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Aarkaine last won the day on April 2 2020

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  1. "Yes Captain" She turns on her heel and heads straight back to the lift, stepping inside and as soon as the door closed "Sickbay" She absently rubbed her hand again, the pain still very much present in the forefront of her mind. WHo was this telepath? What were they seeking? What would have happened had she not been able to push back? She stepped out of the lift and headed straight for surgery. Yes, she had wanted to take over some day soon, but not right in the middle of a surgical procedure!
  2. "That all depends on your point of view Captain" She purposely steps away from Q, doing her utmost best to ignore him, as loud and obnoxious as he was. "This poses an internal threat, the security of the ship is at risk with a rogue telepath on board"
  3. Anoh was in the medical bay, moving about with ease and swiftness as she directed the other medical staff to where it was needed. She would check over with the Chief Officer every now and then, and continue on her way. SHe seemed, calm, at ease, and totally in her element as she waited The calm of the Sickbay was shattered by the arrival of the refugees. One of them was in pain, chemical burns distorting the humanoid's features to the point that Anoh wasn't sure what their species was. His pained cries added a current of horror to the chatter of the displaced people. The babble of their minds followed them. She and Komas got the group divided into twos, and Komas started to triage the other group. Anoh took stock of the regufees she'd taken. "I've never been on a Federation ship before! Look at his tricorder! If only I'd had this kind of tech in our lab!" a male Antaran gushed, far more interested in the panels and technology than in letting anyone check him for injuries. A female of the same species clung to his arm and giggled. A Klingon stood with his back against the wall, arms crossed as he scowled at the entire room. A human man was slowly peeling off an antiquated environmental suit, blood oozing down his face. A human woman in an environemental suit that she wasn't removing. An unconscious Cardassian in a mechnized suit. Anoh frowns a little to herself as she looks over the group infront of her. She delegates the ones who do not have physical injuries, at this stage, to some of the other officers under her command, being very careful about the one she chooses to speak to the Klingon. Clearly it needed to be someone with some familiarity with the species. She gets one of the more, firmer, medical staff yo deal with the two Antarans, calling over one of the security officers to help keep them away from the equipment, hoping that it doesnt result in an unwanted altercation. Anoh moves the the man with the oozing head wound, running the tricorder over him quickly to assess the extent of the damage. "I'm Commander Idrudor, can you tell me what happened?" "I'm not sure how or why. Dav-" His voice caught and he said, "One of my friends died." "I'm so sorry," Anoh said gently, his sorrow washing over her like a flood. "What's your name?" "Oh, sorry, Simon. I'm Dr. Simon River." He managed a polite smile that Anoh noted would likely be very nice if not mutated by pain. "I'm glad to meet you, Dr. River," she said, helping him lay back. When she touched him, the feeling of sorrow mixed with flashes of an older man, the taste of a strong, unfamiliar alcohol, and the slap of shuffling cards. There was a sense of comradarie, the spark of shared intellectual excitement, and a feeling of many pleasurable hours. She quietly ignored them. "Do you know how you hit your head?" "No," he said softly, blinking up at the lights overhead. "I think when we dropped out of warp, the inertial dampners failed for a moment. To be honest, all I really remember was working on ICON, then I woke up on the floor, hurting." He snorted gently. "At least when the Origin crashed, I didn't get hurt." Anoh listens as she works to stem the bleeding and to relieve the pain Dr Rivers seemed to be in, using her extra senses to her advantage if he was hiding any pain anywhere when she checked him over "It is good that we were nearby then. How well do you know those you travelled with?" She'd gesture gently to the Antarans running around, and then the Klingon by the wall. "It is quite a mix of different species for certain" "I really only knew David well," Simon said with only a slight hitch to his voice. "The others I'd seen around the ship -- the Klingon kept to himself, and was breeding an animal of some kind. The Antarans and Joy -- I didn't know her well." He took another glance at the unconscious Cardassian. "Everyone knew Tal'Vykk though. I hope she's going to be okay." "We're taking