members of the Weave can reach out to combine powers with one another no matter how far apart they are, per the Combining Psionic Aptitudes (pg 208 of Aeon). They can also use their powers though each other, as though they were there, by sharing senses, though doing so from a significant distance does suffer a greater difficulty. Third: Should a member of the weave reach 4 dots or more in a mode, without psionic dysfunction then everyone who is part of the weave can purchase one more dot in that auxiliary aptitude themselves. Should they reach 7 dots in a mode, again without psionic dysfunction, that increases to two dots (to a maximum of 4 dots for a proxy tier). NOTE: Your team is one of the most recent and early members of such a weave, as all of you are exceptional or extremely driven psionic talents. Special Enhanced Edge: Indomitable (Psion version) [Still requires Iron Will 3] Developed by a powerful quantakinetic, a close friend of the Quantakinetic proxy using Fundamentals as a base, though he also researched Vitakinesis and telepathy to fully develop it. It can be learned by any psion who develops even a single dot in fundamentals, pscychebending, or augendis, or significate number of dots in transmogrify, though it does not strickly use those aptitudes, it is sort of a unique thing that not ever psion can learn. But your characters are not every psion. Presently, there is work on creating a biotic device that can allow anyone to do this, but it's not quite in the prototype stage. Artifacts A note on artifacts. These can be used to break some of the usual rules and can be quite unique in some way or another, contact with Eden means even some truely outlandish devices are possible, though Eden presently prefers to advice and guide Psions to create their own devices rather than create things for anyone. And quantum flux devices are pretty much out for any Psion. Morphological Freedom: Members of Sudamerica and UAN embrace changes to the basic human template, as do some other groups of humans, though most avoid making changes to the point of appearing as one of the sub-Aberrant infected. This means your characters can be quite unusual, to the point of having fur, or feathers, or tiger/leopard patterns on your skin, or claws and fangs, etc. Of course, those with Transmogrify can have even more changes, but with the combined work of a Biokinetic and a Vitakinetic, you too can have laser eyes. If you want unusual abilities, spend the xp for them, I'm ok with it. Simple cosmetic changes, such as natural blue hair or pearlescent skin, that don't offer any bonuses can be part of your character at no cost. On Combating the Doyen Killing Doyen - Since you may end up needing to do this... there are several ways, besides the easiest method of the 7 dot Quantakinesis Power. Which is the quick and easy way, but there is less then a handful of Quantakinetics who can do this. The 2nd easiest way is using various Aberrant (or Nova) powers which can also kill Doyen, they are fairly vulnerable to the disruptive effects of Quantum energies on their noetic pattern. This is pretty much limited to Nova's however, and the only friendly nova's are on Eden. In Theory, a Quantakinetic could built a device that can do it, if that was it's only purpose, such a device would be a at least artifact 3, it would also need a psion to opperate, this would be covered by the Artifact edge. Combinations of several psionic powers can also manage it, these require either several Psions with different Aptitudes working together, or a Psiad with both of the below powers. A Psiad could actually combine them into a single psionic attack. The combination of Fundamentals 3 (Drain) + Thermokinesis 4 (Temperature Extremes) Drain knocks them out for a scene, so it's much more effective than the stun effect of Electromanipulation which they can potentially recover from quickly if it's not constantly applied. The combination of Electromanipulation 3 (Enhance used offensively with the Combined Stun tag) + Thermokinesis 4 (Temperature Extremes) Using either of the above with Plasma or Fusion weapons In theory, a telepathic attack could keep them pinned down, but it's much more risky as it does not stun or immobilize the Doyen, who are all Proxy tier who can and likely will counterattack. You had best be Proxy tier yourself before trying this. Along the same vein, a Proxy tier teleporter could make use of Selective Transmassion with Spatial Mastery to try to rip the Doyen appart. The Doyen is a Proxy tier with Psi 7 and high stamina, however so this is problematic, it could be done, but you would have to be lucky and the Doyen unlucky. The same applies to the Vitakinetic power Morbidity. A fusion bomb or missile with some method to prevent them from teleporting away, of which there are actually several ways, but it is much more complicated than any of the above. As you can see, Quantakinesis or Quantum Powers are the easiest method, but it is not the only one. Character Creation Character types: Psion, All Aptitudes