good care of her, along with everyone else that comes through" She pulls over a tray and loads up an injector "This will help with the pain, and your head wound will start to mend as well. You do have a concussion so just lay here for a while. I'll get someone to check on you every now and then. If anything gets worse, please say something. We cannot help if you keep quiet" She gives the inkection into his neck and waits for a few moments "Yes, that's better," Simon murmured after a moment, his eyes drifting shut. "Now I want a nap." "You can," Anoh told him with a smile. "The medbed will alert us if there's a problem." "Okay," he mumbled, his breathing starting to deepen. Dr. Bain had returned with the wounded bridge officer; the man was now resting in one of the beds. "I've started the EMH," he told Anoh without preamble. He nodded across the room to where the holographic program bent over an injured crewmember. "I may need to clear using one of the holodecks as a temporary medbay if we get too many more injuried. How are our newcomers doing?" As Anoh opened her mouth to respond, a mind brushed over hers, probing her defenses. The touch on her mind receeded as she became aware of it, but Anoh followed it, trying to find the source. Her control, never rock solid under stress, slipped as she sought the intrudor. --[[grief]] David.-- --[[hunting]]better person to latch onto? Too bad the Feds have sticks up their asses-- --[[focus]] slip up, this patient needs your attention-- --[[PAIN]]-- Anoh jerked away from the well of agony. It acted as a wall, and trying to breach that mind would be like putting her hand into a blender. She pushed once again, knowing the pain to be only temporary-- --[[PAIN needles chemicals]] lab rat lab rat lab rat HIDE he'll get you again labrat labratlabratlabrat -- She returned to awareness lying on the floor, Nurse Ijen kneeling next to her, his stoic expression showing hints of worry as he scaned her. Dr. Bain joined him, asking, "Dr. Anoh? What happened?" Something had just happened to her, but the memory of what, if anything, she'd found beyond that mental wall was gone. Or perhaps just buried, but not available right now. She sat up slowly, one hand on the side of her head, her black eyes scanning the room. "Theres, a telepath here. They tried to get in my head" She inspects her hand, making sure the pain was just in her head and not actually real, even though it felt so real/ "They need to be found, had they gone for another, I do not know if they could have pushed them away" Dr. Bain helped her stand. "Can you find them? I think you're the one person here with telepathy." He glanced around the room, his brown eyes suspicious. "I tried to trace it back and got nothing but pain, I suspect thats why I ended up on the floor. I can try again, but not here. Its too busy" She runs tthe hand that was on her head through her hair and then fixes her uniform "I think I had better inform the Captain too" Dr. Bain nodded. "You're released to go report to her. I can handle things here." She noded back "Ill come back and assist as soon as we get this figured out" She heads out of the medical bay, rubbing her hand absently as she heads for the lift, stepping in "Bridge"
  4. Howls had been sitting quietly, listening to the goings on aroud her. Unusual for her, normally she is more vocal but this time, she has remained quiet. She pads to stand beside her sister, leaning against her leg and looking up, a silent agreement with Red's words showing in her expression.
  5. Howls had slunk into the shadows with her sister when the inturders arrived, moving aroudf the edge of the clearing out of sight. Even with how bright her fur is at times, she still manages to disappear fairly well, remaining in lupus as she slinked closer, listening to the conversation that was occurring
  6. Howls has remained quiet for some time, contemplating something it seems. Even with her sisters prodding, it took her some time to get up and start to sing and dance, telling tales of old and new. Of the lessons learned and the strength to be gained for the times that will come, for times that always come.
  7. Howls flies out through the portal and straight for her sister, talking her in a hug and licking her in greeting, but also using the opportunity to check Red over for any wounds. This continues for a while as the others make their way back.
  8. Anoh quickly and efficiently packed her kit away, straightening her jacket as she then bolted for the medical bay. She did her best to block out what would be a flood of emotions from everyone she passed, just focusing on running protocol through her head as she weaved around people. Arriving back in sickbay, she shelved her kit and reported into the CMO. "Do we have any information on what could be coming in?"