available. Exceptional/Experienced Talents: 150 XP for Character Creation According to the book, this should require one taking 2 path dots, I can see where they are coming from, but I see this as a sort of xp tax for such characters, so you get + 2 path dots for free, for a total of 5 path dots instead of the normal starting of 3. As strong latent+ (or very experienced psions), you get + 1 Psi, + 3 mode dots in your aptitude, +2 dots to spend on auxiliary modes of your choice (no auxiliary dot should be more then 1 without spending XP and having a Psi rating 6 or higher). Notes on Psi: Your starting Psi (With the above +1 bonus) Psi is 3. Anyone may choose to trade up their bonus attribute point from step 6 of basic creation for an additional +1 to Psi to raise it to a starting Psi of 4, before spending XP, or you can just keep the extra attribute point if you wish. You may raise Psi all the way to 7 with your XP, note however, that cost for raising it above 5 is doubled. XP Costs are unchanged from page 124 of Aeon. Theme: A bit of mix between Serenity and Stargate, a touch of Star Trek. Regarding Organizations: There is no requirement for you to be the same order as your aptitude, as the Orders trade aptitudes with each other, certain orders are better for this then others, and your welcome to discuss this with me and each other.
  19. Where do you come from? Xhrin is of the D'zir, a race of shapeshifting beings from another dimension, xey does not have gender as humans understand it, being at once both male and female and neither. They have on occasion interacted in human affairs, usually centuries apart, and have given rise to legends of D'jinn both friendly and malicious, as they have both among their ranks. All of their kind are capable of flight, are exceptionall tough and radical shapeshifters What is Xhrin doing on Earth? Exploring, learning, has become somewhat fascinated by humans and is at the critical formation stage of their people, where their choices and experiences shape them for eons to come. He/She/It encountered the heroes (other players) protecting folks and was fascinated, but then inspired. Why do you want to stay here? (At least for now) Humans are fascinating creatures, so short lived, and yet so filled passion and potential and yet such ability to deny themselves. They fall to terrible evil, but also to incredible heroics, and they are so incredibly creative, but their capacity for destruction is just as great. I want to learn everything I can about them, experience all that can at the side of my friends among them, and learn what makes them such interesting and paradoxical beings. Why do your people want you to come home? D'zir were born of the elements, and Pandora, their home dimension is in flux, few and far between are those among us who can anchor a place so that it stops shifting, allowing the creation of lasting structures and the growth and development of our people. An Anchor is very important among our people, as they are always telepathic as well, able to speak to and read minds, making them truth readers as well, but attempts to coerce those with this gift to do anything but what we desire has proved disastrous in the past and as I am only a teen by my peoples standards, so I'm aloud a considerable amount of freedom. Still, on occasion they attempt to encourage, persuade and even sometimes plead with me to give up adventuring, grow up and take on the adult responsibilities of a Anchor. Why do you care about the team? I encountered the team shortly after I entered this dimension, as I'm not ready to take up any duties among my people before I have explored and lived much more, I've only lived a few thousand years yet. Is the world in general fully aware of the D'zir, or are you newcomers? D'zir conflicts have occasionally slide into this dimension, some to assist and some for more violent activities, so the world is aware of them. Magicial folks more so then others, since Pandora is considered a more mystical dimension, and D'zir are often mistaken for genies by those who don't know as much about them. Labels⦁ Danger: -1⦁ Freak: + 2⦁ Savior: 0⦁ Superior: + 2⦁ Mundane: 0 Abilities Xhrin can fly, and is pretty tough. As well as possessing the following powers ❑ radical shapeshifting ❑ telepathy and mind blast Outsider Moves ⦁ Kirby-Craft {Shiftship} ⦁ Strengths: Dimension-Shifting, Fast & Manouverable ⦁ Weaknesses: Difficult to Repair, Unarmed ⦁ Alien Tech {Infusion the Device with the Dimension Tech of the D'ziar, it's a complicated process that involves working on the object in more then just the three dimensions that humans operate in} ⦁ Belong in two Worlds {As an Anchor, Xhrin has fairly high status among the D'ziar, equal to royality among humans, and so they will answer xer requests, but as xe has yet to fully take up the duties and responsibilities of an Anchor, they can potentially ask xer for more then xe is ready to give. NOTE: not male or female, is comfortable as either or neither, pronouns used are xe, xer, xem.
  20. So, what was supposed to be a quiet week and weekend this last week was anything but, we had people call in sick, and I had to pull quite a few extra hours, which is why I havn't been active the last few days. I'm hopeful of this weekend being better, so I am aiming for a character post for Xhrin tomorrow or the next day.
  21. As she continued to look over the message she frowned slightly. "Interesting, these runes are of the Croatan tribe, who sacrificed themselves entirely in a great rite to give a wound to the Eater-Of-Souls that would take centuries to recover from... Ancient Evils, Sacrifices Undone.. this is not good."
  22. Reaching out to take a piece of jerky that was offered, she then began to respond to questions that had been asked, this was clearly a matter needed wisdom at this time. "Because many spirits are not ones to reveal what they know easily, if that was their way, then the world would be a different one. The purpose of riddles are many, such as to occlude information from those who do not deserve it, or protect it from those who would misuse it, or to teach a lesson that would otherwise be missed." She responded even as she looked over the riddle herself. "In this case, it appears to be a matter for a lesson we might otherwise not learn, but it might also be a matter of protecting the information from dark spirits that might otherwise interfere" "if you wish it, I can call a spirit or two for more information, but there is no guarantee that they will grant clarity to the matter, if a greater spirit has occluded this information. We still might learn something though, if nothing other then a powerful spirit is behind this."
  23. A dream involving all of the pack was something that called for attention and reflection, no doubt the rest of the pack wanted to discuss the matter, and still in lupis form, she wandered into the caern, listening to what the others were saying and inwardly shrugged, humans were overly obsessed about clothing, in the colder seasons and places, with their lack of fur that made some degree of sense, but it was something they obsessed about outside of such situations as well. They connected the lack of clothing with mating behavior as well... humans always wanted to complicate things, she thought. Still, since her alpha wanted them to talk, and some of her homid pack members would want to talk, she shifted to homid forms and grabbed a shirt that was somewhat large for her that she had left here that covered her enough to deal with human sensibilities, at least in general. Then she glanced at the others and chuckled at the complaints her wolf-sisters were making about the clothing. "Humans complicate things, either accept it and run with it, sisters, or don't bother with it, since we're only with pack."
  24. Name: Silence Breed: Metis Auspice: Ragabash Tribe: Bone Gnawer Silence was born to werewolf parents about 18 years ago, and his parents turned him over to the local bone gnawers and then departed, leaving him to be raised by uncle Chris, who is an elder theurge. He was taught to be tough and resiliant, and that his job in the world was to survive and fight the enemies of gaia. His uncle was flexible, but also pointed out to him that as a ragabash he would often be expected to be sneaky and to turn to lies and tricks, but since he was mute, thus unable to lie easily, it would be up to him to turn to his silence into tricks. And so his uncle named him Silence, once he was old enough to understand both the meaning, he has taken it to mean, Silent Trickster. Job wise, he mainly tries to do various jobs that don't require that he speaks, such as packaging, but he also has spent time learning how to quietly break into locations, especially with regards to those tainted by the worm. Of course, being a youngster he has only recently grown to the point of wanting to join his own pack, rather then running with his uncles, especially with the elders being called away, he's now ready to try something different.
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