  9. UMBRA As the vision coalesced itself in a sea of stars, lines of light began to connect the stars tracing a pattern like a pedigree. Highlighting this tree, brighter than the other stars, were pairs of twin stars. Every so often, these twin stars would appear in the tree. The vision focused itself on the first pair and then it shifted. The scene that played out was one of a battlefield, a pair of werewolves in Crinos form, one mostly of black fur, the other mostly of red, their coats sleek and shining, ever the breed epitome of the Fianna. The light of the full moon shown on the one with black fur. At the same time, somehow, the light of the gibbous moon shown on the one with red fur. They acted in concert on the battlefield, the black and red fur replacing one another as they fought their way through enemies, the dance of war of the Fianna in full display. The two together were a sight to see. The vision fades to a scene of two werewolves, similar to those in previously, but different. The patterns were different in their coats, but one was still mostly black while the other mostly red. They danced and moved around a fire, telling a grand tale. Again, two moons gave their light to the wolves. The full moon on the black wolf and the gibbous moon on the red wolf. The vision shifts and falls upon two wolves in lupus form, the black wolf had red tips on her ears, clearly Red Tips in her lupus form, the light of the full moon on her. The red wolf had the highlight lines of black, clearly Howls, the light of the gibbous moon on her. As the scene comes into full view, it shows the wolves approaching a camp of Fianna, both of them young. It seems they were destined to find this camp. The vision finally fades out. As Howls' senses came back to the now, she whined, dropping onto her stomach in Lupus as he legs gave way.
  10. "Then do it Lieutenant." She comms the Odyssey. "Transporter, prepare for one major emergency to sickbay. Direct transport on my word"
  11. She listens to the Lt, taking in what was said as she analysed the situation. "How long will that take? He needs treatment now, and I need to know which grav field will be the first available." She keeps looking for a way to move the crane, looking for the controls "I'd rather teleport him than move him if possible"
  12. Engineering Anoh did her best to shake off the feeling of disconnect. She hated sims for this very reason. No matter how hard she tried, she just, couldn't get into the swing of things properly, she knew it wasn't real. She grabbed onto the fallen railing as the gravity in the room failed, and pulled her way over towards the two brothers, pulling out her med scanner and figuring out how to get the man out of here, alive.
  13. Anoh nodded to Ellie, drawing her phasor and stepping carefully down the corridor, eyes scanning, her portable med kit in her other hand. Reaching the door to aft Engineering , she stops and looks to Lt. Jelal, making sure they were still with herm even though she was fairly positive they were. She tried not to cheat with the crew members, and their locations, but sometimes it was a good way to keep her own nerve, rather than keeping a check on them. She pressed the access panel to open the door and quickly steps inside, heading for the nearest access point to the upper floor and the most injured crew member.
  14. Name: Anoh Idrudor Species: Betazoid Department: Medical Ranke: Commander Background (Brief version): Joined SF as soon as she was able, her parents happy for her to as many of the house had joined already, some even holding rather high positions within SF, mostly with Medical or Science based professions, some have even been brought into Division 13. Being a part of the Fifth House, this also makes her related to the Trois. Majored in Medical Science, minored in Psychology, mostly due to her interest in the mental staes of others when they are affliceted by injury or disease. Accepted into command school, rose in rank to Commander and seems to be happy where she is in that regard, allowing her to continue to serve as a medical officer. She has been on the Odyssey for most of her career, has a good working relationship with most of the crew, even though she holds some, interesting secrets of some. Stressful situations and all. She gets on well with the XO, the two seem to, understand each other rather well. Aspects Mental: Advantages- Eidetic Memory; Observant; Good Time Management Disadvantages- Rigid Thinking; Social: Advantages- Good Listener; Patient Disadvantages- Inappropriately Flirty Physical: Advantages- Atheletic Disadvantages- Weak Skills: Advantages- Medicine; Biology; Psychology; Playing Violin Disadvantages- Brawling; Engineering; Perks: Advantages- Telepathy; Friends/Family in High Places Disadvantages- Panic Delving Telepathy Training: Advantages- Medical Protocols; Pathology Protocols; Medical Equipment; Field Medicine Disadvantages- Security Protocols; Shuttlecraft Operation
  15. Howls flinches slightly as Sohpia nears, unsure what she was about to do until the hug came. "Sister and I. We tend speak as one. Think as one. Red speak louder than I do, more often. I prefer tell story, gather story. Make sure stories remembered." Howls looks around at the others of her pack standing there, looking between all of them, eyes finally settling back on Sophia, speaking more than her words ever could.
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